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First, let me welcome all of the lawyers and legal scholars who are going to be schooling me on everything I’m about to get wrong with this story. Welcome! Grab a cocktail and pull up a chair. As I covered back in January of this year, Prince Andrew got caught up in a decade-old sex scandal involving his friend and epically shady “financier” Jeffrey Epstein. A woman named Virginia Roberts claimed that Epstein had “hired her” when she was just a teenager (she was 17) to entertain his friends and business associates. Roberts claimed that Prince Andrew was one of the Epstein associates she had sex with. This happened more than a decade ago.

Epstein has already been to jail once, for 13 months, back in 2008. Roberts and a few other of Epstein’s former underage sex slaves are currently trying to sue the Department of Justice because of the way they believe the DOJ mishandled the Epstein case. To be fair to them, Epstein was and is pretty well-connected, and it’s believed that Prince Andrew’s association in particular was worrisome to several DOJ officials and senior Bush administration officials. It’s more than possible that Epstein was given a lighter sentence than the average sexual predator would have gotten, simply because of Epstein’s political contributions and connections. But! The current case against the DOJ has just been dealt a blow. I think?

A federal judge in Florida on Tuesday rejected a bid by two women to join a high-profile sex-abuse lawsuit — and ordered that shocking sex allegations against Britain’s Prince Andrew and famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz be stricken from the court record. US District Judge Kenneth Marra ruled that Virginia Roberts’ accusations about Andrew be removed as he denied her and the other woman’s attempt to join the salacious suit against convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of the prince.

“At this juncture in the proceedings, these lurid details are unnecessary,” Marra wrote in his order. “These unnecessary details shall be stricken.” He added that “factual details regarding with whom and where” Roberts claimed to have had sex “were “immaterial and impertinent” to her argument.

Dershowitz expressed his satisfaction with Marra’s ruling. “It’s a complete vindication of my position,” he told The Post. “The judge has already sanctioned those lawyers for defaming me and criticized them for filing (the lawsuit).”

Roberts, 31, identified as Jane Doe No. 3, and the other woman, Jane Doe No. 4, claim to be among dozens of women Epstein sexually abused when they were teens. They were seeking to join a long-running civil lawsuit against the US Department of Justice filed by other alleged Epstein victims. They claimed that government officials violated their rights by not letting them know that Epstein had received a sweetheart plea deal that exempted him from federal charges. The freaky financier served 13 months of an 18-month sentence in a county jail after pleading guilty to soliciting an underage prostitute in 2008.

Roberts has accused the filthy-rich sex offender of pimping her out to Andrew and his other high-powered friends when she was just 17. She alleged that on some days, Epstein, 62, would sexually abuse as many as seven girls — and that the X-rated romps usually started with erotic massages. Roberts claimed to have bedded several powerful prominent pervs, including the royal Brit, whom she was paid $15,000 to sleep with.

She also has claimed former President Bill Clinton stayed in one of the many villas on Epstein’s US Virgin Islands estate — where group sex was a “regular occurrence.” She said she never had sex with Bubba. Andrew and Buckingham Palace have vehemently denied the allegations.

[From Page Six]

Um… this is shady, right? I think it’s “pertinent” to actually hear the claims of the women bringing this suit against the DOJ. Why aren’t they being allowed to tell their stories? Why is all of this being swept under the rug AGAIN?

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Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.



Here are some “street style” photos of Amal Clooney breezing around New York yesterday. Of all the street-style and date-night looks I’ve seen on Amal since she’s been in New York, this might be my least favorite. Amal is tall, thin and pretty. She can pull off a lot of different looks. But with her coloring, she thought it would be a great idea to pair orange with a fleshy beige? Nooooo. With any kind of olive skin tone, you have to be very careful about the tone of your tans, beiges and nudes. They can really turn on you. If I had to describe exactly what was wrong here, I would probably go with the tone of the tan skirt – if she had gone a few shades lighter or darker either way, I’m not sure it would have been so bad. As is, it’s too matchy with her skin.

Then again, you guys know that I’m not a big fan of the yellow and orange trends. Orange and yellow are really, really difficult colors for most women to pull off. Can Amal handle this orange Gucci blouse with a snakeskin color? Eh. It doesn’t make her look ghoulish or anything, but it’s not her best color or style. The Gucci blouse is $900 retail, by the way. So far, Amal hasn’t repeated any looks in NYC.

A lot of sites are pointing out that Amal looks particularly ‘70s in this ensemble. My first reaction was “how Mad Men,” especially because Mad Men’s premiere episode on Sunday was all about the characters’ entrance into the 1970s. This style also reminds me of those great old photos of Jackie Kennedy, only she was Jackie Onassis at that point. It was after Onassis died and the twice-widowed Jackie moved to NYC full time, and she even worked at a publishing house. She totally dressed like this. Cough. George Clooney and Amal lean so heavily on Kennedy nostalgia, don’t they? At times she channel Carolyn Bessette, sometimes Jackie Kennedy.


Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and Fame/Flynet.



For the first time, Bjork has written a smear album. She’s currently promoting Vulnicura, which is all about her broken heart after the end of her marriage. Bjork told The Guardian she had no choice but to let these feelings come out in a record: “There was nothing in my subconscious that would let me fast-forward and just write a disco song.” Fair enough. Sadly, this record has mussed up how Bjork and her ex, Matthew Barney, were peacefully managing the joint custody of their daughter. Now Matthew is suddenly suing for more time with 12-year-old Isadora. The specifics of the case aren’t available, but it sounds like Matthew’s upset about being dragged by Bjork.

I talked about Bjork a few months ago when she discussed how hard it is for women to take credit for their art. She made sense in that interview, but it was a snoozy story. Bjork is back with a more inflammatory interview in the spring issue of Gentlewoman magazine. Most of the discussion is normal artsy stuff. Then this happens:

“A lot of times, when I go to museums or galleries and there’s sound there, the speakers are rubbish or broken. So you have a place that’s the most super-duper visual standard in the universe, but there’s rubbish music with concert speakers, and one isn’t plugged in. Sound is the n***** of the world, man.” And then there were her new circumstances to consider. “For 13 years, I’ve been with my husband every day, and my children…” She trails off, but the implication is there: now she has time on her hands.”

[From Gentlewoman UK]

*Big sigh*

I’m going to take a wild stab and guess that Bjork is invoking John Lennon’s song, “Woman is the N***** of the World.” Yoko Ono coined the phrase in 1969, and then she and John wrote the song. Those two were attempting to draw comparisons between gender inequality and the oppression of black people, and … it’s not the same.

As for Bjork, she’s trying to sound like an artiste complaining about how the man just doesn’t appreciate music. She’s acting like the injustice of broken speakers are the same as racial inequality. Her statement is even more out-of-touch than the Lennon song. What’s even worse is that this isn’t the first time Bjork has said this stuff. In 2001, she told Spin magazine, “Audio is the n**** of the world.

Unrelated: Bjork also wore a swan costume to the Oscars in 2001.

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Photos courtesy of Getty & WENN




So thankful to God for this handsome little guy! 9lbs 10oz, 23 inches long! #IsraelDavidDillard #babydilly

A photo posted by Jill Dillard (@jillmdillard) on Apr 7, 2015 at 12:52pm PDT

Well, we knew it had to happen eventually. Jill Duggar-Dillard has finally given birth to her first child, a little boy she and husband Derick Dillard named Israel David Dillard. Thoughts on the name? I actually don’t mind the name Israel at all for a boy, but then again, I rarely mind country-names unless they’re really out-of-nowhere, like Alicia Keys naming her baby Egypt (I still don’t get that). Like, I love the name “India” for a girl. And I’m fine with Israel. It’s an ancient Hebrew name that means “May God Prevail.” I would expect it more from a Jewish family, but the Duggars clan is so churchy and so Old-Testament-heavy, I guess it makes sense.

Jill was actually about two weeks past her due date, and she still didn’t go into labor naturally, she had to be induced. Late babies are pretty common, especially for first-time mothers, but it really seems like Isreal didn’t want to come out. There was some reporting that she had gone into labor on Good Friday, but it was just Braxton Hicks contractions. Baby Israel ended up coming very late on Monday night, or Easter Monday (as some Christians celebrate). People Magazine says mother and child are doing well, so that’s good news. Derick also posted a lengthy essay ahead of his baby’s birth about what fatherhood, childbirth and Jesus (of course) – go here to read.

Well, here’s hoping the new generation of Duggars isn’t as nutters as the previous generation. And let’s hope Derick and Jill never get Israel a little kitty.

He’s a beautiful baby boy! Israel David Dillard, born last night at 11:49pm! ??

A photo posted by Jill Dillard (@jillmdillard) on Apr 7, 2015 at 12:47pm PDT

Photos courtesy of Derick & Jill’s social media.



Kate Upton

Kate Upton appears in a swimsuit feature in the April issue of Vogue UK. She was photographed by Mario Testino in a shoot called “Venus Rising,” which is meant to evoke Botticelli’s famous painting with a modern edge. Maybe. Kate looks hot, but the name of the shoot is unoriginal. Vogue should have let her beachy hair and amazing curves stand on their own without a mythological analogy.

This interview was conducted by Alexa Chung, who adopts a Blake Lively-esque manner of describing Kate’s beach bunny assets as they chat over Skype. This isn’t typical Vogue material, but the interview does depart from Kate’s recent routine of complaining about her fame. Instead, she complains about the revolting Terry Richardson, which is a worthy cause. Kate discusses her infamous “Cat Daddy” dance and how she was angry when Terry published the video without her permission:

Alexa Chung on Kate: “Upton is warm, relaxed and beautifully backlit. With her golden locks bundled into a loose ponytail, everything about Miss Upton is full and perky — including her beguiling personality.”

Kate on keeping her cool: “A lot of times I’d be on the phone with my mum as I was walking into a meeting and then calling her right after. She helped me word things and express myself so I knew what I was saying. I knew I was frustrated but I was 15 so I didn’t know exactly how to put things. My mum told me when I was younger that I could never raise my voice but I could always match a tone. I’ve kept that with me because, in fashion, there can be some heated moments. I’m never the one raising my tone, but I will match one.”

Did Kate stand up to Uncle Terry? “Yes, I did. I was like, ‘That was disrespectful, you could have told me! Now, obviously, it’s fine.”

Terry on whether he takes credit for Kate: “No. Kate was born a star.”

Kate the Marilyn Monroe comparisons: “I always thought Marilyn was so beautiful and iconic, it was amazing to even be mentioned in the same sentence as her. But I feel like nowadays it’s easy to be genuine and show your personality, whereas I don’t think Marilyn had that opportunity. And clearly she had a dark side, and I don’t have that.”

[From Vogue UK]

I can’t even muster up a wry comment about how Alexa Chung described Kate’s personality girls. Let’s talk about Uncle Terry instead and how Kate reveals that he didn’t have permission to release her “Cat Daddy” dance. We’ve heard many stories from other models who felt used and abused by Terry. Kate doesn’t tell that kind of story because she was already a big name before Terry met her. Of course he didn’t do what he did to unknown models when he encountered Kate. But he still overstepped his boundaries, and Kate called him out. Then she talked about it to Vogue UK. Baby steps.

Kate Upton

Photos courtesy of Mario Testino/Vogue & WENN




Andy Murray is finally marrying his long-time love Kim Sears this weekend. People have always sort of compared Murray’s relationship with Sears to Duchess Kate and Prince William, partly because the British papers love to compare any woman to Kate (for some reason) and partly because Andy and Kim have been together since they were teenagers (like Will and Kate). Kim and Andy met in 2005, when they were both 17 years old. A decade later, they’re finally marrying! I felt a little bit sorry for Murray because it felt sometimes like he was getting a lot public pressure to propose. But he finally did, and they’re going to have a big wedding in Scotland this weekend.

So, what’s controversial about that? Nothing really. Except Murray is making a big deal about how he’s not going to sell the wedding photos. Except that he and Kim gave Hello Magazine a really big exclusive cover interview ahead of their wedding. Which makes me wonder if Hello will get their wedding photos.

Tennis star Andy Murray has turned down a deal worth more than £1 million to sell his wedding photographs to glossy magazines. Titles such as OK! and Hello! reportedly offered seven-figure sums for exclusive shots of the tennis champion’s wedding to Kim Sears. However, the couple refused the offers and instead are choosing to have a private affair with close family and friends. They are to get married at Dunblane Cathedral on Saturday. A private reception at Murray’s £1.8 million hotel, Cromlix House, will follow the ceremony.

Invited guests are believed to include actor James Corden, television presenter Sue Barker and former tennis player Tim Henman. A source close to the couple reportedly said: “All the magazines you can think of made offers, but Andy and Kim are not interested. It doesn’t sit with the kind of people they are. It’s not about money – they do not want a glitzy wedding.”

[From The Scotsman]

Hello points out that Andy and Kim have revealed their complete wedding plans, which include a walk to greet wellwishers after the service. So maybe they won’t sell their wedding photos because they’re going to be giving them away for free, to anyone with a camera in Scotland.

As for the alleged “star-studded” invite list, apparently Murray hasn’t invited Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal or Roger Federer. Harsh, right? I mean, I know Murray and Nole aren’t friends in real life, but I kind of assumed that Federer is pretty close to all of the major players on the men’s circuit?

What else? Let’s see… Murray says he let Kim plan the wedding how she wanted, that he wasn’t interested in having a say in flowers or anything. He did want a say with the food and the cake though. Kim apparently wanted a “natural” theme, with silver birches and lots of floral arrangements. Kim’s going to have four bridesmaids and he’ll have four groomsmen (or a best man and three groomsmen, whatever).


Photos courtesy of WENN.



Sarah Jessica Parker, Michelle Obama and Kerry Washington cover the May issue of Glamour Magazine. It’s a nice shot, but my first reaction was “surely at least one of these ladies is superfluous?” Kerry Washington is famously friendly with the Obamas, and SJP is a big Democratic Party fundraiser (she’s hosted big fundraisers at her home in New York). But there was a question mark (for me) about this cover. As it turns out, Kerry, SJP and FLOTUS are trying to draw attention to servicewomen, veterans and military wives for Memorial Day.

You can read the Glamour piece here – Michelle Obama does most of the talking, and her focus is on the women attached to military service and the four year anniversary of her initiative, Joining Forces.

Sarah Jessica Parker on military women: I feel like there’s a laundry list of issues they face…. Being a working mother, serving, returning from Iraq or Afghanistan—I almost don’t know where to begin…. And I feel intimidated by their service; I feel ashamed that I haven’t served. So I almost feel like I’m patronizing by inquiring how to help. When you see a serviceman or -woman, you always—I always—say, “Thank you for your service.” But you know that’s not enough…. What do we do? Every community has a community of veterans. Where do we begin?

FLOTUS on veterans’ mental health: “One thing I want to clarify—that every service member, veteran, wants us to remember—is that the vast majority of people returning from service come back completely healthy…. But when we do come across someone who is struggling…we have to develop a culture of open arms and acceptance so that they feel comfortable saying, “I’m a veteran. And by the way, I need little help.” This is something we need to do in this country around mental health as a whole—destigmatizing mental health.

[From Glamour]

It’s a nice read and I admire and respect the cause they’re championing. That being said, it would have been just as effective to put Michelle Obama on the cover solo, you know? She has been deeply involved with military families since Pres. Obama came into office.

Photos courtesy of Glamour.


maci bookout

Maci has grown quite a bit since we last saw her!

Teen Mom star, Maci Bookout, is currently pregnant with her second child. Unfortunately, she hasn’t shared too many pictures of her progress, but yesterday, she posted up a brand new one. We can confidently say that she’s grown quite a bit since the last time we saw her bump, which was back in March. Maci decided to snap a new photo and share it on Instagram with the following caption:

“This is for everyone that has been asking for a belly pic! This pregnancy is so different than my first one! This time around, I’m prepared to take on the added responsibility, and I’m confident in my parenting abilities. I can’t stress enough how important it is to wait until you’re ready to have children. Follow @CandiesOrg to learn more!”


kane and kaia

The Biermann clan is still having a blast at the beach!

Over the past couple days, Kim Zolciak has been shared some amazing family pictures she’s taken while at the beach. Her Instagram account has been loaded with new pictures, and she’s added even more. In her latest updates, she shares two more pictures of Kane and Kaia having a blast while their toes are in the sand. In the first picture she shared, it looks as if Kaia is trying to whisper something to Kane. Kim captioned the adorable picture:

“Hey Kane Im over the Sand lets blow this Popsicle stand” Signed, Kaia”

In the next picture Kim shared, she and daughter Kaia are about to give each other a big kiss on the lips! Kim captioned the photo:

She looks like her mama

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guess who

So, how did you do in yesterday’s round of celebrity kid trivia? Were you able to guess who the celebrity kid was in the picture we shared?

Yesterday, we asked you to tell us who this teenage girl in the picture below is:

Were you able to figure it out? Are you ready for the definitive answer?

It’s Felicity Huffman’s daughter Sophia Grace Macy!

We originally published the above picture alongside an article back in May of 2014 when Felicity and Sophia were attending a school even in Los Angeles. To read the original post, you can go here.

Remember to check back in the future for some more celebrity mom trivia!


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