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One Direction

Late last week, I talked about how Zayn Malik abruptly left the One Direction world tour. The official reason given for his departure was “stress.” Zayn flew back to the UK where he reunited with his fiancée, Perrie Edwards. About an hour after Zayn arrived home, Perrie departed in a cab with an overnight bag. Some sketchy photo evidence pointed towards Zayn cheating with a groupie. Rumors buzzed about drugs. Other gossip spoke of Zayn’s discomfort in the face of blistering fame and an overwhelming schedule.

For several days, fans waited to hear whether Zayn would rejoin the tour. Many tales of fanfiction circulated. One report that seemed legit came from the Daily Star. The paper said Zayn was actively consulting with lawyers to see if there were any “get-out” clauses within his contracts. It looks like Zayn found the answer to that question. Yesterday afternoon, news swiftly hit the internet — Zayn quit the band. Here’s the statement from the 1D Facebook page:

After five incredible years Zayn Malik has decided to leave One
Direction. Niall, Harry, Liam and Louis will continue as a four-piece and look forward to the forthcoming concerts of their world tour and recording their fifth album, due to be released later this year.

Zayn says: “My life with One Direction has been more than I could ever have imagined. But, after five years, I feel like it is now the right time for me to leave the band. I’d like to apologise to the fans if I’ve let anyone down, but I have to do what feels right in my heart. I am leaving because I want to be a normal 22-year-old who is able to relax and have some private time out of the spotlight. I know I have four friends for life in Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall. I know they will continue to be the best band in the world.”

One Direction say: “We’re really sad to see Zayn go, but we totally respect his decision and send him all our love for the future. The past five years have been beyond amazing, we’ve gone through so much together, so we will always be friends. The four of us will now continue. We’re looking forward to recording the new album and seeing all the fans on the next stage of the world tour.”

Simon Cowell says: “I would like to say thank you to Zayn for everything he has done for One Direction. Since I first met Zayn in 2010, I have grown very, very fond – and immensely proud – of him. I have seen him grow in confidence and I am truly sorry to see him leave. As for One Direction, fans can rest assured that Niall, Liam, Harry and Louis are hugely excited about the future of the band.”

[From Facebook]

Yep. Zayn has left the building. We could speculate all day (go ahead!) on the reasons for Zayn’s departure. Several stories dropped after the announcement, so let’s do bullet points.

* Twitter went crazy with the #ByeZayn tag. Teenager girls poured their emotions into 140 characters or less. Some of them called Perrie Edwards the Yoko Ono of 1D. People were really sad! Even Spice Girl deserter Geri Halliwell vague tweeted a “thinking of you” that may have been intended for Zayn.

* Us Weekly says the 1D band members felt it coming. Zayn “just wasn’t happy. It was now time to change his life and be away from all the craziness. He was always the more shy and introspective one.” He didn’t want a boy-band level of fame anymore.

* Harry Styles and Zayn are tight friends (who had no problem poking fun at their super close relationship). Harry’s having a hard time coping with the loss of his buddy. Harry broke down in Jakarta and started crying during a concert. Everybody loves Zayn!

* Aaaaand it gets worse. E! Online reports that Zayn’s exit presents a nice segue for another departure. That’s right. Now Harry wants to quit the band too. He’d like to go solo and “wants to get into acting.” If Harry and Zayn are both gone, then 1D will have absolutely no hair game. This is MADNESS.

Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik

Photos courtesy of WENN




Sean Penn has an intense new interview with The Telegraph. It’s always interesting to see how the “good” British press outlets treat American stars, and how those Americans treat British journalists. What I’ve noticed is that British outlets are more quick to point out when an American star is being coddled by publicists, managers and the like, and the journalists will often say outright “his publicist told me not to ask this or that.” That happens a few times in this Penn interview, although Penn ends up talking about what he wants to talk about, and I have to think he went off-message several times. He’s still promoting The Gunman, which did not receive great reviews. You can read the full piece here. Some highlights:

His cigarettes: “I quit while I was doing the movie. You can’t do that stuff and smoke a lot of cigarettes.” Why did he start again? “It’s a beast. A stupid beast. You quit and have a hole in your life. Missing it. That’s the trap.”

His gun collection: “I never had a gun collection. I did, though, amass, for a period of time, what amounted to a gun collection. But ‘collection’ insinuates you are a collector, whereas in my case I had either purchased them for particular movie projects or inherited then from my younger brother, who has passed. [Chris Penn] had a number of weapons. I ended up with a lot of those but, about a year ago, I gave them all away.”

Whether The Gunman promotes violence: “I don’t think you can put something on a 40ft-wide screen with Dolby stereo and not be stimulated by it, whatever it is, a car going fast, a weapon firing. The only obligation of the film-maker is to show that there is a price to pay for violence. If it excites people in a negative way then I think that’s in the audience, not in the presentation.’

He’s watched all of the ISIL beheading videos: “Uh-huh. I’ve watched them. And anyone who sees them and claims that they were anaesthetized by violent movies, that they weren’t horrified by what they saw, on the most primal level, is intellectually dishonest or existentially unpresent.”

His thoughts on Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper: “Here’s the thing. I don’t see the same problems with it [as others do], not because of my relationship with Clint. I don’t see the glorification. I probably go into a zone when it comes to military films, where I am assessing the technical aspects of the film-making more than the political message. Clint and I have had some political discussions and he is a committed libertarian. I don’t think he is by any means a conventional Republican.”

[From The Telegraph]

I like how he nitpicks about his “gun collection” – he never collected, y’all. He amassed. He was a gun amasser. As for Penn’s admission that he watches all of the ISIL beheading videos… I know what he’s getting at and it actually makes sense in the context of the conversation he’s having with this interviewer about violence and whether we become anaesthetized to it, but I still don’t know how anyone could really seek out those videos and watch them all the way through. Just the clips they show on the news are horrifying enough. But I guess that’s the point Penn is trying to make – those videos still have the power to horrify. So we are not desensitized to violence.

Photos courtesy of WENN.



Game of Thrones Season 5 is 17 days away. Can you feel it? I’m nervous as a cat! Who will die? Are the dragons going to fly free? Will Tyrion meet Dany? Will Ayra survive and thrive? And through it all, Cersei remains as bitchy as ever. It’s going to be interesting to see how she functions without her (spoiler) father. But one thing is for sure: everybody seems to love Lena Headey. She seems like a lot of fun, and she seems to befriend all of the new cast members. Lena is not the queen of bitchery like Cersei, it seems, although I have to admit that I don’t really know that much about Lena in real life. So I was happy to read her cover profile for More Magazine. Some highlights:

Her divorce from ex-husband Peter Loughran: “It’s tough. There’s a lot of hurt and sadness and disappointment. Grief. Massive grief. It’s a mourning process, and yet nobody’s died.”

Her battle with depression: “I haven’t had a spell in a long time. I think some people’s brains are just wired that way if you’re a thinker. People who never get anxious always amaze me. The world could be breaking up and they’re saying, ‘Everything’s fine!’ Getting older and having kids, you learn how to become less serious about it all.”

Her current mystery baby-daddy: “I like to keep my personal life private.”

She loves tattoos: “I always want more. It’s a terrible thing. I’ll be outside a tattoo shop and hear the needle and think, ‘I could just get a little one that nobody would see …’ ”

Peter Dinklage on Lena: “A lesser actress would play a wicked woman. But Lena approaches it as a mother lion—maybe because she’s a mother herself. Cersei will do anything to protect her own.”

Her future: “Nothing is concrete. Right now I’m having a very great moment, but it’s a moment, and I always think, okay, worst-case scenario: Could I survive in my car? Would this be okay? My friends call it disaster thinking. I like to think of it as realism.”

[From More Magazine via Us Weekly]

I like that Dinklage in quoted in the article – it feels like he doesn’t really do that much press around GoT (he receives a lot of press though), so it’s nice he thinks so highly of Lena. I also didn’t know she battles depression. I sort of agree with this statement, although I think her wording is odd: “I think some people’s brains are just wired that way if you’re a thinker.” Depression and manic-depression is in the wiring, I feel, and I believe the “if you’re a thinker” is a reference to the idea that with that kind of wiring, it feels like your brain just won’t shut down. But Lena sort of makes it sound like depression is related to intelligence, which… eh.

As for the mystery baby-daddy… who is it?! I still believe it’s Pedro Pascal.

Photos courtesy of David Slijper/MORE Magazine.



Here are some bad photos of Jamie Dornan with a bad haircut arriving at LAX on Tuesday. Ugh, are these just bad photos of him or is that haircut just THE WORST? Anyway, I’ve been sort of waiting for new pics of Jamie because there are some interesting developments about the Fifty Shades of Grey sequel and all of that stuff.

First, the DVD of FSOG is coming out on May 1. Which is a really, really fast turn-around. They’re hoping to squeeze millions of dollars more from an audience that seemed to mildly enjoy the film. Apparently, the DVD will include lots of extras, unrated scenes and an alternate ending.

Next: remember how Jamie and Dakota Johnson were banding together and asking for significant raises for the sequels? I theorized that they would probably get the raises, just because FSOG did so well and because the raise would be considered hazard pay for anyone having to work with EL James. Well, I guess I was being too generous because FSOG producer Dana Brunetti shut down the “raise” speculation last week:

Dana Brunetti said: “Look, when I was starting out and had to cut my teeth and build my résumé to get in, I had to basically work for free on a lot of things. I still take reductions in my fees for the opportunities to do certain things. We got slack on Captain Phillips about how much Barkhad [Abdi] and those guys got paid. Look at Jonah Hill in Wolf of Wall Street. It was great for his career. So I’m not going to cry for anybody who wants to be in this business just because a thing they were involved in did very well and they didn’t get paid [a lot]. That’s not the deal that you made. If it was, I’d have more than a couple Ferraris because all the money my films have made is f—ing insane. You’ve got to start somewhere.”

[From E! News]

Yeah, Mr. Brunetti… no one is asking you to “cry” for Dakota and Jamie. They just want a raise after they went out there and shilled and made FSOG into a worldwide hit. Is it just me or is this really, really rude? Maybe it’s just all part of negotiating, but it feels like this is the kind of position to take in private, in the meeting about Dakota and Jamie wanting raises.

Lastly, Jamie recently sat down for an interview with The Guardian. They were actually nice to him! You can read the full piece here – it’s not chock full of interview quotes or anything, but I liked this one, about FSOG: “You know, I’m not naive as to why people would think it was a bad [career] choice, or why there is a snobbery about it. But I’m also not stupid, and I knew with Sam and Seamus McGarvey, the film would be in safe hands. And, you know, it does no harm to be in a film that makes half a billion dollars.” I also learned that his daughter is named Dulcie, which I didn’t know.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


nate berkus and jeremiah brent


Celebrity interior designer, Nate Berkus, 43, and his husband, Jeremiah Brent, 29, have officially introduced a girl into their family! Only a few hours ago, Nate Berkus announced on his Facebook that their daughter, Poppy, was born via surrogate on March 25th. Nate shared these words in a Facebook post:

“Jeremiah & I are thrilled to announce the arrival of our daughter, Poppy Brent-Berkus, born via surrogate on March 23, 2015. We are so excited to finally be a family of 3! As anyone with a newborn knows, we have our work cut out for us but couldn’t be happier to be embarking on this life changing journey that is parenthood. Thank you all for your well wishes and support.”

It was back in September of 2014 when both Nate and Brent released the news that they were expecting a child via surrogate:

“we have had the most special year and its JUST become even more beautiful.”


Sarah Jessica Parker Celebrates Her 50th With Her Kids

Happy birthday, Sarah Jessica Parker!

Sarah Jessica Parked turned 50 today and she decided to celebrate turning the big 5-0 with her kids: James Broderick, Tabitha Broderick, and Marion Broderick. Her husband, actor Matthew Broderick, was also out and about with them in New York City, New York, but he was spotted walking by himself. Maybe he was trying to sneak off to buy a last second surprise birthday gift?

It looks like everyone was nice and bundled up in an attempt to combat the cold New York weather. Either way, we at Celebrity Baby Scoop would like to wish you a very happy (and warm) birthday, Sarah Jessica Parker!

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Sarah Jessica Parker Celebrates Her 50th With Her Kids
Sarah Jessica Parker Celebrates Her 50th With Her Kids
Sarah Jessica Parker Celebrates Her 50th With Her Kids
Sarah Jessica Parker Celebrates Her 50th With Her Kids
Sarah Jessica Parker Celebrates Her 50th With Her Kids

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kim zolciak

Kim Zolciak is going to waste away to nothing!

Recently, Kim Zolciak hopped on her Instagram account to show off a picture of Kj, who clearly has a mouth completely stuffed with food. Apparently, Kj ate all of his mom’s food and acted like he didn’t know who could have possibly eaten all of her food. Kim captioned the hilarious picture:

“I don’t know who ate ALL your food Mom” #TheseBoysEatTwiceAsMuchAsMe #TheBiermannsWillBeAtBuffets #BigUglyFatFriendsEatingTogether =Buffet”

The last time we talked about Kim Zolciak, her kids were up to no good once again. As you can see in this post, it looks like Kane was going through some drawers that he wasn’t supposed to.


Zayn Malik has quit One Direction. It’s official. The band confirmed that they will continue as a four-piece. Here’s how Zayn explained his decision:

“My life with One Direction has been more than I could ever have imagined,” he shared with fans. “But, after five ye…      

Zayn Malik has quit One Direction. It’s official. The band confirmed that they will continue as a four-piece. Here’s how Zayn explained his decision:

“My life with One Direction has been more than I could ever have imagined,” he shared with fans. “But, after five ye…      

Zayn Malik has quit One Direction. It’s official. The band confirmed that they will continue as a four-piece. Here’s how Zayn explained his decision:

“My life with One Direction has been more than I could ever have imagined,” he shared with fans. “But, after five ye…      

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