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Congratulations are in order for Tim Myers and Lauren Myers.

The One Republic rocker, 30, and his wife have welcomed their second child – daughter Berlin Grey – on Feb. 10, they reveal exclusively to Celebrity Baby Scoop.

Measuring 19 and a 1/4 inches, baby Berlin weighed 7lbs, 6 ounces.

“We are so excited to have this new addition to our little family,” the couple gushes to Celebrity Baby Scoop. “She’s our sweet little bundle!”

The happy couple are also parents to 3-year-old daughter Bowie Lane, who is “so excited to be a big sister.”

Myers is the former and founding member of the band One Republic, which produced hits such as Stop and Stare and All We Are.

Baby Berlin’s arrival comes just days after the release of Myers’ critically acclaimed sophomore album, The Year, featured in the trailers for Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall’s film The Judge, the football film When the Game Stands Tall, as well as numerous promos for ABC.



Prince Harry went skiing with his cousin (Eugenie) while Cressida Bonas stepped out with a new boyfriend (also named Harry). [LaineyGossip]
Will Jack O’Connell come to the Oscars? [ICYDK]
Rest in peace, Lesley Gore. [Starcasm]
Did 1D’s Louis Tomlinson just come out? [OMG Blog]
Are FitBits really necessary? [Jezebel]
Lil Wayne’s daughter got an episode of My Super Sweet 16. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Dakota Johnson is so much prettier when we can’t see her bangs. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Who should replace Jon Stewart? [The Frisky]
Drake pulled a Beyonce. [IDLY]
Another great NYFW look from Rihanna. [RCFA]
The latest trailer for Pitch Perfect 2. [PopBytes]
Conan O’Brien is doing his show from Cuba! [Seriously OMG WTF]


Last night. At the American Society of Cinematographers’ Outstanding Achievement Awards. Brange was there to support Roger Deakins who worked on Unbroken. Not really an event where you’d see big photo-sellable stars. So we don’t have a lot of shots of them. Only these, taken fro…      

Scarlett Johansson hasn’t been at the Oscars since 2011. This year, the Academy has invited her to present. It’s a good selection. Because, as previously mentioned, with the exception of Reese Witherspoon and Bradley Cooper, this year’s nominees aren’t marquee names for th…      


Keira Knightley is also doing her final push for her Oscar nomination, just like her costar Benedict Cumberbatch. Although Keira seems more content with the idea that she’s not going to win, which is true. Keira seems to be having a lot of fun though, perhaps because she’s riding the wave of pregnancy hormones. She just seems happier than she’s ever been, and when she appeared on The Ellen Show, she was uncharacteristically chatty. They talked a lot about her pregnancy, how she’s dying for a cocktail, and whether she knows the sex of the baby. Some highlights:

She just wants a margarita: “I can’t drink. I’m up for an Oscar and I can’t drink at the Oscars. I went to the doctor – you have to get lots of doctor checkups when you’re pregnant – and she asked if I had any questions. And I said, ‘Yes! When can I drink!? Please! I just want a Margarita’.”

James Righton loves champagne: “My husband’s having a great time. I’m eating for two and he’s drinking for two. There’s a lot of free champagne so he thinks because I’m not drinking the free champagne he has to. All of it.”

The idea of having a boy: “Somebody said to me the other day the problem with boys is – sorry this is horrible – but when you’re changing their nappies you can get the wee in your face. Yeah you see? I’ve got a lot of people nodding at me, but I never knew that before so it was terrifying.”

[From TV3]

Keira also said she and James hadn’t found out the sex of the baby and everyone has a theory about what she’s carrying. Ellen thinks she’s carrying a boy, but Keira said people have been telling her it’s probably a girl. As for the drinking thing – some doctors say different things, and I always think that British and European women get different drinking advice than American women. American women are usually told: don’t drink alcohol while pregnant, the end. But I’m sure many of Keira’s girlfriends probably have an odd glass of wine here and there. I’m actually sort of surprised that she’s not drinking at all! Although margaritas probably aren’t advisable under any circumstance.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Jimmy Fallon Shares Photo Of Daughter

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Proud papa Jimmy Fallon shared a sweet snaphot of his 2-month-old daughter via Instagram Tuesday.

“Franny Fallon wishes you a happy Tuesday,” The Tonight Show host, 40, captioned the adorable image.

The funnyman and his wife, film producer Nancy Juvonen, welcomed their second daughter, Frances “Franny” Cole on Dec. 3.

The SNL alum – who shared the first pics of Franny in December – and his wife are also parents to 1-year-old daughter Winnie.

Franny Fallon wishes you a happy Tuesday!

A photo posted by Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon) on Feb 17, 2015 at 7:17am PST



Towards the end of January, there was a sudden explosion of Lindsay Lohan stories. That was because Lindsay had a court date in which she had update the judge on her community service hours, per the terms of her probation. First, Lindsay maybe/probably faked a virus to get out of her court date and her community service, then at the last minute, she claimed she completed 15 days’ worth of community service in just a few days. Because crack math. So, obviously, the city attorney was like “Hold up, this crack math doesn’t make any sense, we need time to investigate!” And so the judge gave the city attorney a few weeks to investigate. Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, is due back in court tomorrow to find out what the city attorney’s investigation has uncovered.

In between claims that “meeting fans” counted as community service, Lindsay claimed that she had been doing much of community service with an organization called Community Service Volunteers (CSV). Well, you know how Lindsay did a Super Bowl commercial for Esurance? Well, she somehow convinced Esurance to pay CSV $10,000. Interesting…

Lindsay Lohan successfully lobbied a big company to shell out $10,000 to her community service organization, just days before a judge decides if her community service was legit. Lindsay is in the hot seat for some of her community service hours performed with London-based CSV, after prosecutor Terry White scoffed at the credit LiLo received for meeting with audience members after her London play. White also complained that Lindsay got credit for “work shadowing experience,” where kids followed her around London. Problem was … at the time she wasn’t even working.

Well now TMZ has learned Lindsay contacted Esurance — which featured LiLo in a Super Bowl ad — and lobbied the company last Friday to give $10,000 to CSV. We’ve learned Lindsay told Esurance execs she’s been doing volunteer work for CSV lately because she likes what the org does for poor kids, and that’s why she asked for the donation. Our sources say last Saturday Esurance agreed to give CSV the $10K.

The problem … Lindsay’s due back in court Wednesday because the prosecutor has challenged her community service. It’s possible the judge could ask CSV for more info about Lindsay’s community service and the money could taint the legitimacy of CSV’s response.

Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, says, “TMZ has stooped to a new low. To take Lindsay’s positive efforts in supporting CSV and turn them into something negative simply to sell a story is offensive.” She adds, “Lindsay has been involved in helping to raise funds for this wonderful organization since she started her community service there and she has continued her work as a volunteer, even though her community service was completed weeks ago.”

[From TMZ]

Oh, Shawn Holley. I feel sorry for you. I mean, that’s not fair to Holley. She’s making lots of money off of the Lindsay Lohans and Justin Biebers of the world. But still, it’s got to suck when you have to defend your client even when your client is pulling some seriously shady sh-t. While I don’t think this was a direct payment for the lies CSV obviously told about Lindsay, I do think this whole transaction is suspect.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


After Christmas, Mimi probably feels like she has ownership of Valentine’s Day. Because, you know, she dominates the colour red. Also teddy bears.

This Valentine’s Day however must have been a dark place. She might say it was “bleak”. Who’s sending her flowers? W…      

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham’s family sat front row to support her New York fashion week. I’m impressed with how David supports all of Victoria’s fashion endeavors. He should do that, and he doesn’t deserve a medal or anything. But how many retired professional athletes would do the same? Not many. David is genuinely proud of his wife. Oh, and Harper Seven is three years old now! DListed has a photo of adorable Harper juxtaposed next to scary Anna Wintour.

VB’s done the publicity rounds en masse. She spoke with the New York Times in a video interview. Her new London offices are gorgeous. Victoria talked about her need to streamline and use minimal decor at work because she’s so “messy” at home. She also has a new interview with The Independent, which ends with this sentence: “As always with Victoria Beckham, when she talks about her brand, you get the feeling she’s talking about herself.” That’s some serious shade. VB talks about why she’s qualified to dress women:

On her progress: “I have a different way of expressing myself because I haven’t had that formal training. I’ve learnt a lot, in the last seven years. I’ve learnt a lot very, very quickly. And I continue to learn. When I first started, I used to wear lots of tight dresses. Lots of heels. And I do still dress like that, but I suppose as time has gone on, I’ve loosened up a little bit. I spend a lot of time in my shop, talking to my customer, finding out what she wants. Times change. Certain things I wore then felt right then. But it wouldn’t feel right now.”

VB’s connection to women: “Even if I wouldn’t wear something myself, I think I know how women feel, how women want to look. I can really relate to women, I get on very well with women … Some women don’t. I want to empower women, make women feel the best version of themselves.” Her models “are 5ft 11in — but they’re women, too. Maybe a lot of people aren’t going to be nice about models for the obvious reason … I mean, we look at models and say, ‘Oh, she’s so pretty! She’s got a great body! Good for her!’ Some people might think … ‘Cow!’”

Her changing personal style: “As you get older, you get a different kind of confidence. I’m busier now — so I couldn’t totter around in a tight dress and a pair of heels! I think I feel a little more relaxed. I suppose if I’m being honest, I would have been scared, right at the beginning, to wear lots of layers and to wear a flat shoe. I would have been scared to do that. Now I’m not.”

[From The Independent]

If you read the whole interview, it’s obvious the journo isn’t enthused about Victoria as creative director of her own line. I get it, but the journo was rude. VB doesn’t design her own clothes, although she’s heavily involved in saying what she wants and trying everything on herself. The clothes aren’t fashion forward, but they reflect current styles. I’ve included some runway examples in the gallery. The new line favors muted colors, color blocking, asymmetrical hemlines, and drapey, twisted fabrics. The ideas aren’t completely original, but the clothes are still nice quality.

Here’s a quick flashback to how VB dressed in 2008 — this is one of the only photos where her rack wasn’t on display. What a change!

Here’s Victoria this weekend at her NYFW show.

Victoria Beckham

Photos courtesy of WENN




Before Fifty Shades of Grey was released, Sam Taylor Johnson was already talking about the sequels. She made it sound like the studio was already exploring the possibilities and that she, Sam, would be up for directing the sequels if that’s what the studio wanted. But now that the film is a smashing financial success, everyone involved is reassessing. There’s a UK report that suggests that no, Sam doesn’t want to direct a sequel, especially if E.L. James still gets to exert the same level of control over the script/story.

The Sun has reported that Sam Taylor Johnson is keen to leave the franchise due to her constant on-set feuds with the author, despite previously claiming that she had ‘signed on’ to work on the sequels. A senior film insider told newspaper’s Dan Wootton: ‘Sam won’t be back for the Fifty Shades sequels. She wants out and Universal knows that’s the right decision. Her relationship with Erika has become absolutely toxic – they despise each other and blame each other for the problems with the film.’

Sam and E.L. – who signed a £3 million deal with Universal and Focus Films giving them the rights to her trio of books, which also gave her creative control of the movies – are said to have clashed numerous times about sex scenes as the author wanted to make the movie racier. The source also claimed that most of the rows between the two were due to the author’s wishes for the film to be as explicit as the book.

‘But Sam pushed back because she wanted the movie to be more than just a collection of S&M scenes,’ they added.

[From The Daily Mail]

It makes sense. It’s not even that unusual – most of the time, when a smaller-budget film has become a smashing success, the studio usually changes directors. Think of what happened with the original Twilight franchise: the original director, Catherine Hardwicke, was pushed out quickly in favor of a series of male directors.

Oh, and Sam’s rep has issued a statement about all of this too, saying: “The studio have not committed to a sequel as yet….All press reports are pure conjecture as the studio have not committed to a sequel as yet. We will not be making any further comment.” Meaning that the studio hasn’t let Sam into their discussion yet. Of course Universal is going to make a sequel – they’re minting money. But they’re totally going to find a new director – probably a man! – to direct the sequel. And they haven’t told Sam yet, which is depressing. I hope Sam doesn’t get screwed over after she managed to “handle” E.L. James and make a financially successful and watchable film based on terrible source material.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


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