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Justified Season 6, Episode 5 recap.

After last week’s most excellent episode, this week we take a slight step back. It’s not a bad episode at all, it just doesn’t have the same urgency as last week’s. The main things that happen, plot-wise, are that Ava attempts to ba…      

Sandra Bullock was in New Orleans last night celebrating Mardi Gras with her son and some friends, including Anthony Mackie, Chelsea Handler, Whitney Cummings, and comedian Michael McDonald. She and McDonald have been friends for a while. They worked together on The Heat and appear to be quite cl…      

jessa people

Jessa Duggar-Seewald and her husband Ben Seewald cover this week’s issue of People Magazine. I was like, “Ugh, I can’t believe that they’re the most interesting people this week,” but the Duggars’ TLC reality show has just started their new season. That’s why you’re seeing more Duggar stories this week: promotion for their show. Anyway, Jessa is by far the most “dangerous” Duggar because she’s a wanton harlot who French kisses her husband on Instagram. Jessa and Ben got married last fall, in early November, and Jessa still isn’t knocked up. This is a big deal for the Duggar clan, so of course Jessa mentions to People Magazine that she and Ben are thinking about adopting.

Jessa’s adjustment to married life: “One thing I’ve had to adjust to is not having my siblings around – especially my sisters because we are so close.”

Jessa wants to adopt: “We hope to adopt a lot of kids. If God blesses us with biological kids of our own, it’s not going to quench our desire to adopt.” Adds Ben, 19, “Kids are so important.”

Jessa on arguing with her husband: “If we have a hard time and we talk about it, you just love each other so much more afterwards. After a disagreement, I often feel, ‘I have never loved you more than I love you now.’ ”

[From People Magazine]

It’s all well and good that Jessa feels closer to Ben after a disagreement, but wasn’t she raised to NEVER disagree with her husband about anything? There should be no disagreements at all – Ben should make up his mind about something and Jessa should follow his lead. The end. That’s how Duggar women are raised. As for adoption…People Mag says that Jessa and Ben are already doing the paperwork for an adoption and all of that. If that’s what they want, fine, God bless. But they’re both healthy and young (she’s 22, he’s 19) and it seems weird to me that two anti-birth control young people would not be pregnant this many months into their marriage.

Photos courtesy of Jessa’s Facebook, cover courtesy of People Magazine.
jessa people


Will Smith

Here are some photos of Will Smith and Margot Robbie premiering Focus at an Italian film festival. Margot’s wearing a Marni resort outfit. I worry about this movie bombing and negatively affecting her career. Will has built up enough of a box-office record that he’ll be able to skirt the blame for at least a few more duds. Look at Johnny Depp continuing to skate around with his merry band of quirky characters. Will’s never had a Pirates of the Caribbean level of success, but he’s still beloved by Hollywood. Margot’s a fresh face, and she’s a woman, which means she’ll shoulder the blame when people want to go watch 50 Shades again instead of a predictable looking heist film.

Will’s gone off the deep end lately in the parenting department, and I question his connection to reality. He’s a very insulated, protected person. Will doesn’t believe racism even exists in Hollywood anymore. The thought never crosses his Xenu-tweaked mind:

On a lack of diversity in Hollywood: “I didn’t even think about that really, I can’t say I feel negatively about it. I don’t really think that it’s too much of a problem. Really, my brain doesn’t even work like that.”

The Selma Oscar controversy: “In terms of what’s snubbed and what’s not snubbed, people vote for the movies that they want to vote for and they have that right.”

[From Ok! Magazine]

Someone must have disregarded the Denzel Washington discussion of the Sony hack. I can’t tell if Will is delusional enough to believe what he’s saying, or if he’s simply afraid to walk into a serious discussion. Nothing is serious when it comes to Will’s persona. He walks around on red carpets, pulling faces and pointing, and everything is wonderful in life. Marriage and parenting? Also never a problem.

There’s a story in this week’s issue of OK! Magazine that says Will and Jada told their kids they can’t hang with the Jenner girls anymore. This source is suspect, but it’s also the same magazine Will talked to about non-existent racism. So there could be something there. We’ve heard buzzings about how Jada thinks Kendall is a brat. It’s still hard to believe Will and Jada would lift a finger to throw down a rule for their kids.

Margot’s dress in this photo is Valentino.

Will Smith

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN



Big Mike is 30 years old, happily married, the father of twin boys, just a year old. Mike is living with terminal cancer. Doctors have told him that modern science can no longer help him. He and his family are praying for a miracle, but he’s also working to build a business, something to le…      


Here are some photos of Duchess Kate visiting Stoke on Trent, England today. She made a trip to the Emma Bridgewater ceramics factory – they make mugs and such, with cute little designs (ladybugs!). Emma Bridgewater has made a special mug for charity, the proceeds of which will go towards EACH’s Nook Appeal for hospices, and Kate is a patron for EACH. Kate also got to decorate what looks like a mug (?) in a video posted to the new Kensington Royal Twitter account (I’m including the video at the end of the post). You can read more about the trip here.

Kate wore this blue wool coat by MaxMara for the outdoor part of the event. It’s a pretty color on her, but I consistently like it when she wears blue. It’s one of her best colors (red and burgundy also look good on her). She accessorized with her favorite sapphire and diamond jewelry (we’ve been seeing those sapphire earrings a lot lately) and blue suede Jimmy Choos. Yay, I’m so happy the nude LK Bennetts got a break.

I also love that Kate pulled part of her hair back. Now THIS is an appropriate and professional hair look for a daytime event. Isn’t this much better than seeing the sausage curls flying in every direction, and seeing Kate constantly fiddling with said curls? Also: NO BUTTONS. Looks like Kate’s new stylist is trying to break her of some bad habits gradually.

The Duchess of Cambridge has a go at painting ladybirds on pottery designed for @EACH_hospices @EmmaBridgewater pic.twitter.com/P2EkCchvDD

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) February 18, 2015


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Intro for February 18, 2015

Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Dear Gossips,

It’s New Year’s Eve. You ready?

Change your sheets tonight. Wash your hair too. No hair washing starting tomorrow and, if you can, at least until the weekend. Can’t wash away the New Year Luck, right?

So today we profile those born in the Year of the Pi…      


I began this post fully prepared to call Jennifer Garner out for fibbing about whether she’s had lip injections. Then I looked at old photos of her and I couldn’t see a big difference in her mouth at all. I’ve always assumed her lips were fake, but I can’t find any “before” pictures that would show it.

Anyway, Garner covers the new issue of Southern Living. The magazine features a photoshoot and interview with Garner, her mom and her two sisters. You can see that here. Garner’s mother, Patricia, has the same full lips as she does, but of course grandma Garner’s lips could be fake, which could be throwing the whole thing off. Her sisters are just as pretty as she is. Inside, Garner talks about family values, with an emphasis on her upbringing in West Virginia. Here are some excerpts, with much more at the source:

On Family Resemblance…
“We are doing this shoot so people can finally stop asking if my lips are real.”

On What Defines Her…
“Being the middle sister of these three girls is the relationship that defines me more than anything else. More than being my kids’ mother, more than being my husband’s wife, I’m first and foremost the middle Garner girl.”

On Her Appearance…
“What my mom did that I valued so much was to not place beauty high on the list of priorities. It was a shock when I got to college to hear people say I was pretty.”

On What She Won’t Wear…
“Although I adore it on others, you won’t see me wearing many one-shoulder, asymmetrical, cool things. I can’t feel like I’m wearing a costume.”

On Raising Her Kids…
“It’s really important for my kids to see that everyone doesn’t have the lives they see in Los Angeles. That doesn’t reflect the rest of the world. I want them to grow up with the Southern values I had–to look at people when they say hello and to stop and smell the roses. If I could do half as good a job as my mom did, I’d be pretty happy.”

On Her Upbringing in the South…
“I feel so fortunate to have grown up in a place where people look out for each other. Community is the one thing people crave most, and it’s hard to come by. I grew up with such an excess of it that now wherever I go, the first thing I do is build my group.”

[From Southern Living]

It’s true that people look out for each other in the south. I was raised in New York and moved down south, and people here are much more friendly and welcoming. (People in NY are awesome too, they just keep to themselves more.) I see my neighbors more here, and I keep in touch with them more than I did when I lived in the northeast. Plus people usually say hi. I love that. When I go to visit relatives or when I go overseas I have to force myself not to look everyone in the eye and say hello. However there are drawbacks too, like how religious and conservative people can be in the south and how it can seem kind of cloying when you want privacy and space.

I have to admit that I am buying Garner’s small town persona. She seems genuine to me, and that’s part of the reason I like her. I’m still not convinced about her lips, but her kids have the same full lips too so she’s probably telling the truth. Just look at the photo below. She and Samuel have the same facial expressions, same lips.

Exclusive... Jennifer Garner Steps Out With Samuel

Jennifer Garner Shopping At The Brentwood Country Mart

Jennifer Garner Makes A Morning Coffee Run

photo credit: FameFlynet and WENN.com


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Kobe Bryant covers the March issue of GQ. I wouldn’t ordinarily care, but Kobe comes in and out of celebrity gossip like the wind. I have the feeling that he’s a big-time cheater, and I also have a feeling that his wife Vanessa just stays with him because she likes the “good life.” Which isn’t to say that Vanessa isn’t above yanking his chain and filing for divorce every now and then. But the real reason I’m writing this up is because Kobe gives some quotes about his 2003 sexual assault charge. Remember that? You can see the Wiki for the case here. The charges were dropped, although the young woman did sue in civil court and he publicly apologized to her without having to admit any wrongdoing. That incident still creeps me out and it’s tainted any good feelings I might have about Kobe’s athletic abilities. Anyway, you can read the full GQ piece here. Some highlights:

Kobe on his ego & whether that deters good players from joining the Lakers: “Does my nature make me less enjoyable to play with? Of course. Of course it does. Is it possible that some top players in the league are intimidated by that? Yes. But do I want to play with those players? Does the Laker organization want those specific players? No. Magic. Jordan. Bird. We all would have been phenomenal teammates. This organization wants players who will carry this franchise to another five or six championships. The player who does that has to be cut from the same cloth. And if they’re not cut from that cloth, they don’t belong here.”

He’s not selfish: “I chose to extend my deal with the Lakers to play with Shaquille O’ Neal and win championships. I knew what I could have done individually. I could have gone anywhere and destroyed people. I gave that up to win championships.” B

On Shaquille O’Neal: “He had years where he was lazy. But during those three championships we won? To say he was a beast would be an understatement. To say I didn’t learn things from him that I still use to this day would be a disservice.”

His religion helped him through his 2003 sexual assault case: “I started to consider the mortality of what I was doing. The one thing that really helped me during that process—I’m Catholic, I grew up Catholic, my kids are Catholic—was talking to a priest. It was actually kind of funny: He looks at me and says, ‘Did you do it?’ And I say, ‘Of course not.’ Then he asks, ‘Do you have a good lawyer?’ And I’m like, ‘Uh, yeah, he’s phenomenal.’ So then he just said, ‘Let it go. Move on. God’s not going to give you anything you can’t handle, and it’s in his hands now. This is something you can’t control. So let it go.’ And that was the turning point.”

Does he have friends? “I have ‘like minds.’ You know, I’ve been fortunate to play in Los Angeles, where there are a lot of people like me. Actors. Musicians. Businessmen. Obsessives. People who feel like God put them on earth to do whatever it is that they do. Now, do we have time to build great relationships? Do we have time to build great friendships? No. Do we have time to socialize and to hangout aimlessly? No. Do we want to do that? No. We want to work.”

[From GQ]

He seems… tightly wound. That’s what people always say about Kobe. That he’s basketball and nothing else, that he never really developed as a person beyond the game. As for Kobe’s priest asking him point-blank if he assaulted a woman and asking after his legal team… well, all that made me think of was the fact that a lot of priests have been needing legal representation in the past few decades. And of course Kobe’s big life lesson out of that moment was “let it go.” Ugh. Professional athletes.

a href=”http://www.celebitchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/0315-GQ-FAKB02-01.jpg”>

Photos courtesy of Peggy Sirota/GQ.
0315 GQ COVER_Page_3


miss p

Best in Show of the 139th #Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is Ch Tashtins Lookin For Trouble the Beagle, also known as “Miss P!” #WKCDogShow

A photo posted by Westminster Kennel Club (@westminsterkennelclub) on Feb 17, 2015 at 8:09pm PST

Virginia has been a frozen tundra this week, so I’ve been going to bed early. Last night, I curled up with the Westminster Kennel Club’s Dog Show and I have no regrets. I could veg out and watch show dogs all day long. My preference will always be for mutts (my dog is some kind of Newfie-Chow-Rottweiler mutt, I think), but I have my favorites at dog shows, and they’re usually in the Working Group. My money was on the Newfie in the Working Group, but the Portuguese Water Dog won that group. And then the beagle from Hound Group won best in show. Incidentally, I just discovered that the Westminster Kennel Club has an Instagram, so now I know what I’m doing with my day: LOOKING AT ALL THE PUPPIES.

So, the winner: a beagle who goes by Miss P, although her full name is Ch Tashtins Lookin For Trouble. Miss P – who looks totally over this mess – already has 19 Best In Show titles. I’ve heard she’s a real bitch. Star Magazine said she has fleas.

“So this is my life now?” – Miss P #WKCDogShow

A photo posted by Westminster Kennel Club (@westminsterkennelclub) on Feb 17, 2015 at 8:18pm PST

And here’s the runner up, from the Terrier Group. His name is Good Time Charlie, which is a great dog name.

Congratulations to GCH Cragsmoor Good Time Charlie the Skye Terrier, winner of the Terrier Group!! #WKCDogShow

A photo posted by Westminster Kennel Club (@westminsterkennelclub) on Feb 17, 2015 at 7:39pm PST

Go here to see more photos of all the dogs.

Photos courtesy of Westminster KC Instagram & ProPlan Instagram.
miss p
miss p2


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