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To Denisa from Sabina who wishes you all the best in Sri Lanka and looks forward to examining your futures together and starting the HP business when you’re back. By request, here are Channing Tatum and Charlie Hunnam’s ass.      

Intro for March 2, 2015

Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Dear Gossips,

One week after winning Oscar, Julianne Moore showed up at the Canadian Screen Awards last night in Toronto. She was nominated for her role in David Cronenberg’s Maps To The Stars. And lost to Anne Dorval for her performance in Xavier Dolan’s Mommy.

Still, Juliann…      

Demi Lovato

Regardless of what society tells you these days… You don’t have to have a thigh gap to be beautiful. It is possible to love your body the way it is. #fitness #health #acceptance #selflove??????????

A photo posted by Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) on Feb 27, 2015 at 12:05am PST

This is a selfie from Demi Lovato’s Instagram page. She was hospitalized last week for a lung infection, which was reportedly “flu-related.” Demi’s feeling much better now (whew) and was able to enjoy some bikini downtime. Her caption reads, “Regardless of what society tells you these days … You don’t have to have a thigh gap to be beautiful. It is possible to love your body the way it is. #fitness #health #acceptance #selflove

I’m a little torn on this selfie (not because of Demi’s bod). She looks lovely, and her (conscious) intentions may have been pure. Demi’s talked body image many times and still battles ED. There’s nothing wrong with her caption or speaking out against a beauty standard. A thigh gap is unattainable for many women no matter what they weigh. It has a lot to do with skeletal structure, but girls still starve themselves in a quest for this ridiculous goal.

Ultimately, Demi posted a bikini shot. It’s a self-indulgent move, and she’s talking body image right before posting possible evidence of a juicing diet. I like that she recently posted a spinning selfie and looks tough at the gym, but another photo advocates for #2adays workouts, which feels borderline obsessive. Demi knows young girls are watching her every move on social media. She’s telling people to love their bodies, but she’s going to great lengths to be able to say it to herself. As someone with an eating disorder, Demi should know mixed messages won’t help anyone who visits her Instagram page.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN



kim zolciak

I guarantee this caption is going to crack you up!

Yesterday, Kim Zolciak decided to take a picture of her son Kj to share on Instagram, but Kj just loves to make funny faces in his pictures. Despite this fact, Kim threatened that she was still going to share the picture on Instagram — even though he was making a funny face in the pic. This threat didn’t even phase Kj! Check out this hilarious caption:

“Me: Kj take a pic for IG KJ: Ok mom take it! Me: I’m posting this pic since you think it’s cute to make funny faces in all your pics KJ: Ok Just use a filter it’s all @briellebiermann @arianabiermann fault they have taught him all about IG!! #OlderSisterProblems #KjHairThough #MyBoysAmazeMe”

I totally lost it at “just use a filter.” LOL!


Lily Cole: I Am Pregnant!

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
lily cole

Lily Cole is expecting her first baby!

The 27-year-old model announced on Saturday that she is expecting her first baby with her boyfriend Kwame Ferreira. Saturday, she shared a picture on Instagram of a sticky note that said “I am having a baby!” She also captioned the photo with following:

“I am very happy to tell you … http://news.impossible.com/woman-has-impossible-baby/”

The link Lily shared is actually a link to a blog post that she made. Here’s what she had to say:

“The first known impossible baby is being born! I met Kwame when I was in the process of developing Impossible and he offered the most profound gift, to help build the platform.

After working together for a long time Kwame and I fell in love, and I am very happy to share our news that we are expecting our first child together…

Love @lily”




Here are more photos of Taylor Swift in London last week, at the ELLE Style Awards and at the BRIT Awards. Neither look – the dragon-y Cavalli or the green Julien Macdonald – was her best look, but I applaud her for trying out some new stuff. Swifty also had a lengthy new interview with The Telegraph this week and it’s just full of interesting quotes. Most of the piece is about Swifty’s anxiety about everything and her overwhelming fan-love, but there’s some edge there too. Especially when The Telegraph reporter brings up Swifty’s long-standing feud with Katy Perry. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

Whether she’s made a successful business model for other artists to copy: ‘It’s possible. We all have to step up and make albums that are good, top to bottom, if selling albums is still important. It is to me, but a lot of artists have already given up on that. I have friends who just think it’s not attainable, which I feel is a very defeatist way to look at life.’

Embracing feminism: It wasn’t ‘some strategy – being a feminist is just part of my life’.

Turning away from primness: ‘My point is not to be sexy, my point is not to turn masses of people on.’

She wants to ‘change the narrative’: ‘There was a bit of a reputation for having a lot of boy-bashing songs. Which is a sexist way of saying heartbreak songs. To trivialise someone who’s heartbroken is really cruel. But people have to simplify things. Everybody’s got busy lives, they don’t have time to form a complex opinion of me and my music. I’m in a different place in my life, where love isn’t really a priority. I haven’t dated anyone in years so there’s less chatter about the serial dater thing. I’m just really excited at an awards show when they don’t make some weird joke about my dating life.’

Is she really this nice all the time? ‘No, because that’s annoying, too. And it’s not real if someone appears to never have any issues with anyone. I have my friends, I have enemies. I have bad days when I don’t want to go to a photo shoot, but I’m not going to show up four hours late, I’m going to be there on time. I’m not nice all the time but I try not to be carelessly rude to people who don’t deserve it. When I’m with my friends, we don’t say glowing things about everybody. We’re not sitting around going [adopts Stepford Wives-esque voice and posture], “You know who’s really special and wonderful?” That’s not what we talk about – we’re normal girlfriends.’

Her feud with Katy Perry: ‘I’m not giving them anything to write about,’ she says, smiling steelily. ‘I’m not walking up the street with boys, I’m not stumbling out of clubs drunk. But I’m never going to talk about her in my interview. It’s not going to happen.’

Where she’ll be in five years: ‘I’ll be 30. I’ll probably still be single, let’s be honest. No one’s going to sign up for this and everything that goes with it. Like, “Hi, nice to meet you, want a date? Do you love camera flashes? I hope you do!” I don’t know what’s going to happen if I’m ever content in a relationship – no idea how that’s going to work. I don’t even know if that’s possible with the life I have.

[From The Telegraph]

“I have my friends, I have my enemies…” Oh, girl. Same crazy, different outlet. What I keep feeling with this New Swifty is that she just replaced one unhinged focus for another. Four years ago, she was obsessed with calling out ex-boyfriends with her blind-item songs. Now she’s obsessed with Mean Girl-ing her perceived enemies and trying to out-maneuver Katy Perry for all of the “cool” celebrity friends. And why? Because of John Mayer. Seriously.

Oh, and she also goes on and on about her “cool and smart” fans and how she loves to cyberstalk their social media pages so she can personalize gifts for them. It’s half-creepy and half-cool. I mean, it must be lovely for one of her teenage fans to receive a personal and well-thought-out gift from Taylor Swift. But still… it’s slightly creepy to think that Swifty is online, obsessively reading the Facebooks, Twitters and Instagrams of her favorite 900 Swiftlunatics.

Photos courtesy of WENN.



Here are some photos of the ladies at last night’s LA premiere of Cinderella. I imagine this is going to be big with little girls around the world – isn’t Cinderella one of the most beloved of all the fairy tales? And I think they got the casting right on this film too – Helena Bonham Carter as the fairy godmother (Helena wasn’t at this premiere though) and Cate Blanchett as the Wicked Stepmother. Cate was not all that impressive at the premiere, I have to admit. Granted, it was always going to be ALL ABOUT Lily James/Cinderella in princess couture, but I feel like Cate sort of phoned it in with this Céline look. That necklace seems poorly considered too. Maybe I just don’t “get” it. Maybe it’s too sophisticated for me.

As for Lily James, she wore this lovely Elie Saab gown which made her look like a princess. And remember how Louboutin made Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning special themed shoes for Maleficent? Yes, they’re still doing that – Lily is wearing special Cinderella-themed Louboutins. Bonus Richard Madden/Robb Stark!




Another Downton Abbey lady was cast in the film too – Sophie McShera, also known as Daisy the undercook. Sophie plays one of the stepsisters and she wore this Andrew Gn Resort 2015 gown. The color is too bold for my liking, but I think she’s adorable, so I’ll give her a pass.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


madonna instagram

Madonna has some great and very talented kids, but she’s decided that she’s ultimately going to let them make their own decisions when it comes to drinking alcohol and doing drugs.

Madonna did an interview with The Jonathan Ross Show, which will come out sometime in mid-March, but it’s already stirred up some buzz, which Madonna is certainly used to, because she was so unfiltered. In the interview, Madonna talks openly about a lot of different topics, but the one that’s certainly getting the most buzz is how she feels about her kids doing drugs. Check out this little snippet from the interview:

“I am not a big fan of drugs. They just don’t suit me. The handful of times I have tried drugs, many many many many years ago, I just didn’t enjoy it. I wanted it out of me. I started guzzling bottles of water thinking that was going to end it… I just ask my daughter [Lourdes] to make wise decisions and to do things in moderation and to try not to mix her alcohol. I am not going to say, ‘No, don’t do it’ because that is just absurd. And it is not fair. Yeah, I did it.”

So, that’s how Madonna feels about her children doing drugs. It looks like 18-year-old Lourdes, 14-year-old Rocco, 9-year-old David and 9-year-old Mercy will just simply have to make their own decisions.



Here are some photos of Kenneth Branagh at last night’s LA premiere of Cinderella, which he directed. This is the live-action version, starring Downton Abbey’s Lily James as Cinderella and Cate Blanchett as the Wicked Stepmother. Ahead of the premiere, Kenneth sat down for a lengthy conversation with The Hollywood Reporter about this film and his previous films, like Thor. He talked about Shakespeare too, of course, and said that the adaptation that he will definitely make at some point is The Winter’s Tale. He also said that as a director, it all starts with casting, even when the studio isn’t 100% convinced of his choices. Branagh used his Thor casting as an example, and discussed how Kevin Feige really wasn’t into casting Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston as Thor and Loki.

He said his decision not to direct the sequel to Thor had nothing to do with Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige’s considerable input. “It was a long time [making the first film] and they were way too quick for me to get straight back into another,” he noted. “[But] it was a pleasurable experience and a film I’m very proud of.”

Speaking of Feige, he added: “Kevin is a muller, he goes away and he thinks. When we came to cast the two boys, Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, that was a long process. And even on the morning in which we made the calls, we came in, and I remember Kevin wandering around this tiny little conference table. It’s just me and him and one of the executives on that Saturday morning. I’d already booked a call to Hemsworth and to Hiddleston — and he still wasn’t sure whether we were going to go with this. I kept saying, ‘It’s these guys. It is these two guys. Chris Hemsworth is Thor. Tom Hiddleston is Loki. You’re going to be OK.’ And he knew it. We made the call and it was lovely, but it takes a long time to do it. Working with Kevin is very, very enjoyable. I regard him as a very, very dear friend, [but] that process is very unusual.”

[From THR]

It’s still weird to me that Kenneth Branagh has become a go-to director for the studios, but I guess we should give him credit for giving us Tom Hiddleston as Loki. I bet Marvel is grateful for it too, because Hiddles is one of the most popular and fan-friendly actors working in the Marvel universe. But yeah, they were taking a big chance on two relatively unknown actors. And for that, Branagh should be applauded for going with his gut.

View image | gettyimages.com

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.



As I’ve said many times before, I don’t even watch Saturday Night Live these days. I haven’t stayed up to watch it in years. Some Sundays, I’ll look at summaries of the previous night’s SNL episode to see if there’s anything interesting or noteworthy, and you’d be surprised at how little actual news/gossip comes out of SNL these days (or maybe you wouldn’t be surprised). Still, I wanted to see how Dakota Johnson did as host of SNL this weekend. Dakota got the best reviews out of anyone for Fifty Shades of Grey, and for the most part, she’s riding high these days. She’s our new Kristen Stewart, only not as twitchy and awkward. So how did Dakota do? Eh. Here’s her Opening Monologue, also featuring her parents Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.

You know what’s weird? The more she talks, the less distracting I find her bangs. She was cute here. She has a nice dry delivery for punchlines.

But the biggest headline out of this episode of SNL was this commercial. It was a parody of those tear-jerker commercials for cars or letting your kid join the armed forces. The SPOILER is that the dad is actually dropping off his daughter (Dakota) so she can join ISIS.

Is this too much? I groaned-laughed at it because I actually wasn’t expecting it to be ISIS as the punchline. But it does feel like “too far, dude!” because in the past week, a bunch of people were captured as they were about to go and join ISIS. It’s actually pretty disturbing.

People seemed to like this one too – it’s what would happen if we said what was really on our minds.

Photos courtesy of Mary Ellen Matthews/NBC, Fame/Flynet.


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