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Patricia Arquette has an interview with People Magazine to promote her new CBS show, CSI: Cyber. The show premiered last night and is getting middling reviews. I’m not a fan of true crime shows or any of the CSIs but it’s got James Van Der Beek and Fat Neil from Community (that’s what they called him) in it. It looks like a fun ensemble cast in the same vein as NCIS. I’ve seen the first 10 minutes of the show and Patricia plays it very straight and even, she has that monotone voice that makes it sound like she’s either in control or incredibly bored.

To People, Patricia gave some decent quotes about body image and about working in Hollywood. She wasn’t controversial at all like when she talked feminism backstage at the Oscars. She made some good points:

On body image
When I was a teenager, someone told me, ‘If you fix your teeth, you could be in Playboy.’ I said ‘Why would I want to be in Playboy?’ I didn’t want to look perfect. I didn’t want to have to be some girl in a magazine. I didn’t want to have to change myself to be attractive.

I’ve had so many of these conversations in my life … what I look like on film, what I don’t look like on film. What are we supposed to look like? Men are not having these conversations.

It’s like we’re trapped in wet wool or something. I just want to be free of it so we can move to the next level as equals. Not that I don’t love being a woman, not that I don’t love the differences between men and women. I just mean, as an actor – why is this a conversation? Why is aging a conversation? It’s a one-sided conversation because it’s only ever had by women.

On how she relates to her Boyhood character
When you’re a kid you think, ‘I can’t wait to have my own independence, to have my own apartment, but it can be really rough being an adult, and sometimes it just feels relentless.

She’s tried to shelter her kids Enzo, 26, and Harlow, 12, from the industry
I don’t watch my movies at home, I don’t talk about my work with my kids, there’s not any posters of myself up on the wall.

[From People Magazine, online and print edition, March 16, 2015]

On People’s website, Arquette has some additional quotes about keeping kids safe online. She sounds a little out of touch, and I can tell that this show is going to sensationalize the Internet to an unrealistic degree. That’s what these shows do though. Arquette said “I have this line in one of the episodes where I say, ‘No adult would ever let their child go outside and play with a 45-year-old stranger, but in these online gaming worlds they’re doing it every day.’ It’s the truth.” Yes it’s the truth, but those two situations are not equivocal in any way, and if you teach your child to be careful and anonymous online it’s a much different thing.

About Arquette’s teeth, I honestly barely noticed them. She reminds me a little of Kirsten Dunst in that way. Dunst has said that she loves her “snaggle fangs” (her words) and that she’s not going to change them. Arquette places it in the larger context of people nitpicking women for minor perceived flaws and for aging. As long as she’s not calling out other groups for not supporting feminist causes, I agree with her.

Update: After this story was published, I found an interview that Arquette did with Buzzfeed in which she attempted to clarify her backstage Oscar comments. It’s a very extensive interview. Buzzfeed also asked her about the character she played on Medium, Allison Dubois, getting wasted and making a fool of herself on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Arquette defended her somewhat, and said that Dubois didn’t “have very much experience on camera. And it’s never a great idea to be drunk on camera.” As for what she said backstage at the Oscars, Arquette said that was “very misconstrued.” Here’s how she addressed it:

What I meant was the most adversely affected are women of color, and every single lesbian and transgender woman. So what I was saying is all of these bases should rally around women. I don’t know why everybody just accepts that women should take this; that women should have to be paid less for the exact same job. I’m not talking about charity. I’m talking about working women doing the exact same job. I mean, I’m sorry people took it that way. We have these incredible activists in all of these areas who have made and fought for significant change. Why don’t they come forward and support women? Half of their base is women — why aren’t they fighting for that?

[From Buzzfeed]

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Whoa! Dean Sheremet, LeAnn Rimes’ first husband, has given the most epic tell-all interview of his whole life. Dean was and is often praised for not “telling all” about what happened with LeAnn. He’s made a handful of smaller comments here and there over the years, but this interview has taken me by surprise. Some theorize that he wants to talk about everything ahead of the release of his new cookbook, so he won’t have to answer these questions a million times. Perhaps. Or maybe he just felt like talking. The piece is really long – go here for the whole thing. I’m just going to pick out some of most interesting quotes. But I have to say, the whole piece is pretty interesting – Dean comes across like a real sweetheart.

When he met LeAnn: “I was a professional dancer. She was a superstar. I knew that one of us had to sacrifice something to have a healthy marriage. And that was my goal. As much as I wanted to be successful, I wanted a family more. I’ve always wanted to be married and have kids. Family is everything to me.

Giving up his career to focus on her: “As it went on, there were a lot of animosities that built up. I felt like I was never having my needs met so there was fighting. And I was so intertwined in managing her career that I didn’t know how to make the distinction between husband and boss, husband and partner, husband and manager…”

Whether he felt like he lived in her shadow: “Not at first. It felt like we were a team. As it went on, the team became toxic. But when we were working together, we were brilliant. The dumbest thing she ever did for her career was divorce me. Because we were such a good team. The last hit song she had was when she was with me. It was “Nothing Better to Do”. I had that title in my head and was kicking it around for a bit. We got our friend Darrell Brown, who is a phenomenal writer, to write it with us and we wrote the whole album.

He was uncomfortable with their lifestyle: “Not with the life, just the way that she would spend money. We would go shopping and not even look at the amount. It’s just a weird life. I come from Mid-Western core values where you’re smart about your money.”

He was never on LeAnn’s payroll: “No. God no. I would have never let that happen. Everything was joint. And she never made me feel that way. There was never talk of money or me not pulling my weight. I think she felt like we were a great team. It always felt equal. She always made it feel equal. Until we got divorced and I found out how unequal it was.

The Lifetime movie, Northern Lights: “The funny thing is I’m the one who pushed her to do that movie… LeAnn has always had her heart set on acting. But you need to put the work in. I think she’s been so used to everything coming so easy to her that she just assumed, “I’ll act”. So I was like, “This is a soft way to get yourself on a set, have lines, go through the motions.” I saw her being ambivalent and was like, “That’s not gonna get you where you need to be. Do this movie. It’s gonna be great for you!”

He didn’t expect her to cheat: “Never in a million years did I think something like that would have happened. The need for me in her life was so strong. There were things she couldn’t do without me. She had her own phone but never used it. People would call me to get to her. Everything went through me.

Meeting Eddie Cibrian: “He was a good looking guy. I just remember being like, “Oh, God, just another one of those Hollywood pretty boys.” If you’re in a room with him, he’s probably one of the most charming people you’ll ever meet. But I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw this f–king table…he just felt like one of those guys from the beginning. A total schmoozer. Very Hollywood. I never bought his schtick. But I wasn’t worried.

The first time things seemed off: “I got really sick and had to go home [to Nashville, the film was shooting in Canada] to the doctor. I was gone for a full week. I’ll never forget this, there was this bar that everyone hung out at after set and I remember coming down the stairs and seeing the two of them shooting pool together. I could just tell by the body language that everything had changed. She’s shooting pool, shooting tequila, in a tight tank, tight jeans, over the knee boots and she’s standing across from him, playing with the pool cue. All of a sudden, there was a huge shift. My stomach dropped. I literally felt like I got hit.

Why LeAnn moved back to LA: “She really lives on the adoration of others. I could be speaking out of turn but this is my perspective. She lives and dies on the perception of herself. I sympathize with that cause she’s been famous since she was 12-years-old so she doesn’t know anything else. In LA, there’s the paparazzi and that false sense of success, false security that you’re still relevant. If you’re in the magazines, then you matter. And that carried over to the divorce. She became even more “famous”. But she was in the middle of the road in country and she should’ve been owning that format. She’s one of the most talented people I’ve ever met, has the most incredible voice, she’s flawless. But she got away from doing that and it breaks my heart. She’s gone away from what she was put on this earth to do. It’s all been at the expense of that. I think she learned a really hard lesson because it didn’t pan out the way she wanted it to.

The hardest part: “The cheating wasn’t the hardest part. The hardest part was someone standing in the back of the bus in the middle of nowhere and saying, “I don’t love you anymore.” I would’ve rather she said, “I slept with twenty guys.”

[From Nat’s Next Adventure]

There’s so much more in that piece – it’s a must-read for all of the people interested in LeAnn-Eddie-Dean-Brandi drama. He talks about how confusing and crazy everything was post-affair and how LeAnn didn’t even know what she wanted at first. He compliments LeAnn in several different ways, and I think he’s right, the worst thing for her music career was divorcing him. His assessment of Eddie is pretty dead-on too. Sigh… poor Dean. At least he seems to be in a good place these days.

Photos courtesy of WENN.



What the hell, man? Disney’s live-action version of Beauty & the Beast is coming together, casting-wise, only the choices are… not what I would have expected. A few months ago, Emma Watson was announced as the new Belle, which is an okay choice. We were hoping for really strong casting in other places. And yes, it was probably too much to hope for Jason Momoa as the Beast. But this?!

Belle has found her Beast! Disney’s upcoming live-action Beauty and the Beast has cast the man who will play the furry prince. Downton Abbey star Dan Stevens scored the part of the Beast, The Hollywood Reporter announced on Wednesday, March 4.

Stevens seemingly confirmed the casting news on Twitter shortly after, posting a giant meme that read “Beast Mode.” The 32-year-old will join Harry Potter star Emma Watson, who signed on to play the Disney princess back in January.

Dracula Untold actor Luke Evans is in talks to play the egotistical villain Gaston.

[From Us Weekly]

DAN STEVENS?! Cousin Matthew from Downton Abbey?! BEAST MODE?! Don’t get me wrong, I actually like Dan Stevens. I had great affection for Cousin Matthew and his “tingles” down below. When he started losing all the weight and living in America, I was sort of okay with it. And while this might be a coup for his career, I still think this is a bad casting choice. As for Luke Evans as Gaston… sure. I can sort of see that. My impression of Luke is that he’s sort of wiry and smaller than we think, but maybe I’m wrong. Emma is so small, maybe they think they can put smaller guys beside her and they’ll look bigger.


Photos courtesy of WENN.



I don’t really have a problem with Adam Driver, I’m just not into him on a gut (or pants) level. His interviews are actually interesting and he has a nice body, but… well, I’m not into him. Still, I’m happy to see an actor “make it” in Hollywood with unconventional looks. Trying to care about interchangeable pretty boys gets tedious after a while, and I could see Driver becoming a modern version of the 1970s leading man archetype, like Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman and such.

Anyway, Driver covers the new issue of VMAN. You can see more of the editorial here. As I said… nice body. Really nice body, actually. He can’t wear a tuxedo though – he looks like a dirt-lipped 17 year old on his way to the prom. Here are some highlights from his cover interview:

The search for meaning: “As you get older and life starts to happen more, why not go down to the bottom as much as possible? But there can also be a danger in trying to find meaning in acting, which I’m also learning: that you take it way too seriously, and yourself too seriously. That’s a tricky thing: How do you take it so seriously that your stakes are life and death, but at the end of the day you can let it go? Talking to older actors, they never seem to figure it out.

He acknowledges his privilege: “It’s a little surreal. I love Scorsese and Spielberg—I probably watch Jaws twice a year. To work with them is a little out of body. It’s obviously extremely flattering, and weird. I’m a straight, white male, and I’ve had more opportunities than other people have, unjustly. And I’ve been lucky on top of that.

Hollywood’s slow pace: “It’s so insane to me. That’s why I like being a part of Girls, because it’s such a female-driven show. I see so many actors and friends who are so f–king good—but for one reason or another, because they’re female or African American, there aren’t as many opportunities for them. It’s total bullsh-t. My wife is an actress. She’s had to audition for, you know, “Blonde Girl #3.” There’s just such sh–ty writing and not as many opportunities.

Being married to an actress: “We’re both figuring it out. I value privacy and it’s impossible to say that without sounding like a total pretentious a–hole. Losing anonymity is a real thing and it makes your job difficult because when you are what people are looking at, you start thinking about yourself as opposed to taking things in. And selling who you are as a person doesn’t make sense to me. At the same time, you almost want to figure out a way to leverage some of it and do something good. My wife and I run a nonprofit, Arts and the Armed Forces, where we do monologues from contemporary American plays and do readings for a diverse military audience.

[From VMAN]

He’s also given an opportunity to defend (or slam, I suppose) Lena Dunham and he doesn’t take it, saying that he never even watches Girls because he just finds it difficult to watch himself. I don’t think he really wants to get involved with Lena’s politics or her controversies either way – he’s grateful for the job, but it’s just a job. And I like him more for acknowledging his privilege. Don’t you? I’m not asking white guys to beat themselves up because they don’t understand the struggle or whatever, but it’s nice to see a guy who is aware of enough to say, “Huh, I have so many more opportunities as an artist/person because I’m a white guy.”

Photos courtesy of Inez & Vinoodh/VMAN.


Justin Bieber

In a move that surely predicts the worst selling magazine issue ever, Justin Bieber covers the April issue of Men’s Health. The magazine seems to realize the futility of this editorial snafu — they titled their feature, “Why Is Justin Bieber on the Cover of Men’s Health?” What an excellent question.

This cover feature is part of Swaggy’s ongoing redemption tour, although I’m not sure he’s preaching to the right demographic. This is some hefty photoshop on the cover, right? As with the Calvin Klein ads, Bieber truly wants us to think he’s ripped, but look at this fantastic picture of a boxing Bieber. The trainer is barely flexing to hold off the blows!

The interview is kinda, like, fussy. Bieber, like, uses the word “like” a lot. Especially when he talks about his massive muscles:

On becoming a man: “There’s a part of me that I don’t ever want to grow up. I want to always remain … to have that sense of purity inside of me where I don’t … I don’t want to lose that sense of purity.”

His insanely ripped body: “Yeah, you know I’m just getting bigger, man. It’s like, my shoulders don’t fit in some things.”

The struggle is real, yo: “[It’s] almost like I grew up for the public but I didn’t necessarily grow up. There were things I had to do, as far as the way I had to make relationships, and conversation, but as far as actually growing up, there were a lot of things I missed out on.”

On romance: “I’m very much a relationship guy. I like to bounce ideas off the person that I love. I like having a real connection …”

An obligatory mancrush: “Ben Affleck. I think his vibe is cool.”

His body art: “Like the tattoos and stuff? Maybe that’s like a cover for me being a softy. I want ‘LL’ tatted right here [chest]. When you’re Low, Lift. Because we often want to keep our heads down. But we should lift our heads.”

[From Men’s Health]

Most of what he says is utter crap, of course. I’ve wondered before if Bieber’s resorted to steroids, but who knows. I do think he’s taking advantage of strategic spray tanning and lots of airbrushing. He doesn’t seem like the type to stay consistent in the gym and maintain the correct diet to build lean muscle. Men’s Health released a behind the scenes video in an effort to prove this is 100% Swaggy’s body, but I’m not buying it. These 40-pound dumbbells must be hollow. You can see more of the shoot here.

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Peter Hapak/Men’s Health, Fame/Flynet & WENN



Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry was my favorite ensemble member from Friends. I liked all of the characters except for Ross Gellar, but Perry is particularly gifted at physical comedy and feigning outrage. He’ll always be Chandler Bing (or Chanandler Bong) to me. Perry has a new show (or an old one, depending how you look at it). He’s starring in a remake of The Odd Couple with Thomas Lennon (of The State). Perry plays the messy Oscar, and Lennon plays the uptight Felix. Perry sat down with HuffPo for promotional duties, and he revealed his own tendencies as a proud slob. This was a 20 questions interview, so the answers are short:

His most obsessive habit: “I play video games for hours and hours and hours at a time.”

Does he take out his own garbage? “I pay somebody to do that for me.”

How long has he let sheets stay on his bed? “Three months.”

How long is the wait for the dishwasher? “The sink gets pretty full.”

Is he in a relationship? “No. I’m looking for Miss Right at the moment.”

His relationship deal breaker: “Someone who’s unhappy. Being unhappy, not liking the move Annie Hall and being unhappy with the movie Annie Hall

How he flirts: “I act like an imbecile. I try to impress them and I just act like a … I try too hard at times I think.”

[From HuffPo]

Perry has an admirable, self-deprecating sense of humor. I wonder if he’s exaggerating about leaving sheets on his bed for three months. He did say this only happened until he hired a housekeeper, so it’s not like it’s an ongoing problem. But three months is pretty gross. I used to be obsessive about changing sheets too often but now follow the standard once a week recommendation. That’s normal, right?

I don’t know what to think of Perry’s Annie Hall qualification for dating women. The Woody Allen worship runs deep in Hollywood.

Matthew Perry

Photos courtesy of WENN




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Last month, Norman Reedus gave a video tour of his Walking Dead trailer to Entertainment Weekly. It wasn’t a look into his fabulous mobile amenities (have you seen that Celebrity Motor Homes show? Jason Mraz did the best one) so much as a view at the souvenirs and junk he keeps. Reedus keeps a lot which is kind of sweet. If a Walking Dead fan gives him something, it has a good chance of going on display in his trailer. Reedus also likes to steal mementos from the show. He took a Polaroid camera from costuming and he swipes one of his character’s crossbow about once a season.

Spoilers for the episode of Walking Dead follow
One of the weirdest things that Reedus has taken from the WD set is Andrew Lincoln’s beard. As those of you who watch the show know, our intrepid zombie fighters have landed at a protected community in Alexandria where the people actually seem decent. Headed by a former congresswoman, their new location seems safe and close to life before the virus. It’s hard for them to adjust, and they’re suffering from PTSD while waiting for the other shoe to drop. Lincoln’s character Rick Grimes shaved his beard and accepted a haircut on arrival at his new mcmansion and holy sh*t he looks so hot. And Reedus saved the beard remains. He told this to Entertainment Tonight:

On if he’ll ever shave his own facial hair
This takes a good year to grow these five little hairs right here. But I actually have Andrew’s beard in my refrigerator in a Ziploc bag in Florida. I don’t know [what I’m going to do with it.] He’s kind of my dude.

1. @cfn804: If you weren’t acting what would you be doing?
I’d be living in a house in Montauk with about 12 cats walking around in a onesie.

2. @Jskuminime: How did you become an actor?
I was at a party and I yelled at a bunch of people and somebody asked me to be in a play.

3. @miri_lars: What should we expect from the season finale?
Wow, bring your Kleenex and you’ll be screaming at your television.

4. @Shansberry89: Do you have anything in common with Daryl in your personal life?
Yeah, I’m super awkward. I mean what I say and I wear my heart on my sleeve for the most part.

5. @oddkin13: Do you still take the crossbow home every day?
At the end of the season I steal a crossbow and I’m driving back to New York and I get a call saying, ‘You did not steal that crossbow?!’ and I’m like, ‘I stole the crossbow!’ So I have a bunch of crossbows in New York.

[From Entertainment Tonight]

It sounds gross, but maybe Reedus knows that Lincoln’s beard (Lincoln’s beard, ha!) is worth good money.They can auction that thing off for charity at some point to support a good cause. This also brings it home to me that Reedus is the one doing the promotion and heavy lifting for Walking Dead. It’s seems like Lincoln is too good for this.

Also gross? Reedus’s habit of licking people. It’s become his thing now and he plays it up on social media. Reedus talked about it on Conan earlier this week. Fans will ask him to lick them and he usually obliges – until it gets weird. This headline on MTV News pretty much summed it up. Also on Conan his hair looked just as greasy as it does on Walking Dead. I think that’s due to the color, because he must be allowed to wash it in between takes.

Here’s Reedus on Entertainment Tonight. At the end they shoot Nerf crossbows at zombie celebrities.

And here’s Reedus on Conan. The best part is when he wishes happy birthday to his mom.

I went through Reedus’ Instagram looking for the licking pictures. (Pajiba has a ton of them.) Instead I found this gem from two weeks ago that I somehow missed.

@flauntmagazine – @burberry and @cultdenim. See full feature on flaunt.com ! #thelocationissue

A photo posted by norman reedus (@bigbaldhead) on Feb 16, 2015 at 12:01pm PST


A photo posted by norman reedus (@bigbaldhead) on Mar 1, 2015 at 12:48pm PST

Close up. Yup. #ricksbeard. In tha fridge. http://comicbook.com/2014/10/19/the-walking-dead-s-norman-reedus-has-andrew-lincoln-s-beard-in-h/

A photo posted by norman reedus (@bigbaldhead) on Oct 20, 2014 at 8:14pm PDT

Bonus gifs of Andrew Lincoln shaving,


Norman Reedus Leaving The Bowery Hotel
Comic-Con International 2014 - Fox International Channels Press Breakfast
An Evening With The Walking Dead Cast

Photo credit: FameFlynet, WENN, Getty Images and Instagram



Yesterday, we learned that Chris Brown had fathered a mystery baby with a mystery woman. We are living in a world where Chris Brown is the father to a baby girl, which is surely one of the signs of the apocalypse. In any case, TMZ dug up some dirt about Nia, the mystery baby-mama – you can read more about her, plus see some NSFW photos here. She’s a sometime model and video girl, which is how she met Breezy in the first place. The Daily Mail says that Nia used to hang with Chris and Karrueche Tran back in 2013, and there are photos to prove it. The photos make it seem like Breezy used to/currently has something of a harem.

Oh, and TMZ reports that the baby’s name is Royalty. Royalty Brown. SERIOUSLY. And E! News said last night that Chris hasn’t had a paternity test done on Royalty yet. Sigh…

When covering this stuff yesterday, I speculated about the state of Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran’s relationship currently and at the time this little girl was conceived. It seems like every month, Karrueche and Chris are breaking up or making up and I stopped paying attention to their drama a long time ago, despite the fact that they both seemed to want people to pay attention to their status. We’ve all known couples like that (or perhaps been in that sort of couple) – it’s all drama, all stupid, all crazy, all the time. But here’s what surprised me… Karrueche actually got on Twitter and publicly dumped Breezy. Really?

Listen. One can only take so much. The best of luck to Chris and his family. No baby drama for me. ????

— Karrueche Tran (@karrueche) March 4, 2015

“One can only take so much”??? Gurl, please. You were his side piece when had more high-profile “official girlfriends,” you stayed with him when he cheated on you over and over. You stayed with him as long as you were the most valued one in the harem. And now you’re going to play it like you’re the long-suffering girlfriend?

Photos courtesy of WENN.



Here are some photos of Dev Patel at Tuesday night’s NYC premiere of The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. That’s a nice velvet suit, isn’t it? It’s Ferragamo. I wish it was just a tad darker, more of a chocolate brown. But he looks really great with that beard and longer hair. Anyway, Dev is currently promoting Marigold and Chappie, the robot film with Hugh Jackman. So that means there are lots of interviews, although none as good as his recent Guardian piece, in which he called out Mario Testino as a big jerk. Here are some assorted quotes from various interviews with Dev:

Whether he’s a technology nerd: “I am pretty bad when it comes to technology. I refuse to have an iphone, I have an old touch screen phone. It’s a conscious choice because I like keeping things simple. Everyone is constantly on phone these days. It’s really a shame because you get disconnected from actually being face to face with humans. Even with my friends, I hate texting. I love talking. That’s the kind of person I am. I am not on social media, instant chat messenger either.”

What he loves about India: “Absolute optimism is what I adore. The nation is developing so fast. Triumph and determination of people here is so intimidating. I love it here, I never felt more alive. I find India to be a great source of inspiration… It’s part of my culture and heritage, which I’m proud of.”

Indians have a problem with his ‘Marigold’ accent: “India is so diverse, lots of people have qualms with my accent in Marigold. My argument is, it’s not based on a person but is a comedic creation. I play India’s acclaimed mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan next and that requires a different accent as it’s a different persona altogether. You try and discover.”

He hates dancing: “I absolutely hate dancing. I am very conscious about my gangly limbs, think it’s a great obstacle.”

When asked about Frieda Pinto: “Sorry, no personal questions.”

Whether he’s single: “Ha ha, am I single? I can’t answer that right now.”

Whether he’s typecast as nerdy Asian stereotype: “My character’s name in Chappie is Deon Wilson. So I don’t know how it is typecast. I came into it, so it became a guy of Indian origin, because of the colour of my skin.”

[From The Hindustan Times & Times of India]

It’s funny to me that Dev hates dancing because in all of the ads for the second Marigold movie, they show the clip of Dev dancing in a typical Bollywood-like scene. He doesn’t look half-bad! And yes, he’s very tall and “gangly” but I think he moves very well. Maybe he just needs a few more years to really “grow into his body.” As for being anti-technology… I feel him. Sort of.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


chris brown with joyce hawkins

Well, at least Chris Brown is going to have some help when it comes to raising his alleged daughter.

Yesterday, TMZ reported that Chris Brown has an alleged child. Now, a source has opened up to HollywoodLife saying that Joyce Hawkins, Chris Brown’s mother, will help him raise the child, as if it were her own.

Chris Brown, 25, has went through some fairly dark times in his life, and his mother has stuck by his side through all of those times — and she’ll continue to do exactly that! A source told HollywoodLife:

“Joyce loves her son and she will never think that anything Chris does is wrong. They’re just learning experiences. She accepts Chris’ baby girl and will have a hand in raising her grandchild. It’s that simple. Family is family. Blood and blood. That’s that.”

To find out what else the source had to say, you can continue reading at HollywoodLife.


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