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Meet Sasha Piqué.

Proud parents Shakira and Gerard Piqué introduced their 1-week-old son via Facebook Thursday. The Grammy Award-winning singer, 38, and her football star beau, 28, welcomed their second son on Jan. 29.

“We’d like to introduce you to Sasha Piqué Mebarak–to meet him go to www.worldbabyshower.org,” the Hips Don’t Lie singer, 38, directed her fans.

As well, the Colombian pop superstar posted a photo of her newborn’s adorable foot.

“Tengo los pies de papi, parece que hubiese estado jugando futbol toda mi vida / I have Daddy’s feet, it looks like I’ve been playing football my whole life,” she Tweeted.

The new parents-of-two – who first met at the 2010 World Cup – are also parens to 2-year-old son Milan.

“I have Daddy’s feet, it looks like I’ve been playing football my whole life” pic.twitter.com/x8tqWlqPJU

— Shakira (@shakira) February 4, 2015

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This was released on SnapChat today so I don’t know how long it’ll be before this video gets taken down. I suggest you watch it right away…

It’s new Madonna. The song is Living For Love. Not the worst recent song we’ve heard from her. But you know Madonna. And i…      

This was released on SnapChat today so I don’t know how long it’ll be before this video gets taken down. I suggest you watch it right away…

It’s new Madonna. The song is Living For Love. Not the worst recent song we’ve heard from her. But you know Madonna. And i…      

She swims with sharks. And the pictures are breathtaking. But of course they are.

She is.

She’s Rihanna.

She is an attitude, all by herself.

And, yes, one of the few who, at just 26 years old, can actually be called a legitimate fashion icon.

So this shoot… with a…      

She swims with sharks. And the pictures are breathtaking. But of course they are.

She is.

She’s Rihanna.

She is an attitude, all by herself.

And, yes, one of the few who, at just 26 years old, can actually be called a legitimate fashion icon.

So this shoot… with a…      

Is it because I’m older…or did they NOT get older? (Dlisted)

Elvis’s granddaughter is married (Just Jared)

Did the Timberlake’s have a silent babymoon? (Cele|bitchy)

Even in retirement Derek Jeter still has EVERYTHING! (The Superficial) …      

Throughout December as we covered the fallout of the Sony Hack, I often wondered how Amy Pascal, co-chair of the studio and head of its Motion Picture Group, could possibly continue on, given how damaging some of the leaked information was to interpersonal working relationships. How effective can…      

Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 10.13.18 AM

During a Wednesday appearance on Conan, new mom Mila Kunis opened up about happy family life with Ashton Kutcher and their 4-month-old daughter Wyatt.

“It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me,” gushed the Jupiter Ascending actress, 31, of motherhood. “I’ve said this and I stand by it. It is great.”

Conan goes on to address an awkward topic.

“I saw a red carpet picture of you and it looked like Channing Tatum was staring at…because there are changes that the body goes through, and it looks like he’s busted for staring at your breasts,” the late-night host said.

But the actress was quick to defend her Jupiter Ascending co-star.

“Hold on! That’s awful,” Kunis replied. “Here’s the thing…I swear! I know him and I love him. He really wasn’t. But, boy, do these things grow! I don’t know how to deal with them because I’ve never had them, so I always dressed for a flat-chested girl, and all of a sudden I’m busty and I’m like, ‘What? Check it out! This is amazing to me!’ It’s a whole new world. Men actually look at my boobs. I’ve never had that happen before because they’re just there!”

Conan quipped, “I’m staring so hard at your forehead right now.”

“Wait! Can you see them?” asked the breastfeeding actress while cupping her breasts. “Oh look! See, I have boobs, you guys!”

She went on to talk about how breastfeeding is also changing her wardrobe.

“First of all, I needed to start wearing a bra, which was a whole new experiment for me. I was like, ‘What are these things that people wear?’” she said. “Now I have to.”

As for following in her famous parents footsteps, it sounds like Kunis and Kutcher won’t be pushing their daughter into acting.

“To say that I wouldn’t allow it would be horrible, but I’d really really like for her to not be in the industry in any form,” the new mom admitted. “I think if it were up to him she would be the very first female professional NFL coach, specifically for the Chicago Bears, so that is what he is molding her to be.”

And how exactly is papa training his newborn for a future in the NFL?

“By forcing her to watch football every Sunday, Monday night and Thursday night—and no, I’m not kidding, everybody,” she shared. “This child has worn a Chicago bears onesie every Sunday of her life, every Monday night of her life and every Thursday night of her life—and never twice. They are different onesies. There are tutus, one’s like a cheerleader, one’s a jersey, one has her name, one doesn’t have her name. They are everything.”

Kunis added: “She will love football. She will love football if it’s the last thing she does.”

As it turns out, Kutcher turned Kunis into a football fan.

“I’ve never watched football once—never once—until we started dating,” she said. “Knew nothing about it—truly nothing—and now I know way more than I ever intended to know or anyone should know. I really don’t care about football. That’s the truth. But I play along and I go, ‘Yay! This is great! Let’s watch football.’ But through osmosis you’re like, “Oh, my God! Look at that running back.’ There’s a part of my brain that will now longer be intelligent. It’s just gone.”


Justin Bieber was on Ellen last week to show you that he’s not a dick anymore. Then he posted another “I’m sorry” video on Instagram calling himself “arrogant and conceited”. Because, as I surmised at the time (click here for a refresher), everybody loves Nick …      


Terri Seymour, 41, is an entertainment correspondent for Extra, and she’s also an American Idol correspondent for Fox.

In March, Seymour and her boyfriend Clark Mallon are expecting their first child. Recently, Celebrity Baby Scoop was granted an interview with the lovely Terri Seymour, and she opens up about her plans to breastfeed, what she plans on taking to the hospital with her, how she’s battled sickness, etc… Scroll down below to check out our full exclusive interview!

CBS: You are my first interview on behalf of Celebrity Baby Scoop, so pretty excited!

TS: “Aww, that’s nice! Glad I’m your first.”

CBS: So, I just had a few questions here if you don’t mind.

TS: “No, of course not.”

CBS: What’s your birth plan; are you thinking natural, C-section, or…?

TS: “I’m thinking — I’m hoping natural, but I’m not ruling out an epidural, I’m going to be honest. If I need an epidural my girlfriend has told me to go for it, so I’m listening to my girlfriend. And I don’t have a planned C-section. I’m hoping I do not have to have a C-section. I’d like to do it as naturally as possible.”

CBS: So, do you plan on breastfeeding?

TS: “Yes, I do! I definitely do. I’ve been to my breastfeeding classes and, you know, umm, if of course I’m able — I know some women aren’t able to breastfeed, but I’m hoping that everything’s fine and that everything’s working. Yes, I’m definitely planning on breastfeeding.”

CBS: So, how do you feel about breastfeeding versus the bottle? I mean; why did you choose breastfeeding?

TS: “Because it’s obviously meant to be much better for the baby. One, it’s better for the baby. Two, it’s more of a bonding experience. I don’t think there’s anything wrong — like I said, not every woman can breastfeed, because they’re not producing enough milk. I’m not against the bottle, it’s just my personal preference. From research and going to class and hearing about it’s better for your baby it’s just what I hope to do.”

CBS: What is some of the best first-time mom advice you’ve gotten?

TS: “Make the most of it, because it goes by so quickly. That’s been really good advice. It goes by so fast, so enjoy every second. Try to get as much rest as I can now, because obviously I’m not going to get as much sleep when the baby comes along. So, try and get as much rest as I can now.

I’m at the stage now where I’m having trouble sleeping. I’m quite a night person, anyway, so I’m normally kind of wide awake until like 1-2am. Now, it’s catching up with me. I’m starting to get very tired in the daytime, I’m moving a lot slower. She’s dropped down quite a lot, so I have that heavy kind of sluggish feeling.”

CBS: What would you consider some of the funniest advice you’ve gotten?

TS: “I think being advised on what to take to the hospital from different people is quite interesting. I just went through a list with my girlfriend on what I should pack — everybody keeps telling me my bag should be packed. I’m like “really?,” and they’re like “yes, you should have your bag packed.” So, what should go into that bag is quite interesting.

In one of my classes the other day the teacher was saying — she was going through the tools — she calls them the “tools,” that your partner should take with you for like massage and relaxation. She pulled out all these massage tools — like five different massage tools. Then, she had one of those, like, big fancy balls and she’s like “you should take this,” and I’m like, “we should take that with us?” I’m like, “how can he carry all of this stuff in and get me to the hospital?”

So, I found that really funny that was telling us to take one of those — like the kind you see in an exercise class. One of those large, round balls. She said it’s really good for when you’re in pain. You can lean against it, hug it, and then she said for after that it’s really good for the father to bounce the baby on. Just get on it and bounce the baby and that’s a really good bonding experience for the father and the baby.”

So, we are off to buy our bouncy ball today [laughs] I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get it in the room, but it’ll be in the car ready to go.”

[both laugh]

CBS: I know you’re going to be resting up after. Do you plan on having a maternity leave?

TS: “I was asked this over the weekend, actually. “How long do you plan on taking off?,” I was like, “I don’t know, I guess I’ll just play it by ear and see.” I’m just going to see how I feel and I haven’t got a nanny, so I want to, you know, spend time bonding with my baby. I’m sure I’m not going to want to rush right back.”

CBS: What are you most excited about in being a mom?

TS: “I’m definitely most excited about meeting her. I just can’t wait to see her. I’m so excited about that, to actually meet her. That moment when she comes out and I get to meet her for the first time.”

CBS: I have to ask: how strong of a roll will Simon Cowell play in being your baby’s future Godfather?

TS: “Well, according to him — quite big.”

CBS: Well, believe it or not, that’s all the questions I have. I didn’t want to drill you too hard.

TS: “No, that was easy!”

CBS: Yes, I’m very excited honestly. First interview — went great, you’re awesome.

TS: “Aww, thank you!”

CBS: Enjoy some of that Cali weather, take it easy, and I wish you the best

TS: “Aww, that’s so kind, thank you so much. I really appreciate you saying that — thank you.”

CBS: Absolutely! Thank you and have a great day, Terri.

Celebrity Baby Scoop would like to give a huge thanks to Terri Seymour, as she was a great sport. I enjoyed conversing with her and we shared many moments of laughter together. If you haven’t done so already, you can follow Terri on Twitter. She’ll have a new member of the house soon, so I’m sure she’ll be sharing plenty of adorable pictures on Twitter that you won’t want to miss out on.

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