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Does Princess Beatrice fly under the radar, or do most people just not care enough to track her movements? Beatrice has never and will never get the same level of scrutiny as Prince William, Harry or Duchess Kate. But Beatrice, 26 years old, is still sixth in line to the throne (until Kate gives birth in April) and it would be interesting if she could find her niche in the world and in public life. Prince Charles wants to downgrade his brothers and their children from public life, and Beatrice and Eugenie rarely get high-profile royal work at this point. As such, both princesses have taken various “jobs” that just seem like high-profile internships for the well-connected.

In January 2014, Beatrice took a position with Sony Pictures. She was being paid £20,000 to be a “coordinating producer at the firm’s London offices.” She quietly quit that job in December, in the middle of the Sony Hack. I missed this story when it came out a few weeks ago, sorry. Since leaving the position, Beatrice has not gotten another job. Instead, she’s gone a series of holidays. First she went to a Siss ski chalet with her dad and some friends. Then she went to St. Barts with her boyfriend, Dave Clark. Then she returned to England for a few weeks, then she and Dave flew back to St. Barts. And right now, she’s vacationing with her sister and her cousin Harry at another Swiss ski resort. Read this shade from the Daily Mail:

Clearly not fussed by her public image as workshy, Princess Beatrice is enjoying her fourth holiday in just over a month. Joined by Prince Harry and her sister Princess Eugenie, the 26-year-old jetsetter has returned to the upmarket Swiss ski resort of Verbier, which she last visited in December after quitting her £20,000-a-year job at Sony Entertainment Pictures. She flew off to the Caribbean twice in January, too.

The royal cousins are thought to be enjoying the amenities of Prince Andrew and his former wife Sarah Ferguson’s £13 million luxury chalet. The seven-bedroom property, complete with indoor swimming pool and a staff of six, was purchased by Beatrice’s parents shortly before Christmas.

Beatrice, the sixth in line to the throne, celebrated New Year’s Eve on the Caribbean island of St Barts with her boyfriend of seven years, Virgin Galactic executive Dave Clark, 32. She then returned to St Barts at the end of January, prompting critics to label her a ‘benefits scrounger’. In response, Beatrice’s friends protested that she was soon to accept another job offer.

A Buckingham Palace spokesman says: ‘We would not comment on the time that Princess Beatrice or her family spend privately.’

[From The Daily Mail]

When I see the Mail using the word “workshy” to describe someone other than Duchess Kate or Prince William, I tend to wonder if William’s press office had a hand in it. Yes, William hasn’t worked in more than two months. But hey, at least he’s not taking four vacations in two months! And hey, at least he’s throwing his cousin under the bus.

But should we label Beatrice with the same “workshy” label that we give to Kate and Will? She is sort of a benefits scrounger too – she still lives in the Royal Lodge of Windsor Castle, and she has a four-bedroom apartment at St. James Palace. If you live in a castle, you must work. I think that should apply to all of the princes and princesses.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


SNL 40th Anniversary Special - 2015

Eddie Murphy was one of many former Saturday Night Live stars who came back to the show for the 40th anniversary special on Sunday. This was notable as it was Eddie’s first return to SNL in 30 years. As part of his return, Murphy was asked by writer Steve Higgins to play Bill Cosby in a Jeopardy sketch. The bit would show Cosby mixing drinks for the “Potent Potables” category, with the pretense that it was taped prior to the news breaking that Cosby regularly drugged and raped women. According to SNL staple Norm McDonald, Murphy refused to play Cosby, even after multiple other people tried to convince him. That segment was ultimately performed by Kenan Thompson. Here’s a summary, thanks to Rolling Stone:

As Macdonald revealed on Twitter, that cameo was originally written for Murphy, who – after a few days of being pursued by Macdonald, Michaels and even director Brett Ratner (the latter serving as an intermediary for the comic) – decided not to appear in the sketch.

“Murphy knew the laughs would bring the house down. Eddie Murphy knows what will work on SNL better than anyone. Eddie decides the laughs are not worth it. He will not kick a man when he is down,” Macdonald wrote. “Eddie Murphy, I realize, is not like the rest of us. Eddie does not need the laughs. Eddie Murphy is the coolest, a rock star even in a room with actual rock stars.”

[From Rolling Stone]

The phrase “kick a man while he is down” is McDonald’s interpretation of Murphy’s refusal to play Cosby. It’s possible that Murphy never said this, or that his reason for not playing Cosby was just to avoid controversy. I don’t know why I’m giving Murphy the benefit of the doubt, it’s probably about some misplaced respect for Cosby. We know now that Cosby is an unapologetic rapist who committed horrendous crimes. Cosby’s fortune was achieved with a false nice guy persona which also helped him get away with violating countless women for decades. Now he’s using his wealth to attack his victims. He’s not “down,” he just in a defensive stance. The fact that he issued a statement about this story speaks volumes. Cosby said “I am very appreciative of Eddie and I applaud his actions.” Bill Cosby should STFU. Getting made fun of on television is absolutely nothing compared to what he inflicted on an average night, and yet somehow he’s still trying to play the victim.

2nd Annual CASA of Los Angeles Evening to Foster Dreams Gala - Inside

SNL 40th Anniversary Special - 2015

Photo credit: WENN.com


Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea’s Twitter existence has never been a peaceful one. Before she was famous, Iggy threw plenty of shade that hip hop fans dug up after the fact. She didn’t stop after hitting the big time. Iggy ended up (bizarrely) feuding with Snoop Dogg and (rightfully) schooling Eminem for his rape lyrics. She stirred up plenty of trouble for dismissing her “patronizing” critics and refusing to “play hip hop squares.

There have been more feuds, but let’s get down to the matter. Iggy actually isn’t in the wrong for her latest round of news. She went on vacation with boyfriend Nick Young, and she got papped (long range) in a bikini. You can see those photos here. The internet got really ugly, really fast over these photos. People ganged up on Iggy for daring to show a little cellulite. So now she’s quit Twitter with a series of statements:

(1) Just got back from a great vacation, came online and saw apparently it’s shocking and unheard of to be a woman and have cellulite. Lol.

(2) I just want to have peace and relaxation time without a perve with long distance lense hiding out taking pictures, everyone deserves peace.

(3) I feel the hatred and pettiness i see online at all times is at making me become an angry person and I cannot be that.

(4) To become nasty because of the way I feel iam treated would be a disservice to my fans and I promise i will try to keep smiling.

(5) But I also want to let my fans know iam taking some time away from social media. I need to be happy and it is too negative and draining.

(6) The Internet is the ugliest reflection of man kind there is.

[From Iggy Azalea on Twitter]

Iggy says she’s turned over all of her social media accounts to her management, which is a wise move. I don’t know how long this hiatus will last. Celebrities “quit” Twitter all the time and come back a few days later. It’s a very hard habit to kick. Even Chrissy Teigen returned after receiving death threats. Chrissy lasted a whole week. Since Iggy put her team in charge, I think she’ll last longer but not forever. If her people are wise, they’ll change the password so she won’t be tempted to jump into the next controversy. But Iggy didn’t deserve to be body shamed. Twitter should be ashamed of itself, but I know it’s not.

Iggy Azalea

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN



Mike Comrie

About a year ago, Hilary Duff announced the end of her marriage to former hockey star Mike Comrie. They’d been married for three years and in counseling for half of that time. But the anger seemed to cool off. Neither Hilary nor Mike has filed for divorce. They’re seen together all the time and even Christmas shopped together.

This must be one of the strangest celebrity splits in awhile. To be honest, I’ve wondered whether they “split” as publicity for Hilary’s music comeback that didn’t happen. Sorta like Hilary giving a stern warning to the paps to leave her alone, but then she dropped the issue. There are shades of a conscious uncoupling because Hilary and Mike hang out all the time. I don’t know if they’re living apart or not. Maybe they’re staying together with an open marriage? Mike seems to think he’s available, or perhaps that was the liquor talking. The Mail has a new story about Mike trying to pay a waitress $600 to sleep with him. He showed up tipsy to Mastro’s steakhouse, drank all night, and things got bad:

It doesn’t look as though on-again off-again couple Hilary Duff and Mike Comrie will be on again any time soon after his drunken night at a famous LA eatery.And Mike wasn’t out for just a night of boozing. He was looking to hook up. And he was willing to pay for it.

Eyewitnesses at the famous steakhouse Mastro’s in Beverly Hills, tell Daily Mail Online exclusively that the retired hockey player spent most of the evening of January 30th, drinking, alienating his friends and propositioning bar patrons and staff for sex.

“I watched him as he blatantly and repeatedly hit on his waitress. I’m sure she was extremely embarrassed because other customers and staff saw this. She handled it well, remaining kind and professional. It became a bit creepy. Even his buddy tried to dial him back a bit. Mike just wouldn’t let up with the flirting. It became a bit creepy. Even his buddy tried to dial him back a bit.

“Mike wanted to wait for her until her shift was over and take her out,” one eyewitness reveals. “She told him nicely that she was not available, that she was in a relationship, but that didn’t phase him. He kept insisting, sometimes loudly, that he wanted to wait until she got off work.

‘Mike’s pal had left an hour or so before. So he’d been just drinking alone for a while and then as the restaurant was closing for the night, Mike approaches this woman at the bar. She is clearly sitting with her boyfriend or husband. Mike ignores the guy completely and starts talking to the woman.

“It’s clear that Mike was confused and very drunk now. The couple suggested, in almost a caring tone for the guy, that he should return to his table. Mike would not go to his table. Instead, he reaches into his wallet and pulls out hundreds of dollars. He asked the nice woman at the bar, ‘Ok. How much? How much do you want? I have as much as you need. How much for sex? Name your price. How much do you want to have sex with me?”

[From Daily Mail]

Mike then got aggressive with the woman’s boyfriend, and restaurant security stepped in and sent Mike packing. They called him a cab and directed the driver to take him home (not to another bar).

Ugh, what a sloppy mess. The witnesses indicate that Mike seemed confused when he pulled out his wallet, which implies he’s done this before in another setting. Are he and Hilary together, or have they broken up again? Either way, this can’t be pleasant for her. Comrie and his liquor sound like a disaster in the making.

Mike Comrie

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




I sort of ignored Jamie Dornan’s wife Amelia Warner during the Fifty Shades of Grey promotional tour the last few weeks. Amelia was around, of course, and she walked several of the red carpets with Jamie, but most sites just ran the photos of Jamie, Dakota Johnson, Sam Taylor Johnson and EL James. It was also pretty clear that EL, Dakota and Sam were coordinating their looks for every red carpet and Amelia wasn’t invited to participate. Is that weird? Eh. In any case, Jamie and Amelia seemed pretty tight. They have a 14-month-old baby and Jamie has said lovely things about his wife and his family life in all of his interviews. But Star Magazine says it’s all a ruse! Their sources say Amelia is struggling with Jamie’s newfound fame and omnipresence.

Christian Grey may be used to getting what he wants, but Jamie Dornan isn’t so lucky. The Fifty Shades of Grey actor has been on cloud nine since landing the coveted role, but he’s having a hard time balancing his sexy new image with his quiet home life. Star has learned that Jamie’s wife, musician Amelia Warner, has developed major trust issues since the movie’s hype began, and their marriage could be headed for some serious trouble!

Jamie has been spending much of his time in the spotlight bragging about his gorgeous wife and their 14-month-old daughter, Dulcie, and although his rep denies any trouble, close sources to the Northern Irish actor say his constant gushing is just a cover-up for their increasing tension.

“Amelia didn’t love the idea of him doing such a sexually charged movie,” explains an insider. “But he said it would skyrocket his career. He tried to assure her nothing would change between them.”

But on the heels of the film’s box-office-record-breaking Valentine’s Day release, Amelia still isn’t on board. “Women all over the world now lust after Jamie,” the pal adds. “It upsets her to know that she has quietly sit by and watch him receive all this unwanted attention.”

For now, friends of the pair say there’s been no talk of an official split, especially because their daughter is so young “Jamie is desperate to keep his family together,” the insider reveals. “He’s trying to placate Amelia by talking so sweet about her in the press.”

But only time will tell if his tactics will work. “They’ve had several fights about him choosing his career over her,” the pal dishes. “And the fact that he’s already signed on for two more movies could prove to be the final straw.”

[From Star Magazine]

It really wouldn’t surprise me either way, you know? I think this kind of sudden stardom/media attention would be difficult for any couple to weather, and if Amelia is having adjustment issues, she wouldn’t be the first. But I kind of buy it when Jamie says nice things about his family – I really do believe that he adores his wife and baby and that he’s still racked with insecurities about his acting career. Jamie’s rep went to Gossip Cop and said this story is “utter rubbish” for what it’s worth.

Photos courtesy of WENN.



Anna Kendrick has a decent interview and editorial in the new edition of pret-a-porter.com’s online magazine, The Edit. You can see the full editorial and interview here. She’s promoting her musical role in The Last Five Years, based on the stage musical. I think that’s the film where there are no speaking parts? Every line of dialogue is sung? I think so. As I’ve been saying, I really like Kendrick these days and I think she’s about to take it to the next level. It won’t necessarily be with this film, but I’m expecting Pitch Perfect 2 to make crazy money and be a gigantic success. It would make me happy if Kendrick was the big movie star of the year, you know? Here are some highlights from The Edit:

Her heroines: “Women who are willing to show themselves and be honest, and be a little ugly”, namely comediennes such as Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Amy Schumer, Chelsea Peretti and friend Aubrey Plaza. “I love it when people don’t want things to be polite and comfortable. Sometimes I catch myself self-censoring in that way, where it feels like I’m being kind of edgy and subversive, but I know that I’m not; I know that I’m playing it safe.”

Why she’s so active on Twitter: “I love seeing what people respond to and think is funny; it’s kind of a puzzle. Trying to express yourself in 140 characters can be this little word game,” she explains. Kendrick regularly puts her tweets through multiple drafts before sending them out into the ether. “Some people play Candy Crush; I try to perfect my tweets.”

Is she pretending to be “normal”? “I guess, maybe… It feels dishonest to me to let anybody in the world think that my farts smell like lavender, or something.”

She cater-waiter’d to make ends meet in the early days: “I kept wishing, when I got these jobs that were barely enough to keep me afloat, could they just keep me a little more afloat? Maybe a little more than the bare minimum I need to keep the lights on?”

She only got rid of her waitress uniform two years ago: “It was this underlying sense of, ‘Well, I definitely have to keep those, in case I need the extra cash.”

Aging in the industry: “I know that things will be more complicated as an older actress, in ways that I can’t anticipate, but I would really enjoy getting to the point where the reason I’m getting roles or not isn’t based on if somebody thinks I’m hot enough. I feel like I’ve always been a character actress, and this is a blip in my career where I’m playing the ingénue. I’ll be a lot more comfortable and get excited when I’m playing women who aren’t supposed to be pretty.”

[From The Edit]

That’s very smart for Anna to approach her career like, “I’m a character actress at heart.” Too many young actresses don’t realize that about themselves. I think Anna will end up having a lengthy career because of it, although she’s probably got another six to seven years of playing the ingénue or the “girlfriend” or the hot girl. As for her lavender farts…obviously, her farts smell of sunshine and musical theater summer camp.

Here’s the latest trailer for Pitch Perfect 2. YAASSSS.

Photos courtesy of Victor Demarchelier/The Edit.


Who Said It?

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
Who Said It - Click Here

Are you ready for a round of trivia?

See if you can tell us which celebrity mom said the following:

“I think that it’s hard having grown up in the business. I think it’s something I wouldn’t want for my own children. If they want to do it later, that’s great. But I think I just want them to be kids.”

Leave your guess in the comments section below! Check back tomorrow for the answer.


Olivia Ward Is Expecting!

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
olivia ward

After being plagued with fertility issues, the Biggest Loser star is expecting her first child with hubby Ben Ward this summer!

“My husband Ben and I are so thrilled to be expecting,” Ward tells US Weekly, “I have been feeling really good. I’ve been blessed to not have any morning sickness so far.”

Ward is currently in her second trimester and the couple just simply cannot wait until they have their baby boy in their arms.

“Things are completely healthy,” says Ward.

To read the rest of the interview click here.

Congrats go out to Olivia Ward and Ben Ward!



He’s such a cutie pie!

Jenelle Evans has been pretty busy lately with school and the latest season of Teen Mom 2 is also in production, but she always finds time to take adorable pictures of her son, Kaiser. This week, Jenelle decided to head to Instagram to share some new pics of her youngest son.

I’m melting !!!


Sasha Finds jumpsuits and leather jackets in LifeStyle

All I think of is that he had a thing with Madonna, remember that? (Dlisted)

Katie Holmes on the Ray Donovan set (Just Jared)

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