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On its opening weekend, Fifty Shades of Grey made $81.7 million domestically. On its second weekend in theaters, the film dropped considerably… and yet it was still the #1 movie in America (and in many different countries). Fifty Shades made $23.2 million last weekend, a significant 73% drop in ticket sales. The drop was attributed to the fact that it was Oscar weekend and the fact that the East Coast was hit by another snowstorm. Still, the film is still doing really well overseas. Domestically, it’s made $130 million and internationally, it’s made $280 million. It’s a crazy-huge hit and the sequel will inevitably be made.

But as we discussed over the weekend, the sequel is already in major flux. The studio gave too much power to E.L. James, and Sam Taylor Johnson apparently wants out – Sam does not want to deal with E.L.’s crap for another film. And E.L. apparently wants to write the script for Fifty Shades Darker too, which… if it happens, will be an utter trainwreck. And now there are rumors that Jamie Dornan doesn’t even want to play Christian Grey again because… his wife has a problem with it? We’ve heard that before, haven’t we?

Will Jamie Dornan be coming back to play S&M businessman Christian Grey for two more films? Apparently not, according to some reports. Australian magazine NW claims to have the inside track on Dornan supposedly quitting the burgeoning franchise, which has broken all manner of box office records.

Seemingly the bad reviews and involved sex scenes – he’s married to actress Amelia Warner and has a 15-month-old daughter – may be giving the 32-year-old actor cold feet. The magazine quotes an ‘insider’ as saying: “Jamie said the movie would skyrocket his career. He tried to assure Amelia nothing would change but women all over the world now lust after Jamie. She hasn’t seen the film and I don’t think she will, to be honest. Jamie does not think his performance was bad – instead he blames Dakota and says it wasn’t possible to have chemistry with her. He says Dakota gave him nothing to work with.”

These are just rumours at the moment, with no confirmation from Dornan or Universal, but with many putting the fact that the movie wasn’t a total disaster down to Taylor-Johnson and scriptwriter Kelly Marcel’s efforts with the source material, it wouldn’t come as a huge surprise.

[From Yahoo UK]

The original source for this story is an unreliable Aussie tabloid, and while I might be willing to believe that Jamie doesn’t really want to do a sequel, that doesn’t change the fact that he has a contract. It was my understanding that both Jamie and Dakota are contractually obligated for two sequels, and if Jamie wants out, it will cost him. Big time. As in, his career would never recover. As for Jamie blaming Dakota for his bad performance… well, they seemed to have zero chemistry in general, but Dakota actually got good reviews and Jamie didn’t. Maybe he should just eat it and do the sequel and try to prove that he actually can act his way out of a paper bag.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


The Walking Dead Season 5, Episode 11 recap

After last week’s filler episode, this week we’re back to stuff happening, sort of. The new guy, Aaron, claims to have a safe settlement and he’s on the road to recruit Rick & Co. to his community. Unfortunately for him, Rick i…      

Nick Lachey Smooches His Son

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities

Proud mama Vanessa Lachey shared a sweet shot of husband Nick Lachey and their 2-year-old son Camden.

“My heart,” Vanessa Instagrammed the Big Morning Buzz Live host, 41, and his little boy sharing a smooch while wearing matching backwards flat-brims.

Camden recently became a big brother to baby sister, Brooklyn Elisabeth, whom arrived on Jan. 5.

“I have been dreaming of this moment for as long as I can remember, the day I was going to meet my little girl,” Vanessa, 34, wrote on her blog the day after she gave birth. “A friend recently told me how magical today was going to be because it’s the day I would meet my best friend.”

My ??

A photo posted by Vanessa Lachey (@vanessalachey) on Feb 23, 2015 at 8:10am PST


“Happy BDay to my gorgeous and loving Sistah B! Wish I could be celebrating with you today, B. Here are some celebs to add to our guest list who share the same special bday this year: Alan Cumming, Brooke Shields, Chris Rock, RDJ, Viola Davis, Jeremy Piven, Liz Hurley.” Jillian

I j…      


Aww, Hutton is so cute!

Beverley Mitchell welcomed Hutton back on January 28th, and she’s already trying her best to adjust to the new addition to her household. She took to Instagram to share a new picture of her adorable baby and talked about how she’s managing her newborn. She captioned the photo:

“We don’t have help so I have “stations” to help so I can get things done, like shower! Finally got one 4 Hutt while I get ready @fisherprice.” He’s so adorable!

Make sure you check out these other adorable photos of Hutton by clicking here.



Here are some assorted photos of Eddie Remayne and his wife Hannah Bagshawe at the Oscars, the Oscar parties and at LAX yesterday, leaving LA as soon as the Oscar festivities were over. Hannah hasn’t been on his arm for every LA event, and he’s said several times that she has a job and her own schedule, that she doesn’t drop everything to be his plus-one at every occasion. That’s a good thing, in my opinion. It makes Eddie seem like he went for a woman of substance, a woman who prioritizes her work and having a career.

As for Eddie’s amazing Oscar win, as I said on Oscar night, I was all for it, but there is currently some backlash and online muttering about it. I ended up watching Birdman and The Theory of Everything within a 24 hour period (thanks CB!) and I really thought that in a head-to-head race between Michael Keaton and Eddie, Eddie should win. Don’t get me wrong, Keaton’s performance was very good. He was actually the best part of the film, alongside Ed Norton. But I thought Birdman was such a stupid movie, mostly because the story annoyed me and the “unreliable narrator” crap made me roll my eyes. While TTOE didn’t break the mold with storytelling, Eddie’s performance as Stephen Hawking was incredible and remarkable. It was in the vein of Daniel Day Lewis in My Left Foot (a performance that won Day-Lewis his first Oscar too).

Throughout it all, Eddie had the blessing of the towering icon he was playing as well – Stephen Hawking liked the film and publicly complimented the film and Eddie personally (Hawking is said to have flirted with Felicity Jones too). After Eddie’s win, Hawking wrote this on his Facebook:

Congratulations to Eddie Redmayne for winning an ?#?Oscar? for playing me in The Theory of Everything Movie. Well done Eddie, I’m very proud of you. –SH

[From Hawking’s Facebook]


As for what’s next for Eddie, he’s currently working on The Danish Girl, the true story of “Danish artists Einar Wegener and his wife Gerda.” Eddie stars with Alicia Vikander and… Amber Heard?


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.


Intro for February 24, 2015

Author: | Filed under: Celebrities

Dear Gossips,

The internet blew up on Friday before Oscar weekend because there was a rumour about Prince Hot Harry and Emma Watson. Definitely a Gossip Genie moment.

Supposedly, when Harry heard that Emma is now single, he emailed her to say he wanted to get to know her and they went out…      


No caption needed. #vfoscarparty

A photo posted by Vanity Fair (@vanityfair) on Feb 23, 2015 at 12:58am PST

We had some requests for MOAR Jennifer Aniston stuff, so here you go. The Aniston vs. ScarJo post yesterday was one of our biggest for the Oscar coverage, so I guess you guys still want to talk about it? Sure. As I said yesterday, I actually liked Aniston’s Versace dress. It was a relief to see her in something lighter, less prom-y and less “The Widow Pitt.” Was the dress super-flattering? Eh. But I was also thankful that her boobs weren’t falling out of her dress, you know?

Anyway, the above Instagram is from Vanity Fair – Mark Seliger took exclusive portraits of people partying at the VF Oscar party. I enjoy the fact that whenever Aniston is being photographed by a professional, her go-to move is to play with her hair. Classic Aniston! You can see the VF Instagram here – there are lots of great portraits.

The VF portrait wasn’t JustJen’s only social media appearance at the Oscars. Jennifer Lopez was also posting photos all night, and she took a selfie with JustJen in the background. It’s pretty cute:

Photo bombed by my favorite couple Jennifer and Justin #Oscars

A photo posted by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on Feb 22, 2015 at 7:43pm PST

What else? Let’s see… my body language analysis of Justin and Jennifer says that Jennifer is still very into him. Justin feels… I’m not sure. I couldn’t swear to it, but in some of the photos from the VF party especially, it looked like Justin was slightly embarrassed or just not that into Jennifer. Maybe I’m reading too much into it. But Jen did seem “extra” affectionate, like she was overcompensating.

And lastly, Reese Witherspoon goosed Jennifer on the Oscars red carpet.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN, Fame/Flynet.



Your beauty never goes unnoticed. One of the best/dopest person in my life.

A photo posted by Tyga / T-Raww (@kinggoldchains) on Feb 20, 2015 at 7:37am PST

This is a photo of Kylie Jenner from Tyga’s Instagram. He posted it on Friday, which was a few days after Amber Rose called him out for dating 17-year-old Kylie. Tyga hasn’t gotten any younger (he’s 25). His intentions remain clear with the “Your beauty never goes unnoticed” caption.

Last Tuesday, Tyga denied being anything other than friends with Kylie. He blamed cultural stereotypes for the rumor and deflected with some nonsense about black vs. white friendships. The general consensus is that Tyga lied his tush off. He’s trying to protect himself from statutory rape charges. On Thursday, Kanye West pretty much confirmed that Tyga and Kylie were together. Kanye made a gross statement too: “I think he got in early. I think he was smart.

Tyga’s team is reportedly concerned (as they should be). According to Radar, they’ve told him to (publicly) back off from Kylie. She’s reportedly distraught over the situation:

Kim Kardashian’s youngest sister, Kylie Jenner, is having a very bad week! On Tuesday, her boyfriend, Tyga, publicly said they weren’t dating. Now, sources tell RadarOnline.com can reveal, his management team has told him to distance himself even further from the reality starlet.

Jenner, 17, has been “crying all week,” an insider told Radar. “She is afraid that Tyga is going to break-up with her.”

And it’s with good reason, according to the source. “Tyga’s advisers have told him to not be spotted out in public with Kylie doing anything romantic, including holding hands, or kissing,” the source said. “Tyga has tried to reassure Kylie that they are solid, but she has her doubts.”

[From Radar Online]

I think this story sounds authentic. Teenagers are dramatic, and Kylie’s definitely one of them. She needs parental guidance but won’t find it in Kris Jenner, who is content to let her youngest daughter post photoshopped “belfies” like big sister Kim does.

Oh, and Chris Brown weighed in on team Tyga. I guess Breezy had to join Yeezy with another round of grossness. Chris told Hot 97 FM, “Whatever decision my man wanna make, I’ma rock with him. I ain’t gonna fight none of his battles, but it’s just like whatever decision you make. We see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, so I feel like I’ll just tell him ‘Aye man, if you was dating some regular weak chick, you wouldn’t be talked about, nobody would care.’” You can hear Chris’ ridiculous interview here. Ugh.

Kylie Jenner

Photos courtesy of Tyga on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & WENN



87th Annual Oscars Red Press Room

At the end of her Oscar’s speech accepting Best Supporting Actress, Patricia Arquette made an impassioned plea for wage equality. It was rousing, she got Jennifer Lopez and Meryl Streep all excited, and she started a conversation about women’s rights. Her comments were particularly relevant to her industry in light of the Sony hack which revealed that Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams were paid much less in backend profits for American Hustle than their male costars. This is patently unfair, but we’re talking about large sums of money. Neither one of these women are suffering. Still, this is a fight that we can all support as women, and highly paid women should be paid as much, and offered as many advancements, as men. Full stop.

In her comments backstage following her win, Arquette kind of went off the rails a bit. She implied that LGBTQ rights advocates and people of color had not supported feminist and women’s issues to date and that it was time they did. Here’s some of what she said backstage, and you can see the video above. (That part comes in at 1:40.)

So the truth is, even though we sort of feel like we have equal rights in America, right under the surface, there are huge issues that are applied that really do affect women and it’s time for all the women in America and all the men that love women, and all the gay people, and all the people of color that we’ve all fought for to fight for us now.

[via E! Online]

Maybe Arquette was all worked up from her win, and maybe she had a bad personal experience with friends not supporting her cause or something, and she’s overgeneralizing. That’s possible, and plus this is one of the most emotional moments of her life, she may have said some things she would regret when all the adrenaline dies down. Only on Twitter later, Arquette doubled down. Here are a few of her tweets on the matter and there’s much more on her Twitter feed.

I have long been an advocate for the rights of the #LBGT community. The question is why aren’t you an advocate for equality for ALL women?

— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) February 23, 2015

Wage equality will help ALL women of all races in America. It will also help their children and society.

— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) February 23, 2015

Guess which women are the most negatively effected in wage inequality? Women of color. #Equalpay for ALL women. Women stand together in this

— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) February 23, 2015

I don’t care if people are pissed The truth is that wage inequality adversely effects women. pic.twitter.com/5tMjJXgbGz

— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) February 24, 2015

My children are not living below the poverty line. That does’t mean I don’t care about the kids who are. DO YOU? Then help their moms.

— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) February 24, 2015

This is a great cause and she’s right. Women make 77% of what men do, and it’s time that changed. I don’t think she should have called out the LGBT community or minorities for not supporting feminism, though. As Kaiser explained to me, she could have framed it as an issue of everyone fighting these important causes together, a kind of “Yes AND” approach instead of making it sound like we need to prioritizing our issues over others. We can be loud and visible without trying to one-up anyone and we can all fight together for each other’s basic rights.

Meanwhile the hacks at Fox news, particularly Stacey Dash, are trying to call out Arquette for daring to bring up this issue, which they don’t consider relevant. I’m not going to get into all that except to say that facts never get in the way of opinions at Fox News.

87th Annual Academy Awards - Press Room

87th Annual Academy Awards - Press Room

photo credit: WENN.com


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