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Sunday’s Oscars were full of few surprises but many heartfelt, emotional speeches. One of the most emotional speeches came from Graham Moore, the young screenwriter of the adapted script for The Imitation Game. Graham is only 33 years old and TIG was his first full-length feature screenplay that had ever been produced. He was beyond thrilled, of course, and this is part of what Moore said in his speech:

Alan Turing never got to stand on a stage like this and look out at all of these disconcertingly attractive faces. I do! And that’s the most unfair thing I’ve ever heard. So in this brief time here, what I wanted to do was say this: When I was 16 years old, I tried to kill myself. Because I felt weird and I felt different and I felt like I did not belong. And now I’m standing here. And so I would like for this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she’s weird or she’s different or she doesn’t fit in anywhere. Yes, you do! I promise, you do! Stay weird. Stay different, and then when it’s your turn and you are standing on this stage, please pass the same message along.

[From Moore’s Oscar speech]

Many instinctually felt – as I did – that Moore was talking about being gay and struggling with that in his teenage years. Moore seemed to be referencing the It Gets Better Campaign, and I was also reminded of Dustin Lance Black, the out-and-proud screenwriter who won an Oscar for Milk in 2009 and who is also active in LGBT suicide prevention. As it turns out, Graham Moore wasn’t coming out at the Oscars at all. He was just “coming out” as a “weirdo”. For real. He said backstage at the Oscars:

“I’m not gay, but I’ve never talked publicly about depression before or any of that and that was so much of what the movie was about and it was one of the things that drew me to Alan Turing so much,” Moore said. “I think we all feel like weirdos for different reasons. Alan had his share of them and I had my own and that’s what always moved me so much about his story.”

[From HuffPo]

That’s true, we all feel like weirdos at some point in our lives, and that’s especially true for young people. So, Graham Moore just liked the story of Alan Turing and he wasn’t trying to make any kind of statement on LGBT issues. If anything, maybe he was trying to raise awareness about depression.

Photos courtesy of WENN.


Who Said It?

Author: Admin | Filed under: Celebrities
Who Said It - Click Here

Who’s up for a game of celebrity mom trivia?

Can you tell us which celebrity mom said the following in an interview:

“Oh my God, everyone was so hard on me because it took me a year and a half to get my body back! When I was 17, I weighed, like, 98 pounds. I was totally obsessed with everything I put in my mouth. I was way too skinny. Not cute. And my body wasn’t that healthy—my hands would cramp up a lot because I wasn’t getting the nutrition I needed. That constant pressure of wanting something different than I had? I regret that. I feel like there was way too much time spent thinking about that. This is the body that I have. I have a very athletic build, and I am so proud of what my body has done for me. I had the best, healthiest, strongest pregnancy. And I feel good about myself. But I feel like I’m always in a 5-pound battle, because being 5 feet 2, everything is going to show on me!”

Leave your guess in the comments section below! Also, make sure you check back tomorrow for the answer. Good luck!


Thanks for hitting the site so many times today! We triple-fed our servers to make sure everything ran smoothly! Duana and I love Oscar Monday, barfing out all our Oscar thoughts. It’s such an honour for us to know that you’re refreshing and reading and commenting and hating and suppo…      

Thanks for hitting the site so many times today! We triple-fed our servers to make sure everything ran smoothly! Duana and I love Oscar Monday, barfing out all our Oscar thoughts. It’s such an honour for us to know that you’re refreshing and reading and commenting and hating and suppo…      

I just want you to imagine the Oscars last night – that long ass show and NPH’s lame ass jokes, and f-cking Adam Levine’s cruelly intolerable voice, and everything that took forever but went nowhere – without John Travolta.

Imagine the Oscars without that collar chain around…      

I just want you to imagine the Oscars last night – that long ass show and NPH’s lame ass jokes, and f-cking Adam Levine’s cruelly intolerable voice, and everything that took forever but went nowhere – without John Travolta.

Imagine the Oscars without that collar chain around…      

Duana claimed Emma. But it was close for me. Since I almost always go Emma though, because Emma always does Emma, I went in a different direction. My direction, in case you haven’t noticed, is not usually body con.

But OMG Scarjo last night…

And in person it was even crazier….      

Duana claimed Emma. But it was close for me. Since I almost always go Emma though, because Emma always does Emma, I went in a different direction. My direction, in case you haven’t noticed, is not usually body con.

But OMG Scarjo last night…

And in person it was even crazier….      


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You know, you never want to be boring. Predictable. Safe. And so it becomes a bit of a lame proposition to choose Emma Stone for Best Dressed, because of course she’s going to be Best Dressed. Even her misses are so much more interesting than everyone else’s wins.


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