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Reclusive Australian singer Sia features in the April issue of Interview magazine. She talks with Kristen Wiig (who performed with Maddie Ziegler to “Chandelier” at the Grammys). They discuss about a handful of subjects but at least half of the interview involves Sia’s blond, bobbed wig shtick. The whole editorial shoot (you can see it here) depicts the wig in various scenarios. I’ve talked before about Sia’s genius songwriting skills and her eccentric ways. Fans of her music are used to the backwards wig by now ane don’t question it. Sia must feel the heat because she justifies her wig in several different ways. Sia starts off by saying she based the bob on the idea of Amy Winehouse as “the bouffant.” Then all these other reasons pop up:

The wig = privacy: “People say, ‘Enough of this sh*t where she doesn’t show her face,’ and ‘It’s a gimmick.’ I have nothing to lose. But of course I want to be loved. So when people say, ‘Show your face, you’re not ugly.’ I want to say, ‘I know. I’m not doing it because I think I’m ugly; I’m trying to have some control over my image. And I’m allowed to maintain some modicum of privacy. But also I would like not to be picked apart or for people to observe when I put on ten pounds or take off ten pounds or I have a hair extension out of place or my fake tan is botched.’ Most people don’t have to be under that pressure, and I’d like to be one of them. I don’t want to be followed by paparazzi. I don’t go on Twitter. Because when people say things like, I don’t know, ‘I hope you get cancer and die,’ it hurts my feelings. I want you to be entertained. I want you to get the full package. I’d just rather it not center around whether or not I have cellulite.”

The wig = longevity: “I’m 39, and I would like to be able to make great pop music for another 20 years. And it feels like creating a sort of inanimate blond bob and allowing other people to play the role of the pop singer, it affords me a little bit more freedom in terms of my expiration date.”

The wig = a money saver: “I’ll just have to keep trying to do it. Because my ego could definitely get in the way. You know, I made a mistake. I went to parties on Oscar night and I didn’t hide my face. And then I realized that it’s work. What was I thinking? I could have dinner with these people at their houses, but anywhere you go now where there’s a camera, it’s actually work. I was excited because I got invited to these big, fancy parties. And then you realize, ‘If I’m going to go, I’m going to need to get a tan. I’m going to need to have my roots done. I’m going to have extensions, probably. I’m going to get a stylist for sure. I’m going to have to work out five times that week with Jennifer Aniston’s trainer.’ This is commerce and I’m $5,000 in the hole just to go to a party. So it was a great learning experience. That is not what I’m going to be doing in the future. But it’s funny to hear people in the biz say, ‘Oh, it’s nice you showed your pretty face.’ You, of all people, should know. You can’t even leave the house. I need to go to a meeting, a 12-step meeting, and then, like, hang out with a bunch of really f***ing major weirdoes. That’s what I need.”

[From Interview]

Sia goes on to discuss her belief in aliens and mermaids/Daryl Hannah, but she’s scared of the government possibly working with aliens. So she thinks about dogs instead. Good plan.

The whole wig thing … I understand that the wig is Sia’s security blanket in many ways. There’s a lot of anxiety within her words. I love how she talks about the stress of going to industry parties and how there’s so much prep time and money involved. We don’t hear celebrities discuss that stuff often enough. She feels like she made a mistake showing her face on Oscars night, which is where I get confused. Sia hid her face on Oscar night for at least one shindig. Here are photos of Sia at the Vanity Fair party. Her new husband, Erik Anders, still seems amused by her wig routine.



Photos courtesy of Gregory Harris/Interview & WENN




Kit Harington is not a big guy. At all. In photos, he seems like he could be sort of lanky, but he’s not. I doubt he’s much taller than 5’6”, although his official height is 5’8? (yeah right). I’m not saying that as disrespect – he can’t help it! And at least he’s not wearing lifts. Although I do suspect that he’s probably standing on some crates during some Game of Thrones scenes. What’s my point? My point is that Kit really isn’t a bodice-ripping hunk. He isn’t traditional man-candy. He’s a small guy with permanent sad-face and nice hair. But to Kit’s way of thinking, we’re constantly ogling him and objectifying him. You know nothing, Kit Harington! Some highlights from a recent Kit interview:

Don’t objectify him: “To always be put on a pedestal as a hunk is slightly demeaning. It really is and it’s in the same way as it is for women. When an actor is seen only for her physical beauty, it can be quite offensive. Well, it’s not just men that can be inappropriate sexually; women can be as well. I’m in a successful TV show in a kind of leading man way and it can sometimes feel like your art is being put to one side for your sex appeal. And I don’t like that. In this position you get asked a lot, ‘Do you like being a heartthrob? Do you like being a hunk?’ Well, my answer is, ‘That’s not what I got into it for.”

He’s a romantic: “I’m a hopeless romantic, maybe to a fault at times, because it’s gotten me into trouble. But I love romance. I think it’s one of the greatest pleasures in life. It’s about giving each other something, it’s giving something away and it should be a most unselfish act. It’s saying, ‘I’ve hired a little cottage somewhere. We’re going away! Surprise!’”

He’s single: “I’m single and I have been for a while. And when I said that I’m a hopeless romantic, I’m trying not only to search for the love of my life, but to learn to be happy with myself and who I am as a person. Hopefully that lovely lady will come along one day. And although I love romance, I’m trying to live without it at the moment.”

His weakness when it comes to women: “Redheads. Love redheads.”

His popular hair: “Yeah, it irritates me. People become fascinated by very particular things and I find that really interesting, whether it’s a catchphrase or someone’s hair … But I love that I seem to have brilliant hair. I suppose it’s a great thing in life, isn’t it?” He laughs. “Especially that I’m terrified of going bald.”

[From Page Six]

Congrats, redheads. You can have the sad-faced wee bastard who knows nothing. This is actually one of my new favorite things: men getting pissy when they’re treated like pieces of meat, or when they’re treated like every single actress or woman out there. Even Jon Hamm got pissy about it when people started talking about the Hammaconda. My opinion? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Besides, listening to Kit Harington of all people complain about his beefcake status is… um… interesting? Maybe that’s because Kit is only like 16th most attractive dude on Game of Thrones. I’d rather bang The Hound before I’d do Jon Snow. I’d rather bang Jorah Mormont. I’d rather bang Jamie Lannister. I’d rather bang Brienne of Tarth.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.



Last Friday, Amanda Knox’s second murder conviction was overturned in Italy. She is officially free, although one could argue that even if the conviction had been held up by the Italian Supreme Court, Knox would still be a free woman because it was always doubtful that the American authorities would extradite her. So, what’s next for Amanda Knox? Well, according to Knox’s lawyer, Amanda is maybe going to sue for financial compensation for the four years she spent in prison.

Amanda Knox may have one final fight left in her. Just days after she and her former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were acquitted of murder charges, the 27-year-old is said to be heading back to Italy. Knox’s lawyers confirmed to reporters that she will be headed to a Lo Stivale court to seek compensation for the four years she spent in prison for the murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher in 2007.

“She will be seeking compensation for wrongful imprisonment,” Carlo Dalla Vedova, her attorney, told the Telegraph.

Meanwhile, Sollecito’s father, Francesco, told media outlets that deciding upon a settlement amount has been no easy feat for the two twentysomethings.

“You could hardly quantify a compensation figure, it has been such an awful business,” he explained. “We were pilloried.”

[From E! News]

That’s interesting. I don’t blame people for seeking financial compensation when a grave injustice has been done, but in Knox’s case in particular, didn’t she get a big book deal? Didn’t she sell the film rights to her story? I’m sure her lawyers have been paid and I’m sure Amanda has money to live on. But I guess she wants to prove, one last time, that she was wrongfully convicted. I wonder if Meredith Kercher’s family will seek some kind of compensation or further explanation for what happened as well.

Meanwhile, Raffaele Sollecito (Knox’s former boyfriend and co-defendant) was acquitted too, and he has released several statements about his ordeal. He told People Magazine that he was grateful that the “nightmare” was finally over. He said that when he heard the news about the Supreme Court’s ruling, he celebrated with his family. And he says Knox called him that night. Here’s part of his statement to People:

“At times, I realize that I do not yet feel a complete sense of freedom. I was trapped in this for so long that now I won’t be able to switch back to how my life was before. Part of me will never be the same. Part of me is destroyed.”

“I am obviously very happy for Amanda, since I knew from the start that she had nothing to with it and I believed in her innocence. But now it is time to move on. I no longer want this tragedy to tie us together. I no longer want to be known as ‘Amanda Knox’s former Italian boyfriend.’ I want to be known for something else than being connected by the prosecutors to a gruesome murder in which I had no part. I prefer to be known as Raffaele Sollecito, the guy who faced all of this and came through at the other end.”

“I still have a hard time in doing even the most basic things, like smiling. I have to remind myself of how to even smile. People will say to me: ‘Hey! Cheer up! It’s all over! Smile!’ but for me it hasn’t really sunken in.”

[From People]

I do feel sorry for him. I believe in his innocence way more than I believe in anyone else’s. And I’m glad that he no longer has to live with this cloud over his head.

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of WENN, Getty.



Benedict Cumberbatch did not attend last night’s Jameson Empire Awards, unfortunately. I was looking forward to seeing some big-name people there, but it ended up being kind of a non-event. It’s also surprising given that Benedict seems to have developed a love for the spotlight, and he’s desperate to make appearances, anywhere and at any time. Oh, well.

Last week, Benedict helped honor Richard III at his big funeral/re-burial. Cumby read a poem by Britain’s poet laureate and he wore a nice scarf and all was well with the world. The Batch later spoke to the Daily Express about what it meant to him to be a part of the service and to play Richard III in the upcoming The War of the Roses (The Hollow Crown). Some highlights:

The funeral: “Having just played his very different Shakespearean characterisation I was intrigued to see what the real historical event would be like and to be a part of this extraordinary moment of remembrance. Then what really sealed the deal was this beautiful poem. It’s an extraordinary moment to be witnessing a monarch who has been found after hundreds of years in a car park being reinterred in a cathedral hundreds of yards away. It is a very special thing to witness, let alone be asked to perform at.”

Historians finding Richard’s remains: “As it unfolded you realised the discovery was real, the drama was unheard of in a documentary like that. It wasn’t a high profile programme but it became so because of what they discovered. There was a glorious romanticism about that.”

The real Richard & the princes in the tower: “I’ve no qualms in viewing both entities of the man in completely different categories. The fictionalised Shakespearean version of him, while based on some truths, has taken huge dramatic licence. I don’t come down on one side. Both need to co-exist. It has brought up a debate about how history can be re-imagined and retold and how something so important to us of old can suddenly have new life. Those are positives we should concentrate on. We’ve got an extraordinary play about power and about an adolescent outsider being turned into a despotic ruler but it is called a tragedy. He realises by the end of the play the error of his ways. That is extraordinary dramatic art but the real Richard story is becoming equally dramatic so I think both have a place in our culture and one should not cancel the other out.”

[From The Express]

I fear I’m going to have to delve deeper into English history before covering Benedict’s promotional tour for The War of the Roses. I mean, I know some of it, but I’m really coming away from this discussion feeling like I don’t know enough about English history. I was always more of an American Revolution history-buff. And World War II history buff. But this? Er, I need to learn more.


Photos courtesy Newsnight on the BBC, WENN.


Harvey Weinstein

This story is rather unsettling for many reasons. Harvey Weinstein — best known as a heavy-handed producer and the guy who’s made half of Hollywood wear Marchesa — was accused by a young model of groping her. Harvey’s one of the key forces in Hollywood, and his influence runs far and wide. There have been sketchy whispers here and there. Now the co-chairman of The Weinstein Co. may be in legal trouble. A young model has come forward with allegations that he groped her during a work-related meeting. Uh-oh:

A 22-year-old Italian woman told cops that high-profile Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein sexually abused her in Manhattan, police sources said Monday.

The woman, who wasn’t identified, told cops that Weinstein, 63, touched her private area and her breasts around 6 p.m. Friday at the Tribeca Film Center, the sources said.

Weinstein has been questioned by police, and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance will determine whether to file charges, a police source said.

“He initiated the contact,” the source said of Weinstein. “He saw her and spoke to her. She didn’t know who he was until he approached her.”

Weinstein is co-founder of Miramax and has produced a host of hit movies, including Shakespeare in Love and Gangs of New York. He is married to Georgina Chapman, an English fashion designer and co-founder of fashion label Marchesa. They were married in 2007.

Weinstein’s rep did not immediately offer a response when contacted by the Daily News on Monday.

[From New York Daily News]

Harvey hasn’t been charged with any crimes yet, so who knows what will come of these allegations. The Guardian adds that the woman met Harvey for the first time on Thursday. She agreed to meet with him on Friday to discuss “business” at the Tribeca Film Center. The alleged groping occurred around 6pm. The New York Post adds that Weinstein inquired whether her breasts were real before the grope. Sources close to Weinstein tell the Post, “We believe this is a blackmail attempt, and he did nothing wrong.

Just a reminder: Harvey’s been married to Georgina Chapman since 2007, and they have two children together. No comment so far from Georgina.

Harvey Weinstein

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




Does anyone else think it’s weird and oddly un-feminist to create lists and rankings of the world’s top feminists? I mean, I could sort of see creating a list of cool feminists for everyone to enjoy, but ranking them? As if one woman’s feminism is more powerful or important than someone else’s? It’s silly. But here we are. Emma Watson has “won” the top spot in a lot of the recent rankings lately, but in this latest list, Angelina Jolie scored the #1 position. What if we had Feminist March Madness? What if we created Feminist Brackets and ESPN covered it?

Angelina Jolie has been crowned the nation’s top feminist icon, beating the most legendary living voice of women’s rights, Germaine Greer. The Maleficent actress beat The Female Eunuch author in the nationwide poll for her extraordinary work, like campaigning against rape as a weapon of war in her role as UN Special Envoy.

In second place – and following in Jolie’s footsteps as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador – is Emma Watson, who recently launched the HeForShe campaign for gender equality. The third spot was clinched by How To Be A Woman author and outspoken journalist, Caitlin Moran, ahead of Jennifer Lawrence, who impressed the world with her powerful response to the leaked intimate photos of herself.

Finally, Greer comes in at number five, above Taylor Swift, a vocal feminist who was applauded for her Blank Space music video, which passionately attacks misogyny. Seventh place was awarded to Cara Delevingne, who recently backed Watson’s HeForShe campaign and also led a mock feminist protest for Chanel. Patricia Arquette’s impassioned Oscars speech, which demanded gender wage equality, secured her the eighth position. Beyonce, once lauded as the showbiz queen of feminism, was relegated to number nine ahead of Charlotte Church, who cemented her self-confessed ‘raving feminist’ role with her triumphant BBC lecture about sexism in the music industry.

A spokesperson for feminist fashion house www.roseandwillard.com, who commissioned the research, said: ‘We are driven by the empowerment of women and celebration of their femininity, which Angelina Jolie embodies perfectly. The poll shows that this is the brand of feminism currently favoured by the public.’

[From The Daily Mail]

Since I’m a Brangeloonie, I have no problem with this. I think Angelina is an awe-inspiring feminist and a tireless advocate for women around the world. But I’ll side-eye any list that includes Cara Delevingne so prominently. Seriously? Cara is MORE feminist than Beyonce? See what happens when we have to “rank” feminists?

Photos courtesy of WENN, Nickelodeon.


Zayn Malik

The One Direction scandal shows no signs of slowing down. I didn’t even know a few of these guys’ names last month. Now it’s a boy-band soap opera of epic proportions. We heard how Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, and Liam Payne felt “misled” by Zayn Malik after he quit the band to be “normal.” Zayn was quickly spotted smirking at a recording studio with his new producer, Naughty Boy.

It was only a matter of time before one of the remaining 1D guys popped off. Louis was the first to break from the kumbaya PR message. This shouldn’t surprise the band’s hardcore following. Harry and Zayn were always pushed as a bromance, but it wasn’t real. Louis and Zayn were the closest friends in the group, and Louis is “gutted“ after Zayn’s departure. Zouis is broken, which is sad.

Last night’s heated exchange ended with a preview of Zayn’s first solo single, which I’ll get to in a minute. The drama unfolded when Naughty Boy retweeted “the truth,” which was some bizarro video with the message, “Naughty Boy saved ‘Zaughty’” and “Zaughty will rise.” Fans raged and tweeted at Louis, who blew his stack. What follows is this exchange. There was a mixup where Naughty Boy thought Louis was referring to an old tweet about Louis Walsh being “a d*ck.” That’s not why our Louis was angry:

Louis: “Wow @NaughtyBoyMusic you’re so inconsiderate pal , seriously how f***ing old are you ? Grow up ! #masterofallwisdom” — March 30, 2015

Louis: Always have struggled to bite my tongue — March 30, 2015

Naughty Boy: @Louis_Tomlinson calm down. was talkin bout Louis Walsh cuz he didn’t let someone through on X factor. Look @ the date of the tweet. ???? #2014 — March 31, 2015

Naughty Boy: when ur gettin hate for some thing u didn’t do, a bit of love can go a long way, that’s why I retweeted, time will tell the real story guys — March 31, 2015

Louis: @NaughtyBoyMusic I was talking about the video you tweeted . Clearly trying to wind the fans up ! Well you succeeded anyway . Fair play — March 31, 2015

Louis: @dorksnouis in reply to that stupid video he RT’d . Clearly trying to wind you lot up !!! — March 30, 2015

Louis: Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyy — March 30, 2015

Naughty Boy: @Louis_Tomlinson lol you should let the other boys talk for a change. — March 31, 2015

[From Louis Tomlinson & Naughty Boy on Twitter]

One Direction fans are losing their everloving minds right now. They are convinced that Naughty Boy has pursued Zayn for months, which could be true. Naughty Boy stole their man! This whole thing is shady. One look at Naughty Boy’s Twitter replies may scare you. This is my favorite example that doesn’t include profanity:


— paula (@waldorfsucks) March 29, 2015

Did you hear that, Naughty Boy? You’ve been rejected by the Brazilians. Shots fired!

Naughty Boy took the opportunity to drop a demo for Zayn’s first solo track (“I Won’t Mind”) with this message: “Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.” I talked yesterday about how Zayn wanted a “sexual sound.” Go listen for yourselves? OH, and don’t mess with Louis. He’s busy defending the fandom.

Zayn Malik

Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




Well, it’s official. Prince William has officially started working full-time in the civilian world. Monday, March 30th was his first day with Bond Air Services. In February, his office announced that he had “passed” all 14 exams needed to become a commercial pilot. Originally, William was supposed to begin work around now, then they said he would start in the summer, but then they revised it back to the spring (perhaps they were concerned about William passing his exams). So now William is the first direct heir to the throne to have a real-person peasant job.

Prince William officially started his job in the civilian world Monday, as he reported for his first day of training to become an air ambulance helicopter pilot. He began work with Bond Air Services, who will be employing him as he flies helicopters for East Anglia Air Ambulance. William, 32, will be mainly based at the company’s headquarters at Staverton, Gloucestershire, for training as well as two airfields in Norwich and Cambridge. On Monday he was understood to be in Norwich.

Despite continuing with royal duties, working as an air ambulance pilot will be William’s primary occupation, according to Kensington Palace. And when he is in the area and – especially once he starts flying in the skies above East Anglia – William, Princess Kate, son Prince George, 20 months, and their new baby, due in April, will largely live at their country home Anmer Hall in Norfolk.

William is the first immediate heir in the modern world to have had a job outside the military or royal world. Over the next 12 weeks he will undertake training including time on a flight simulator, courses in paramedic air flying, night vision work and eventually training on the EC145 helicopter. He is expected to start flying in early summer.

The palace says William will continue with his royal duties, at a similar rate as he has been doing in recent years when he juggled some public engagements and tours with his life as a helicopter search and rescue pilot in the Royal Air Force in Wales. That means he will continue performing investitures for Queen Elizabeth II, taking tours and supporting both his charities and the foundation that he shares with his wife Kate and brother Prince Harry.

[From People]

I wonder if his Bond Air Services bosses know that William is probably going to take his full paternity leave starting in… oh, probably three weeks or so. That would concern a regular person starting a new job, but for William, it seems like he lives his life oblivious to how everyone bends over backwards to suit his needs and desires.

Shall we start the betting process on how long it takes for William to get bored with his job? I say by December 2016, he will have quit or he’ll be in the process of leaving. That’s right, I’m giving him a whole year and a half. I think he’ll be bored in six months, he’ll stick it out for a year and by next summer, “sources” will be telling the UK papers that William is exploring some other options. And that’s what I keep saying about William’s Peter Pan Syndrome – first the military and now a private air ambulance company spends hundreds of thousands of dollars/pounds on William’s training only to have him flake out after a year or two. It just doesn’t seem worth it.

Also not worth it? The millions spent renovating Kensington Palace with the understanding that Will and Kate would make London their homebase. Sorry not sorry, taxpayers.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.



Megan Fox’s 2015 Face covers the new issue of Harper’s Bazaar Arabia. I actually have to give her some credit: she doesn’t look drastically different in these photos. I think Megan “tweaks” her face a lot, but it was at its worst circa 2009-10. I think her changing look these days is mostly about her back-to-back pregnancies. Her face is longer now and her lips aren’t so artificially inflated. It’s like she’s de-Kardashianing. Anyway, Megan has something to promote – ??? – and she has a lot to say about her intelligence, her career, motherhood and how uncomfortable she is being seen as some kind of model or music video chick (she’s both).

The criticisms people have of her: “I would say most people assume that I’m not very smart or educated or earnest, because I have this image that I’m sort of narcissistic, chasing attention, and wanting people to like me. It makes me laugh because I’ve done plenty of interviews and when you read the article from beginning to end you can see that I’m not your typical music video model. My life is not about seeking other people’s approval because I know it isn’t going to come.”

Getting kicked off the Transformers franchise: “I think there’s a lot of growing personally that I needed to do, to control my passion. I really wanted to be a mom, and I wasn’t yet, and I really struggled with that. I was just too young to see where I wanted to go.”

The criticism of her acting abilities: “In Transformers I was a kid. I had no idea what I was doing. There was nothing for me to do, but then I did nothing and that was my own call. I don’t take it personally because in some ways I acknowledge and agree. But at the same time, both established comedians and Quentin Tarantino have come up to me and said, ‘I really liked Jennifer’s Body. You were really good in that’. The people whose opinions matter liked it, so I’m OK with that.”

She’s not your mannequin: “I’ve never had fun getting dressed up and going on the red carpet because there’s pressure there. You’re not just getting dressed because you think this is an amazing outfit. You’re getting dressed because there’s an obligation from your side to a certain designer and then you have to go and walk the carpet hoping that someone else isn’t wearing something similar. I’m just sort of the mannequin that they send out, so it’s just not a fun process for me.”

She’s not planning out her career: “I don’t sit back and have a game plan and make decisions about my career like other actors do. I have no ego tied up into my career at all. If I get pitched into a movie I do it and that’s that; it doesn’t matter if it’s weird or small or huge. I trust my intuition.”

Motherhood: “I don’t think I need to teach my children with harsh words or with punishment. I believe that if I love them the right way, there’s no need for that. I’m a free-spirit mother. I don’t talk to Bodhi like he’s an adult, obviously, but I listen to everything he says to me and I believe in him: I believe that he sees things I don’t see, I believe he has things to teach me, and so I don’t act as a disciplinarian or an authority figure per se. I don’t ever want to be a restrictive force on him; I want to be an expansive force…I want him to be inspired by me because he constantly inspires me as well. Motherhood has really deepened me and has given me so much perspective. I’m very dedicated.”

[From E! News]

Do you think Megan Fox is smart? I do not. I don’t think she’s fall-down stupid or anything, but she’s said a mountain of dumb things (even in this interview, she said dumb sh-t) and I think it’s fair game to judge her on her public statements. I can’t blame her for wanting to remind people that she sees herself as a real actress, although let’s be honest: most of the money she makes these days are from her modeling contracts, endorsements and commercial work. It seems stupid to bitch about how you’re not a model or a mannequin when you’re getting millions of dollars to be just that.

Also: “There was nothing for me to do, but then I did nothing and that was my own call.” Explain? No one expected Meryl Streep-level acting in the Transformers franchise, but it seems like Megan is saying yeah, she phoned it in. She didn’t even try.

Photos courtesy of John Russo/Harper’s Bazaar Arabia.


Who Said It?

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
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Who’s up for some celebrity mom trivia?

Can you tell us who said the quote below?

“I’m expecting! I’m far down the road of expecting … I’m six months pregnant, [I’ve] been hiding it until this very moment.”

Leave your guess in the comment section below and good luck! Make sure you check back tomorrow for the answer.


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