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Here are some photos of Kanye West, Kim Kardashian and North West leaving their hotel (or apartment?) in NYC this weekend. These pics are from two different outings actually – the whole family went out in the early evening on Valentine’s Day, then Kim and Kanye went out for a late-night NYFW date after midnight. In the photos with North, she looks totally jazzed to see the snow. That’s adorable! We so rarely see North smiling and happy, so it’s nice to know that she’s still a normal kid and she gets excited about snow. It’s also nice to see because North’s parents are idiots that take her to fashion shows and North has crazy tantrums, like most kids. They even took North to Alexander Wang’s show (front row, naturally) and North had ANOTHER tantrum – go here to see the photos.

Speaking of Kanye’s Adidas show last week, Kanye spoke to Andre Leon Talley about what it was like to show at NYFW and have almost all of his celeb friends come out.

He had a Blank Space for her! Kanye West sat down with Vogue’s Andre Leon Talley at the unveiling of his Adidas collaboration on Thursday, Feb. 12, at New York Fashion Week, and noted that one A-lister was missing from his star-studded front row.

Talley asked West, 37, whether he would like to see Taylor Swift wear his latest creations from the collection. “She was supposed to be here today,” the Yeezus rapper remarked. “So I don’t know what happened.”

It may have been that Swift, 25, was preoccupied with the release of her new music video “Style,” which debuted Friday the 13th. The stars’ well-documented contentious history was squashed this past Sunday at the 2015 Grammys. Swift and West were seen hugging it out after the rapper rushed the stage — in what many people thought was a joke — before Beck’s acceptance speech for Album of the Year. West again touched on the topic with Talley on Thursday, after the editor asked him what it felt like to “go viral.”

“I feel good,” West remarked. “I feel like a human being. I feel like a man. A man can make mistakes, a man can have an opinion. A man can be hypocritical. I feel like I have blood in my veins. That my blood hasn’t been turned cold by the concept of celebrity, or missed opportunities or perception.”

[From Us Weekly]

You can see the Vogue video of their discussion here. It’s pretty obvious ALT was ordered to come to the show and talk to Kanye. It’s also obvious that Kanye doesn’t really know how to speak about fashion, you know? Anyway, it’s not like Swifty missed much.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News.



Halle Berry has a new interview with Yahoo! beauty, conducted by famous makeup artist Bobbi Brown. (Bobbi just did an interview with Jennifer Garner last month.) Halle is promoting her work with Revlon, and she name drops one of her favorite lipsticks by the brand, Revlon Ultra HD. Bobbi also gets Halle to talk about plastic surgery, which she kind of talks around, never saying what she’s had done (if anything, to give her a massive benefit of the doubt). Halle also says that Lena Horne and Jane Fonda have aged beautifully. Oh and she doesn’t do Valentine’s Day.

She doesn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day
“Here is the thing. I don’t really do Valentine’s Day. I’m like this rare woman, I don’t really subscribe too much to Valentine’s Day. That’s just honest. I’ll tell my husband, ‘I’d rather you make Valentine’s Day any random day in October, because you just want to tell me you love me. Not because the world tells you, ‘This is the day you’re supposed to profess your love.’ Be more original! Pick any other day.’”

Bobbi: And now you are a beauty role model for so many women. How do you handle the pressure? A lot of celebrities have done way too much to change the way they look, and I think the ones who have not done anything look so amazing.
“It is pressure. When you see everybody around you doing it, you have those moments when you think, “To stay alive in this business, do I need to do the same thing?” I won’t lie and tell you that those things don’t cross my mind, because somebody is always suggesting it to me. “You know if you just did a little bit of this and that, lift this up, then this would be a little bit better.” It’s almost like crack that people are trying to push on you. That’s what I feel like. I just have kept reminding myself that beauty really is as beauty does, and it is not so much about my physical self. Aging is natural, and that’s going to happen to all of us. I think of those women that I thought aged so beautifully, like Lena Horn. Even how Jane Fonda is aging — I don’t know what she has or hasn’t done, but she looks beautiful as she’s going about her way. I just want to always look like myself, even if that’s an older version of myself. I think when you do too much of that cosmetic stuff, you become somebody else in a way.”

On Aging:
“We have to stop wanting to look like that decade before. We have to stop coveting that. Let it go and embrace it now and really be OK. It’s easy to say, I guess, but that’s the goal.”

[From Yahoo! Beauty]

Funny that Halle mentioned Jane Fonda, because Jane looks natural, but she’s one of the few older celebrities who have openly admitted to having plastic surgery. Jane had work done on her chin, neck and eyes in 2010 and she’s said several times that she’s not proud of it. (Although she looks great and kudos to her for owning up to what she’s had done.)

I do think Halle has had injectables. She was looking very pulled and alien for a while (see the October, 2014 photo above, although many of you will disagree), but it’s probably settled for her at this point. I think she got something she assumed would not be noticeable, but it was. She’s also had a nose job, but she’s talking about facelifts here, right? The “crack” is the facelift and Botox and Restylane are the gateway drugs. She does sound like she has a healthy attitude toward aging, but she’s Halle freaking Berry, she’s always going to be gorgeous. Maybe when you start off looking like she does, it’s harder to accept the changes that come with time.

View image | gettyimages.com

2014 God's Love We Deliver Golden Heart Awards

2014 God's Love We Deliver Golden Heart Awards
2014 God's Love We Deliver Golden Heart Awards
2014 God's Love We Deliver Golden Heart Awards

photo credit: WENN.com and Getty Images



Last week, there were photos circulating on some sites of Game of Thrones star Lena Headey, walking around LA with what seemed like a decent-sized baby bump. I’ve actually heard some mutterings here and there for weeks, that Lena is knocked up and she’s trying to keep the whole thing quiet. It’s worth noting that she’s already got one kid, a 4-year-old son named Wylie, with her ex-husband Peter Loughran. And now she’s confirming that she’s pregnant again. But no mention of any baby-daddy.

There’s another Lannister on the way! Lena Headey is expecting her second child, PEOPLE confirms exclusively. The actress is best known for playing Cersei Lannister in HBO’s Game of Thrones.

“I’m happy to confirm that I’m having my second child this summer,” Headey, 41, told PEOPLE in a statement. “I only hope that this announcement can help me to regain some of the privacy I have recently lost to prying photographers and ask that they please respect my privacy and let me enjoy this time.”

[From People]

First, the Game of Thrones concerns: the new season begins in April, and I would assume she’s already filmed all of Cersei’s scenes for the upcoming season. And even if she hasn’t, I’m sure they could easily mask Lena’s pregnancy… unless they don’t need to? Does Cersei get pregnant again? No, wait. Don’t tell me. I want it to be a surprise!

As for the baby-daddy stuff… my theory is Pedro Pascal. I know we’re not supposed to invade her privacy, etc, and it’s not like any of us really NEED to know. But we theorize about gossip all the time. Pedro and Lena have been pap’d over the past months/year looking friendly and cozy together. And they’re all over each other’s Instagram too. But maybe they’re just friends. Maybe the baby-daddy is someone else. All I know is that I think Pedro Pascal is so sexy, most of us could get pregnant just by looking at him.

Hunger magazine is out …

A photo posted by Lena Headey (@iamlenaheadey) on Apr 3, 2014 at 7:44am PDT

Sunshine love

A photo posted by Lena Headey (@iamlenaheadey) on Apr 15, 2014 at 8:14pm PDT

@pascalispunk I said .. Where did you put the bacon bowls … Tell me now !!

A photo posted by Lena Headey (@iamlenaheadey) on Feb 15, 2014 at 7:58am PST

Photos courtesy of Lena’s Instagram, WENN.


Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus follows in the footsteps of Ru Paul and Rihanna as spokesperson of her own MAC Viva Glam lipstick and gloss. All of the proceeds go to HIV and AIDS research. Miley doesn’t want people to buy the product because it’s nice to look at or comes with her name on it. She wants everyone to contribute to the cause.

Miley talks about makeup and feminism with the Daily Telegraph. Ever since her transformation into a rebel, Miley has talked about how she’s “one of the biggest feminists in the world” and “part of the evolution” of the issue. This remains interesting. Flashing the goods doesn’t qualify one as a feminist leader, and even Gloria Steinem side-eyed the thought. Miley is still Miley, and she has some thoughts:

On makeup: “I do my own because [otherwise] you sit in a chair and then, all of a sudden, you come out and you’re not you any more. That freaks me out. I’m a little bit of a control freak, I guess.”

She hates Rodeo Drive: “You’ve seen Pretty Woman, obviously. Well, they are actually like that. If you walk in, they give you the worst look you’ve ever seen, and I am too outspoken to deal with those kinds of people.”

On women: “Females, oh god! I f***ing love them. Someone came up to me last night and was like, ‘Women f***ing love you,’ and I was like, ‘I f***ing love women, trust me.’ They are something so beautiful. This kind of sounds cheesy, but girls just rule. We have a sensitivity and passion you can’t find in other people. Women are born complicated. We’re used to over-thinking everything. Like, physically, guys can just wake up in the morning and they throw on a T-shirt. We’ve been taught from the beginning that we have to think so much. But, that’s the thing about women! We don’t have to put in all this effort and time. We’re too complicated from the beginning. Even with little boys and little girls, we have so many thoughts and … we put so much pressure on.”

On feminism: “The world is in the prime of its feminine energy. I think women are starting to feel that. We were talking about women’s rights last night and [someone said], ‘Women are more suppressed right now than ever before.’ Well, I don’t think so — I think we’re more free than we’ve ever been. I’m seeing it everywhere; young women are totally ready to come out of their shells, to take on the world. There’s a lot of talk about feminism — people want to take that word and make it a bad thing, but it’s the greatest thing ever! Of course you’re a feminist, you know?”

[From Daily Telegraph]

There’s more in the full interview. Miley talks about the absurdity and privilege of celebrity. She understands that much about her position, but she doesn’t understand that she’s able to express her feminism for the same reason. Plenty of women around the world would love to express their “feminine energy,” but they remain oppressed for various reasons.

It’s nice to hear Miley dissing the Rodeo Drive experience. Salespeople can be really judgy, which is inexcusable. I was once scarred by a teenage department store makeup counter person. I asked her where they kept the Cover Girl, and she smirked, “Try Walmart.

P.S. Arrow‘s Stephen Amell may have called Miley an “overly sexualized velociraptor.

Miley Cyrus

Photos courtesy of WENN




Bjork is promoting a new album, Vulnicura. She’s truly one of a kind and following no one else’s example. I love Bjork’s creativity but can only handle her music in small doses (that’s my problem, not hers). Bjork says this new album is very confessional and “like a diary.” She can barely listen to a few of the songs because they’re so intimate. I have no idea how she’ll perform them onstage.

Bjork spoke with Pitchfork about how men have always received credit for her music. She’s seen as a fantastical, flamboyant sprite who plays in a kingdom created by her male producers and bandmates. She’s frustrated at herself for letting it happen. Bjork takes great care to talk about the amazing men she’s worked with, but she’s taking credit now. With Vulnicura, media outlets have already reported that it was 100% produced by a man (Arca). In reality, Bjork produced about 80% of the final product. The journo pays tribute to the famous Joni Mitchell quote about how “whichever man was in the room with her got credit for her genius.” Bjork uses Kanye West’s “genius” as an example of how men are treated differently:

“The world has a difficult time with the female auteur”: “I have nothing against Kanye West. I’m not dissing him–this is about how people talk about him. With the last album he did, he got all the best beatmakers on the planet at the time to make beats for him. A lot of the time, he wasn’t even there. Yet no one would question his authorship for a second. If whatever I’m saying to you now helps women, I’m up for saying it. For example, I did 80% of the beats on Vespertine and it took me three years to work on that album, because it was all microbeats–it was like doing a huge embroidery piece. Matmos came in the last two weeks and added percussion on top of the songs, but they didn’t do any of the main parts, and they are credited everywhere as having done the whole album. [Matmos’] Drew [Daniel] is a close friend of mine, and in every single interview he did, he corrected it. And they don’t even listen to him. It really is strange.”

On taking credit:“When people don’t credit me for the stuff I’ve done, it’s for several reasons. One! I learned what a lot of women have to do is make the guys in the room think it was their idea, and then you back them up. Two! I spend 80% of the writing process of my albums on my own. I write the melodies. I’m by the computer. I edit a lot. That for me is very solitary. I don’t want to be photographed when I’m doing that. I don’t invite people around. The 20% of the album process when I bring in the string orchestras, the extras, that’s documented more. That’s the side people see. When I met M.I.A., she was moaning about this, and I told her, ‘Just photograph yourself in front of the mixing desk in the studio, and people will go, ‘Oh, OK! A woman with a tool, like a man with a guitar.’ I remember seeing a photo of Missy Elliott at the mixing desk in the studio and being like, a-ha! It’s an ongoing battle. I hope it doesn’t come across as too defensive, but it is the truth. I definitely can feel the third or fourth feminist wave in the air, so maybe this is a good time to open that Pandora’s box a little bit and air it out.”

[From Pitchfork]

She makes some excellent points about women in the music industry. Note that Bjork is not trashing Kanye (although he may see it that way). She’s simply fed up with how he’s treated as a genius, but women with his level of talent (or greater) aren’t treated the same way. The whole interview is worth reading, and she talks about how “Women are the glue. It’s invisible, what women do. It’s not rewarded as much.” Bjork speaks the truth.

Is Bjork correct about the coming “fourth wave” of feminism?


Photos courtesy of WENN




Keira Knightley was not in the Isle of Wight for Benedict Cumberbatch’s wedding. She was in LA ahead of the Oscars, probably to do some last minute shilling and hand-shaking, even though I think Keira is pretty sure she’s going to lose the Best Supporting Actress race to Patricia Arquette. Keira did Jimmy Kimmel Live on Friday, and then on Saturday night, Keira was one of the few big-name celebrities to come out to the Writers Guild of America Awards. These are some photos from her red carpet appearance. I’m not a fan of this Burberry dress – she’s still stuck in the same girlish, baby-doll style she wore before her pregnancy.

Keira’s film, The Imitation Game, actually won something! TIG has been on a major losing streak as of late, but on Saturday, TIG picked up the WGA Award for adapted screenplay. Wes Anderson won original screenplay for The Grand Budapest Hotel, and there’s every belief that Wes is probably going to win his first Oscar for the screenplay too (yay!). I think it’s a big surprising that TIG won adapted screenplay – my money was on Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl adaptation (although I didn’t love her adaptation of her book). You can read more about the WGAs here.

We’re in the last days of Oscar voting – all the ballots must be in by Tuesday, February 17th. Some races are still in the air – no one had any idea of Birdman or Boyhood will win Best Picture, or whether Richard Linklater or Alejandro G. Inarritu will win Best Director. Inarritu won the DGA, by the way. Which means he’s more likely to win the Best Director Oscar.


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Lena Headey Pregnant With Baby No. 2!

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
lena headey pregnant

So exciting!

Game of Thrones star, Lena Headey, has officially announced that she’s expecting another bundle of joy! Headey, 41, announced her pregnancy in a statement she released over the weekend:

“I’m happy to confirm that I’m having my second child this summer. I only hope that this announcement can help me to regain some of the privacy I have recently lost to prying photographers and ask that they please respect my privacy and let me enjoy this time.”

Headey is the mother of a five-year-old son, Wylie.

There’s no more details as of right now in regards to this situation, but we look forward to keep you up-to-date in the coming months.

Congrats, Lena!


Christina Aguilera interview with People Magazine

Preach it, Xtina!

Christina Aguilera is no doubt confident in herself, and she wants her daughter Summer Rain, 6 months, to be confident in herself, as well. That’s what Christina says in a new interview with People:

“I think by having me as a mom she will learn to stand up for herself and others, to work hard and never take no for an answer.”

It sounds like Christina and fiancé Matt Rutler want to instill some self-confidence and self-worth in their daughter. She continues:

“One thing I’m very sensitive to is wanting her to always feel that she is good enough! I never want her to feel that she need to change herself or her body to fit a stereotype. She’s perfection just how she is.”

To read the rest of the interview, you can head on over to People’s official website.



Sarah Jessica Parker is known as an icon of fashion. After all, she had quite the style on Sex and the City, plus she’s launched her own shoe line. However, you have to wonder if her sense of fashion has been passed onto her children.

In a recent interview with People, Sarah Jessica Parker talks about her kids’ fashion sense:

“They’re at an age — and have been for many years — where they really have their own identity. So Sunday through Thursday, the rule is they can wear whatever they want.

And if we go to the theater or to the ballet, I get a say. But it’s really among choices that they approve of.”

Read the full interview @ People.


Molly Sims Celebrates Baby Shower

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Expectant mom Molly Sims recently celebrated her baby shower with a group of pals, including fellow celebrity moms Rachel Zoe and Vanessa Lachey.

“My nearest and dearest ladies (along with a couple of gents) recently gathered for my baby shower thrown by my wonderful girlfriends,” Sims writes on her website in an article, titled, “Showered With Love.”

The Las Vegas star, 41, went on to thank her friends and family.

“Shannon Rotenberg, thank you to the moon and back for hosting us at your amazing house,” she says. “Alexis Sims, thank you for coming all that way. I couldn’t ask for a better sister-in-law. I was sad that my sweet parents were not able to make it due to the flu. We missed you Embeth and Alissa!”

The model-actress – who is already mom to 2-year-old son Brooks with husband Scott Stuber – went on to talk about having a second baby shower.

“Did you know that they are now calling a shower for a second time mom a “sprinkle”?,” she writes. “I had NEVER heard of that before! The weather tried to sprinkle, but we did not let a few drops of rain dampen our celebratory spirits.”

It sounds like there were some fun games at the afternoon soirée.

“Now I’m not going to mention any names, but someone clearly went a bit overboard with the string game to guess how big my belly was… Joey Maalouf you are SO in trouble!!,” she jokes.

After describing the “supremely delish” food, the floral arrangements and some of her favorite gifts, the mom-to-be gushed about her hubby and adorable tot who made an appearance.

“One of my best parts of the shower was near the end when my two favorite boys in the entire world showed up,” she shares. “Could they be more handsome? I’m totally not biased at all.”

It sounds like she had a wonderful time celebrating her daughter on-the-way.

“Overall I had an absolutely magical day,” Sims concludes. “I know my little girl in my belly felt all the love from all of my friends and family.”

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