Can you handle the cuteness?
Celebrity stylist Rachel Zoe shared an adorable shot of her 1-year-old son Kai via Instagram. “Saturday love fest with a new friend of a friend #puppylove #babylove #toocuteforwords #kaiusjagger XoRZ,” the reality star, 43, captioned the image of her beautiful baby boy.
The proud mom also posted some pics of her firstborn son Skyler, who is set to turn 4-years-old on March 22.
Check out Zoe’s “Saturday selfie” with her elder son, a new shot with fellow celebrity mom Kerry Washington, and some more cute candids of her boys in our gallery below.
Saturday love fest with a new friend of a friend #puppylove #babylove #toocuteforwords #kaiusjagger XoRZ
A photo posted by Rachel Zoe (@rachelzoe) on Mar 7, 2015 at 3:18pm PST
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I’ve always thought Cressida Bonas was and is a pretty girl, but this cover sucks, right? Bad lighting, bad angle, and Miss Vogue (a supplement with Vogue UK) made her look sort of dead-eyed and mouth-breathy. Still… Cressida Bonas is going to be a star! Harvey Weintstein thinks so. Cressida has already phased out the potential for royal life with Prince Harry and has phased in fame, films and modeling. She’s one of the new faces of Mulberry. She’s already shot her first film role in Tulip Fever. And now she’s on the cover of Miss Vogue.
Cressida Bonas’ star is on the rise. The 26-year-old, who famously dated Prince Harry for two years, has a blossoming Hollywood career, an impressive fashion portfolio and recently appeared on stage to critical acclaim in the hit play There’s a Monster in the Lake. The chance to take on another persona appeals greatly to the pretty blonde.
“I don’t really understand it; in real life I’m often so shy – paralysingly so,” she recently confided to Miss Vogue magazine, “But when I’m performing, it’s totally different. I feel free.”
Performance has long been a passion of Cressida’s; she graduated from Leeds University with a degree in Dance, before deciding to continue her training at The Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in Greenwich. Mulberry, which has described Cressida as the company’s muse, recently cast her in a 30-second film after watching the video of her final dance from her time at Leeds. The company’s talent-spotters were “charmed by her movement”, a spokesperson for the fashion brand said.
Later this year, Cressida will make her film debut in Harvey Weinstein’s new movie Tulip Fever, alongside the likes of Dame Judi Dench and Cara Delevingne. The Hollywood mega-mogul has predicted big things for the burgeoning actress. “People will see what a fantastic actress she is,” Harvey has said. “It will be the first of many roles for her.” He went on to praise Cressida for “not taking advantage of any media profile.”
[From Hello Mag]
I’ll admit it, I don’t understand people who are all “I’m so shy” and then seek a career in front of the cameras, who search out the spotlight and fame at any cost. I’m sure those people exist, and maybe Cressida is one of them. But I don’t know… she doesn’t seem that shy to me. She’s reserved, for sure, but she seems at home in this phase of her life.
Hello Magazine also says that Cressida is “determined to support herself” instead of relying on her parents, although there are some rumors that Cressida’s family – while well-connected and posh – are not really all that wealthy. So, Cressida might be doing some of this out of financial necessity. But she did go back to a well-connected ex-boyfriend named Harry… Harry Wentworth-Stanley, the son of the Marchioness of Milford Haven.
Photos courtesy of Sean Thomas/Miss Vogue.
Mom-to-be Terri Seymour is counting down the days until her first child is born.
“Nearly there! #Bump,” the Extra correspondent, 40, Instagrammed an image on an exercise ball.
Seymour has been sharing several shots via Instagram, including one in an animal print bathing suit, going for a swim, and posing with Academy Award-winning actress Halle Berry.
Not to mention, a special shout-out to Celebrity Baby Scoop after running our exclusive interview.
“Thank you #CelebrityBabyScoop,” she captioned the screen shot.
During the interview, the mom-to-be dished on her birth plan.
“I’m hoping natural, but I’m not ruling out an epidural, I’m going to be honest,” Seymour told Celebrity Baby Scoop. “If I need an epidural my girlfriend has told me to go for it, so I’m listening to my girlfriend. And I don’t have a planned C-section. I’m hoping I do not have to have a C-section. I’d like to do it as naturally as possible.”
The mom-to-be and her boyfriend, 24-year-old British model Clark Mallon, are expecting a daughter any day now.
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Sunday was International Women’s Day, and the United Nations’ HeForShe goodwill ambassador Emma Watson did a live Facebook Q&A to celebrate. Emma went viral last year when she made her first speech at the UN, discussing feminism, equality and why men should proudly proclaim they are feminists as well. I was surprised by the reaction to Emma’s speech, because she really didn’t say anything groundbreaking. I suppose it was “new” to a generation that grew up alongside Emma though.
Anyway, after Emma’s speech went viral, Emma got some really awful threats and comments from “men’s rights activists”. There was even the “threat” to release nude photos of Emma… because she talked about feminism or something. That site threatening to release the photos ended up being a hoax or some kind of advertising for something else, although let’s be honest: there were lots of men’s rights activists who were truly pissed off at her. In her Facebook chat, Emma spoke about the situation:
On the backlash to her speech: “There was a website set up that was threatening to release naked images of me, with like a countdown and whatever else. I knew it was a hoax. I knew the pictures didn’t exist.”
Whether that moment was evidence of gender inequality: “A lot of people close to me knew gender equality was an issue but didn’t think it was that urgent. You know, ‘We live in Great Britain – this is a thing of the past. We’re fine. We’re good. We have got far enough.’ When they saw that the minute I stepped up and talked about women’s rights I was immediately threatened. I mean within less than 12 hours I was receiving threats. I think they were really shocked and one of my brothers in particular was very upset.”
Gender equality in small gestures: “I actually took a man out for dinner and I chose the restaurant and I offered to pay. It was really awkward and uncomfortable – I’m just going to say that. It was not going down well! He was just like ‘I’m not really sure about this.’ It was making him a bit tetchy. But the cool thing about it was we were both willing to have the conversation about why it was awkward and why it was uncomfortable. We were able to have the dialogue ‘It’s OK. I chose the restaurant as it is my favorite restaurant and I would love to pay. But next time you chose the restaurant and you pay.’ “
[From People]
Do you find it disingenuous that Emma talks so much about the naked-photo-hoax without acknowledging that it was in fact a hoax? I don’t, but that’s because I wouldn’t blame her at all for not keeping up with that story and how it all turned out to be a hoax. And there were days when no one knew if it was a hoax and it just seemed like so many “men’s rights activists” were legitimately pissed. As for Emma’s attempt at going dutch or outright paying for a date… is that really still a thing? Even when I was in college, I would still offer to pay and sometimes the dudes would take me up on it. Maybe I’ve just known really unchivalrous men in my life.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Last week, the world was astounded by the “other” blonde at Paris Fashion week. Jared Leto showed off his Karl Lagerfeld Jr. realness at the Balmain show. This was an in-between stage for his eventual Joker look. Now Karl’s Jr. (his new nickname) revealed the mysterious reason why he wore those glasses. He wasn’t trying to look cool — he was protecting us from the full reveal of his shaved eyebrows. Quick, prepare yourself!
This isn’t the first time Jared’s shaved his eyebrows for a role. He previously did so for Dallas Buyer’s Club, which made more sense. I don’t know why he’d need to shave his brows to play the Joker. Is he going to wear some neon green merkin brows? With Jared, anything is possible. He’ll go to any lengths for a role, but I appreciate that he won’t talk our ears off about his “craft.” Dude lets his work speak for itself.
Jared’s all over Paris. He attended the Lanvin and Balenciago shows and spread his photobombing obsession. Here he is sneaking up behind Gigi Hadid at a Galaxy event. This is how one knows they’ve truly arrived — getting photobombed by Jared Leto.
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Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet & WENN