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FKA twigs is was in Paris yesterday for a performance. Robert Pattinson was seen leaving the venue with her, just after PEOPLE reported that the two had exchanged “promise rings”.

I didn’t know we still did that.

Isn’t an engagement ring a “promise” rin…      


Last year, Salma Hayek made an oopsie about feminism. She was at an event supporting women’s rights, equality in education, etc, and she was asked point-blank if she considers herself a feminist. Her reply? “I am not a feminist. If men were going through the things women are going through today, I would be fighting for them with just as much passion. I believe in equality.” Because we all know how feminism is the fight for inequality, correct? Anyway, Salma has a new interview with The Guardian (she promoting her adaptation of Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet) and the subject of feminism comes up again. Here are the relevant quotes:

When asked, “What does feminism mean to you?”

Salma says, “I am a feminist because I love women and I am ready to fight for women. I am a feminist because I am proud to be a woman, and I am passionate about making the world a better place for women. I am a feminist because a lot of amazing women have made me the woman I am today. I am inspired by women every day, as friends and as colleagues…

“But – it should not be just because I am a woman…A reflex. It should be a reflex, if someone else is being hurt, to help. It shouldn’t have to be because you are being a victim too. I work a lot for domestic violence, and people often ask me if I have experienced it. And I say, no, on the contrary – my father is a great man, my husband is a great man. But we are all human beings, no?”

“The amount of pressure on women now, it’s crazy. You have to be much better than your male colleagues, just so you can maybe try and get the same salary as them. And you still have to be a good wife and mother. And now you also have to be skinny, and you have to look 20 when you’re 40. It’s too much. We need to stop with the crazy expectations, give ourselves a break.”

[From The Guardian]

So… she’s a feminist now. Glad we cleared that up. And I sort of agree that feminism should be a reflex to inequality, which is maybe what she meant to say last year, but everything got convoluted. She also talks about how even though she’s married to a billionaire, she still pays her own bills and she insists that she has no interest in being a “society lady.” She also threw shade at one of her other new films, Everly, because “we don’t want to talk about. It’s not what I thought it would be. I want it to go away, that one.” Ouch.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.


Following a Twitter stunt in which fans had to tweet the hashtag #AvengersAssemble in order to “unlock” a new trailer—I imagine people at Marvel, drunk on their own power, screeching, “Dance monkeys, dance!” and cackling maniacally—yesterday Marvel released the…      

Vince Vaughn & His Hollywood Stars

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Congratulations to Vince Vaughn who received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Wednesday (March 4).

The funnyman, 44, was joined by wife Kyla Weber and their two children: daughter Locklyn, 4, and son Vernon, 18 months. This marks our first glimpse of Vince’s son. We love all the curls!

The Wedding Crashers actor was also joined by friends – such as Swingers co-star Jon Favreau – and other family members at the iconic hand and footprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX in Hollywood, Calif.

Looking dapper in a dark blue suit and tie, the Old School star was all smiles while dipping his hands and feet into the immortalizing cement.

After cleaning up, Vaughn posed for family photos as he held his daughter in his arms and Kyla carried their sweet son.

What a beautiful family!

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Kristen Stewart has a feature in the new issue of CR Fashion Book (Carine Roitfeld’s side venture). Apparently, Kristen wrote (?) a first-person account of who she is and what she digs for the magazine. The piece is called “In Bed With Kristen Stewart.” Only a handful of quotes have been released, and I’ll admit it – this gave me an old-school Twihard pang. Like, some of these quotes took me back to the stuff Kristen was saying when she was with Robert Pattinson, just before she maybe-banged a married director in the back of her mom’s Mini Cooper. Remember when she told Elle Mag (back in 2012), “I can’t wait for something crazy to f—ing happen to me. I want someone to f— me over”? Enter Rupert Sanders. Anyway, here are the highlights from CR Fashion Book:

She digs pain: “I love putting myself through hell and really experiencing that pain. That’s when I feel the most fulfilled, when at the end I feel like I’ve slaughtered myself. And it’s so worth it.”

What turns her on: “For me, the most attractive thing in a person is drive—genuine impulse expressed for the sake of it, not for perception. I think that’s hot.” The need to create “is a compulsion and I share that.”

Her friends: “It’s not hard for me to figure out who I like or who my friends are. I trust my energy meter, but I’m also not afraid to let me people in who might hurt me.”

Impulse control: “I do not approach my life tactfully at all. I’m incredibly impulsive and I am definitely an intense weirdo. I love living and I love people. They trip me out and I want to know more about them all the time. That isn’t something I can turn off and on.”

[From E! News]

I’ll be fair to her on some of these quotes – Kristen has always had a tight-knit group of female friends, and I believe she has a good gut for making friends and keeping friends (exception: Nikki Reed). As for the rest of it… La Lip-Biter is so hardcore, don’t you know? She digs pain. She loves the drama of putting herself and others through hell. And she has poor impulse control. Yep. That about covers it. How long do you think it will be before we find out about some new scandal with Kristen banging some new married guy?


Photos courtesy of WENN.


Nicholas Hoult was photographed on the set of Top Gear yesterday in Sussex for the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car segment. There was a training session with the Stig. And then he did his laps. The final time, obviously, will air on the show.

Like you, I tell myself that I would kick ass on t…      


Whether you think Karl Lagerfeld is a terrible monster or you think he’s a brilliant, hilarious shade-throwing madman, can we all agree that Karl gives great interviews? And that his ability to give a good one-liner is practically an art in and of itself? Lagerfeld has a new interview with the New York Times in honor of his 50 year anniversary with Fendi. You can read the whole piece here – it’s full of amazing quotes, per usual. Some highlights:

On Choupette: “I have a famous cat,” said Mr. Lagerfeld, glancing over the cat-printed notepads offered to him and Choupette. Mr. Lagerfeld said he hoped the cat would become more famous than him. “Then I can disappear behind Choupette.”

He prefers working with women: “I’m not crazy to discuss fashion with men. I couldn’t care less about their opinion.”

He doesn’t believe in stress: “I don’t believe in it. It’s a job, one should not become hysterical.”

He hates celebrating any anniversary: “No, no, no, no. This is one of the sicknesses of our period, to look back. No, forget about it. Fashion is now and tomorrow. Who cares about the past? But at Fendi, they like to tour the past. In Germany, they made a huge exhibition of everything I did, Fendi, Chanel, Lagerfeld, Chloé and all that. I’m not even going to the show. I don’t care.”

No archives: “There’s no history. I don’t even have archives, myself. I keep nothing. What I like is to do — not the fact that I did. It doesn’t excite me at all. When people start to think that what they did in the past is perhaps even better than what they do now, they should stop. Lots of my colleagues, they have archives, they look at their dresses like they were Rembrandts! Please, forget about it.

He likes doing fur lines, haute fourrure: “The problem with fur. … For me, as long as people eat meat and wear leather, I don’t get the message. It’s very easy to say no fur, no fur, no fur, but it’s an industry. Who will pay for all the unemployment of the people if you suppress the industry of the fur? The hunters in the north for the sable, they have no other job, there is nothing else to do. Those organizations who are much against it, they are not Bill Gates.

Sympathy for the anti-fur people: “I’m very sympathetic. I hate the idea of killing animals in a horrible way, but I think all that improved a lot. I think a butcher shop is even worse. It’s like visiting a murder. It’s horrible, no? So I prefer not to know it.

Humor in fashion: “I don’t think that most of the designers have a very quick sense of humor. They take themselves very seriously because they want to be taken as artists. I think we are artisans. It’s an applied art. There’s nothing bad about that. If you want to do art, then show it in a gallery.

On selfies: “We live in the world of selfies. I don’t do selfies. But other people do, and they all want to do selfies with me. No, no, no. Thank God, Sébastien, my assistant, he’s mean to the people in the street, mean and rude. I’m a nice person.

His competition: “I don’t see it like competition. I like when there are many people who do good things, because you work better if there is competition than if there are only third-rate people. Paris cannot be Paris only with one. But from me to you, there are very few who have, in terms of craftsmanship, the craftsmanship of high-quality couture. For me, the best — I won’t talk about Chanel, because they have the biggest operation, with 250 workers for the whole couture — is Dior and Givenchy. The others, I prefer not to comment. I am not a fashion journalist.

[From The New York Times]

So much shade, thrown with such a light touch. He likes Dior and Givenchy, but the rest? Third-rate people. Fendi wants to celebrate his 50 years with the fashion house and it’s not worth his time. Talk to a man about fashion? Please. Of course not. Lagerfeld also says he wants to die in his 90s, while still working. He doesn’t plan to retire at all. He takes his cues from Coco Chanel, who he says “died in the middle of a collection when she was in her nearly 90s.” So we’ve still got a long time to enjoy the wit & wisdom of Karl Lagerfeld.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Justified Season 6, Episode 7 recap

We’re officially halfway through the final season. IT’S NOT ENOUGH.

So much of Justified has been defined by allegiances and legacy, and now more than ever a person’s loyalty is what matters most. Ty Walker is injured and on the run, a…      

Gwyneth Paltrow was out in LA yesterday supporting her very good friends, Jessica and Jerry Seinfeld, at the Inaugural Los Angeles Fatherhood Lunch to benefit Baby Buggy. They’ve been close for years. They hang out together in the Hamptons. They compare stone wood whatever pizza ovens in th…      


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Very soon after Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins split in 2009, Susan took up with a then-31-year-old dude named Jonathan Bricklin. She was 63 years old at the time. I kind of thought it was a flash-in-the-pan rebound romance that would run its course in a few months. After all, she was reaching retirement age and he was a ping-pong hustling hipster. Five years later… well, it lasted longer than I was expecting. But it’s over now! Page Six says Susan (now 68) and Jonathan (now 37) are over.

Susan Sarandon and her much younger boyfriend, SPiN New York co-founder Jonathan Bricklin, have split after five years following a disagreement over a reality show, Page Six has exclusively learned. Bricklin, 37, and Sarandon, 68, both appear on Morgan Spurlock’s new AOL series “Connected,” which centers on six New Yorkers and their partners who were handed cameras to document their lives for six months.

The show, which will air its first episode on March 31, highlights entrepreneur and filmmaker Bricklin’s relationship with Oscar winner Sarandon, but we’re told she grew increasingly annoyed about their private lives being filmed.

“It caused a lot of strain in the relationship,” a source told us. “It’s documented for the show that Susan breaks up with him because she doesn’t want to be involved with the show. She says, ‘You’re a cast member, I’m not.’”

Despite not wanting to be a reality star, Sarandon’s name is listed as Bricklin’s girlfriend in a press release for the show. She is about to start shooting the movie “The Death and Life of John F. Donovan” with Kathy Bates.

“As of now, they’re working on things,” our source said of Sarandon and Bricklin, but it’s unclear whether they’ll get back together.

Sarandon, who had been in a long-term relationship with actor Tim Robbins prior to meeting Bricklin, is an investor in Bricklin’s pingpong franchise. We also heard the show caused strife between Bricklin and his SPiN New York partners — but a SPiN rep insists he’s still a partner in the business. Reps for Sarandon and Bricklin didn’t get back to us last night.

[From Page Six]

It sort of sounds like she thought he was using her to get press. But after five years, it’s not like he suddenly went Full Famewhore, you know? Maybe he wanted her in the show because she was his girlfriend of five years. Anyway, Susan will probably search out some new young lover. Do you think the age difference will be 30-plus years again?

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