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Now that the Yankees are out of the playoffs, Derek Jeter gets to spend some time with his girl Minka Kelly.
Baseball star, Derek Jeter, 34, and actress Minka Kelly, 28, were spotted getting cozy in Austin, Texas, last Wednesday at the live music club, listening to soul singer Dan Dyer.

Jeter and Kelly looked “together and happy,” says one onlooker.

Derek Jeter and Minka Kelly, who is in town filming her third season of Friday Night Lights, also attended the University of Texas football game Saturday night, cheering from the sidelines with baseball vet Roger Clemens.

The couple obviously likes Texas, an have spend time together there before at the hip SoCo section of town last August, sipping coffee together in Starbucks.minka-kelly

Sad dating news to report this morning: Heroes co-stars Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia have called off their relationship, according to reports.

“It was a lifestyle conflict,” a source close to the couple tells Us Weekly, adding that the split happened within the last week.

“[Hayden and Milo] were in very different places in their lives. They are still on friendly terms. There are no hard feelings.”

The source tells Us that Hayden Panettiere, 19, “is young. She likes to go out in the Hollywood scene and that’s not his style.”
THG NOTE: What exactly does this supposed source mean by “go out” exactly? Despite what you see on Gossip Girl, teenagers can’t drink freely in clubs – even though bribes do go along way. Just saying. And does Hayden even party that much?

As for Milo Ventimiglia, 31, he “has been concentrating on work on his production company [Divide Pictures],” the source adds.

The two, who began dating in late 2007 or early 2008, had been an open secret as a couple for months – in part because of their 12-year age gap.

This is too bad, but we totally saw it coming. Kind of makes us think that the recent report of Hayden mauling Jesse McCartney was probably true.milo-ventimiglia

hey-joshHere are the Milo Ventimiglia pictures from the REST launch and signing I took over the weekend. The event took place on Melrose & La Brea at Golden Apple Comics. Milo was promoting his new comic REST, which is essentially about this guy who has 24 hours a day to do everything he needs/wants to do.

Check out this AUDIO LINK to an interview he did about the comic and launch party.

Following the weekend event, Milo did some radio interviews promoting the comic. The following interview is from the JohnJay and Rich Morning Show. The show is aired in Arizona, Colorado Springs and Portland. Despite endless attempts to get through to the morning show in the past (they used to have Leinart on ALL the time last year) I got through on the first try, and had the opportunity to thank Milo for being so great to us.


Thanks Kiki for the photos!  Milo currently stars on the popular TV show ‘Heroes.’

If you have photos of celebs or celeb sightings you want to share then email them to me at

Miley Cyrus Offends Asians Everywhere

Author: Admin | Filed under: Miley Cyrus

miley-cyrusMiley Cyrus didn’t learn much from the Spanish national basketball team during the Beijing Olympics when their ad in a Spanish paper had all the players use their fingers to pull their eyes back to appear more Asian.  The tween star with the backing of Disney took some pictures with friends that resulted in some negative feedback from the Asian-American equality groups. After hearing that people were offended by the pictures, Miley stepped forward with one of the worst apologies ever.

“I’ve…been told there are some people upset about some pictures taken of me with friends making goofy faces!” Cyrus wrote, “well, I’m sorry if those people looked at those pics and took them wrong and out of context!”

Holy crap Miley way to bust out that heartfelt apology that will show the people you offended how bad you feel.  I am surprised she didn’t use the theory of “Hey, I have Asian friends! Seriously, my best friend is Asian and my cousin married one!”  Maybe next time she should speak with her PR team before releasing statements on her own.

Mila Kunis: Scary on the Set

Author: Admin | Filed under: Mila Kunis

While we’re used to seeing her looking absolutely stunning, earlier this week  Mila Kunis was spotted on the set of a photo shoot, and she was anything but attractive.

The “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” babe was dressed up as a zombie as she took a cigarette break outside the Irwindale, California studio.
Miss Kunis looked like she forgot her belt, as her jeans slid down to reveal the front of her black underwear when she raised her arms in an attempt to scare the paparazzi.

As for upcoming projects, Mila will be starring alongside Gary Oldman and Denzel Washington in “The Book of Eli,” as well as hamming it up with Jason Bateman and Ben Affleck in “Extract.”Mila Kunis

Madonna has joined forces with convicted rapist Mike Tyson to save the children of Malawi. The Material Girl met the former heavyweight boxing champ at the Cannes Film Festival; both satrs are in Southern France promoting new documetaries. “Iron Mike” agreed to accompany Madonna to Malawi thiw summer to promote awareness for children with AIDS.

“Mike agreed immediately. And, aware that having a celebrity fan will do wonders for his doc, he offered to do a favor in return. Mike is eager to show he’s turned over a new leaf and thinks this is the perfect way to do it.”

“Madonna thinks Mike is amazing and asked if she could have a private screening of his documentary, Tyson, while she was in the Riviera,” a celebrity insider revealed to the Daily Mail.mike-tyson

mick-jaggerJames Jagger, 21, the son of Mick Jagger, has started his acting career with a stage play in London. His divorced parents attended his performance. He has raised eye brows with his girlfriend, Alice Devall, 19. Observers noted that this second generation couple looked like the carbon copy of James parents, Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall. The press wrote that James replicated his father’s famous look for the cameras.

The couple’s recent public appearance was at the British Independent Film Awards in London. The witness present there told the press that James and Alice looked like the prefect couple. People were amazed of the close resemblances between this young couple and James’ parents.

Get ready “Gossip Girl” fans, Georgina is returning. If there’s anyone who can push Serena’s buttons on the hit show it’s her arch nemesis Georgina Sparks, and it looks as though the crazy gal is returning to The CW.
Celebrity News Service has talked to “Gossip Girl” fans about the upcoming return of Georgina and they are all psyched. “I’m very excited to have her back. It’s always great having someone stir up trouble. I actually hope she is crazier than ever,” a fan told CNS.

According to EW.com’s Michael Ausiello, Blake Lively’s arch nemesis will be returning to the Upper East Side for multiple episodes, and suffice it to say that the girl may be even more unhinged than before.

Georgina will appear toward the end of the season, and fans are hoping she brings on the crazy.

“I love ‘crazy’ on the show and Georgina is just the person to bring it,” another fan told CNS.

“Gossip Girl” airs Mondays at 8/7 on The CW.michelle-trachtenberg

Michelle Stays Hidden

Author: Admin | Filed under: Michelle Rodriguez

Michelle Rodriguez has gone into hiding.
But not in a cell.
Not yet, anyways.
Seems the former Lost star is taking some time out from the limelight, ahead of serving her 180-day sentence for violating probation under a 2003 drinking under influence charge.
Chelle has to hand herself in to Los Angeles county jail before Christmas Eve, but appears to be taking it easy on run-up to her time behind bars.
“I’ve been doing a lot of spa time, a lot of reading, a lot of hiding, ” she told Us Weekly.
“I’ve also been going out with my friends and my pals.”
Despite her chilled-out vibe, it seems Chelle is experiencing some nerves about her impending prison stint.

When asked whether she was nervous, the star replied: “I’m a woman, honey!”
But added: “I take life as it comes and that’s it.”
Good on you Chelle – that fighting spirit’ll come in handy some months down the line wethinks…michelle-rodriguez

Last night, Carlito worked WWC’s biggest show of the year: Anniversary 2008. Carlito worked the main event, losing to Ray Gonzalez in a “Teacher vs. Student” match. After the match, Carlito shook Gonzalez’ hand, calling him a good teacher. Carlito then turned on him and gave him the “back stabber.”michelle-mccool

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