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I can’t believe this is happening, but I’m about to defend Madonna yet again. During the BRIT Awards, Madonna’s performance of “Living For Love” was sort of a disaster. She had some of the same awkward staging she used for her Grammys performance, only at the BRIT Awards, she added a custom-made Armani cape. The cape was tied too tightly, so when Madonna’s dancers tried to pull it off of her (revealing Madge in a bullfighter’s costume), Madonna ended up ass over tea kettle on stage. It was bad.

But here’s the thing: Madonna didn’t blame the cape. After the fall, she said the cape was tied too tightly and the staging wasn’t exactly as they rehearsed, but she even went out of her way to thank Giorgio Armani for making the cape. So, surprise, Mr. Armani threw some major shade at Madonna this week:

It was the fashion fail of the week, but don’t blame the designer. Giorgio Armani says the bull fighter’s cape that brought down Madonna during a live performance at Brit Awards was meant to be closed with an easy-to-undo hook. She wanted it tied instead.

“Madonna, as we all know, is very difficult,” Armani said with a smile and a shrug backstage after his Emporio Armani show. “That’s all there was to it.”

Madonna was yanked backward down some steps after failing to untie the flowing cape. adonna said the cape had been tied too tightly at the neck, and two dancers who were supposed to merely pull it off wound up dragging the singer down three steps. The singer told Britain’s “Jonathan Ross Show” that she hit her head and suffered whiplash.

[From The Associated Press]

Is this fair to Madge? Was she the one to order alterations on what Armani designed as “an easy-to-undo hook”? Is she to blame for busting her own ass? Perhaps. But still, it feels like Armani took an unnecessary swipe at her. Yes, we all know she’s “very difficult”. What does that have to do with her fall though?

Here’s Mr. Armani waving “BYE BITCH” to Madonna.

And here are some photos of Madonna outside of Raspoutine in Paris on Monday night. Yes, she had her grill in. And yes, her face looks like it’s melting. And yes, she’s still wearing those orthopedic shoes. Sigh… poor Madge.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.



I haven’t paid much attention to Jill Duggar-Dillard and her husband Derick Dillard. I mean, I assumed they were nutjobs, of course, but they really haven’t seemed as aggressive about everything compared to the rest of the Duggar family. But this week, Derick has become Public Enemy #1. Well, the #1 Enemy of Team Cat.

The backstory: the East Coast and Mid-West has been crippled by snow for weeks now. Areas that normally don’t even see an inch of snow got a foot or more in February. So, that’s led to something nice: lots of kids and adults have gotten an extended winter holiday and a chance to do fun snow-related activities, like sledding. The Duggar family went out sledding at some point in the past week, and Derick Dillard decided to aim his sled at a poor little ginger cat who was just minding her own business on a snow bank. They filmed the whole thing.

Sledding with friends and family at the Duggar home #smallestsled

A video posted by Derick Dillard (@derickdillard) on Feb 28, 2015 at 9:18pm PST

What’s more disturbing? That Derick aimed his makeshift sled (it’s a baking sheet) at the cat or that the other Duggars laughed and laughed like it was the funniest thing to see a poor kitty get run over by a 180-pound dude?

Obviously, Team Cat is not amused. Team Cat is coming for the Duggars, Derick in particular. Team Cat lives on the internet. Team Cat is all over Derick’s social media, bitching him out. But he still hasn’t removed this video. TEAM CAT WILL GET THEIR REVENGE.


Photos courtesy of Derick Dillard’s Instagram.


Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea may have quit Twitter, but she can’t stop talking. Iggy has a new interiew with Power 106, where she talks about losing Best Rap Album (to Eminem) at the Grammys. To Iggy’s credit, she realizes the backlash after she won the AMA was nothing compared to what would have happened if she won a Grammy.

I chose not embed this video interview for obvious reasons. You can watch it here if you dare. This is one of the crudest discussions I’ve heard from Iggy. She threatens to take a male appendage to her haters, and I’m not excerpting that portion because it’s so disturbing — especially after Iggy schooled Eminem when he threatened a similar fate for her. Iggy has a different problem with Eminem, specifically why he’s not called out for being a white rapper. She also claims that her history of racist tweets was photoshopped:

Iggy vs. Emimem at the Grammys: “I found it to be kind of ironic. It was because I’m white, therefore I’m appropriating culture. But then Eminem won it — who’s white and won it many times — and they didn’t seem to say anything about that.”

Her racist tweets: “Having to deal with people photoshopping things that I say, and then other people really thinking that they’re true. Like ‘n-word this’ or ‘I hate every race’. Tweet about me hating Asian people, black people – I hate everyone, apparently. That annoyed me. Nobody wants to be called a racist … Nobody wants to feel like they’re Hitler. That was weak. That was lame.”

She’s happy for the Grammy loss: “I did not want to win that award. My speech would have been like, ‘F*** this! I don’t want it! Take it! Get away from me!’. I’m glad I didn’t win because people already hate me enough. I do not need to be hated any more. Are you ever going to leave me alone? I lost. You should be happy. Sh*t. Bye.”

[From Power 106 on Youtube]

Well, I agree with Iggy that it would have been a mess if she’d won a Grammy. She still doesn’t understand the cultural appropriation mess or why her critics have a point. All she can do is compare herself to Eminem in terms of being a white rapper. I’m not about to excuse Eminem for his recent stunt-queening lyrics at all. All I know is that Iggy believes she should be treated with the same respect as Eminem, or he should go down with her. She sees Eminem as an equal.

Here are some photos of Iggy at a gas station last month. A fan jumped up to help her pump. She didn’t seem to mind one bit.

Iggy Azalea

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN



Tiny hands and tiny feet…God has blessed us with an amazing gift! Isaiah Michael Fisher – born on February 27. Welcome to the world, sweet angel!

A photo posted by Carrie Underwood (@carrieunderwood) on Mar 3, 2015 at 7:33am PST

Carrie Underwood, 31, announced on Instagram that she and her husband, Mike Fisher, 34, have welcomed their first child, a boy named Isaiah. I didn’t even remember she was pregnant because it seems like she’s laid low for the past few months. Isaiah was actually born last Friday, February 27. Carrie shared the above photo yesterday, which only showed little Isaiah’s hand. It would have been nice to have seen his face, but at lease she told us the name. (*cough* Blake Lively *cough*)

Isaiah is a Biblical name, it’s also a book in the Old Testament. Carrie is an outspoken Christian who reads the bible. She also supports gay marriage, yay! So Carrie and Mike picked a very old school Biblical name. It’s better than Moses, probably because it’s one of the lesser-known Bible names.

Carrie and Mike have been married since July, 2010, and seem to have deliberately waited to have children. Carrie has said several times in the past that she wasn’t ready to have kids yet, and that she knew it would be a big responsibility. To me, that sounds like she waited, considered motherhood carefully and went into it with her husband with open eyes.

Congratulations to Carrie and Mike on their new arrival!

View image | gettyimages.com

View image | gettyimages.com

View image | gettyimages.com



I’ve got some good news and some bad news. Good news: Michelle Williams has finally grown out her pixie after many, many months of awkwardness. That’s the thing about pixie cuts: they are a bitch to grow out. Bad news: Michelle really seems to want to make the white-blonde color happen. And I’m not in love with it. Overall though, I’d say that she looks really good in this Elle UK editorial for the April cover. But I would like to see her soften her blonde. Or even go brunette (she looked nice as a brunette). Michelle is wearing Louis Vuitton in every shot of this editorial too – she’s the current face of LV, so there you go. Anyway, here are some excerpts from Michelle’s interview:

Her work-life-mom balance: ‘You truly never know what’s going to happen. And to have things go wrong, or to make mistakes in real time and then be able to assimilate whatever is different is a tremendous feeling. To find in those moments that one doesn’t stop, or perish, or run away, but that you can rely on yourself to process things and keep going.’

She’s exhausted: ‘I feel like I’m so good at raising a kid when I’m not working. I don’t forget anything. I’ve got everything covered. It’s a real luxury to have a moment when I’m not scrambling. I feel like most of my life, I’m trying to do two things at once, both to the best of my abilities. So that leaves me feeling pretty exhausted. I’m the person who falls asleep all the time. You invite me over for dinner or to a party, and there’s a whole scrapbook of pictures of me napping. I’ve even been given a nickname because of my snoring.’

She doesn’t do Twitter, but she reads poetry: ‘I love poetry because it’s like a shot, like an attack, like a dose. And for a person who doesn’t have very much free time, it does its work very quickly. So I read poems on my phone when I wake up in the morning. It opens you up for the rest of the day, and suddenly your life becomes a little more observed. And when it becomes more observed, it can’t help but start to become more beautiful.’

[From Elle UK]

I could not read poetry as soon as I woke up. But then again, I read Page Six as soon as I wake up (gossip blogging is totes glamorous). But I feel her when she says “it’s like a shot, like an attack, like a dose…” I’m reading and writing all day for work. When I’m reading for fun, most days I need something simple, which is why I go with magazines or essay collections or short stories. I’m done with something in 20 minutes, which is perfect for me.

As for the rest of it… I feel like we’ve been hearing a lot less about Michelle’s personal life in the past two years or so. There was a marked decrease as soon as she was done with Jason Segel. She dated an artist named Dustin Yellin for a year, but they broke up last May and from what I can see, she’s been pretty much single since. I’d like her to find someone, but I always get the feeling (from her interviews) that she lives with the ghost, you know?

Photos courtesy of Kerry Hallihan/Elle UK.


Rita Ora

Rita Ora covers the April issue of InStyle UK in an Asian-inspired spread with lots of fabulous prints and relevant architecture lurking in the background. She’s promoting her role as Christian Grey’s sister in 50 Shades. Rita’s hustled plenty for this film, which seems unfair since she only snagged less than a minute of screentime. Critics called her out on the “blink and you’ll miss it” role, and Rita grew indignant. She’s already signed on for two sequels and promises her role will grow more substantial. If I were Rita, I’d be thrilled to skip out on this mess. She can still include the film in her repertoire, and Rita has a firm supporter in Harvey Weinstein. She may be set for the next few years no matter what. Here are some InStyle excerpts:

Her career setbacks:“I’ve been told ‘no’ so many times in my career. It doesn’t mean it’s over … I can remember every single ‘no’ I’ve been told in my life. They do not leave my brain. But they build you up.”

On snagging the 50 Shades role: “I said I’d love to involved as I was such a fan of the book. And then Sam said, ‘Well, why don’t you audition?’ And I said, ‘Sure … I’ve got a few song ideas, I could send them over…’ and she said, ‘No, why don’t you audition for the movie?’ And I was like, ‘What?, I’ve done a bit of acting, but honestly didn’t expect to be put into that role. I thought, what have I got to lose? I auditioned like everybody else — there were a lot of other people in the frame. I didn’t get any special treatment. I perfected my American accent, one thing led to another, and I got it.”

She rejected The Voice: “I said no straight away. I love the show but I wanted to focus on my second album. And then I spoke to will.I.am and he said “Listen, if you don’t do it, I won’t do it.’”

[From InStyle UK]

I’ve said this before — Rita’s musical appeal evades my sensibilities, but her unparallelled hustle works wonders. She plays a good game, which may only have temporary results, but it’s still an admirable haul. I don’t think anyone can judge her acting prowess by four lines in 50 Shades, but we’ll see how she fares in the coming years. At this point, producers could slip anyone into the cast slots and make it work.

FYI, here’s Rita in a silly blue fur coat in London last weekend. Rita attended the same event as Kim Kardashian, they both wore the same pink latex dress. No wonder Rita kept her coat on outside the venue.

Rita Ora

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, WENN & Marcin Tyszka/InStyle UK



Cosmo April '14 Cover

Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie split up a while back, but they seemed to be genuinely working on their issues. Until Mike Comrie was caught blatantly offering random women money for sex. Then Hilary couldn’t file for divorce fast enough. Sources told Us Weekly that when Hilary heard about that incident, she “realized Mike would never change” and that she needed to call it quits. So, with that knowledge, here’s Hilary’s brave, fearless single-girl Cosmo cover. After reading these quotes… she’s been ready to divorce him for a while.

On her marriage & divorce with Mike Comrie: “Mike and I were very in love when we met. We both really wanted to get married. I’d been working since the age of 11 or 12, so making that choice at a young age seemed right for me. Maybe it wasn’t, but we spent the majority of our time together really happy. It wasn’t working well enough to stay together, but there was still a lot of love involved. It was just a slow set-in of us not being the match that we used to be. I’m lucky for the person he is and I am and how we decided to handle this.”

On her view of marriage, post-divorce: “I don’t want to sound bitter because I’m definitely not, but I don’t know if people are meant to be together forever. Things happen over a long relationship that you can’t always fight. A marriage of 20 years, the accomplishment of that must feel really great, but there are also huge sacrifices. I just always want to fight for happiness.”

On Aaron Carter’s recent declarations of love for Duff on Twitter: “Him reaching out through social media? It’s ridiculous! But then people do it all the time, like Chris Brown and Karrueche? Come on, guys. Keep it between text messages.”

Her Hollywood crush: “Charlie Hunnam.”

[From Cosmo]

Girl, Charlie Hunnam is everyone’s crush!!! Get in line! As for the other stuff… I don’t mean this in a rude or “talk to the hand” way, but Hilary’s comments about love and marriage sound pretty typical of a woman getting out of a marriage. I appreciate the fact that she’s not doing a bigger “WOE IS ME” routine, but pretty much every woman getting out of a marriage wonders if we’re are really meant to couple up for the rest of our lives.

Photos courtesy of Eric Ray Davidson/Cosmo.
Cosmo April '14 Cover
Cosmo April '15 Hilary Duff 1
Cosmo April '15 Hilary Duff 2



There must be something in the water, because there’s been a noticeable baby boom in Hollywood!

From Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher’s firstborn child, to Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz’s second son, to Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively‘s daughter, we can’t help but notice all the new babies arriving into Tinseltown in recent weeks.

Let’s take a look at 10 new arrivals in Hollywood…

  • Cy & Bowie Perego:

It was double the congratulations to Zoe Saldana and Marco Perego.

“Our boys Cy and Bowie are finally here. Marco and I wanted to thank you for your beautiful wishes and for your patience,” the Guardians of the Galaxy actress Tweeted. “Happy #2015! Starting our New Year with a full house.”

The twins arrived on Nov. 27, 2014, but Saldana announced their birth in early 2015.

  • James (?) Reynolds:

In the last week of December 2014, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively welcomed their first child – a daughter rumored to be named James.

The Gossip Girl star, 27, and the Green Lantern actor, 38, welcomed their first child, Page Six was first to report.

The private couple – who tied the knot in a secret ceremony in Sept. 2011 – welcomed their baby girl in New York. They’ve remained mum on all other information regarding their daughter.

  • Genesis Ali Dean:

It was another boy for Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz.

The Grammy Award-winning singer, 33, and her record producer husband, 36, welcomed their second child – a son named Genesis Ali Dean – on Dec. 27, the singer announced via Instagram.

Posting a picture of her newborn’s footprints and name, the Girl of Fire singer announced that her son arrived at 1:52 a.m., and he weighed in at 6 pounds, 5 ounces.

“The joy of joy is joy!! It’s a boy!! we are so grateful!! #blessings!!,” she captioned the photo.

The couple are also parents to 4-year-old son Egypt Daoud.

  • Brooklyn Elisabeth Lachey:

It was a girl this time around for Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lachey.

The 98 Degrees singer, 41, and the Dads actress, 34, welcomed their second child – daughter Brooklyn Elisabeth Lachey – on Jan. 5, she announced on her website.

Baby Brooklyn — who was born at 5:17 p.m., weighing 7 lbs., 15 oz. and measured 21 inches in length — joins big brother Camden, 2.

“I have been dreaming of this moment for as long as I can remember, the day I was going to meet my little girl. A friend recently told me how magical today was going to be because it’s the day I would meet my best friend,” Vanessa wrote.

She added: “I can’t even begin to tell you how it felt to hold her in my arms for the very first time. Mommy, Daddy and big brother Cam love you so much already, Brooklyn!”

  • Vivienne Margaret MacArthur:

It was a girl for Ali Larter and Hayes MacArthur.

The Legends actress, 38, and her writer-comedian husband, 37, welcomed their second child – daughter Vivienne Margaret – on Jan. 15, the actress announced on her website.

“We couldn’t be more excited to share news of the arrival of Vivienne Margaret MacArthur,” the Heroes alum wrote alongside a photo of her precious newborn.

She added: “She came bearing gifts for her brother: Batman sheets and lots of gummy bears!!! 7.5 lbs. of love.”

Vivienne joins big brother, Theodore, 4.

  • Sasha Piqué Mebarak:

Congratulations are in order for Shakira and Gerard Piqué.

The Grammy Award-winning singer, 37, and the football star, 27, welcomed their second child – a son named Sasha Piqué Mebarak – on Jan. 29, she announced on her website.

Joining 2-year-old big brother Milan, the couple’s baby boy was born at 9:54 p.m. in Barcelona, Spain.

“The name Sasha is of Greek and Russian descent and means ‘defender of mankind’ and ‘warrior,’” the birth announcement reads. “The hospital confirmed that both mother and child are in excellent health.”

  • Sailor Gene Gardner:

It was another boy for Liv Tyler.

The Leftovers actress, 37, and her boyfriend, sports manager/agent David Gardner, welcomed their baby boy on Feb. 11. “He’s healthy and everyone is very happy,” her rep said at the time, remaining mum on the moniker.

Then on Feb. 20, the newborn’s nautical name was revealed with a photo of Liv’s sweet tot holding a blue stone necklace featuring a diamond encrusted anchor.

The Armageddon star captioned the image: “Sailor Gene Gardner.”

Sailor is the actress’ second son — she welcomed Milo in Dec. 2004 with ex-husband Royston Langdon.

Gardner is also dad to 7-year-old son Gray from his previous marriage.

  • Lachlyn Hope Gosselaar:

Congratulations to Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Catriona McGinn.

The Saved by the Bell alum, 40, and his wife welcomed their second child – daughter Lachlyn Hope – on Feb. 17, he announced via Twitter.

“So in love with our new baby girl,” the actor Tweeted. “Mum and baby are healthy and happy. 2 boys, 2 girls, too perfect!”

The newborn is Gosselaar’s second child with McGinn. They are also parents to 16-month-old son Dekker Edward.

This is the fourth child for Gossellar. The actor is also dad to son Michael Charles, 10, and daughter Ava Lorenn, 8, from his previous marriage.

  • Isaiah Michael Fisher:

Big congratulations to Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher.

The country music superstar, 31, and her hockey player husband, 34, welcomed their first child – son Isaiah Michael Fisher – on Feb. 27, she announced via Instagram.

“Tiny hands and tiny feet…God has blessed us with an amazing gift! Isaiah Michael Fisher – born on February 27. Welcome to the world, sweet angel!,” the proud new mom captioned the first photo of their newborn’s hand.

  • Rhodes Emilio Gilbert Perry:

It was baby No. 3 for Sara Gilbert.

The Talk co-host, 40, and her musician wife Linda Perry, 49, welcomed son Rhodes Emilio Gilbert Perry on Feb. 28.

Baby Rhodes is Gilbert’s first child with Perry. The Roseanne alum is also mom to daughter Sawyer, 7½, and son Levi, 10, from her previous relationship with Allison Adler.

“Our very own Sara and her wife Linda are the proud parents of a new baby boy and both mother and child are doing well,” co-host Julie Chen said on Monday’s show.

Congratulations to all of the new parents in Hollywood! Who has the best – and worst – baby name?


Idris Elba is shooting a new series of Luther.


At least that’s what the paps are saying. Oh, and guess what? Gidget is in it! That’s Rose Leslie, from Game Of Thrones. Because I can never say her character’s name. Idris &a…      


Furious 7 actress Elsa Pataky covers the latest issue of Women’s Health U.K. and opens up about family life with husband, Thor star Chris Hemsworth, and their three kids: daughter India, 2, and 11-month-old twin sons Tristan and Sasha.

On exercising up to 35 weeks pregnant with her sons: “With twins you have the risk of giving birth early, so I had to calm down a bit which is very difficult for me. I found an instructor who knows Pilates especially for pregnancy, so could tell me the exact exercises to do, so I could just work my legs and not bother my belly, which was getting huge.”

On her husband: “Chris is a really good cook. Often, I’ll put the kids to bed and he’ll cook. He does really good meat and fish, amazing salads. And soups! When we’re in London [when Chris was filming Rush in 2012], he had to lose weight and every night it’d be a new vegetable soup—he’s really good at it!”

On her husband being named “The Sexiest Man Alive“: “It’s funny when it’s your husband. For me, sexy is the inside of someone. Of course I think he’s beautiful and fit, but I will never tell him that because he will get too, how do you say, ‘cocky’? He’ll be like, ‘What do you think of that?’ And I’ll say, ‘Well, I’ve been the sexiest woman in Spain for a lot of years.’ It’s all just a joke, though.”

For more from Elsa, go to Women’s Health U.K.

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