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During a Monday appearance on The Tonight Show, new dad Ryan Reynolds joked that his 9-week-old daughter with wife Blake Lively – who is reportedly named James – is not exactly sleeping through the night yet.

“Our baby in particular is we think allergic to sleep,” the Woman in Gold star joked.

“I don’t think that’s possible,” host and father-of-two Jimmy Fallon said.

Reynolds went on to share another theory for his daughter’s lack of sleep.

“We think that she thinks she’s protecting us from the sleep monsters,” he explained. “Like, ‘Oh, I’ve got to keep them up or the sleep monsters will get them.’”

He added: “The trick I try to use is that Baby Einstein stuff, but for me, that’s like horse tranquilizer. I could go down on a lit stove. You could push me out of an airplane,” the actor joked, adding that inspires “the weirdest dreams in the world.”

All joking aside, the actor gushed that life with his newborn is “so good.”

“She’s got me wrapped around her finger,” Reynolds shared. “I am a slave to the rhythm.”

Calling fatherhood “the best,” Reynolds went on to say he “can’t wait” for the years to come. “It’s just going to be teatime every day with her,” he said, adding, “No, she’s going to be a football player.”

As for his own upbringing in Vancouver, Canada, Reynolds says it was “like an episode of Cops every weekend.”

“I came from a family of boys—homicidal boys,” Reynolds joked. Fallon then showed a picture from Reynolds’ youth. “As you can see here, my dad used to cut our hair with a hammer,” he said. “It’s really dull and it takes a long time.”

“We were terrible to each other,” he recalled. “It was like an episode of Cops every weekend.”

Reynolds’ father was a police officer, but the police were never at his house for “social visits.” Instead, Reynolds said, “They were over at our house because people were being thrown through dry wall.”


Taylor Swift was recently interviewed by the Telegraph in the UK. She stays on message: my friends are the priority, I don’t want a boyfriend right now, I’m standing up for art, etc etc etc. But the quote that’s getting the most traction, as you would expect, is the one about Ka…      

Taylor Swift was recently interview by the Telegraph in the UK. She stays on message: my friends are the priority, I don’t want a boyfriend right now, I’m standing up for art, etc etc etc. But the quote that’s getting the most traction, as you would expect, is the one about Katy…      


Kelly Clarkson gave a new interview to Pride Source and while none of the quotes are going to cause a commotion, it’s still an interesting piece. Kelly is promoting her new album, obviously, and as we’ve seen before, she’s definitely pandering a little bit to the Motherhood Industrial Complex. With Kelly, though, it seems genuine. I buy that she’s genuinely thrilled beyond belief to be a mom and she thinks River Rose is the most perfect baby ever. Pride Source even asks her what her reaction would be if River Rose came out to her, and Kelly’s reaction is really cool. You can read the full interview here. Some highlights:

Whether she’s a gay icon: “I guess it’s hard to fathom you can be an icon in general. I don’t consider myself an icon at all, but no – I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends and they like my stuff, so I guess it’s not so hard for me to think (the gay community) might like my music. But I don’t know … I’m not an icon. I’ve only been doing this for 13 years. You’ve gotta be doing it for a good 20 to gain that status.

She’s always been different: “I’ve always been different. I’ve never been the girl that has to feel like she has to get all dolled up every day. I’ve always been kind of a tomboy. I’ve always been very outspoken, and, you know, my mom is too. I don’t know any other way to be. It’s just my personality.”

Raised as a Southern Baptist: “At my church, whenever I did attend Sunday service, that was never talked about. I know that is what the doctrine of Southern Baptist is, but they also said don’t drink and dance, but we drank and danced! (Laughs) I don’t think I grew up in some hardcore community where people were like that. I grew up in a very accepting household. I was taught to accept everybody how they are, and I admire my mom for that. She’s never taught me hate.

What would happen if River Rose was a lesbian: “Oh, I don’t care. I mean, here’s what I hope for her: I just hope she finds love. It took me a while, man. And there was a lot of heartache throughout those years. You know, as long as she’s happy, I don’t care either way, and neither does my husband. And we have two other kids as well, and we don’t care either way for all of them.

Pop stars selling sex: “There’s a reason why women have been revered as long as we have been – even back in the day most statues are of us; most paintings are of us – (and it’s because) we’re a beautiful form, and I get it. I get that that is sexy and I’m so in support of that. I love a sexy video. I don’t even mind raciness. I don’t mind that at all. I just mind when people use that as the entire basis of their career. The only reason that I say that is because I feel those people are short-sighting themselves. I’m like, “You’re far more talented than that.” Yes, you can be sexy and risque, but some of these women have these amazing voices and these amazing ideals, and they have more to offer than just that.

Gay rights & the way forward: “I think it’s silly that we’re still talking about gay rights. I just live in this world where people are accepted, so it’s very hard for me to even realize that that still exists. It’s hard for me to wrap my brain around it. That (gay couple) was a no-brainer, and I didn’t even think, “Oh, I’m making a statement for gay rights.” I was making a statement for the loss of love and the hope that you can still find it, regardless of what form that comes in. It wasn’t a purposeful thing. Love is love in whatever relationship it may be in.

[From Pride Source]

Yeah, I don’t think of Kelly as a gay icon either, but she has the potential to be, for sure, if her career continues for another decade. I think it’s great that she’s so accepting and “love is love” about LGBTQ issues in general, and specifically about her family. Her words reminded me of what Brad Pitt has always said about his kids too – that he’s considered what would happen if one of them came out and he would be completely fine with it. That’s what we want from this new generation of parents, isn’t it?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Kelly’s Instagram.



Proud mama Kelly Clarkson shared some new photos of her 8-month-old daughter River Rose via Instagram Monday.

“@jimmyfallon there’s no way you’re ready for this amount of awesome ….just sayin’ :),” the Heartbeat Song singer captioned the adorable image backstage at The Tonight Show.

Clarkson went on to share a shot with the show’s host, Jimmy Fallon, and her adorable tot.

“River’s first #FallonTonight …..thanks for having us @jimmyfallon! Everybody tune in tonight!,” she wrote.

During her Monday night appearance on The Tonight Show, Clarkson and Fallon performed a medley of duets, including Sonny & Cher’s I Got You Babe; Inez and Charlie Foxx’s Mockingbird; Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton’s Islands in the Stream; Human League’s Don’t You Want Me; Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty’s Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around; Elton John and Kiki Dee’s Don’t Go Breaking My Heart; Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes’ Up Where We Belong; Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville’s Don’t Know Much; Paula Abdul and The Wild Pair’s Opposite’s Attract; and Pink and Nate Ruess’ Just Give Me a Reason. The musical pair ended the set by singing Lionel Richie and Diana Ross’ Endless Love.

Clarkson has been doing promotional rounds for her upcoming album, Piece by Piece.

During a recent interview with Pride Source, the Grammy Award-winning singer talked about her impact on the LGBT community and her massive gay fan base.

“I think it’s silly that we’re still talking about gay rights,” Clarkson told the publication. “I just live in this world where people are accepted, so it’s very hard for me to even realize that that still exists. It’s hard for me to wrap my brain around it.”

Since her American Idol win in 2002, the Texas native, 32, claims she hasn’t been around long enough to be considered an “icon,” but recalled meeting one lesbian fan who referred to herself as a “Kezbo.”

“I was like, ‘Wait, there’s enough of you to have a group? That’s amazing!,’” Clarkson said. “I don’t ever look at a fan as a gay fan or a lesbian fan or a straight fan — I don’t ever look at that. Fans are fans, and no matter what our lives are like, no matter what path we’re on, music is the one thing that connects us.”

As for her own family, the new mom said she’d support her daughter and stepkids Savannah, 13, and Seth, 8, if they eventually came out to her.

“Oh, I don’t care,” Clarkson said. “I mean, here’s what I hope for her: I just hope she finds love. It took me a while, man. And there was a lot of heartache throughout those years. You know, as long as she’s happy, I don’t care either way, and neither does my husband. And we have two other kids as well, and we don’t care either way for all of them.”

She added: “I’d be like, ‘Awesome! When do we meet him or her?’ Honestly, it’s so funny, it doesn’t even register in my world as different,” the former American Idol said. “I don’t know why. But yeah, it doesn’t. I’m glad it doesn’t!”

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Elsa Pataky covers the new issue of Women’s Health UK. The shoot is actually rather pretty, and Elsa is showing off her truly aspirational figure. She’s very athletic and props to her. I’ve never been able to get abs like that, but that’s mostly because I loathe crunches and such. In the interview, Elsa talks about how she loves being active with her three young children and her super-buff husband, of course. Some highlights:

She’s all about fitness: ‘I mean, I love fitness, I love sports – I’ve been into it since I was 15, working my body and just building it. I always admire sports bodies in women – that athletic look. Even when other people say, “Oh she’s too muscly,” I always like it. I’ll never be in that professional shape, but I like to get as close to that as I can.’

Chris and Elsa help each other: ‘He’ll hold the pads for me, although I won’t for him as he’d smash me into the wall. When he was training for Thor, he came home with this bodyfat measurer – you know, where you clip the parts where you accumulate fat? So it became a competition between us. If I had some fat somewhere I’d be like, “Grr, I’m working that part.” It’s fun, it’s just like a challenge, for no other reason that I like to challenge myself.’

On her husband being the Sexiest Man Alive: ‘It’s funny when it’s your husband. For me, sexy is the inside of someone. Of course I think he’s beautiful and fit, but I will never tell him that because he will get too, how do you say, “cocky”? He’ll be like, “What do you think of that?”
And I’ll say, “Well, I’ve been the sexiest woman in Spain for a lot of years.” It’s all just a joke, though.’

She’s in Fast & Furious 7: ‘I’m a fearless person and my dream was always to be in an action movie where the female characters are as tough as the men. I think they forgot I would be pregnant [when filming]. I did get excited about doing stunts, but then they won’t let you do anything – like, nothing. You can’t even break a nail.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I hate body fat measurers. They should have a IDGAF measurer. Anyway, it sounds like Elsa and Chris are legitimately competitive with each other. Maybe he likes that – I know a lot of men love it when their ladies join them at the gym and take equal care in their fitness routines. But it does sound… I don’t know, too competitive? I came out of this interview hoping that Chris has someone in his life where he can just hang out and each popcorn or something. And of course Elsa will never tell Chris that he’s looking good. Yeah, because men never like it if you stroke their egos, amirite?

Meanwhile, Elsa posted these on her Instagram, because Chris moved his family out of LA so his kids could grow up without the paparazzi, except Elsa will always find a way to show off their children. And you know what? She’s the one keeping him public image afloat. If it was left up to Chris, he would be insulting people right and left and living like a hermit.

Los motores de mi vida / The engines of my life ???????? #family #happiness #beautifulLife #loveThem #father #daughter

A photo posted by Elsa Pataky (@elsapatakyconfidential) on Mar 1, 2015 at 8:53pm PST

De tal palo, tal astilla! Haz un hueco en tu vida para esos momentos que importan / Like father like daughter! Make a space in your life for the little moments that count the most ???????? #family #beachTime #yogadad

A photo posted by Elsa Pataky (@elsapatakyconfidential) on Mar 1, 2015 at 10:34pm PST

Photos courtesy of Women’s Health UK, Elsa’s Instagram.


Amanda! Happy 40th Birthday tomorrow with love from your sister Tricia! Here are your FX men Timothy Olyphant, Charlie Hunnam, and we’ll toss in a Chris Pratt for you too!      

Intro for March 3, 2015

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Dear Gossips,

Did you know that it’s Chinese Valentine’s Day on Thursday? The Chinese Squawking Chicken gave me a list love matches and mismatches that I’ll post later this week.

Speaking of the Squawking Chicken…

I wrote a book called Listen To The Squawking …      

Britney Spears

This family is having a blast!

Jayden James Federline, 8, and Sean Preston Federline, 9, have been enjoying an amazing extended vacation with their mom, Britney Spears and her boyfriend David Lucado in Las Vegas! Britney has been sharing tons of pics on her Instagram to document their amazing time and in her most recent picture they can be seen swimming with the dolphins. She captioned the photo:

“Made some new friends today Thank you @TheMirageLV the dolphins were amazing!!”

It looks like they’re having an absolute blast! We can’t wait until Britney shares some more pictures from their vacation.


Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner covers the April issue of Fault magazine. Her makeup on these covers reflects her larger-lip look, which she still says is makeup magic (lip lining and contouring). Kylie did say she wouldn’t say no to plastic surgery in the future. Speaking of which … Kylie Instagrammed some pap shots as a “throwback to when I was 15 pounds skinnier & had a little blonde goin on.” I feel like this caption sets the stage for cosmentic enhancement. She did look different last week. I don’t like to speculate about a teenager going in for the Kardashian special, but this family isn’t normal. Here are some excerpts from Fault:

Her famous family: “Being in my family, under scrutiny all the time … it affects the other people around me. My friends can get freaked out when they come into my world. It’s sad when you really think about it. There have been so many people that come into my family’s life that can’t handle it. And we handle a lot. The more people love you, the more there’s going to be people who hate you. So I just feel like the girl who is an easy target to talk about. It’s definitely been crazy, but I feel like we all have trust that we’re in it together and we try to focus on the positive.”

You don’t know Kylie: “There’s definitely a spiritual side to me and I honestly want the best for everyone. I’m not materialistic, I love clothes and all that stuff, but I don’t need it to live. I feel like, not that I’ve had everything, but once you feel you’ve had everything at a young age, you can either go down a path of being spoiled and self-centered, or you see it isn’t everything. I’ve found ways to really enjoy life. But people may get the wrong idea. Having a reality TV show, everyone feels like they know you, but that’s only 10% of my life. There’s a whole other side of me that people don’t see.”

She doesn’t need a boyfriend? “I have to feel like I’m OK with everyone I love in my life. I never want to have bad beef with anybody. I always want everyone to be happy. Also balancing work life and personal life so I never lose myself. Lastly, I don’t think I need a significant other to be happy because I always like to find that for myself, but I think that it makes me a lot happier when I’m sharing my life with somebody.”

[From Fault magazine]

Kylie can’t help the fact that she grew up as part of the Kardashian Klan. She says she’s not materialistic, but her luxury shopping sprees and selfies tell a different story. This is like Will Smith saying Jaden “refuses to be a slave to money,” you know? It’s easy to say you don’t care about money when you never have to worry about it. A $2.7 million house is a pretty materialistic asset, especially for a teenager. But I understand what she’s saying, we only see the edited version of her life on KUWTK.

FYI, Kylie and 25-year-old Tyga went to the movies together on Friday. They didn’t give any PDA to the paps, but they’re not just friends, and Tyga still doesn’t care what we think.

Kylie Jenner

craving me some @stassiebaby & an ice cold fountain Pepsi

A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on Mar 1, 2015 at 1:57pm PST

Photos courtesy of Fault magazine, Kylie Jenner on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN



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