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Bruce Jenner Stops By A Studio

As you’ve heard, Bruce Jenner was in a tragic and fatal multi-car accident last weekend. Reports vary as to whether Jenner may have caused the accident. Initial reports speculated that Jenner may have been texting at the time of the accident, right before his huge Cadillac Escalade rear-ended a Lexus sedan, sending it into the path of oncoming traffic. The driver of the Lexus perished when her car was hit by a Hummer. Jenner’s rep strongly denied that his client was texting. Additional photos taken at the time show that Jenner was smoking, not texting. He also passed the field sobriety tests and tested negative for drugs and alcohol.

Jenner knows that paparazzi follow him everywhere, which makes it even more colossally stupid that he was recently photographed talking on the phone and holding it to his ear while driving. It’s illegal to use a hand held cellphone while driving in California. Here’s more from The Daily News, which also has the photos of Jenner driving and talking on the phone.

Bruce Jenner was spotted chatting on his cell phone while driving in Thousand Oaks, California Tuesday — three days after he was involved in a fatal Malibu car accident.

Using a phone while driving is illegal in the Golden State. Violators face a $20 fine the first time caught and $50 for each subsequent offense.

The former Olympics champ, who was seen behind the wheel of a compact Ford Fiesta, turned over his cellphone records from the weekend to police after his involvement in the deadly pile-up.

[From The NY Daily News]

I live in a state where it’s still inexplicably legal to use a handheld phone and drive. It’s illegal to text and drive, but I see people doing it all the time. I’ve also seen police officers using cell phones (not their CB radios or whatever they use, regular cellphones) and driving. This angers me, because I lived in New York and Connecticut prior to this, and even 15 years ago it was illegal to drive and use handheld phones in those states. Of course studies show that people are still distracted with hands-free phones, but I do believe that outlawing hand held phones helps somewhat and deters texting. Jenner should know better. The fact that he was caught doing this makes me less sympathetic toward him when it comes to his accident.

The Daily News also reports that the driver of the fourth car involved in the accident, a Prius, was driving illegally on a suspended license. As news of this accident has unfolded, we’ve heard various versions of what happened. Police are still piecing it together as well. First we heard that Jenner rear ended the Lexus, which careened out into traffic. Then we heard that the Prius had unexpectedly stopped in traffic, causing the Lexus directly behind it to stop short and limiting Bruce’s ability to brake in time. Now TMZ has a follow-up claiming that Bruce may have caused the whole pileup. TMZ has photos of the accident progressing, and they theorize that Bruce should have realized that traffic had slowed and should have applied the brakes sooner. It’s unknown whether the Lexus hit the Prius first. Again, police are still figuring out what happened. Plus there are witnesses who say that the Prius had stopped first. I’ll reserve judgment until law enforcement comes out with a statement. I’m still judging Bruce for not using a hands free phone, though. Even that little Ford Fiesta he’s now driving has Bluetooth.

Exclusive... Bruce Jenner Is Still Wearing His Wedding Ring After Divorce Was Finalized!

Bruce Jenner Stops By A Studio

photo credit: FameFlynet



Duchess Kate is working her fingers to the bone! Poor Kate. All she wants to do is get her hair done and maybe spend a few days on some marathon shopping excursions, but the new press secretary is hellbent on proving that Kate is a charitable workhorse. So Kate was sent out to attend a reception for the 1851 Trust, which is about sailing and getting kids involved in sailing and the America’s Cup. She had to go all the way to Portsmouth and spend time with Sir Ben Ainslie. Poor thing.

Kate is around six to seven months pregnant right now – people keep saying she’s due in April, so the math is right. She’s carrying well, it seems. If anything, I think she looks smaller during this pregnancy than with her first. Maybe that’s just the effect of a decent coat though. This white coat with a belted higher waist is from Max Mara Studio Gilles. It costs £810, or about $1400. I actually like this look a lot, and that’s saying something. Do I wish I could tweak the styling a little bit? Sure. I’m not completely sold on that tiny little belt but I like that she went with navy accents all around (shoes, sapphires and clutch). Very nautical. I also think it’s obvious that this coat was originally very BUTTONY, but she had the buttons taken off – you can still see the indentations. That’s bad.

And here’s a Classic Kate thing: she was spending time with kids painting a mural. So of course she wore a white coat, thus limiting her ability to interact with the paint-covered youth. You can read more about the trip here.

Also: the dress under the coat was just a basic-looking polka-dotted maternity dress.

The Duchess of Cambridge meets members of the local sailing community in the @SpinnakerTower in #Portsmouth pic.twitter.com/rPTvjdOzwl

— Kensington Palace (@KensingtonRoyal) February 12, 2015


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Intro for February 12, 2015

Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Dear Gossips,

If you think the Best Actor Oscar race between Michael Keaton and Eddie Redmayne is too close to call, will this change your mind? Michael Keaton is a Rabbit.

During the Year of the Goat/Sheep, only 3 signs out of the 12 signs are on a luck run. The Rabbit is one of them. No…      


Back in December, when we were going full on Celebatchy, a UK paper claimed that Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter had been house-hunting in LA, and they were looking to buy a rather grand eight-bedroom mansion (presumably for all of their amazing Cumberbabies). It sounded like BS, especially since Bendy is scheduled on back-to-back projects, all of which require him to be in England (probably). It’s not that I couldn’t see Benedict moving to LA, or having a home in LA, at some point in the future. It’s just that this one report seemed pretty weird. Well, at the BAFTAs, Bendy totally rejected the rumor that he’s moving to LA any time soon, telling The Independent:

“My friends are here, my family are here, Sophie is here; it doesn’t make sense to uproot my whole life… I can travel for work, but I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else full-time.”

[From Hollywood.com]

I think Sophie would probably move with Bendy if that’s what he really wanted, but it’s clear that he doesn’t want that, so… yeah. They’re staying in England. That’s their homebase. And it will probably keep him (relatively) sane too.

Oh, and Vanity Fair has been releasing videos of all of the stars in their The Hollywood Issue. VF keeps loading them onto YouTube, so you can see all of the videos here. Here’s one where Cumby says his first celebrity crush was Carrie Fisher/Princess Leia.

Photos courtesy of Joe Alvarez, WENN.


Danny Masterson

Here’s a photo of 2nd generation Scientologist Danny Masterson speaking at Youth for Human Rights International benefit last year. YHRI is one of many organizations used as a front for Scientology to suck in vulnerable new recruits. The whole org is staffed and financed by CO$ members. Shady.

Danny has a new interview in Paper magazine. He’s promoting nothing — his show, Men at Work was cancelled after three seasons — except Scientology. Really! The CO$ is couch-jumping mad about the Going Clear documentary premiere at Sundance. They’re trotting out their lesser known celebs for lip service, and it’s so much fun. I love it when Scientologists (like Juliette Lewis and Kirstie Alley) try to convert the masses and only reveal their cult mindset.

Danny comes out with E-meters blazing. He calls the CO$ “college of the mind.” Whereas Going Clear is “retarded” even though he hasn’t watched the movie. He trashes psychiatry and spouts the usual lies about how someone can follow their own religion and still be CO$. The full interview is awe inspiring. These are my favorite parts:

On Going Clear: “I heard about that documentary where they interviewed eight people who hate Scientology. Should be pretty interesting. I wonder if Sundance would allow a documentary of, like, eight people who hate Judaism. But you know, my religion’s fair game, I guess, ’cause it’s new. How true it is, I guess that’s up to the reader. If you’re going to write something and you don’t ask the people who actually do it, then what’s the f***ing point? We could all interview the KKK about what’s cool about being white, but we don’t. I don’t know; it just seems retarded to me.”

Who was L. Ron Hubbard? “He’s a f***ing guy who wrote awesome sh*t that I love studying. That’s who he is. He was a very famous author. He basically spent his entire life studying every great religion, found everything that worked, found things that didn’t work, took the stuff that worked, started like questioning it and grilling it and drilling it, going over and over until he could find the things that worked every time, guaranteed. And he was like, ‘Holy sh*t, here’s a new discovery I’ve just made. What does everybody think about it?’”

On meds: “You will not find a Scientologist who does not f***ing hate psychiatrists. Because their solution for mental and spiritual problems is drugs. So let’s talk about putting a Band-Aid on something that’s just going to get worse and worse and worse. But it’s like, if you study that man is an animal and nothing more than that, and you basically have this f***in’ manual that has, what, 5,000 disorders in it, that you just bill your insurance company — ‘Oh, you have PMS disorder, you have caffeine-addict disorder, you have mathematics disorder; here, take Prozac’ — what the f*** is that? Scientology handles those things, those mental problems that people have. It gets rid of them. It gets rid of them by that person doing it for themselves. That’s the solution to depression, not f***in’ Prozac and whatever other pill that makes the kid then walk into a goddamn school and kill other kids.”

The bottom line: “I work, I have a family and I’m a spiritual being who likes to understand why things happen in the world and want to learn more so that I can have them not affect me adversely. So if that’s weird, then, well, you can go f*** yourself.

[From Paper Mag]

Such language! Danny’s also angry at Paul Haggis, who famously wrote a scathing resignation letter after disagreeing with the cult’s opposition to gay marriage. Danny calls Paul’s exit “stupid” and rambles on forever. This guy is a pill, and his wife, Bijou Phillips, is the same way. She’s given interviews about how depressed people should “get over it.“ To borrow Danny’s favorite word, “f*** Scientology.”

Danny Masterson

Photos courtesy of WENN




Here are some photos from last night’s Berlin Film Festival premiere of Fifty Shades of Grey. I was going to bitch about the studio using the Berlinale as a premiere launch for this terrible movie, but I’m pretty sure that the Berlin Film Festival organizers don’t mind that much. Sure, they’re screen your terrible film. Who cares? Fashion notes: Dakota Johnson is wearing a relatively simple (and buttony) Dior gown which I shockingly do not hate. Sam Taylor Johnson is wearing Stella McCartney and I don’t hate that either. What is the world coming to?! I’ll even admit that Dakota and Jamie Dornan look very nice and matchy standing next to each other. E.L. James even looks nice too.

Dakota and Jamie also did a photoshoot with W Magazine, but I’m not going to publish those photos because they’re pretty p0rny. You can see the NSFW pics here. Dakota’s facial expressions totally ruin it, although Jamie isn’t helping a sister out. He looks bored to tears in every single photo. Dakota just looks… blank. Like a doll with terrible bangs.

Meanwhile, E.L. James has a new interview with the New York Times and some of the quotes are absolutely priceless. You can read the full piece here, and here are some highlights:

Why she fought so hard for her vision of the story: “I was thinking about the readers…I understand what it’s like to be in fandom. I had to fight for a lot of things really hard. And I did.”

The hardest part about adapting her book for a film: “My biggest concern was making sure that the sex was really classy and tasteful. It’s very coyly written in the books. Women don’t like salacious slang. So that was really important to me, to keep it tasteful.”

Fighting for particular details to be included: “Well, the Red Room (of Pain), for example, wasn’t red at first. But it’s things like this, within any creative process, when you’re the auteur of a whole universe, and then, you’re spreading it out … it’s not always going to be aligned with how you saw it. But beneath it all, I was just hoping that we’d have something that the fans would be happy with.”

There’s more to the story than sex: “Absolutely! But you guys, the media, are all about the sex. The fact is, it’s a love story, and women respond to the love story. The fact that there’s a little bit of kinky sex in there is sort of like an added bonus. It’s just become sensationalized, because it’s like … Oh my God, women like sex. Yes we do, thank you very much!”

The book is successful everywhere… “Except in Japan. It’s doing OK in Japan, but women don’t talk to each other there. They’re so private about what goes on in the bedroom. That was interesting.”

[From The NY Times]

The audacity of this woman to refer to herself as “the auteur of a whole universe.” Good God, woman. This is just poorly written Twihard fan-fiction. And this whole section: “…making sure that the sex was really classy and tasteful. It’s very coyly written in the books. Women don’t like salacious slang.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!



Photos courtesy of WENN.



Here are some photos of Angelina Jolie arriving at LAX with her youngest children, Vivienne and Knox Jolie-Pitt. Angelina apparently brought Knox and Viv to London with her for a few days, while she participated in interfaith discussions about sexual violence against women in conflict, and announced the creation of the Centre on Women, Peace and Security at the London School of Economics.

It’s always interesting to see how the kids get split up with their parents for various events, outings or trips. With six kids, there are lots of different combos. I feel like we mostly see Shiloh hanging with Zahara, or Shiloh hero-worshipping her older brothers. I think Viv and Zahara might be close, because I suspect Viv and Z are both girly-girls. Or does Viv just hang with Knox most of the time? Do they have that special twin bond? I’ll say this – Knox always reminds me so strongly of Brad. Knox is just miniature Brad, only Knox is more gingery.

Meanwhile, Angelina’s dad Jon Voight told Vulture that Angelina should have gotten nominated for an Oscar for directing Unbroken:

This was supposed to be Angelina Jolie’s breakthrough year as a director. But while her biographical World War II epic Unbroken recently drew Oscar notices in three categories — including Best Cinematography — she’s glaringly absent among the list of Best Director nominees. Among those irked by the snub is her dad, Jon Voight, who stood up for her at Clive Davis’s annual pre-Grammys gala in Beverly Hills on Saturday night.

“I wish she had [been nominated], because I think she deserved it,” he told reporters. “I think her direction is astounding, really astounding, and if she wasn’t my daughter, I’d still say, ‘I want to work for that one.’ She’s a great actor’s director — the pace of the film, the size of the film. Unbelievably difficult stuff that she accomplished.”

[From Vulture]

As I’ve seen more of the nominated films this year, I’m not mad that Angelina didn’t get nominated for Best Director. I do think the nomination for The Imitation Game’s Morten Tyldum was sort of a throw-away though – TIG was adequately directed, the same as Unbroken, so why did Tyldum get nominated and Jolie didn’t? Is it because TIG is British-y and fancy and Harvey Weinstein wields a crazy amount of power? So, if we took out Tyldum, who should go in that place? Selma’s director, Ava DuVernay.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class

These are photos of Ben Affleck, 42, taking his daughters Violet and Seraphina out to karate class and shopping for Valentine’s presents. Violet is holding a fuzzy red pillow which The Daily Mail claims is for her mother, Jennifer Garner. Cute! I also like how the girls are in karate. My son used to take karate and it teaches kids discipline, self esteem and of course self defense.

Affleck looks super buff and you know that he’s trying to show it off in that tight shirt. He’s also much more clean cut than we’re used to seeing him. His hair is short and he’s not sporting any of the facial scruff that he usually has. I like this look on him, he looks much younger when he’s clean-shaven like this.

He is of course in shape for his role as Batman in Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, out in 2016. Affleck won’t be able to slack on his fitness or diet routine anytime soon. There are two sequels coming out in which he’ll reprise his role, The Justice League Part 1 in 2017 and Justice League Part 2 in 2019. I wonder if he ever thinks of all the years he’ll tied up in this franchise and questions whether he’s up to the challenge. I bet that Damon’s re-commitment to Bourne helped convince Affleck that he could also do an action franchise. Those two are close and live right down the street from each other. Damon used to say, years ago, that he was getting too old for Bourne, but he’s got a new film coming out in 2016 too.

Affleck was just announced as one of the presenters at the Oscars on February 22. I hope that his wife, Jennifer Garner, comes too and I hope they pose together on the red carpet, but that’s probably a pipe dream.

Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class

Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class

Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class
Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class
Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class
Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class
Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class
Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class
Ben Affleck Takes His Girls To Karate Class

photo credit: FameFlynet



Here are some photos of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian out and about on Tuesday and Wednesday in NYC. Kanye is in town because he’s launching something or another. Anyway, we’re still talking Kanye’s temper tantrum at the Grammys, or more specifically, in his post-Grammy interview with E!. A lot of people thought Kanye was just joking when he rushed the Grammy stage as Beck was trying to collect his trophy for Album of the Year, but in the E! interview, Kanye name-checked Beck directly, saying that Beck needed to give his trophy to Beyonce and basically saying the Grammy producers need to show more respect to “real artists” like himself, Beyonce, Jay-Z. Rather than respecting Beck. Well, Kanye went on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show yesterday to explain/apologize. Some highlights:

Why he stage-rushed Beck: “You know, I felt like just the whole Grammys, right when that happened, everybody was looking at me, and then people started screaming, ‘Kanye! Kanye! Go do it!’ Okay, that didn’t really happen, these were voices in my head. So the voices in my head told me to go up, and then I just walked up, like, halfway up the stage.”

He didn’t intend to disrespect Beck: “You know, what I really wanted to do is just joke around with what had happened before [with Taylor Swift at the 2009 VMAs], but I just really didn’t want to take away from Beck’s moment or the time he’s having to talk, because, you know, the Grammys, they play music really quick no matter who you are and everything. So I didn’t want anything to take away from his screen time. So I just walked back down because, you know, it was kind of a joke, like the Grammys themselves.”

Kanye likes Beck: “Well, first of all, Beck is one of the nicest guys and one of the most respected musicians in the game. So there’s nothing that I would want to do as a fellow musician to disrespect him in any way.”

He likes a jolt of truth: “The weird thing is — and I don’t feel like I have the right to take away from people’s moments, but the reality of it is — it’s almost like a chiropractor. You know, you just get a little crook out, like, ‘Wow, this crook has been there!’ It’s just a little jolt of truth, right? And then, you know, everyone feels better after the fact, or everyone sells way more albums after the fact, and then Kanye just goes on being an a–hole to everyone.”

His comments about Beck on E!: “Well, you know what happened? It’s because I sat there and I kind of let that [smolder] and I was asked my opinion and I was given a platform. And when given a platform, it’s very hard, as we know — and I’m going to talk in third person like I’m a crazy person — but it’s very hard for Kanye West to not be very true and vocal to what he feels… [But] I think it came off the wrong way, and that was a mis-wording on my part, because obviously Beck is one of the most respected artists and respects artistry. But I felt — and this is my opinion and he’s his own man and he’s not wrong and we’ll still go play basketball and stuff [unless] he doesn’t want to do it — that even though the Grammys sometimes give awards to people who you wouldn’t think should win in the category, as a respect to artists, we mention the other artist’s name in our speech…”

[From E! News]

Wait, is Kanye saying he plays basketball with Beck?! Just my opinion, which I feel like I’ve written a million times this week: I didn’t think it was bad or disrespectful that Kanye stage-rushed Beck. Beck was into it, it was funny and self-referential, and even Prince laughed. What bothered a lot of people (including Shirley Manson!) were Kanye’s comments on E!, where he really did disrespect Beck’s music and Beck as an artist. And that’s why Yeezus should apologize to Beck directly. As for the voices in Kanye’s head… I’m pretty sure he’s joking. Right? Right.

Oh, and Kanye also talked about Taylor Swift in this interview. He claims Tay-Tay told him that he should have stayed on stage with Beck and that Taylor saying that to him was “the irony of my life!” He also claims Swifty “wants to get in the studio, and we’re definitely going to go in.” He stated, with regards to Swifty: “I don’t discriminate. I don’t have an elitism of music because of how many Grammys or, you know, the amount of ratings you get on an album.”

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.



Why are there so many conspiracies surrounding Prince William and Duchess Kate’s flight back to England after their luxury vacation in Mustique? Some say Will and Kate flew out of Mustique last Friday, some say they didn’t fly back until Sunday or Monday of this week. It wouldn’t be so tricky if William wasn’t the president of BAFTA, and it wouldn’t be so notable if William hadn’t skipped out on ALL of the BAFTA celebrations last weekend. There was even a pre-BAFTA celebration last Saturday night at Kensington Palace and there was no royal host. William didn’t attend the BAFTAs either. My theory was that William just extended his vacation through a third weekend, but the Daily Mail’s gossip guy claims William just had a “prior commitment.” WHAT?

Given that he is President of Bafta, his home Kensington Palace was used for an official party on Saturday and his Eton College classmate Eddie Redmayne was named Best Actor, Prince William might have been expected to put in an appearance at the prestigious film awards. The Duke of Cambridge’s absence from Sunday’s ceremony was, however, the talk of the Baftas.

‘A lot of people were surprised he didn’t turn up to anything or even put his head round the door at the palace on Saturday,’ says one source. ‘Part of the attraction for the Hollywood stars was the chance to meet William and Kate.’

Instead, William recorded a tribute to his predecessor as president Lord Attenborough, who died last year, with the video played to guests at the ceremony. The 32-year-old Prince attended last year’s jamboree when he presented the Bafta Fellowship Award to Dame Helen Mirren, who played his grandmother in The Queen. Like a preening actor, he posed for ‘selfies’ with admiring fans and high-fived rapper Tinie Tempah.

William returned from a luxurious two-week break in the Caribbean four days before the Baftas. He and Prince George were staying with the Duchess of Cambridge’s parents, Mike and Carole Middleton, in Mustique and he is known to be loath to disrupt his holidays with his in-laws, to whom he is very close. When William finished his six-week tour of duty as an RAF helicopter pilot in the Falklands in 2012, for example, he chose to fly to the Alps immediately for a skiing holiday with the Middletons. He did not return for the memorial service marking the 10th anniversary of the deaths of the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret, which was attended by most royals.

The Prince has not carried out a single engagement this year. He is currently three-quarters of the way through the 14 exams he must take to gain his Air Transport Pilot’s Licence, which he needs before he can take up his job as an Air Ambulance pilot in Norfolk.

A Kensington Palace spokesman tells me: ‘Sadly, the Duke was not able to attend this year due to prior commitments.’

If anyone knows what those ‘commitments’ were, please do get in touch.

[From The Daily Mail]

Wow, so much shade within just one gossip piece, right? How is it that William could have returned “four days before the BAFTAs” and we didn’t learn about their return until Monday? How is that there was a star-studded Kensington Palace reception on Saturday and William never even popped by? It would have literally taken him a minute to walk to the reception. And the official line from KP is that he had “prior commitments”???? What, he just had to see Jecca Craig?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


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