Academy Award-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow shared a cute photo via Instagram with son Moses, who turned 9 on Wednesday (April 8).
“Happy 9th birthday my sweet Moses!” she captioned the selfie. “You are an incredible, amazing, beautiful boy inside and out.”
In celebration of her son’s birthday, the actress and her estranged husband, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, enjoyed a getaway to Mexico with their two kids.
Last weekend, the actress posted a photo of her kids – including 10-year-old daughter Apple – having a hug on the beaches of Mexico.
“#vivamexcio #agradecida,” the Mortdecai actress captioned the idyllic shot.
The Goop founder, 42, recently said she wouldn’t mind if her kids took over her lifestyle site one day.
“I never wanted to do a proprietary brand,” she told Market Makers of Goop. “I wanted it to be its own thing that my children can run one day if they want to!”
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These are photos of Shailene Woodley on the set of Oliver Stone’s Snowden. She plays the exotic dancer girlfriend of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s awkward Edward Snowden. They kissed in these photos, just FYI. Shailene’s wearing a wig that looks so much like her old long hair. Shailene looks cute with short hair, but her long hair was glorious. Some old hair photos are in the gallery.
Shailene has a new interview with Bon Appetit, which seems right up her alley. They usually do charming interviews about actors’ food habits. With Shailene, the charm has worn thin. She loves to talk about food in a smug way, sort of like the Goop of homespun remedies that everyone knew about already. (But Goop would never eat ants and june bugs — unless someone put a $4000 price tag on them, then she’d be game.) Here’s some wisdom from the McDonald’s-dissing lover of coconut oil. Her latest target seems to be craft services, which is the root of all food evil:
Fermentation is rad: “My favorite fermented foods are kraut and kimchi and kombucha, but the great thing about fermentation is that you can ferment just about anything. I sort of love that semi-rotten flavor, too. I make sauerkraut, kimchi and kombucha if I’m in a stable environment long enough to do it.”
Does she eat crafts services food? “It’s pretty much an absolute no. I bring my own food in the morning and at night. I go to work, then I come home and learn my lines, and then I’ll make dinner and use whatever I make for dinner as leftovers the next day. It usually has potatoes or sweet potatoes, a protein, and a vegetable. It’s an easy, quick thing to do every day, and then you can switch up the sauces depending on what you’re feeling like.”
This is gross: “I’ll definitely try almost everything. I was in Spain recently and there’s a Catalan dish that’s cooked with pigs’ feet. I ended up really loving it. It was so gelatinous and that felt so healthy for my stomach. It was good to have so much gelatin in there.”
Shailene knows coffee: “It’s my morning ritual. I put a little bit of coconut oil in there, too. It’s coffee, coconut oil, and butter. I’ll put some cinnamon or cayenne in there sometimes. I put it all in a blender because I want it to be latte-y. You’ve got to try it. People love it for a reason.”
Her latest home remedy: “I recently learned a lot about thyme. It’s really good for your respiratory system. In the morning, if you wake up and your respiratory system feels a bit off, thyme is a great cure for that. And, it’s an easy remedy, considering most of us have thyme in our kitchens. You make a tea out of it.”
She uses beets for lipstick: “It’s true and it’s totally awesome. Beets are amazing. If you roast them you’ll get a better lipstick. They’re not as potent and they don’t stain the same way if they’re raw. So I roast them first and then just dab a little of the juice on my lips with my finger.”
[From Bon Appetit]
Shailene also raves about bone broth again if you need to hear more on that topic. Man, why does she dislike craft services? They provide some increasingly healthy options on film sets. Bon Appetit even even did a cool feature about craft services last year. Shailene likes to know how her food is prepared, so I guess it’s a big deal to bring her own meals. She talks about GMOs in this interview too. She’s very concerned about putting anything into her body if she doesn’t know where it came from. She sounds exhausting.
The idea of beet juice as lipstick shouldn’t surprise me. Beets are awful. I feel the same way about beets as Shailene does about craft services.
Here’s Shailene’s 2013 hair. I forgot how addicted to highlights she was back then. She probably used lemon juice while she was sunning her vadge.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN
Congratulations are in order for Rachael Leigh Cook and Daniel Gillies.
The She’s All That actress, 35, and her The Vampire Diaries star husband, 39, welcomed their second child – son Vigo Sullivan Gillies – on Saturday, April 4, in Los Angeles, E! News reports.
Baby Vigo was born at 5 a.m., weighed in at 8 lbs., 14 oz., and measured 20.5 inches. The new addition joins big sister Charlotte Easton, 18 months.
“Welcome to the party, Little Buddy. We love you so much,” the proud new mom-of-two Tweeted Wednesday.
The Originals star Gillies, and Cook, whose TNT show Perception aired its final episode in March, were wed in 2004.
A few years ago, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were both working at the same time, thousands of miles away from each other. He was in England working on Fury, she was in Australia working on Unbroken. They had broken their “rule” about “never working at the same time,” but after ten years together, I guess they figured they were strong enough as a family to handle it. And they did. They also wrote letters to each other, the old-fashioned way. Not emails. Like, they put pen to paper and wrote each other WWII-esque love letters. Well, according to the National Enquirer/Radar, those letters have been stolen/misplaced!
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s most shocking and embarrassing secrets – including details of their marital woes, cheating fears, parenting problems and even drug abuse – may be publicly exposed after the loss of the couple’s personal letters! The sensitive missives were in Pitt’s care at their estate in France and were somehow misplaced during recent renovations, a new report in The National Enquirer reveals.
“Brad went into a panic because he couldn’t find them,” said a close friend of the couple. “He’s terrified that they were lifted by someone who wants to publicly humiliate them.”
The A-list couple’s deeply personal and often contentious correspondence went missing in 2013, when Pitt was filming Fury in England and Jolie was in Australia directing Unbroken, according to the report.
“Late 2013 was the low point in their relationship,” the source explained. The messages included heated arguments about whether they should adopt another baby and how it might affect their suffering sex life, the source claimed. “Brad was open about how he worried that Angie might fall for a woman again, and he even brought up her previous issues with drugs.”
[From Radar]
I’m sure the letters also featured arguments about how Brad is always running away from conflicts so he can cry whilst riding his motorcycle down the lonely road. And of course, the letters also feature fights about:
The Gerbils of Doom
The Leg of Doom
Sack Dresses
Angelina’s Maleficent Horns
Angelina’s Veins
Brad’s Goatee
Brad’s Sunglasses
Jennifer Aniston’s Hair
Shiloh’s Montenegro Style
Maddox’s Girlfriend
R + L = J
The Award-Winning Miraval Rosé
Justin Theroux’s Jorts
Jacques the Bulldog
Angelina’s Preference for ‘70s Style Jewelry
Brad’s Linen Pants
Or… you know, they could just be love letters.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Rand Paul became the second Republican to officially throw his hat into the presidential ring this week. Many complimented his announcement speech, although it’s worth noting that Rand’s famous father Ron Paul was not in attendance (leading to some speculation of “daddy issues”). I’ve been looking forward to Sen. Paul’s entrance into the election cycle for several reasons. One, he’s going to push the debate in interesting ways because of his libertarian bent. Two, Sen. Paul has an awkward history with sketchy staffers and it will be interesting to see that get more attention. Three, I think Paul is going to do a lot better in the primaries than the GOP establishment is willing to predict.
And here’s another reason why we should all look forward to seeing more of the Paul candidacy: it’s not even his first full week of being a presidential prospect and it’s already a hot mess. Paul gave his first big network interview to Savannah Guthrie of Today (broadcast live yesterday). Paul lost his temper within minutes and started shrieking at Guthrie as she attempted to detail his flip-flops on foreign policy.
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If you don’t feel like witnessing Sen. Paul’s hissy fit, Jezebel has the breakdown here. On one side, I guess Sen. Paul believes that slamming a Today anchor will be good for his “brand.” On the other side, HE chose the venue and he likely chose Guthrie because he thought that she would lob softballs and when she actually got into the nitty-gritty of his I’ll-say-anything-about-Iran policy shifts, he went bonkers. This isn’t the first time he’s arrogantly attempted to shut down a female journalist either – a few months ago, he told a CNBC reporter to “calm down” and “Shhhh!!” when she was asking him policy questions too.
Or maybe it’s not a female thing – the Associated Press did an interview with Paul this week about the “evolution” of his opinion on a woman’s right to choose and he was very surly there too. The AP even “editorialized” by noting that when pressed on abortion exceptions, “Paul grew testy” and told them, “I gave you about a five-minute answer. Put in my five-minute answer.” How presidential, to get squirrely and hyper-defensive when asked relatively mundane policy questions.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
I wasn’t even going to cover this because the details are profoundly disturbing, but you guys seem to want to talk about it, so here we go. Let me just throw up this NSFW WARNING. There are details of hazing gone wrong in this post. What’s strange (to me) is that this information is only coming out now – Jon Hamm has been famous for years, and it’s only this week that Star Magazine/Radar got their hands on Hamm’s old criminal charge for hazing and assault. Apparently, Hamm was in a fraternity at the University of Texas in Austin in 1990 and he and his frat bros went WAY too far with a pledge.
According to explosive court documents obtained by Star magazine, Jon Hamm was involved in a fraternity pledging incident gone wrong on November 10, 1990, at the University of Texas at Austin. The court documents claim that Hamm and his fellow Sigma Nu frat brothers struck a prospective pledge with a wooden paddle more than 30 times on that night. They also allegedly picked him up by his underwear and “pulled it back and forth in a sawing motion,” causing “great pain.” Hamm even set the pledge’s pants on fire, the documents claim, “and would not let [the pledge] extinguish the flame with his hand but made [him] blow it out.
Next, the documents claim, Hamm “hooked the claw of a hammer underneath [the pledge’s] genitals and led him by the hammer around the room.” He rounded out the night by breaking into the apartment of another pledge, the documents claim, “in order to bring [him] to the fraternity house” to subject him to “similar hazing activity.”
The mother of the first pledge reported the incident and arrest warrants were issued for Hamm and seven other frat members. Three of them were sentenced to 30 days in jail for hazing. Hamm was charged with misdemeanor hazing and assault charges, but they were dismissed in 1995 after he reached a plea deal. A friend tells Star, “The hazing incident was an isolated incident in Jon’s life. Since then, he’s been strong enough to take steps to make himself a better person.”
[From Radar]
The Daily Mail has even more details about the assault and the aftermath of the hazing here. It was so bad that Sigma Nu was shut down at UT-Austin?
Is this evidence that sometimes men in their late teens make really awful life choices and they can still grow up to be functioning members of society? Or does this information alter your current view of the now-44-year-old Hamm? Does it put everything in perspective? Do you see him as a bully, still, to this day?
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Here are some photos of Freida Pinto at the NYC premiere of Desert Dancer, her latest film. Freida is so pretty, but this lilac Elie Saab is too… eh? I mean, the color works for me, but I’m disappointed that she chose such an ice-skater-looking dress.
To promote the film, Freida has a piece in Los Angeles Magazine, all about her first trip to LA. She first came to the city in 2009, while she was promoting Slumdog Millionaire. It’s a nice piece – you can read the full article here. She talks about the initial craziness of her schedule, but finding out that LA was so yoga-obsessed really helped her because yoga is “very Indian.” She also talks a lot about the food in LA, which let me tell you – that’s also “very Indian” to obsess on food. That was the first question my father would ask me: “Where did you go to eat? What did you eat? I could probably make a better version.” Freida also talks about the prevalence of skin-bleaching in India, a subject she’s discussed before. Some highlights:
LA is all for brown skin: “A lot of girls growing up in India do not realize the beauty of their beautiful tan skin tone. Skin-lightening products are a big seller in the Indian cosmetics industry. On one of my trips to Los Angeles, someone walked up to me and said, “You have the most beautiful caramel-chocolate skin.” In L.A. everyone is sunbathing or going to tanning shops; I wish the 1.2 billion people in India could have a little peek into this culture and appreciate what they have.”
Her first Oscar experience: “Slumdog Millionaire was like a first love. None of what happened was expected; the next thing I know, I’m walking down the red carpet at the Oscars in my John Galliano dress. The ceremony was so beautiful. To feel the energy in that room—it was like being touched by God. I still have a small suitcase full of memorabilia from the ceremonies. I stole my name card from the Directors Guild of America Awards, and I took one of the Slumdog Millionaire tags that were on the table at the Governors Ball. I was so dedicated to remembering all the people I met that when they gave me their card, I would write where I met them and in what context on the back. My agent turned to me and said, ‘Good luck keeping up with that.’”
[From LA Magazine]
That’s so cool that she still has all the memorabilia from that awards season! She should turn it into an art project or something. As for the skin color comments… as I’ve said before, I’m half-white and half-Indian, so I am the palest one in my Indian family (and the darkest one of my mother’s side). I’m so American though, and I do prefer to have “some color,” as I call it. I used to go to tanning beds so I could be darker. I loved the way my skin looked with a deep tan. Sigh… I wish I had some color right now.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
Bethenny Frankel has an interview in People Magazine to promote her new book, I Suck at Relationships So You Don’t Have To: 10 Rules for Not Screwing Up Your Happily Ever After. Single Bethenny has defended the content of her book by saying she learned from her failures. Judging from some of the things Bethenny told People, she assumes that her mistakes make her an expert in the “do as I say” department, and that’s just not the case.
It’s true, I suck at relationships. It’s like I see the island. But I have a difficult time swimming there.
She wants love more than success
Everybody would think all I ever wanted was success. I think the success I created was probably like a false sense of love, being on television and connecting with an audience. But if anybody ever asked me what I wanted more, it’s love.
I learn more from my mistakes than my successes. As I say in the book, you think you have someone pegged and you feel blindsided and you are afraid that you’ll do it again so you don’t even want to get into anything because you’re scared.
Offering to pay is ‘emasculating’
Someone said to me recently, ‘We are pricing ourselves out of the market.’ I’m ok with a money gap, but men need to feel in control – there’s nothing more emasculating than a woman pulling out her credit card. I don’t care how women’s lib we are.
She won’t use online tools to meet someone
[Blind dates are] my idea of hell. I don’t like small talk; I like big talk.
I don’t have any [dating] apps. I’m averse to online dating, but then again I suck at relationships, so maybe I should try it.
She won’t marry again
I don’t legally marry again. I’m not saying I wouldn’t stand on a beach and commit to somebody, I just don’t want to be in a contract with someone I love. I want a partner. Someone who is not threatened and not emasculated and not with me for the wrong reasons.
I would not want to date anyone who would want to be on a reality TV show. You have to date someone who has their own identity. Someone’s identity can’t be you.
I self-deprecate, but I don’t actually think I’m a disaster at relationships. You just have to know how to handle me. I’m complicated.
[From People Magazine, print edition, April 20, 2015]
That’s bad advice not to offer to pay, especially once you’re in a committed relationship, and especially if you’re the higher earner like Bethenny. It’s just part of being in a give and take relationship, but I guess Bethenny doesn’t know much about that. She does know about dating drunken former frat boys, and she’ll tell you about it. Radar Online has some details from Bethenny’s book in which she reveals that her last boyfriend, Michael Cerussi, would show up late at her house wasted and looking for a booty call. Just FYI – she met him at a bar. They also have an anecdote about how Bethenny offered to split a $600 dinner bill with Mac. Maybe she partially blames that for their demise, but that was never going to last and I’m sure they had bigger problems. From what I remember of her show, she used to argue with her ex, Jason Hoppy, constantly. In this interview she says she’s looking for a guy who can “handle” her, but maybe she needs to just chill out and do her own thing for a while.
Teen Mom 2 star, Jenelle Evans, decided to take her baby Kaiser Griffith to the beach for his very first time yesterday. To document the experience, Jenelle snapped a couple of pictures and shared them on her Instagram account. In one of the pictures, we get to see Kaiser munching down on a pineapple, which is just absolutely adorable. Jenelle captioned the photo:
“Pineapple in paradise”
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