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Coco Rocha Covers Fashion Magazine

Author: Admin | Filed under: Coco

coco1Coco Rocha is the cover girl of Fashion Magazine for Canadian August issue. Wearing a Dolce & Gabbana green dress, the photo shoot is photographed by Miguel Jacob

Well what do ya know, Lady GaGa has admitted that her burgeoning career got a big boost when Christina Aguilera was accused of stealing her look earlier this year.

The multiplatinum-selling singer performed at the MTV Video Music Awards in September wearing platinum blonde hair extensions, a black catsuit, and a mask, leading many critics to claim she was swagger jacking Lady GaGa’s signature.

“Well, it was very flattering when it happened. She’s such a huge star and if anything I should send her flowers, because a lot of people in America didn’t know who I was until that whole thing happened.

“It really put me on the map in a way, though of course I don’t just want to be remembered for the Christina Aguilera scandal.”

“There are no hard feelings with Christina at all,” Lady says. “What it showed me was, even though I’ve only been on the commercial market for seven or eight months, I’ve really burned graphic images of my visuals onto the irises of my fans.”

“They saw a huge, Grammy-winning star who’s been around for years and they recognized Lady GaGa. That to me is quite an accomplishment.christina-aguilera

charlie-sheen1Charlie Sheen (41) announced his engagement to Brooke Mueller (29) a real estate investor. Denise Richards (36), who got dumped by Richie Sambora in Hawaii, said the following with a clenched jaw:

“I am genuinely happy for the two of them,” Richards said. “In fact, I sent them flowers to congratulate them both. I’ve spent time with her, and my girls really like her. That’s all that matters to me.”

Richards is also still being questioned about the breakup with Sambora, because she was trying to get him to marry her, except he wasn’t the sucker Charlie was. She also rejects another report that she hired a matchmaker. “That whole story is false. I did not hire a matchmaker. But,” she adds jokingly, “that’s a great idea, maybe I should.”

Good for Charlie. He deserves a little happiness after being betrayed by the mother of his children. As for Richards, she’s just a sad desperate aging bitter sick woman.

selita-ebanks1Selita Ebanks, the one-time fiancée of Nick Cannon, has done well in her modeling career. She made it into the top 15 of the World’s Richest Models list. Selita Ebanks and Nick Cannon were engaged but split in October 2007. Selita was once linked to New York Giants defensive player, Osi Umenyiora.

Several media sources claimed that Nick Cannon has married Mariah Carey. The story is here.

Once again, Forbes magazine has compiled its list of the world’s top 15 earning models. The figures are approximated amounts after currency conversions.

Sophie Monk’s Photos

Author: Admin | Filed under: Sophie Monk

Sophie MonkSophie Monk is a beautiful model. She was engaged to Benji Madden until there was a third party involved. Here, she modeled for Men’s Style magazine. She looked fresh and hot.

suge-knight1Suge Knight is fighting bankruptcy by filing lawsuits involving his earrings. Apparently when he was in custody last year, officials didn’t do a good enough job keeping up with his bling-rings. With the economy in the state its in, I figure now is the perfect time to offer up some sound financial advice: If you are experiencing any financial issues, or see any financial issues on the horizon, don’t buy expensive earrings.

sutton-pierceThank God Britney did not make good on her threat to run off and give birth in Namibia, so her baby was born in a nice, unambiguous time zone. Media accounts have Sutton Pierce entering the world around 2:00 AM on September 12 [edited from Sept. 13, which was a typo; the chart was actually cast for the 12th] in L.A. {Source}This gives him a Cancer Ascendant that forms nice sextiles to his Virgo Sun and Taurus Moon.

But honestly, I am a little worried about this kid. With that Cancer Ascendant and his Sun, Mercury and Venus in Virgo, young Sutton is a sensitive soul with a tendency to be anxious and high-strung. His Sun’s opposition to Uranus makes Sutton emotionally volatile, prone to picking up on other people’s emotional energy and getting out of control.

What really troubles me, though, is the daunting grand cross between the Moon (emotions and the mother), Jupiter (growth and expansion), Saturn (responsibilities and the father), and Neptune (fantasies, ideals and delusions). It would seem that SPF II’s larger-than-life, um, life, and the grandiose images posed by his parents, could set up some major obstacles for him in terms of fulfilling his own dreams. When this kid gets reality-checked, it could come down on him hard.

Interestingly, both of Britney’s sons’ Suns fall in her natal 12th house, suggesting that they play a backstage role in her life. See Britney Spears’ birth chart (Astrotheme) She has already spoken of her desire for Sean to have a sibling to keep him company when she brings him along on tour (which is a lot like the logic people use in deciding to get a second cat because they’re gone during the day, rather than have a second child, but whatever). With his Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all in Britney’s 12th house, it could be a challenge for Sutton to come out from behind the scenes and find his own way. Sutton’s Mars conjuncts his 4th house cusp, suggesting that he might stay close to home and cling to family ties. (I would have said cling to his mother’s apron strings, but it’s a bit hard to picture Brit Brit in an apron.)

His Virgo planets, Taurus Moon and Cancer Ascendant make Sutton caring, nurturing and concerned about other people. Hopefully he will be able to tap into these qualities without developing a tendency to take care of others’ needs at the expense of his own. With that grand cross configuration, he does have some struggles ahead. And if his parents would appear to be part of the problem, at least they—well, at least Britney—can afford to get him therapy.

The queen of hearts(or controversy) is back in the news but this is not another sensation that would outrage again the Filipino communities. Terry Hatcher was just caught wearing a canary-yellow gown during the 60th Prime time Emmy Awards last September 21, 2008.teri-hatcher1

It’s Uffie Of Course

Author: Admin | Filed under: Uffie

funky looking chick is Uffie.  You may have heard her crazy off beat rap music before but if you haven’t, you soon will.  She’s huge in France and slowly making her way over here.  It’s mostly noise and clicks and beeps but I’ll bet anything she’ll be what the “cooluffie

Will Ferrell Shows Off His Wee One

Author: Admin | Filed under: Will Ferrell

Celebs are usually so weird about showing off their babies. Not Will Ferrell. He took his new baby boy, Mattias, to watch his eldest son Magnus play soccer over the weekend. Thanks for sharing, Willwill-ferrell

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