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While Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen were leaking stories and quotes about their marriage throughout September, I was pleasantly surprised by how subdued everything felt, like it wasn’t a full-on PR war. What a sweet summer child I was one month ago. When the news came out last week that Gisele had hired a divorce lawyer, suddenly the gloves came off and a PR war is now being fought. Page Six, People Magazine and Entertainment Tonight are all running exclusive quotes from sources close to both Brady and Bundchen. Something absolutely shifted significantly in the past week, and it’s fascinating to watch, just from a media-strategy perspective. Anyway, here are some highlights from easily a half-dozen stories:

Poor, dumb, pained Tom Brady: A source told People Mag: “It’s pretty obvious that he’s hurting. He feels very hurt by her. She is the one steering the divorce. She is playing offense and he is playing defense. He wants to protect himself, protect his interests, but he’s only starting to go the legal route in his defense from her. He doesn’t want this to be ugly, he doesn’t want to fight. If the divorce is happening — and it seems like it is — he wants it to go as smoothly as possible. Think about it: Tom has had a very charmed life. Things always seem to go his way. He works hard, he’s a good guy, he hasn’t had a lot of things go wrong in his life. This is awful for him. You can tell that this really, really hurts.”

Tom & Gisele have had problems for a long time: An insider tells People: “[The problems] are 10 years old. This has been going on forever. This is nothing new to either of them. Gisele is doing fine. She is getting her stuff in order. They are both over [fighting for their marriage] and it’s happening now so they can do their own thing and move on.”

Tom is Father of the Year! An insider tells People: “The kids love Tom. He is a great dad.”

The kids: Gisele “feels bad for the kids but she doesn’t expect any custody issues.”

Gisele is DONE: From People: Gisele Bündchen “is done” with trying to make her marriage to Tom Brady work, and is ready to “move on,” a source tells PEOPLE. The supermodel, who has been working with a divorce lawyer for “weeks,” a source previously told PEOPLE, is ready to end their 13-year marriage. “She is done with their marriage,” an insider close to Bündchen says. “She was upset about it for a long time and it’s still difficult, but she feels like she needs to move on. She doesn’t believe that her marriage can be repaired.”

Gisele is doing fine: She “is doing okay… She is just trying to figure out her life. She doesn’t have much contact with Tom. Gisele loves Miami. She has friends there. She can see herself living there permanently. Again, she is still trying to figure things out. She is doing yoga, meditating and taking care of herself. She doesn’t put any pressure on herself to make drastic decisions.”

Okay, so what I’m getting is that Tom wants it emphasized that Gisele is dumping him and he’s playing the victim – he’s devastated and sad and he feels abandoned, why won’t his hot wife come running back to him so she can put her career on hold forever and organize his life and raise his children? Bitches, amirite? Meanwhile, Gisele’s people are putting it out there that sure, she left, but she has well-documented reasons for leaving and everyone knows what she sacrificed so that Brady could play football. Gisele is radiating: unbothered, over it, done, moving on. I’m extremely curious to see what Divorced Gisele will look like and how much fun she’s going to have. Tom, on the other hand, will find the adjustment really hard.

Photos courtesy of Instagram.

Because of this job, I read more than my fair share of celebrity interviews and profiles. I have gotten used to fashion magazine journalists soft-pedaling their more sensitive questions and the push-pull of celebrities’ canned publicist-written lines versus actual admissions and confessions. Shakira’s cover interview for Elle’s October digital issue is kind of remarkable because the Elle writer was asking pointed question after pointed question about Shakira’s split with Gerard Pique and her tax situation in Spain. Shakira’s literally going to trial over the tax situation – Spain says she owes millions in back taxes, Shakira says she’s paid everything she owes – while simultaneously fighting for full custody of the two children she shares with Pique. While Shakira deflects some questions, she really tries to answer a lot of them and get her side out.

The end of her relationship with Pique: “Oh, this is really hard to talk about personally, especially as this is the first time I’ve ever addressed this situation in an interview. I’ve remained quiet and just tried to process it all. Um, and yeah, it’s hard to talk about it, especially because I’m still going through it, and because I’m in the public eye and because our separation is not like a regular separation.”

It’s hard on the kids: “It’s really upsetting for two kids who are trying to process their parents’ separation. And sometimes I just feel like this is all a bad dream and that I’m going to wake up at some point. But no, it’s real. And what’s also real is the disappointment to see something as sacred and as special as I thought was the relationship I had with my kids’ father and see that turned into something vulgarized and cheapened by the media. And all of this while my dad has been in the ICU and I’ve been fighting on different fronts. Like I said, this is probably the darkest hour of my life. But then I think about all those women around the world who are going through hardship, who are going through a situation as bad as mine or as difficult as mine or worse.

The most painful thing: “For those women like me who believe in values like family who had the dream, the big dream of having a family forever, to see that dream broken or shredded into pieces is probably one of the most painful things that you can ever go through. But I think that women, we are resilient. You know, we have this resiliency that is just innate in all of us.

The Spanish media depicts the split as particularly nasty: “Honestly, the depiction in the local press here in Spain has been so hard to watch. And invasive for my kids. They don’t deserve to feel observed or watched every second, photographed at school drop-off, or followed by paparazzi. They deserve a normal life. It’s just a total circus, and everyone is speculating about all of these aspects of our, and more importantly our children’s, lives, and a lot of it isn’t even true. Regardless of how things ended or how Gerard and I feel about each other as ex-partners, he is the father of my children. We have a job to do for these two incredible boys, and I have faith that we will figure out what is best for their future, their own dreams in life, and what is a fair solution for everyone involved. And I hope and would appreciate if we were given the space to do that privately.

On Pique already finding a new girlfriend: “I think that those details are somehow too private to share, at least at this very moment—everything is so raw and new. I can only say that I put everything I had into this relationship and my family.

Making sacrifices: “Once Milan started school, at the end of 2014, I knew that my constant travel and nomadic existence had to be put on the back burner and my career had to be put in second gear. I knew that when he started school I had to settle down, plant roots in Barcelona, and be there for him and for Gerard and then later on for Sasha as well. As a soccer player, he wanted to play football and to win titles and I had to support him. I mean, one of the two of us had to make a sacrifice, right? Either he would stop his contract with Barcelona and move to the U.S. with me, where my career is, or I would have to do that instead. And so, one of the two had to make that effort and that sacrifice. And I did it. I put my career in second gear and I came to Spain, to support him so he could play football and win titles. And it was a sacrifice of love. Thanks to that, my kids were able to have a present mom, and I have this amazing bond with them that is unbreakable and that sustains us. You know, that is it. That’s all I can say.

Fighting the tax fraud accusations: “Because I have to fight for what I believe; because these are false accusations. First of all, I didn’t spend 183 days per year at that time at all. I was busy fulfilling my professional commitments around the world. Second, I’ve paid everything they claimed I owed, even before they filed a lawsuit. So as of today, I owe zero to them. And finally, I was advised by one of the four biggest tax specialist firms in the world, PricewaterhouseCoopers, so I was confident that I was doing things correctly and transparently from day one.

The Spanish government is leaking sh-t about her: “Even without evidence to support these fictional claims, as they usually do, they’ve resorted to a salacious press campaign to try to sway people, and apply pressure in the media along with the threat of reputational damage in order to coerce settlement agreements. It is well known that the Spanish tax authorities do this often not only with celebrities like me (or [Cristiano] Ronaldo, Neymar, [Xabi] Alonso, and many more), it also happens unjustly to the regular taxpayer. It’s just their style. But I’m confident that I have enough proof to support my case and that justice will prevail in my favor.

Wow, she’s pissed at the Spanish authorities: “While Gerard and I were dating, I was on a world tour. I spent more than 240 days outside of Spain, so there was no way I qualified as a resident. The Spanish tax authorities saw that I was dating a Spanish citizen and started to salivate. It’s clear they wanted to go after that money no matter what. Even for the next few years, I was traveling the world, working nonstop while pregnant or with Milan as a baby, when my C-section had barely closed. They knew I wasn’t in Spain the required time, that Spain wasn’t my place of work or my source of income, but they still came after me, with their eyes on the prize.

[From Elle]

I came out of this with a real admiration for Shakira and her strength in dealing with what sounds like a huge mountain of bullsh-t. She’s right about the Spanish press, they’ve been going after her HARD and I know I’ve only seen a fraction of it here in America. To be fair, this isn’t just on the Spanish media though – Gerard Pique has been smearing her a lot in recent months and clearly he wants the world to know that he’s moving on with someone much younger and that he’s thrown away Shakira like she’s yesterday’s news. The Spanish government has also been quite gleeful in the way they’ve come after her too on the tax issue, which I still believe is a massive scam on the government’s part. And yes, Shakira is making it perfectly clearly that she was the one making sacrifices for Gerard and for his career and now he’s being this absolute POS. Ugh, I cannot stand him. Anyway, this was surprisingly dishy and I love that she talked about everything.

Covers courtesy of Elle.

Whenever Kim Kardashian tries to “break the internet,” it’s always just something to do with her ass. When Kim actually breaks the internet, it’s because she’s said something elitist, haughty or delusional. So it is with Kim’s Interview Magazine cover. I’m not going to post the full cover because it’s just her ass looking like two undercooked hams. It’s a lot of surgically-enhanced cake. I will say this though: I think more headlines are being devoted to Kim’s bleached eyebrows more than her ass. It’s such a bad look, my God. Never bleach your eyebrows. Especially if you’re naturally a brunette. As for the interview…it’s a completely terrible read, but here are some highlights:

She’s not perfect: “Honestly, I really take care of myself. I work out, and I eat as plant-based as possible. I’m not perfect, but it’s a lifestyle. I feel really good in my own skin these days, so maybe that comes through.

She loves true crime:
“Oh my god, yeah. I’m obsessed. I had to stop watching Dateline and all the shows when I was studying in law school.

She still feels like she has something to prove: “I think I’ll always feel like I have something to prove. Even if it’s just to myself. My next big thing is just finishing law school because I’m halfway there. It’s really time consuming. I have to study two hours every day with my professor. I don’t have a day off from that.”

On the Dobbs decision: “I’m studying civil procedure and criminal procedure right now, so just understanding the process of how Roe v. Wade got overturned—it’s fascinating and scary. Just seeing how far our country has progressed, to then see it regress—it’s really scary to think that gay marriage is in jeopardy. If a court can decide what a woman does with her body, then it also puts having children through surrogacy, and things that I have been through, in jeopardy. I always believed people should live their lives exactly how they want to, so it’s really scary to see all of this happening.

On climate change: “I believe in climate change, and I believe that anything can help. But I also believe in being realistic and I think sometimes there’s so much to worry about on this planet, and it can be really scary to live your life with anxiety. I have super climate change–involved friends, and I love learning from them. I do what I can, but you have to pick and choose what really works for you in your life.

A girl with no talent: “I think it came from people saying, “What are you famous for?” And I’m like, “Well, we have a TV show.” But just because we’re not singing and dancing and acting on the show doesn’t mean that the fame didn’t come from that. But then, I would write that as a hashtag, not bad for a girl with no talent, because people used to be like, “Well, what do you do? What’s your talent?” And I’m like, “Didn’t know I needed one.” I mean, I can give you a million f–king talents. I can cook well, use my toes for anything. I could tell you the weirdest f–king sh-t on the planet. But I think my talent is marketing and the business behind selling products and knowing what the customer wants and making it feel attainable, but also a bit unattainable at the same time. I wouldn’t say that’s a talent. I think it’s a bit of magic and business savvy. Maybe it is talent, I don’t know.

[From Interview]

At this point, I’m pretty much over the “Kim doesn’t have a talent/Kim is famous for no reason” conversation. She’s been famous for the better part of two decades, she’s a reality star and a businesswoman, etc. I get that she’s always been famous for being famous, a celebrity ouroboros, but can we please stop having this conversation? Enough. As for what she says about climate change… pretty rich from a family with individual private planes, all of whom use those planes to go on jaunts to Southern California for no reason. There’s “try not to let climate change consume you into feeling helpless” and then there’s “f–k it, the world is burning, I’m taking my private jet ten miles to the mall.”

Cover & IG courtesy of Interview.

The trailer for season two of The White Lotus looks… eh. [Dlisted]
The Super Mario Bros Movie has its first trailer. Chris Pratt’s Mario voice… [Pajiba]
Hot Guy Friday: Hasan Minhaj looks amazing in plaid. [Go Fug Yourself]
Prince William & Kate are still bad at social media. [LaineyGossip]
A follow-up on that Herschel Walker story. [Jezebel]
Gawker’s rave review of TAR. [Gawker]
This is a cursed headline: Leonardo DiCaprio spotted hanging out with Timothy Olyphant at a Chris Rock show.” [Just Jared]
God, there are some awful bosses out there. [Buzzfeed]
Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant again. [Starcasm]
Yeah, this Supreme Court is going to gut voting rights. [Towleroad]
Kendall Jenner is shilling for a denim company. [Egotastic]
Vintage Marcia Gay Harden in Miller’s Crossing. [Seriously OMG]

One of the things I appreciate about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex is their wide array of charitable interests. I usually learn a lot when I’m covering their charitable work and the programs, charities and non-profits they choose to highlight and platform. So it is with the latest Archewell collaboration. Archewell has teamed up with The VING Project to give grants to inspirational women. A million dollars will be given away in $1000 grants, and it feels like Archewell is donating a chunk (if not all) of that money.

The Archewell Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, and Prince Harry, has teamed up with The VING Project to give $1 million in grants to women who serve as inspiration to young individuals. The partnership, which was inspired by “Archetypes,” a Spotify podcast created by the former Meghan Markle, asks anyone between the ages of 14 and 18 to nominate a woman who has inspired them and worked hard to meet their goals, despite facing challenges such as financial hardships.

If chosen, nominators will be able to give a $1,000 dollar grant to the nominee of their choice, which not only supports women in need, but also helps the next generation participate in the joy of giving. In order to qualify for the grant, nominees “must be U.S. residents, non-extended or immediate family members and in need of financial assistance to be eligible,” according to a press release.

“Two things that bring me great joy are supporting women, and the spirit of giving,” Meghan expressed in the press release. “With the return of Archetypes, Archewell Foundation and VING have come together to create the perfect combination of these loves. By donating $1 million in grants to women in need, our hope is not to only provide support where it may be felt deepest, but also empower young adults to embrace the gift of giving at an early age. I’m very proud of this partnership and the good we hope to see come from it.”

VING, which is all about sparking the next generation of givers, has already awarded nearly $1 million in $1,000 grants to deserving nominees, and the partnership aligns with the Archewell Foundation’s mission to uplift and unite communities with acts of compassion.

“We share the joy of philanthropy with Archewell Foundation and are proud to help young people make a difference by giving a financial boost to others who are financially vulnerable,” Liz Lefkofsky, founder of VING, said of the partnership in the press release.

[From Today]

So, they’re asking kids from the age of 14-18 to “nominate” a woman who inspires them, and if their nominees are chosen, those inspirational women get $1000 grants. Nice. It also seems kind of unnecessarily complicated, but I understand that the point of this is multifold, and they’re trying to teach kids about charity work, donations, how non-profits work, etc. I like how it ties into Archetypes too.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images, Spotify.

I’m interested in these stories about sleeping, eating and exercise because I’m constantly trying to evaluate and upgrade my habits. The news about this latest study feels personally validating to me – eating earlier in the day was associated with a greater calorie burn and lower rates of cholesterol and blood sugar than eating later in the day. This study was published in the journal Cell Metabolism, which had a related study about how eating in a ten hour window was beneficial.

Eating earlier in the day may help you lose weight, and eating meals within a 10-hour window could improve blood sugar and cholesterol levels, according to two new studies published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

“You have this internal biological clock that makes you better at doing different things at different times of the day,” Courtney Peterson, PhD, an associate professor of nutrition sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, told NBC News. Peterson wasn’t involved with the studies.

“It seems like the best time for your metabolism, in most people, is the mid- to late morning,” she said.

In one study, researchers found that eating later in the day made people hungrier during a 24-hour period, as compared with eating the same meals earlier in the day. Late eating also burned calories at a slower rate and led to fat tissue that stored more calories. Combined, the changes may increase the risk for obesity, the study authors found.

In another study, among firefighters as shift workers, researchers found that eating meals within a 10-hour window decreased the size of bad cholesterol particles, which could reduce risk factors for heart disease. The 10-hour eating window also improved blood pressure and blood sugar levels among those with health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

The two new studies confirm findings from previous studies that indicate humans may have an ideal eating window based on the body’s circadian rhythms, which regulate sleep and wake cycles and can affect appetite, metabolism, and blood sugar levels.

[From Medscape]

I try to eat in a twelve hour window, but I could move it to ten hours if I ate breakfast later. It sounds like the key is eating dinner early though and stopping. As someone who eats dinner around 4 pm, I love this news. Kaiser also eats around then and told me that it feels better than eating later. She’s right, I have trouble sleeping if I eat a big meal after about 7 or snack too much late in the night. I wake up very early, typically before 5am, and go to bed around 9 or 10.

Yahoo also covered these studies and they report that there were two groups of people in the eating timing study, which was small with 16 participants total. Half of the people ate at 9, 1 and 5 and the other half ate at 1, 5, and 9. The people in the late eating group ended up burning less calories and had more food cravings. This reminds me that I need to eat breakfast now! I’m also going to plan to stop eating after dinner tonight and see if it makes a difference. Bring on the early bird specials.

Photos credit: Cottonbro, Outcast India, Alex Haney on Unsplash and Tony Schnagl on Pexels

Before Olivia Wilde made an ass out of herself on an international scale during Don’t Worry Darling’s promotion, the big story around Wilde was her custody dispute with her former partner Jason Sudeikis. In April, Jason had Olivia served while she was on-stage at Cinema-Con. The legal papers were about which jurisdiction would hear and resolve their custody issues. While Jason travels for work a lot, he considers himself New York-based, and New York is where their kids were born and raised up until 2020. Olivia is now LA-based, and she wanted the California courts to have jurisdiction. She ended up winning on jurisdiction, but not before an extremely messy hearing in NY, where Jason made it clear that Olivia had told him she planned to move from California to England with the children. Well, here’s an update on that – apparently, Olivia is looking for schools for the kids in North London.

Olivia Wilde has given the clearest hint yet that she plans to relocate to the UK full time to live with Harry Styles. I can reveal the actress and director visited a school in North London, suggesting she wants her children Otis and Daisy enrolled there.

They had been living with Olivia and her former fiance, actor Jason Sudeikis, in Los Angeles.

But Olivia has been spending more and more time in the UK with her pop star toyboy. A move here with the kids could be ideal for her ex too, even though they haven’t seen eye to eye since their separation, as he shoots his hit comedy series Ted Lasso in London.

A source said: “Harry and Olivia are completely committed to each other and want to spend as much time together as possible. Obviously they both lead very busy lives, with Harry spending huge amounts of time on tour and Olivia leading a successful career in film, as well as frequently flying out to see him. But the kids are always her first priority, so basing them in the UK is a viable option for their future, given she sees that with Harry, who wants to stay in London.

“She has spoken to Jason about it because his say is important too as the kids’s dad. It sounds like they have agreed London is the best place. Nothing has been signed and sealed yet but they are strongly considering the move.”

[From The Sun]

First of all, no, Jason has not “agreed London is the best place.” That’s the entire reason why they’ve been engaged in this messy family court dispute, because Olivia told him she’s taking the kids to London and he’s like “hell no.” Ted Lasso isn’t going on forever either, it’s not like he’ll need to be in England for work much longer. Lasso is ending at Season 3, meaning Jason will go back to living in New York full-time. Add to all that… Olivia is really going to move to England to be with Harry Styles? The vibe is so off. The vibe was off during Olivia’s assy promotion too.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.

I’ve always enjoyed stories about people bringing in healers, priests or various spiritual people to give blessings to a new home or a car or what have you. Like, if you don’t believe in it, then it’s no harm, no foul. But I would totally pay for that peace of mind if I moved into a new home, or if I was going through a tough time and I wanted to clear out the bad energy. It does not surprise me in the least that Gisele Bundchen is the same way. Gisele has moved into her separation home in Miami, although no one knows if she’s renting, borrowing or buying. She’s starting over at the age of 42, she’s got a divorce lawyer and she’s dealing with a meathead husband who can only think about football. It was time for her to hire someone to burn sage and say a few prayers around Gisele’s car and her office.

Gisele Bündchen appears to be burning her way to a fresh start, perhaps without Tom Brady. The former Victoria’s Secret Angel was spotted with a smudge stick to burn sage around her car in Miami with the help of an unknown holistic woman.

The healer can be seen burning the stick around her SUV before making her way inside an office with Bündchen — who was notably without her wedding ring. At one point, the woman seemed to exit her building holding a prayer pose before hugging the supermodel as she left.

The holistic experience came just days after Bündchen and her estranged husband each hired divorce attorneys potentially to represent them if they legally decide to call it quits.

[From Page Six]

I bet this healer came to Gisele’s new house too and burned some sage and cleared out the bad energy. Gisele is going to be that kind of divorcée – it will be sage sticks, relaxation candles, divorce yoga classes, wine nights with her Miami girlfriends, girls’ trips to Key West, a miniature Schnauzer in her Birkin. Gisele’s Instagram page is about to get sun-kissed and cleavage-y.

Meanwhile, sources tell Entertainment Tonight that “Tom isn’t taking things well. He wants to reconcile and was still holding out hope that they could work things out. He is extremely hurt and misses Gisele being by his side. He feels abandoned in a way. He loves his family, but also wants to continue his career. He feels like he is in a tough spot.” Not that, my dude. “He misses Gisele being by his side”? Oh, he misses the fact that she put her career on hold for over a decade to raise children, organize his home and life and give him the sheen of an A-list power couple? “I miss the fact that I could just take her for granted, like I did in the old days!” Sage his ass.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

Kristen Stewart’s Chanel short film/ad is beautifully shot but the interview/voiceover is a total word salad. It’s so cheeseball, my God. [OMG Blog]
Alec Baldwin & the producers have settled out of court with Halyna Hutchins’ widower and family. They’re also going to complete Rust? [Dlisted]
I loved all of the Lena Dunham jokes. [LaineyGossip]
This dress on Lashana Lynch is hilariously bad. [RCFA]
Ooooh, Lil Nas X’s Coach ad is great!! [Tom & Lorenzo]
I actually had no memory of this Elton John story! [Pajiba]
Kate Walsh is engaged! [JustJared]
Penelope Cruz suits up in Madrid. She’s pulling it off. [GFY]
How straight men flirt – honestly, though, some straight dudes DO have game, but yes, most of them do not. [Buzzfeed]
Velma has always been, in my view, canonically gay. [Towleroad]
Iris Apatow models her Calvin Kleins. [Egotastic]
New York pumpkin breaks all national pumpkin records. [Gawker]

Here are more photos of the Princess of Wales at the Royal Surrey County Hospital on Wednesday. She brought photographers inside the hospital, and she posed with newborns and mothers. She also did a roundtable discussion, which highlighted one of my favorite genre of Keen Kate photography: I love photos where her face is hyper-exaggerated and extremely animated, with her jazz hands in full flight, her mouth in full gawping extension, and she’s surrounded by bewildered, subdued people looking at her like “what in the world is she saying?” Meanwhile, Kate got attention for talking about her children again:

Like any loving parents, Kate Middleton and Prince William took great care in naming their little princes and princess. The new Princess of Wales, 40, spoke about the pressure she and her husband felt when choosing names for their three children while visiting the maternity unit of the Royal Surrey County Hospital on Wednesday.

Kate was shown around by Amy Stubbs, deputy director of midwifery, who tells PEOPLE that the royal was easy for new parents to connect with.

“She was very relatable. She talked a lot about how it felt for her when she became a mother,” Stubbs says. While meeting with new parents and hospital personnel, the director says that Kate drew from her own experience while sharing stories. A mom of three, Princess Kate shares Prince George, 9, Princess Charlotte, 7, and Prince Louis, 4, with Prince William.

“She just really talked about her own children including how they chose their names. A lot of the new mums and dads are thinking about how to choose names for their babies, and they spoke with her about how Kate and William made their choice,” Stubbs explains.

“She said they were their favorite names and that obviously the world was waiting for them to name their children — and that felt like quite a big pressure!” Stubbs adds with a laugh.

[From People]

“She just really talked about her own children” is basically all you need to know. Obviously, Kate is proud of her children and she loves being a mom, and of course she’s going to talk about her kids. But after so many years, it seems clear that Kate can really only talk about her own kids and that’s about it. That’s why she “cares” about the Early Years – because her kids are young. She doesn’t have some thirst for child development scholarship. She just wants to do one event every few months where she gets to hold a baby and talk about her kids. As for choosing her “favorite names” for her kids – her favorite names are George, Charlotte and Louis?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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