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During a Wednesday appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Grey’s Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo opened up about family life with husband Chris Ivery and their daughters Stella, 5½, and Sienna, 6 months.

“She liked her at first,” Pompeo said of her elder daughter welcoming the new addition into the family.

But it sounds like Stella changed her mind over time.

“After three months, she was like, ‘Is she leaving?’ ” Pompeo, 45, said. “I was like, ‘No, no, she’s going to live here.’ And she was like, ‘Oh, okay.’ She had about a month where she was not in a good mood. Bad mood every day for a month. And now that passed and now she’s fine.”

All joking aside, Stella “loves” her baby sister — and coming to mommy’s cool place of employment.

“She wants to be an emergency room doctor,” gushed the proud mom. “She loves coming to set. Linda Klein is our medical producer, wonderful woman [and] good friend of mine, and she just wants to go straight to Linda’s office and play with all the medical things.”

She added: “Yesterday I went in to find her [and] she was with Linda with a bone drill, drilling a fake femur bone with a real bone drill. She was supervised, but they have her doing advanced procedures!”

It sounds like the Grey’s Anatomy star is definitely embracing her daughter’s career aspirations.

“She needs to decide whether she wants to be an orthopedic surgeon or an emergency room doctor,” she said. “She needs to nail it down. I mean, seriously, she’s confusing me.”



Aishwarya Rai, or Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, covers the new issue of Vogue India. I’ve written about the lovely Aishwarya before – she’s sort of the Angelina Jolie of Bollywood, she’s been called one of the most beautiful women in the world, and she’s married to an equally famous Bollywood actor named Abhishek Bachchan. They had a baby girl in 2011, and Aishwarya was criticized for not losing the “baby weight” fast enough, because people are mean and stupid.

I wanted to cover this because… BANGS. Aishwarya “went away” for several years during and after her pregnancy, only making some paid appearances in Cannes on behalf of her beauty-campaign contracts. This Vogue India cover marks a “comeback” of sorts. She’s 41 years old and ready to work again. And so we’re seeing a whole new Aishwarya. With BANGS. She’s still a beautiful woman, of course, but these bangs do absolutely nothing for her. She has a round face, and the bangs make her face look even rounder.

As for Aish’s big “comeback,” this is what she has to say about it with Vogue India:

Comeback? What a strange word. Comebacks are for people who cashed in their cheques, switched off the bright lights, retired to the Bahamas, and then sheepishly snuck back in realising they still had a little gas in the tank for one more. Why, she never went away. “Yes, there was a maternity leave, just like any other working woman—in fact, I was working right up to my sixth month, with my various product endorsements and other stuff. There were no movies, obviously,” she says.

There were no movies, no, but we do remember seeing that exquisite partum glow on her cheeks as she tossed her hair for L’Oreal. “Yes, and the UNAIDS work carried on as well. They had approached me way back in 2001, and I had declined it then; there was too much going on at the time for me to do justice to it. I wanted to be more than just a pretty face issuing PSAs; I wanted to be hands on. Almost 12 years later, this seemed like the perfect time. Then there were the endless meetings to ideate new things, future movie roles, more and more brands…” she smiles, as if to reiterate, “What comeback?”

[From Vogue India]

I wonder if she will still have a thriving acting career now. Now that she’s a mother, now that she’s over 40, now that Bollywood changes by the moment. I have no doubt she will still work, but it might not be in Indian films. She will still launch beauty campaigns, she will still be invited to Cannes, she will still get lots of modeling contracts. But let’s see how her comeback plays out. In the meantime… NO MORE BANGS.

Photos courtesy of Marc Hom/Vogue India.



Noel Gallagher likes Seinfeld. AND NOTHING ELSE. I was sitting here, reading through a new Rolling Stone interview with Noel, and he’s definitely in the “I Hate Everything” camp. I doubt that he’s going to offend many people with these comments though, because he just seems to be an equal-opportunity hater. You can read the full RS piece here, and here are some highlights… including some genuinely funny thoughts on Taylor Swift, Kanye West and One Direction.

The only thing he likes: “I still can’t get enough of Seinfeld. It’s still the best thing that’s ever been filmed. It reminds me of the Nineties — good times. I was the only person in England who was watching it! That’s a fact. Certainly the only person in Manchester who watched it. I identify with Jerry. When I met my wife 15 years ago, she’d never seen it, and I was like, “If we’re going to be together, you’ve got to be into this sh-t, because this is important.” Luckily, she f–kin’ loves it.

He hates the Grammys: “I can’t really stomach things like that. Everybody’s too nice. You cannot have a room with 5,000 people, who are all fans of each other. That’s not real.”

His thoughts on Kanye West’s comments on Beck: “He’s a character, I’ll give him that. And I love his track ‘Black Skinhead.’ But somebody needs to buy that dumbass a dictionary so he can look up the word “artistry.” Beck can play the banjo, for f–k’s sake. Nobody plays the banjo! Get him a dictionary from me, I’ll f–kin’ sign it and give it to him so he can look it up.”

Whether he listens to pop music: “No. It’s f–king awful. Modern pop music is bland nonsense. There isn’t even a word yet that’s capable of describing it. If it was a color, it would be beige. Do you know what color beige is? It’s like a milky brown. Not for me.

Being told “People praise Taylor Swift’s songwriting talents”: “Who says that? Her parents? Who’s “people”? Name these people. You’re f–king lying. She seems like a nice girl, but no one has ever said those words, and you f–king know it.”

His thoughts on One Direction: “I know Harry Styles. We’ve hung out a couple of times. They’re lovely lads. But I’ve got to say, I have difficulties with people who don’t write their own songs, who’ve got a team of songwriters who work for your record label.”

[From Rolling Stone]

Yes, he’s a curmudgeon, but didn’t you laugh at the Taylor Swift thing? I chuckled at the Kanye West bit too. He’s not wrong! I would say that Noel should align himself with Team Katy Perry now because The Wrath of the Swiftlunatics will come down on him, but I kind of think he would consider Katy Perry to be part of the bland, beige nonsense.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Chris Brown Is A Dad!

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
chris brown

Well, someone is great when it comes to keeping secrets!

TMZ broke the news that Chris Brown is a father, and not only that, but she’s already 9-months-old. So, who does the baby belong to? Well, apparently, she belongs to a 31-year-old ex-model named Nia that’s known Chris Brown for quite some time. This is what TMZ is reporting in regards to the situation:

“Sources connected to both Nia and Chris tell us they are on very good terms — however they’re not together romantically. We’re told 25-year-old Chris is happy about being a father.”

Congrats go out to Chris Brown!


Kristen Scott Thomas

A few years ago, Vulture wrote a really telling piece, “Leading Men Age, but Their Love Interests Don’t.” Such age discrepancies are something Hollywood likes to brush under the table. Vulture illustrated their piece with graphical charts that made the truth undeniable. The effect was both hilarious and sad.

Aging isn’t fair between the sexes no matter the context, but we see it happen in Hollywood before our very eyes. Actresses tend to peak early on in their career while male actors can pretend to be action stars well into their 60s. Kristen Scott Thomas has talked before about how men grow in gravitas and women disappear. She spoke in a larger context but also namechecked the few actresses over 40 who capture all the roles. Russell Crowe recently described the aging actress dilemma as a myth, and Meryl Streep backed him up while “literally waving off his remarks.” Well, the ethereal Kristen Scott Thomas (age 54) is here to say that Hollywood ageism is still disastrous, but she knows things will never change.

Kristin Scott Thomas told Sophie Raworth that ageism in Hollywood was a “disaster”, and that female actors are still losing out on roles to younger ones. “I won’t bore you with all the stories of older women not getting jobs in film because it’s so boring. But it’s true – it’s a disaster,” she said on BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show on Sunday.

When Raworth asked the 54-year-old actor why she thought it was boring, Scott Thomas replied: “Because it’s never going to change. Until the average life-span is 150 years or something, I don’t think women in their 50s are going to be considered at all viable. I think that’s what it is,” she said. “Sorry.”

Scott Thomas has spoken about watching herself age on screen in the past. In 2013, she said: “When you’re my age, you’re invariably in a supporting role, so there’s often a young woman in her twenties or early thirties who is the lead, and you’re constantly put next to them. You’re watching yourself get old, on a screen that hides nothing.”

She added that she would consider a face-lift, and said that women of her age became “invisible” to society.

[From Independent]

She’s correct — things will never change. The plain truth is that audiences readily accept an aging male as a “silver fox,” but women over 45-ish are relegated to “well, she looks good … for her age.” That’s a dreadful statement to make about a woman, and I bristle whenever I hear it. At the same time, I’m guilty of lusting for the silver foxes. Just take Michael Keaton as an example. He’s hitting a new stride in his 60s, and he’s hotter than he ever was at age 30. That’s exciting to watch, but would we ever see a film about an aging former female superhero? Not a chance.

Kristen Scott Thomas

Photos courtesy of WENN




Here are some photos of George Clooney inside the NYC gala for SeriousFun Children’s Network on Monday night. The theme of the night was a celebration of Paul Newman’s legacy. Amal Clooney did not attend, from what I can see. But George and Amal have moved to NYC for the duration of his new film, Money Monster, which will be directed by Jodie Foster. I think Amal will find work commutes from NYC a lot easier, don’t you? That being said, I’m actually sort of surprised by how much Amal has changed her schedule around to suit George’s work schedule. When he was in LA for work, she was in LA. When he wanted to vacation in Cabo twice in a month, she went along.

At this event, George got on stage and played Chairman of the Board, but no one minded because… hey, it’s for a good cause. He talked about how the money goes to the kids’ camps Paul Newman founded and Clooney even joked, “My wife is the smart one.” Go here to read more.

Meanwhile, George has just been named “the most stylish man of all time.” Seriously? What about Cary Grant? This is the top ten, in descending order: Clooney, Sean Connery, Cary Grant, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Will Smith, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Pierce Brosnan, Michael Jackson and LL Cool J. Damn, Kanye West is going to be SO MAD that he didn’t make this list. For what it’s worth, I don’t agree with this list at all. People gave too much favor to modern, living celebrities. And I’m sorry, but any list that includes Scarfy Depp and Brad Pitt’s weird hobo style is useless.

View image | gettyimages.com

View image | gettyimages.com

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Getty, WENN.



Congratulations are in order for Robyn Lawley and Everest Schmidt.

The 25-year-old Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model (named the magazine’s first “plus-size” model) and her partner welcomed their first child – daughter Ripley – on Feb. 26, she announced via Facebook.

“CONGRATULATIONS! Robyn Lawley and Everest Schmidt welcomed the arrival of their new beautiful healthy baby girl Ripley on Thursday 26th Feb,” the post, which was retweeted by Lawley on Twitter, read.

“The new family are doing great, everyone is healthy, happy and looking forward to spending quiet time with their precious new little human,” the statement continued. “Ripley is just the epitome of contented perfection, big big love guys XXX.”

During a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, Lawley admitted that her pregnancy was unplanned and she considered having an abortion.

“I talked to so many women for advice,” she shared. “I spoke to a lot of career women that I respect who chose their careers over babies and had abortions. Even my mom had an abortion in her early 20s that I didn’t [previously] know about. Women have always been expected to raise the child, but now it’s great because dads are more involved. I know my partner’s going to be a great dad, so that takes some of the pressure off. Another reason I kept the baby was because I was worried about possible fertility problems down the road. What if I aborted the baby now and in five years time, I wouldn’t be able to have one? That was my biggest fear.”

She added: “I am pro-choice. I donate to NARAL every year. I always thought it was a very easy decision to make, to get an abortion. I thought if you need it, you can get it. I thought it’d be so easy! I’d just walk in there, and it’d be done so quickly, but then I called them and heard the process and thought this is a serious, full-on thing. I decided then that I wanted to keep the baby. Had I been in a different circumstance, without a partner or had I been raped, the decision could have been different. When you’re actually confronted with the possibility of an abortion, it’s an immensely hard decision. If people think this is an easy decision to make, they’re grossly mistaken.”

She went on to talk about her main reason for keeping the baby.

“I still think planned pregnancies are better for society or [for parents to have] a deep want of the child,” she shared. “There’s so many deciding factors [in having a child], but my main reason was that I chose Everest as my life partner years ago. He and I discussed kids often, so although it was sooner than we thought, we always knew we would have one together. I just had to decide if 25 was OK to do it.”



I haven’t written about Britney Spears in a while. That’s not by design, it’s just that Britney has been relatively quiet for several months now. She started dating Charlie Ebersol last fall (around Halloween), and it seems to be going well. He’s not crazy-shady (although there are some whispers that he’s not 100% authentic), he comes from a good family, he’s got his own career and while Daddy Spears totally signed off on this relationship, it doesn’t feel like Daddy Spears is outright paying this guy to be with Britney. I’m including some photos of Britney and Charlie from her Instagram – as you can see, Charlie is around her sons too. And all of a sudden, Jayden and Sean look so big!

Anyway, Britney spoke to Extra this week – you can see the video here. She actually doesn’t seem too out-of-it. I think maybe her meds were adjusted? She seemed sharper than usual. She was asked about wearing an “I Love Charlie” vest during her Vegas performance and what Charlie’s reaction was: “He said, ‘You’re the sweetest girlfriend in the whole world,’ he was really happy I did that… I’m very blessed to have him as a part of my life.” She was also asked if there was a chance she could head down the aisle with Charlie and she said “You never know!” So there you go. I kind of think Britney is just in love with the idea of marrying someone, anyone, and maybe having a “normal life.” Is Charlie that guy?

Meanwhile, Britney lost a clump of weave during one of her Vegas performances last week. Poor Brit-Brit.


Photos courtesy of Britney’s Instagram.



Happy Bday to the sweetest, most GORGEOUS, goofiest, most BAD-ASS chick I know. You make me smile ’til it hurts. I love you like crazy! –Your Huz

A photo posted by Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) on Mar 3, 2015 at 12:17pm PST

Remember how Justin Timberlake cropped his wife’s head out of their big pregnancy announcement Instagram? Yeah. Justin was criticized in some quarters for that, as he should have been. It was yet another reminder that everything in Justin Timberlake’s life is all about Justin Timberlake, and even his wife is just a headless incubator for Justin Timberlake’s baby. So Justin heard those criticisms and he decided to make a bold move: he actually posted his wife’s face on his social media. SHOCKING!

Sure, it’s a grainy photo and you can barely make out Jessica Biel’s features. And sure, Biel is off-center, near the bottom of the photo, almost like she’s an afterthought. But hey, at least Justin posted his wife’s face for the first time ever on his social media. That’s something, right?! He posted the Instagram with the message: “Happy Bday to the sweetest, most GORGEOUS, goofiest, most BAD-ASS chick I know. You make me smile ’til it hurts. I love you like crazy! –Your Huz.” Of course, he doesn’t love her enough to actually take her on a babymoon that they could both enjoy – he took her to a ski resort last month, so he could ski and she could… watch?

Jessica is actually on location in new Orleans these days. She’s working on The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Justin was in New Orleans a few days ago too (I’m not sure if he’s still there) and he stopped by the set and everything! Go here to see some photos. They also stepped out for a double-date with Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson – go here to see those pics.

Photos courtesy of JT’s Instagram, WENN.


Elsa Pataky & Her Beach Babies

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Furious 7 actress Elsa Pataky shared a precious family photo via Instagram Wednesday.

“AMOR!!/ LOVE!! #Makeitcount #myangels #disfrutaelmomento,” she captioned the sweet snapshot with daughter India, 2, and 11-month-old twins Tristan and Sasha.

Sporting a bikini, the mom-of-three, 38, is seen lifting one of her boys while India and her baby brother sit on a blanket on the sandy beach.

The Spanish actress recently gushed about happy family life with husband, Thor star Chris Hemsworth.

“Chris is a really good cook,” she said of her hunky hubby. “Often, I’ll put the kids to bed and he’ll cook. He does really good meat and fish, amazing salads. And soups! When we’re in London [when Chris was filming Rush in 2012], he had to lose weight and every night it’d be a new vegetable soup—he’s really good at it!”

Continue looking through our gallery for more photos of Elsa practicing her yoga moves! And did you see these pics of Chris enjoying some beach yoga with daughter India?

AMOR!!/ LOVE!! #Makeitcount #myangels #disfrutaelmomento

A photo posted by Elsa Pataky (@elsapatakyconfidential) on Mar 4, 2015 at 2:59am PST

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