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Some people believe that we’re going to see a Cumberbatch-esque Oscar campaign for Tom Hiddleston this year. I hope… well, I hope Tommy does launch an Oscar campaign. But I hope it isn’t as over-the-top and in-your-face as Cumby’s was for The Imitation Game. I hope Tom was watching his friend’s campaign and thinking, “When my turn comes, I’ll do it differently.” Perhaps I’m giving Tommy too much credit. After all, we know he goes all out – even reciting Shakespeare sonnets to ducks and performing like a dancing monkey on command – just to promote his films.

Why bring this up? Because Tommy’s turn as Hank Williams in I Saw the Light was just picked up by Sony Pictures Classics. SPC picked up “worldwide rights” to the film this week, but they haven’t given us a release date yet. Many believe that ISTW will be one of Sony Pictures Classics’ big Oscar-contenders this year, so they’ll want to bring this movie out to all of the fall film festivals. Tommy at Telluride? Tommy at TIFF? Tommy at Venice? Tommy at the London Film Festival? Hell, why not?

I Saw the Light is a pretty prestigious film already, despite what Hank Williams III has to say. They got the rights to Hank’s back catalog and we already know that Tommy worked his fingers to the bone to learn how to sing and play like Hank. And he lost weight for the role too, which is always good for a “transformation” story for an Oscar campaign. Sony Pictures Classic just waged super-successful Oscar campaigns for Julianne Moore in Still Alice and JK Simmons in Whiplash too. Will they put the money into Tommy? See, now I’m getting excited. I hope this fall is HIDDLES OVERLOAD.

Photos courtesy of WENN.



Ronan Farrow’s paternity bingo continues! Yesterday, we discussed how Frank Sinatra’s daughter Nancy said that there’s no way Ronan Farrow could be Frank’s son. Nancy believes that Frank had already gotten a vasectomy by the time Mia Farrow conceived Ronan. All we really have to go on is Mia’s word and Nancy’s word. Mia told Vanity Fair a few years ago that she was sleeping with Frank at the same time as Woody Allen, and Nancy says Frank is not the father (and Billie Jean is not my lover). Well, Nancy is still talking. She gave an interview to CBS Sunday Morning where she talks in greater detail about Ronan’s paternity bingo.

“Mia’s son? Oh, nonsense,” Nancy Jr. told CBS Sunday Morning. “He would just laugh it off. We didn’t laugh it off because it was affecting my kids, you know. They were being questioned about it and we all knew it was nonsense.”

“I was kind of cranky with Mia for even saying, ‘Possibly,’ she added. “I was cranky with her for saying that because she knew better, you know, she really did. But she was making a joke! And it was taken very serious and was just silly, stupid.”

Nancy Jr. is the daughter of Frank’s first wife, Nancy Barbado. The couple had another daughter, Tina Sintatra, now 66, and son, Frank Sinatra Jr., now 71, who were the crooner’s only known children. Nancy Jr. had told Vanity Fair that that Ronan “is a big part of us, and we are blessed to have him in our lives.” She also said that “from the early days until now, we have been like sisters. My mother is also very fond of her. We are family and will always be.”

Nancy Jr. made similar comments about the actress in her interview with CBS Sunday Morning. “We loved Mia,” she told the outlet. “Mia was one of our…like a sister and we had a good time, Tina and Mia and I did.”

[From E! News]

I know everyone hates on Woody Allen (for good reason), but I’m really starting to wonder if Mia Farrow is as saintly as she would have us believe. I feel like Nancy is telling the truth, that Mia “knew better” than to say Frank was “possibly” Ronan’s biological father. So the question becomes, “Why did Mia say it?” It’s possible to believe that Woody is a piece of crap AND Mia has some issues with the truth.

Here’s the video of Nancy talking about Frank telling his kids that he was marrying Mia Farrow. It sounds like Frank’s kids were close to Mia years ago, but it also sounds like Nancy is kind of pissed that Mia put Ronan’s paternity into question so publicly.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Charlie Sheen appears as a guest on Conan

Trigger warning for abuse survivors
Yesterday we talked about photos that were published, on Radar Online, of Charlie Sheen’s ex fiance, Scottine/Brett Rossi, with extensive bruising around her neck and upper bust. Radar mentioned that The National Enquirer would have the photos in this week’s edition. I had the chance to read the story and it’s much worse than I imagined. It details abuse that Scottie suffered while living with Charlie. He would abuse her horribly and threaten to kill her, only to apologize, blame it on alcohol and drugs, and shower her with affection, vacations and presents. It sounds like a standard cycle of abuse and it must have been hell to live through. The hardest part of the article to read was when they revealed that Charlie kicked Scottie in the stomach when she was pregnant and later forced her to have an abortion. According to the Enquirer, Scottie plans to sue Charlie for millions for emotional distress. While this is in the Enquirer, I have little doubt that their source is Scottie. The Enquirer has the photos, after all. Plus, as we mentioned yesterday, there are countless examples of Charlie abusing women for decades.

Charlie “strangled and choked” Scottine many times
Charlie… allegedly “strangled and choked” Scottine on multiple occasions, and made chilling threats to kill her.

“Do you want to live to see tomorrow?” serial batterer Charlie is said to have raged at Scottine, according to one witness who stepped forward to The National Enquirer.

“Charlie was both verbally and physically abusive to the point where Scottine would hide in the security room at his home, cowering in a ball, crying about his abusiveness… she’d also hide in guest rooms…”

Scottine wants to sue
Scottine, 25, is now threatening to slap [Charlie] with a multi-million dollar lawsuit, according to informed sources – unless he secures her silence with an out-of-court settlement…

Scottine has “finally found the courage to hire a lawyer and plans to sue Charlie for the emotional distress she’s suffered…

Charlie abused Scottine while she was pregnant
[There are ] appalling allegations that Charlie kicked his lover when she was pregnant, and later forced her to undergo an abortion.

Sources told The Enquirer that [Scottie] was pregnant between January and March 2014.

“Charlie never wanted the baby,” revealed a source close to Scottine. “At one point, he threatened Scottine while she was pregnant, saying, ‘It’s me or the baby. If you choose the baby, I will kick you to the curb and leave you homeless with nothing.’”

Tragically, the pair learned during the pregnancy that their unborn child had developed an irregular heartbeat.

According to a source, at that point, Charlie callously told Scottine: “I don’t want you to give birth.”

Said the insider: “He forced her to have an abortion.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, April 13, 2015]

In response to this story, reps for Charlie denied this report, on the record. Then a “source” told The National Enquirer that it was Scottine that was abusive and that she “attempted to assault the star on at least two occasions.” (Those are the National Enquirer’s paraphrased words, not the source’s.) Later, the source states that Scottie is “jealous” and that “these allegations have only surfaced since Charlie started dating other women after their breakup.” This is so typical of abusers to blame the victim and try to claim that the victim attacked them or that the abuse was somehow mutual. In fact “mutual abuse” is a myth; there is almost always an aggressor. Read these FAQs on abusive relationships for more. 90-95% of abuse victims are women.

As for Scottie planning to sue Charlie if he doesn’t give her a large settlement, I wish all abuse victims were able to do this. Yes she was/is a sex worker dating a rich addict. That didn’t give Charlie a pass to batter, choke, demean, threaten to kill her and force her to have an abortion. People who claim Scottie somehow brought this on, instigated it or got what she deserved for dating Charlie are uninformed at best.



happy Bday Brooke
when you’re done sucking off the parking lot at
Home Depot
why don’t ya ‘blow’
out this candle.

— Charlie Sheen (@charliesheen) November 5, 2013

photo credit: WENN.com and Twitter


Rob Kardashian

Rob and Kim Kardashian’s sibling drama takes the cover of this week’s Star. The title of the story is “Rob hits rock bottom,” and the cover includes an angry Kim warning, “I don’t care if you die.” I don’t know if she truly feels that way, but she’s the type to say something that harsh. As we talked about yesterday, Kim’s super fed up with the family “licking [Rob’s] a**“. She thinks he should stop being depressed and overweight and just get some lipo. Because plastic surgery fixes everything.

Some of you noted that Kim’s allowing herself to be portrayed in a terrible light on KUWTK. This is planned on her part, but I think Rob’s plight is all too real. He refuses to be filmed for the show, but the Mail has a new clip where Khloe is seen arguing with him on the phone. Rob’s portion of the call is inaudible, but she’s pleading with him to get help. The thing is … Khloe talks about Rob’s problem in terms of how it affects her: “Do you think it’s fair to do this to me though?” Radar says Rob disappeared last weekend, and no one could locate him. Khloe lost her mind until he finally returned her calls.

Here are some highlights from Star’s four-page story on Rob:

* Rob’s fed up with his whole family, especially Kim. He’s so tired of all the fakety fakeness. His Gone Girl Instagram post was meant to “expose the cracks in their facade.”

* Rob’s resentment towards Kris: “Rob hates the way his mom treats her children like employees. He’s so sick of playing her games — that’s why he’s trying to get away from his family.”

* Kim pushes Rob “to the brink.” She’s angry because he wouldn’t agree to a televised intervention: “Kim straight-up said if Rob won’t make an effort to save his own life, then she doesn’t care if he lives or dies either!” Those words “cut fragile Rob to the core.”

* Rob’s living in LA’s Stay Hotel because he can’t even stand hanging with Khloe anymore. He spends his days eating junk food, boozing, and taking pills. He’s trying to fill the Kardashian void and now tips the scales at 350 pounds: “This is a family that prides themselves on looking perfect, but Rob is a mess.”

* Rob befriends pr0n stars on Twitter. One of his confidantes is Lela Star, who looks a lot like Kim.

* Rob hates to go outside because the paparazzi hound him and because he’s so sweaty and hot all the time. He’d love to not be famous anymore.

* Rob won’t cooperate with KUWTK: “The show is scripted, and Rob is constantly going off script. He has nothing to offer but awkwardness … that’s why they left him out this time.” The family will continue to trash him on the show.

* Kris was horrified over Rob’s Instagram post and terrified that he’ll reveal family secrets. (What could Rob possibly reveal that we haven’t seen on tv already?)

* Rob refuses to take down the Instagram photo: “He is embarrassing the family.”

[From Star, print edition, April 13, 2015]

What’s next for Rob? His family will continue to use his crisis for a storyline, and he’ll stay hidden. None of our photo agencies have managed to catch him since he fled Kim’s wedding last year. So the Kardashians may consider him to be a loser, but he’s winning in his own way. Now he just needs to cut that cord and shed his whole toxic family. They’re not helping him, they’re hurting him.

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Photos courtesy of Getty & WENN



Chris Rock

Just got pulled over by the cops wish me luck

A photo posted by Chris Rock (@chrisrock) on Feb 13, 2015 at 7:38am PST

Chris Rock has been posting a lot of selfies on his Instagram account lately. Several of the pictures show one thing in common — he’s getting pulled over by police. Rock has been pulled over not once or twice but three times over the past seven weeks. And these are only the times he’s remembered to take selfies. Rock was also pulled over (as a passenger) during a 2013 episode of Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. At the time, Rock joked to Jerry, “If you weren’t here, I’d be scared.” Rock has tacked racial profiling in his comedy routines. Now he’s illustrating his point with photographic evidence.

Isaiah Washington decided to tell Rock how he dealt with the same problem.

I sold my $90,000.00 Mercedes G500 and bought 3 Prius’s, because I got tired of being pulled over by Police. #Adapt @chrisrock

— Isaiah Washington (@IWashington) April 1, 2015

Twitter isn’t having it. The #TweetLikeIsaiahWashington hashtag is in full swing like so:

I got tired of being followed around in stores so I just started ordering from Amazon Prime. #ADAPT #TweetLikeIsaiahWashington

— Elon James White (@elonjames) April 1, 2015

Isaiah visited with CNN’s Don Lemon to “clarify” his perspective in a segment called “driving while black?” Some excerpts from the conversation:

Isaiah : “Police are about the business of policing, night and day. I obviously have a slight advantage because I’m a celebrity. … At night, I’m vulnerable like everyone else. I know a lot of people take issue with the hashtag ‘adapt,’ thinking I was implying that white supremacy or racial profiling was stopped if you were in a different car, but that’s not [what I meant]. If you are at war, which we all know that we are, there is a sentiment in the air that is highly toxic and highly negative, and [I wanted my tweet to] excite a conversation.”

Don: “What would you have Chris Rock do. What does he need to change, and why does he need to change it?”

Isaiah: “I really feel that he needs to look at the area that he’s in and even visit with the local police officers in the community. He should do that. He should reach out to the police officers and question why they’re pulling him out.”

Don: “It puts a burden on him that’s not a fair burden.”

Isaiah: “Oh, come on. We have been a people that have created civilization in this world, and I believe we are the people that share the DNA that’s going to recivilize this world again. We have been burdened for 400 years — we can’t use that as an excuse to say, ‘Well, we can’t challenge the system as it is.’ We’ve been marching for years.”

[From CNN Tonight]

Don then showed Isaiah the clip of Rock getting pulled over with Jerry Seinfeld. Isaiah was not amused at how Rock cracked a joke on the show. Isaiah continued to say “yes, the onus is on us” to “survive.” Perhaps Isaiah was kidding about buying three Prius cars instead of one. He definitely wasn’t kidding with the #adapt hashtag.

Stereo Williams of the Daily Beast wrote an in-depth column on this subject that’s well worth reading. Here’s the CNN clip of Don Lemon interviewing Isaiah.

Chris Rock
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




Brandi Glanville has a new interview with In Touch Weekly. They really did speak to her directly and everything. I think the print interview probably has more information about what’s going on with Brandi and the Real Housewives, but for the online excerpt, In Touch has just given us Brandi’s quotes about dating and about how things are going with her ex-husband and his wife.

After years of bitter rifts with her ex Eddie Cibrian and his second wife, LeAnn Rimes, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville reveals in an exclusive interview with ‘In Touch’ that they may have finally buried the hatchet!

“Things are currently going OK!” Brandi, who has two kids, Mason and Jake, with Eddie, tells ‘In Touch’. “It’s really nice and very weird because the tide has been smooth for a little while now. It worries me that something crazy’s about to happen because usually it ebbs and flows.”

Despite her concerns, Brandi remains optimistic, telling ‘In Touch’, “I hope it continues to stay cool like this.”

And things seem to be going well in her love life, too! When asked about any new romances, she admits, “I’m dating. It’s super new and going really well. I don’t want to scare him away by talking about it.”

[From In Touch Weekly]

I chuckled at “It worries me that something crazy’s about to happen…” What I’ve always said about Brandi is that she has a certain kind of genius for getting under LeAnn’s skin. Brandi might be drunk most of the time, she might be sort of racist, she might talk too much, but she’s got LeAnn’s number. And Brandi is right to worry. This current even-keel in relations is likely the calm before another major storm. LeAnn’s due for another situation/outburst/incident at any day now. What will it be? Who knows?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, WENN.


three men

Sometimes, you do have to sit back and marvel at some of the surprisingly good comedies that came out in the 1980s. I grew up with those comedies – not just the John Hughes films (although those almost always stand up), but those were the days when SNL cast-members made really great transitions to film. Think about Eddie Murphy’s career in the ‘80s, for goodness sake. In fact, many TV stars transitioned to film with great success back in those days. Think about Ted Danson, who as it turns out, was always a much better actor than he was given credit for. During Danson’s hiatus from Cheers one summer, he filmed a great little movie with two other ‘80s superstars: Tom Selleck and Steve Guttenberg. The film was Three Men and a Baby and it was AWESOME. Everything about the movie is awesome. Full-stop. Why bring this up? Because Star Magazine claims there’s a small movement afoot to remake the film with “hot actors” who all happen to be new dads.

New dad Ryan Reynolds wants to put diaper duty on pause and reprise the hit 1987 flick ‘Three Men and a Baby’, with the help of hunky fathers Ashton kutcher and Ryan Gosling.

“Ryan thinks the timing couldn’t be better,” says a Hollywood insider. “All the guys are going through first-time fatherhood – all with daughters! – so they could call on a lot of their experiences to make the movie funny.”

Ryan welcomes daughter James with Blake Lively just before the New Year, while Ashton says life with Mila Kunis and baby Wyatt is “unbelievable” and Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes are “cherishing every minute” with little Esmeralda.

“It would be great to get the ball rolling on this movie while all the comical and cringeworthy moments of daddy duty are fresh in their minds… and they aren’t a bad bunch to look at, either!”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

While I think this Star story in particular is crap, I wanted to nip this in the bud straight away before some Hollywood executive got coked out of their skull and decided to greenlight it. They’re already remaking Ghostbusters. They should NEVER remake Three Men and a Baby. I mean, what’s next? They’ll remake 48 Hours? Beverly Hills Cop? STOP THE MADNESS.

And between Gosling, Reynolds and Kutcher, who is the Guttenberg? I’m really asking. You know all three of them think that they’re the Selleck of the group, although we might be able to convince Gosling to be the Danson. But no one wants to be the Guttenberg. Which is too bad, because the world needs more Guttenbergs. GUTTENBERG!!



Photos courtesy of WENN.
three men



I think Scott Eastwood might be pretty but dumb. He looks like the frat-bro version of his dad, Clint Eastwood, which is probably appealing to some ladies. But his personality? It leaves something to be desired. Scott is 29 years old and he’s only really started to fashion some sort of acting career for himself in the past two years. And even then, I have my doubts as to whether Scott will be able to make it for the long haul in Hollywood, despite his hustle. Previously, Scott claimed he was up for the Christian Grey role in Fifty Shades but that HE turned it down. Which no one believes. Now he’s promoting a silly Nicholas Sparks adaptation called The Longest Ride. He covers the new issue of Treats Magazine and he’s still trying to play the “I don’t want to be famous” card. Sigh…

On working with his father: “I mean, he’s like tougher on me when I work with him. He doesn’t want any favoritism at all. Invictus, Trouble With the Curve, Gran Torino, Flags of our Fathers. He was tough on me on all of them but outside of that, we have a great father/son relationship.”

He’s not a Hollywood jerk: “I’m lucky. I’ve got a lot of friends that will call me on all my bulls–t! They’ll just rip me to shreds…Whatever I’m doing, I think good friends and family are key. It’s good to have drive, and know what you want to do. But not to have your happiness wrapped up in that. You’ve got to do other things. You don’t want to be one-dimensional. I wouldn’t want to be ‘just’ an actor. That would be boring. You don’t want to be too obsessed with one thing. I try to diversify my time with other things.”

He doesn’t want to be famous: “I didn’t get in this to be famous. I grew up loving my father’s work, loving movies, and telling stories, wanting to be a part of that. To affect people. Whether they’re laughing or crying. It’s supposed to elicit a response. It’s art, right?”

He’s not about LA: “I’ve never been an LA guy – I think of it as kind of like high school. All of a sudden you do a movie and there’s buzz and it’s like you’re in the cool crowd. But you know it can go away as quickly as it came. To me, the whole thing just seems funny. You can’t take Hollywood – or yourself – too seriously. You’ve got to just keep doing what you do and whatever happens, you can’t be wrapped up in whether or not you’re ‘in’ this month, it’s not healthy. I’m just happy to be working.”

[From Treats via E! News]

Do you have any memory of Scott in those Clint Eastwood films? I do not. Clint just cast him in very small parts. As for the rest of it… if this was coming from a 20-year-old guy who just had his first taste of success, I might think he was smart. Coming from a nearly-30 second-generation bro trading on his dad’s name? Not so much. He wants to be famous. He wants to be a celebrity. He wants the attention.

Scott also has a new interview with Pridesource this week – go here to read. He’s all about his gay fans.

Photos courtesy of Steve Shaw/Treats Magazine.


sam worthington

Has the name of Sam Worthington and Lara Bingle’s first child been revealed?

Sam Worthington and Lara Bingle welcomed their first child together last week, but the name of their child has yet to be revealed to the public. However, a source has reported to Page Six that they have named their son Rocket Zot Worthington. Apparently, the child’s middle name, Zot, is the nickname of Sam’s father. Keep in mind, as of right now, this has yet to be confirmed by the couple. Make sure you stay tuned, and we’ll keep you up-to-date as this story develops.


kristin cavallari

I’m so jealous right now!

While some of us in the world are battling cold weather, Kristin Cavallari, 28, certainly has nothing to worry about, as she recently shared a picture of herself and her son on Instagram hanging out on the beach together. In the picture, you can see Kristin showing off her amazing beach body in a black bikini, while holding the hand of her son, Camden. She captioned the picture:

“Paradise with my boys”

Cavallari welcomed her second son, Jax, back in May of 2014. Lately, she’s been spending her downtime hanging out with her two boys and her husband, NFL quarterback, Jay Cutler.


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