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Los Angeles World Premiere of Focus

These are photos of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith at the premiere of Will’s new sexy heist movie with Margot Robbie called Focus. (Bedhead covered the premiere photos of Margot Robbie earlier.) They were loved-up on the red carpet. I keep seeing ads for Focus and it doesn’t look much different from other, likely better sexy heist movies. As Bedhead mentioned it’s still hanging in there on Rotten Tomatoes with a 64% fresh rating. I get the impression that the movie is going to bomb, but I could be wrong.

As part of promotion for the film, Will did an interview with TheMid.com in which he gave some decent quotes about his career and family. Will knows how to do sound bites and while he has a questionable belief system he’s still a thoughtful, interesting guy. Here’s some of what he said:

Being a part of Hollywood must make you no stranger to con men.
Are you kidding? I’m an actor. Everybody is running a con. There are certain things that people want and they’re going to do the things they need to do to get them. All right? They’re gonna wear the clothes and say things they need to say. Everybody is trying to get what they want. At the heart of human interaction is a daily con.

How do you conquer your insecurities?
I think I learned very young to attack fear. There are tons of things that I’m scared of. It’s frustrating to me when I’m scared of something, so I’m forced to go and attack it. It’s been helpful, but it’s been painful.

Your son Jaden and daughter Willow are following in your footsteps and pursuing their own acting careers. What advice are you giving them?
My great-grandmother used to say, “Bought sense is better than that you borrow.” I always took that as doing it yourself. Earning that lump on your head is always better than listening to someone else about the lump they got on their head. Jada and I like to give our kids complete responsibility. Outside of life or death, we like to give them their own choices and put the responsibility of their lives on to them as much as they can handle it.

Do you have any bad habits you’d like to change?
I have that artist’s mind, so I never know where my keys are, where my wallet is, and I don’t really care a lot about clothes. I take my clothes off and drop them. I don’t clean up stuff. I’m always trying to create something, and I need my creative state to be kind of cluttered.

[From The Mid.com]

We’ve heard from both Will and Jada, in so many different ways, that they treat their kids like adults and let them do whatever they want. Judging from their social media accounts and careers, Willow, 14, may be faring somewhat better than her brother Jaden, 16, who often tweets nonsensical bits of personal ‘wisdom’.

Both Jaden and Willow put out new music recently. (On the music front Willow is also ahead of her brother.) The thing is, it’s actually good, at least Willow’s music is, and Jaden’s isn’t as bad as it’s been to date. The tracks I heard from Willow were complex and listenable electronica. (They partnered with some good producers, although one of Jaden’s songs has been called out as derivative of another artist.)

That’s the thing about Will and Jada’s parenting style, it may have worked somewhat with Willow, but Jaden could probably use more boundaries. Maybe no one parenting style works for all children but the hands-off approach just seems like a disaster to me. It’s Scientology-based, and it seems to completely ignore children’s developmental needs.

Omg I’m Bout To Tweet The Most Jaden Smith Thing Ever Ready?

— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) February 13, 2015

The More Time You Spend Awake The More Time You Spend Asleep.

— Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) February 13, 2015

Existence is a game that never ends but is always beginning.

— Willy (@OfficialWillow) January 30, 2015

The Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' “Focus.”

Los Angeles Premiere of "Focus"

Los Angeles World Premiere of Focus
The Los Angeles World Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' “Focus.”
Premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' 'Focus'
Premiere Focus
Los Angeles World Premiere of Focus
Los Angeles Premiere of "Focus"

Photo credit: WENN.com


Giuliana Rancic

Yesterday we covered Zendaya calling out Giuliana Rancic for mocking her dreadlocks on Fashion Police. Giuliana was widely criticized for saying Z smelled like “patchouli oil and weed.” After Zendaya’s eloquent response, Giuliana record an extended, somber apology. She seemed sincere, and I was ready to let the matter go.

During the Fashion Police episode in which Giuliana mocked Zendaya, Kelly Osbourne was the only cast member who appeared annoyed and didn’t laugh. Us Weekly says Kelly’s disgust was due to the fact that Giuliana ignored Kelly’s warnings not to do the bit. A member of the live audience told Us, “They did the Zendaya segment three times. Three different takes. On the first two takes, Kelly said ‘Guys, we can’t say this. Zendaya is a friend of the show.’ Giuliana said the words ‘patchouli oil’ and ‘weed’ three times. They all heard the three takes.

This new information makes Giuliana’s original comments even more awkward. I’m curious about Kelly’s warnings. She realized Giuliana’s comments were awful. Did she only speak up because Zendaya is a friend of the show? Maybe that’s the only way she thought Giuliana could be convinced. Whatever the case, Kelly’s opinion didn’t matter. Giuliana kept repeating herself.

Zendaya has accepted Giuliana’s second apology with another amazing response:

“Studies have shown that even though we try to act without prejudice, sometimes it’s just hidden inside us due to our past or surroundings. That hidden prejudice is often influential in our actions. It’s our job to spot these issues within others and ourselves and destroy them before they become hurtful. I have so many people looking up to me, that I couldn’t be scared, wait it out, nor could I just stand up for me; I had to do it for WE. It is important in this journey to remember that just because someone has inflicted hurt upon us, it does not give us the right to do the same. Body shaming and other hurtful tactics will never get the job done. As hard as it was to stop MYSELF from being ignorant and from posting the first mean words that came to my mind because I was hurt, I had to think about the bigger picture. Instead I sat for two hours on my phone, doing my research and formulating an educated response. Giuliana, I appreciate your apology and I’m glad it was a learning experience for you and for the network. I hope that others negatively affected by her words can also find it in their hearts to accept her apology as well. From a quote we all know by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.’ Let’s be that light and spread that love.”

[From Zendaya Coleman on Instagram]

Zendaya’s only 18 years old, and she’s critically thinking and teaching by example. I can’t imagine any other teenager stepping back and collecting her thoughts for hours. Most teens — most people, actually — would’ve fired off a few indignant tweets and some middle-finger emoji. Z’s proven herself able to handle difficult issues like the Aaliyah biopic mess with enviable grace.

P.S. I never talked about this red and pink Rubin dress that Zendaya wore at NYFW. She walked in the Go Red For Women show, and this dress is prom-y but awesome.


Kelly Osbourne

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN




For days, there were rumors that Jamie Dornan was feeling a lot of angst about the success of Fifty Shades of Grey, and that his wife Amelia Warner wasn’t feeling the whole “international sex symbol” thing. An Aussie tabloid claimed – and it was picked up by so many legit outlets – that Jamie had decided not to return for the sequel, Fifty Shades Darker. As I said on Tuesday, that’s not really a call Jamie gets to make. Both Jamie and Dakota Johnson signed contracts for three films and they will be held to it (now the studio just needs to get E.L. James in line). In any case, Jamie needed to do some damage control. So he stepped out with his wife in London on Wednesday, in what can only be described as the most paparazzi-friendly outing I’ve ever seen from Jamie (usually he’s really surly and grumpy about being pap’d). I wonder if Starbucks paid for this?! Plus, Jamie’s rep denied the Aussie tabloid rumors to People:

Fifty Shades of Grey will not be losing its original Christian Grey, despite recent rumors that Jamie Dornan would be leaving the blockbuster franchise.

“Jamie is delighted that the film is breaking box office records worldwide and whilst the studio has not made any formal announcements about sequels, he is looking forward to making the next film,” Dornan’s rep confirmed to PEOPLE Wednesday, adding that the actor will not be making further statements for the time being.

The Australian magazine NW had reported that the 32-year-old actor and model was walking away from future films because Dornan’s wife, Amelia Warner, was uncomfortable with the racy sex scenes he shares with 25-year-old costar Dakota Johnson. Dornan had hinted at his wife’s unease with the film at its U.K. premiere, saying his wife hadn’t seen the film, adding, “And I don’t think she will, to be honest.”

[From People]

I think the trouble has been handled. If the studio was worried, Jamie just eased their mind. He’s a team player. He will be back for the sequel. And he will convince his wife to play along too. Now the studio can concentrate on the biggest headache: E.L. James and her insane idea that she’s some kind of “auteur” who should adapt the next screenplay.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Margot Robbie

Here are some photos of Margot Robbie at the LA premiere of Focus, her heist movie with Will Smith and Rodrigo Santoro. The movie has a 63% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is better than I expected. That’s not saying much. I want good things for Margot, and starlets are only allowed few duds before Hollywood writes them off. Will’s had his head firmly entrenched in the clouds of Xenu and e-meters, so yes. I worry.

Margot’s wearing a Giambattista Valli couture dress, and I’m not crazy about it. She must have devoted this month’s style mojo to her home run at the Oscars because this dress isn’t happening. The black premiere background throws off the impact of this look, but I’m seeing saloon-girl boudoir fashion. From a distance, the feathery bodice reminds me of cake icing. (Mmm, cake.) Margot has a few new interviews. Here are some excerpts from The Independent, where Margot says she won the Focus role by calling Will a “d*ck“:

She loves hostels: “Any time I have any time off I try to travel. I always have more fun when I stay in hostels — you just meet so many more people. A hotel makes sense when you’re doing work things but travelling you don’t really get a feel for a place if you’re in a hotel. I find it seems to make it all feel like everywhere else. B&Bs and hostels are generally the best way to do it.”

People don’t recognize her: “I think I look so different to what people see on screen … that people don’t make the association or think, ‘oh it looks like the chick from Wolf … but it couldn’t possibly be her because why would she be in a hostel in Dublin? In fact a couple of people did say that to me and I was like, ‘no that’s weird!’ They said, ‘I thought that would be weird.’ I didn’t have any problems.”

How she scored Focus: “We started improvising a little bit, Will said something and I called him a d*ck. Apparently when he walked out he said: ‘I like her. I think she’s the right one.’ They were like, ‘you like her because she called you a d*ck.’ It ended up becoming a running joke in the film.”

[From The Independent]

I wonder if Margot will keep enjoying hostels as her fame grows. Right now, she doesn’t mind meeting people. As her face becomes more recognizable, that will probably change. One thing I’ve noticed about her is how dark hair makes her look completely different. She could always use a dark wig as a disguise for the future.

A few more things. Margot says Clint Eastwood glared at her during a backstage Oscars moment. (He probably thought she stole his empty chair.) She also claims that kissing Will Smith tastes like a candy cane. Huh.

Margot Robbie

Photos courtesy of WENN




I have no memory of this, but apparently there was a rumor circa 2002-03 that Jude Law was being considered to play Superman. Have you heard this? I remember the build-up to the reboot of the franchise, and how disappointed people were when Brandon Routh eventually got the part. I also remember that it took a while for Routh to get cast, and the reboot went through several different directors too. But I have no memory of Jude Law being in the running. You have to remember, back in those days, Jude was a HUGE deal. He’s still a wonderful actor and he still gets a lot of work now, but Jude Law circa 2002-05 was a major celebrity/heartthrob. Anyway, during an interview with MTV’s Josh Horowitz, Jude discussed how he was also wearing the cape:

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(Sidenote: Jude Law looks SO HOT in this video, right? I think he just got me pregnant.)

Jude says he kept turning down a chance to audition and all of the meetings they wanted with him to play Superman, because:

“At the time… I’m open to it now, although no one is going to ask me to play him now, I’m too old, but at the time I ahhhh, I really didn’t want to. I just sort of thought, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life being that guy who played Superman. If you ever got smoking a fag… you’ll ruin the lives of all the children around the world. I also thought about my kids, like ‘Daddy’s Superman?’ I couldn’t, I couldn’t…”

He goes on to say that Brett Ratner convinced him to just try the caped costume on and Jude did put it on and he was feeling it and he could even hear the famous Superman score in his head, but that putting the costume had a weird effect on him: he got it out of his system. He just needed to wear it once and then he was fine.

So, we’re living in a world where Jude Law was almost Superman. WHOA. I think that would have been such weird casting. And Jude’s a blondie!! Superman is supposed to have dark hair, people. Now, I would be open – and Jude sounds open to it too – to seeing Jude in some kind of superhero movie in some way. He has all of those child support payments to make too. (I wonder if his ex-girlfriend has given birth yet?)

Vintage Jude Law:

Photos courtesy of WENN.


kim zolciak

Aww, this is so adorable!

Kim Zolciak recently took to Instagram to share a new photo of her son Kane hanging out with his new best friend — Sinn! In case you didn’t know, Sinn is their puppy! Kim captioned the photo:

“Kane LOVES LOVES Sinn!!! He gives him his shoes, food, anything he can find! Sinn chews up EVERYTHING hence why there is no pad in the crate!”

Kim also went on to talk about how much she loves Kane’s pants:

“I’m loving Kane’s new pants the material is to die for! Thank you @theminiclassy”



Actor Alfonso Ribeiro and his expectant wife Angela Ribeiro struck a pregnant pose at the premiere of Focus in Hollywood, Calif. on Tuesday (February 24). Looking every bit the doting daddy-to-be, Ribeiro cradled his wife’s growing baby bump as they walked the red carpet.

The expectant parents were there to support the film’s star – Ribeiro’s longtime friend and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air costar Will Smith – and Jada Pinkett Smith.

“We loved the movie,” Angela tells Celebrity Baby Scoop exclusively. “Both Will and Margot [Robbie] were wonderful. As always, it was great seeing Will and Jada, and it was fun to catch up with the kids as well,” she said of their son Jaden, 16, and 14-year-old daughter Willow.

As for her chic print mini maternity dress, it was a fluke fashion find — thanks to her blooming belly!

“I actually borrowed a dress from a friend last minute,” Angela says of her premiere style. “The dress I got last week and had intended to wear didn’t fit my belly last night! Who knew my belly would grow so much in a week.”

Not only is she growing, she is glowing and enjoying her second pregnancy.

“I’m feeling great. This pregnancy has been a breeze compared to my last,” Angela shares. “We just got home last week from being on a tour bus for almost two months for the DWTS Live! Tour. It was a wonderful family adventure and we had such a lovely time bonding with the other DTWS dancers, but it’s obviously great to be home.”

And it sounds like their 1-year-old son AJ is still winding down from the two-month tour.

“It has been a transition for AJ as he doesn’t understand why he doesn’t have a bunch of dancers around him giving him non-stop attention anymore,” she laughs. “For us, it’s nice to be able to start preparing for baby No. 2, even though we don’t have too much time left. We hope to start working on the nursery next week.”

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After-party maybe? Hopefully?

Hot Harry was out today in Newcastle upon Tyne visiting the charity Armed Forces and Veterans Launchpad at Avondale House. This is the first time we’ve seen him since that bullsh-t story by Woman’s Day in Australia about him dating Emma Watson came out on…      

The BRIT Awards are well underway in London. FKA twigs is there for the first time. She posed on her own on the red carpet and was joined inside by boyfriend Robert Pattinson who flew out of LA yesterday to be with her at the show.

No official shots of Pattinson yet but this image has been ma…      

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