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Chris Evans

This story made me a little weepy, so I need to talk it out. A few months ago, Chris Pratt and Chris Evans made a Super Bowl bet. Pratt is a Seahawks fan, and Evans forever stands with his Pats. Both men wagered to visit the other’s children’s hospital of choice dependent on the game’s outcome. The Patriots took the title, but Evans and Pratt decided both hospitals should receive superhero visits. Pratt wore a Patriots jersey in Boston. Now Evans has made good by wearing his Cap suit in Seattle. This is the first time Evans has donned the suit for a visit. He usually shows up in civilian duds. This time was different, and the results are awesome. Cap with a beard! Make it happen, Marvel.

Even if you aren’t a fan of Pratt or Evans, it’s impossible not to be moved by these photos. Pratt previously swiped his Star Lord suit with the express purpose of visiting children’s hospitals. I wish he’d have worn the suit in Seattle, but still, this is awesome! Two Marvel superheroes in one visit. These kids were thrilled. Pratt and Evans look just as excited as the children. Evans pointing at a baby is probably my favorite of the batch. Seattle Children’s Hospital posted a flurry of photos on Twitter. Pratt tossed some snaps on Facebook, and Evans expressed his enthusiasm on Twitter.

AMAZING day at @seattlechildren w @prattprattpratt. Met some TRUE super heroes! Feeling inspired, blessed, touched. Thank you w all my heart

— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) March 8, 2015

This Dorito-flavored meatball gets excited about the strangest stubjects, but his enthusiasm is infectious here. Pratt and Evans aren’t doing this for publicity. They’re doing it for the kids. Marvel just happens to have hired some really nice guys. *sniff*

P.S. The British tabs think Evans is dating model Lucy Pinder because he visited Disneyland with a girl who looks nothing like Lucy. Huh.

Chris Evans

Chris Pratt

Seattle Children’s hospital on Twitter, Chris Pratt on Facebook & WENN




I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I’ve been going through a stage where I don’t immediately hate everything coming out of Madonna’s mouth. Is it just me or does she actually seem a bit calmer? Yes, she’s still flashing her butt at the Grammys, but her interviews are coming off as reflective, a little bit sad and interesting. Madge sat down with the NYDN recently to talk about her new album, feeling nostalgic, why she ends up with younger guys and how Kanye West is the new Madonna.

Madge thinks Kanye is the new Madge: “Kanye is the new Madonna. Kanye is the black Madonna. We know, and recognize, that we have that in common. We’re comrades in the envelope-pushing genre.”

Showing her butt at the Grammys: “Bitch, this is what my ass looks like — show me what your ass looks like when you’re 56. I take care of myself. I’m in good shape. I can show my ass when I’m 56, or 66 — or 76. Who’s to say when I can show my ass? It’s sexism. It’s ageism. And it’s a kind of discrimination.”

She’s still vulnerable sometimes: “I’m only human. I’d like to get to the point where nothing can shake me. Sometimes I’m there, sometimes I’m not.”

Her new album is about a bad breakup? “When I started writing the record, I had just broken up with somebody. (Likely either Brahim Zaibat or Timor Steffens)

She’s not just into younger guys: “It’s just what happens. Most men my age are married with children. They’re not datable. I’m a very adventurous person and I also have a crazy life. I’m a single mother. I have four children. I mean, you have to be pretty open-minded and adventurous to want to step into my world. People who are older, and more set in their ways, are probably not as adventurous as someone younger.”

Ageism: “People have always judged me, and given me s–t about one thing or another. Now they’re giving me s–t about age. It’s bull—t. And mostly I hear it from women. I feel I should be hearing support — like, ‘Good for you.’ It’s like everything else. I’m opening doors for women behind me who one day won’t have to deal with this s–t that I deal with.”

[From The NYDN]

I think she’s kind of right about Kanye being the new Madonna. It used to be that Madonna was the queen of controversy. Nowadays, people just… don’t really care, right? Now Kanye is the one. Everyone either loves him or hates him and you can create massive flame wars by simply defending him or slamming him.

As for Madonna’s habit of dating younger guys… “Most men my age are married with children. They’re not datable.” At first I was like, “How rude, she would burned at the stake if she was a man and said that about dateable women!” But I think she means she’s not going to date married men. Which is actually a good call. Still, she should just admit that she likes dating younger guys because she wants to steal their souls and drink their blood.

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Getty & WENN.



It might seem (from our coverage) like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are the only celebrities attending Paris Fashion Week events this year. Not true! Although this year’s PFW seems sort of sparsely attended (which is why Kim & ‘Ye are getting so much press). But here’s Dakota Johnson! She’s a big star now. She’s the face of a $500 million franchise. Dakota was the major “get” for Dior’s front row. And this is how Raf Simons dressed his big “get”. Eh. The pants are good. Great, even. But everything else is a mess. That top looks so dated and I am beyond sick of Dakota’s budget bangs. Her hairstyle here is so backwoods-prom.

It seems like Dakota came to PFW just for the Dior show, which… I mean, that’s sort of bad news, in my opinion. It means Dakota might be up for a Dior contract and while Dior and Chanel are the biggest “gets” for beauty/fashion contracts, I kind of think Dakota would be a much better fit with another label/brand. Like… I could see her with Jason Wu or Balenciaga or something. Dakota does not say “Dior” to me. Then again, neither does Jennifer Lawrence and J-Law has a huge Dior contract (and J-Law didn’t come out for PFW??).


More photos from the Dior show… some people love Olivia Palermo’s style. I’m not one of them. She’s a pretty girl, but this look is a “no” for me.


Anna Wintour was there, of course.


Hailee Steinfeld is so adorable, but I actually thought she was Kendall Jenner in these photos. Hailee’s perfectly lovely as-is, but if I could change one thing… it would be that severe center part. Do a side-part, Hailee! And fluff up your hair!


Lots of people are hating on the fact that Kanye West posed with Lorde outside of the Dior show, but they do legitimately know each other. They’ve worked together and Lorde has said nice things about him publicly. He seems to genuinely like her too. Her hair and makeup look great here! I also think it’s funny that Kim Kardashian wasn’t “welcome” at the Dior show. At least some people have standards?



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Who Said It Revealed! – Eminem

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Yesterday, we asked you to tell us which celebrity said the following quote:

“I can’t understand how he could leave us. If my kids moved to the edge of the earth, I’d find them. No doubt in my mind. No money, no nothing – if I had nothing I’d find my kids. So there’s no excuse.”

So, were you able to guess which celebrity said it? It was Eminem! Back in 2008, Eminem said the quote above when asked about his dad. He just couldn’t imagine why a father would abandon his children.


*EXCLUSIVE* Charlize Theron and little Jackson head out for Pinkberry

Yesterday, we asked you to tell us who this celebrity child is. So, how did you do? Were you able to guess who it was?

It’s Charlize Theron and her son, Jackson! The picture was taken back in November of 2013 when they stepped out to get some Pinkberry together. Read the original post by going here.


kyle richards and alexia umansky


Yesterday, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum, Kyle Richards, 46, took to her Instagram account to share a picture of herself and her daughter, Alexia Umansky, 18, enjoying some beautiful LA weather. She captioned the photo:

“I feel a little guilty posting this photo with this amazing LA weather . Beautiful day with my angel @alexiaumansky ??#Malibu”

I’m so jealous of that beautiful weather! Either way, it looks like these two were having a great time.


Who Said It?

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
Who Said It - Click Here

It’s time for some more celebrity trivia!

Can you tell us which celebrity parent said the following:

“I can’t understand how he could leave us. If my kids moved to the edge of the earth, I’d find them. No doubt in my mind. No money, no nothing – if I had nothing I’d find my kids. So there’s no excuse.”

Do you have any guesses? If so, leave them in the comment section below and check back tomorrow when we reveal the answer!


Guess Who?

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Who’s up for some celebrity mom trivia?

Can you tell us who the celebrity baby is in the picture below?

Leave your guess in the comment section below. Make sure you check back tomorrow when we reveal the answer! Good luck!



Here are some photos of Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter leaving LA (at LAX) on Friday. I assume they flew back to LA from Tahiti? Probably. And then they flew from LAX to Heathrow. You can see the photos of their arrival in England here – Sophie changed clothes in flight, it seems. What she wore to LAX does seem pretty tropical.

A lot of sites are joking about how Bendy and Sophie, two pale English people, actually sort of have “tans” after their Tahitian honeymoon. I don’t mind Benedict pale and I don’t mind him with some color on his face. What has greatly improved is his hair though – we’re almost seeing Cumbercurls! There are a few curls struggling to break free. I’d like to think that Tahiti’s humidity probably made his hair more curly. What I fear is that Sophie hates the Cumbercurls and she’s the one who encouraged that terrible haircut he got late last year.

Eh, I don’t have much else to say. I don’t care that Sophie is showing off her bump in that sheer top. Then again, I don’t have any bump conspiracies about Sophie, other than the glaring (and likely factual) conspiracy, months ago, that she got knocked up quickly and that’s why he proposed. I suspect Sophie’s probably due in April. Like Duchess Kate! Jessica Biel should be ready to pop pretty soon too – I bet Biel gives birth before Kate and Sophie. I should create a chart and we can take bets. I will give Sophie this: she’s had a very pretty pregnancy.



Photos courtesy of WENN.



Continuing with our theme of “posting terrible photos of Kim Kardashian looking like ten kinds of hell,” I give you some of the latest photos from Kimye’s Big Paris Fashion Week Extravaganza. You might say to yourself, “Yes, Kim looks pretty bad in these photos, but why is this a thing?” It’s because you haven’t seen the back view of Kim in these latex pants. Beware: it’s about to get REAL.


Yes. That’s what she looks like in those pants from the back. I would be mortified. I have a big booty too (nothing like this though) and I wouldn’t be able to show my face anywhere if I had wandered around Paris looking like a Muppet had sex with two oversized silver beach balls and made a half-Muppet, half-beach ball baby. A baby that was a p0rny famewhore.

What makes it worse (somehow) is that Vogue actually did a little write-up about Kim’s ensemble here – go here to read. Anna Wintour must be hitting the crack pipe pretty hard to approve copy that compares Kim’s look to “the glamour of Gucci during the Tom Ford era.” ARE YOU JOKING?

As for Kim’s blonde… even though she made such a big deal about the blonde being done in one take, Kim still had to visit a Paris salon for some kind of quick fix yesterday. She spent three hours in the salon and the Daily Mail has some close-ups of her ash-grey looking scalp. Gross. Ten bucks her hair is super-damaged and it falls out in clumps in the next week. Meanwhile, Kim told People Magazine that she always wanted to attempt a Madonna-Blonde-Ambition look and she just figured now was the best time. Sigh…

I’m also including some photos of Kim with her boobs out again on Friday – she was heading to the Balenciaga show.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.


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