OK, so we’re all pretty familiar with every inch of Jordan’s body, but we don’t need to be reminded of it when we’re just going about our business, nibbling a digestive biscuit that we nicked from someone’s desk. The first rule of leggings is that you simply must – must – wear them with something that covers your, um, area – otherwise, the curse of the camel toe will befall you. Unfortunately, Jordan’s taste for T-shirts that clearly aren’t made for anyone over the age of five means that this is impossible – especially when so much time and thought also needs to go into matching her clothes to her earrings, bag and flip-flops (and no, we don’t know why her feet are bandaged either). So, stare at this picture for a few seconds and then try to move on and forget you ever saw it, yeah?
Jonathan Rhys Meyers starts new season of The Tudors. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is filming his third season of The Tudors, where he plays King Henry VIII. He was given a special pair of boots to wear. Jonathan’s boots had external and internal shoe-lifts. Photographers had the chance to snap pictures of Jonathan when he was out of the set on short breaks. Filming was done on location in Dublin, Ireland. Jonathan’s return to work marks the end of his official holiday, when he took time out to mourn his mother’s death. He revealed that he had stopped drinking after realizing that it was detrimental for him. He wants to shed his bad boy
Usually comedians are standing up on a stage making people laugh so hard that they fall over. But sometimes, as in Jon Lovitz’s case, they’re knocking people over by other means.
Last week Jon Lovitz beat the crap out of Andy Dick. It all happened at the legendary Laugh Factory, where the owner, Jamie Masada witnessed the whole thing. He told press, “Jon picked Andy up by the head and smashed him into the bar four or five times, and blood started pouring out of his nose.”
The feud has been going on ever since beloved comedian Phil Hartman was killed by his flipped-out wife. Lovitz maintains that it was Dick that set the whole thing into motion. “Andy was doing cocaine, and he gave Brynn some after she had been sober for 10 years. Phil was furious about it – and then five months later he’s dead,” Jon told press.
Then, last year, there was a strange exchange between Dick and Lovitz. While dining out with friends, Lovitz says Dick came to his table and started trouble. “He looked at me and said, ‘I put the “Phil Hartman hex” on you – you’re the next one to die.’ I said, ‘What did you say?’ and he repeated it. I wanted to punch his face in, but I don’t hit women.”
Then last week, the two encountered each other again. And Jon was looking for an apology from Dick. Instead he got more lip. When Lovitz asked Dick to say he was sorry, Andy replied with “do you want to be in my movie?” That was the last straw. “I grabbed him by the shirt and leaned him over and said, ‘I don’t want to be in your movie! I don’t want to be in your life!’ I pushed him against the rail. Then I pushed him again really hard. A security guard broke it up. I’m not proud of it . . . but he’s a disgusting human being.”
There’s no word from Andy Dick, or any news of charges being filed.
Jolene Blalock played the role of Vulcan Sub-Commander T’Pol on board the Earth starship, Enterprise. Jolene Blalock is a renowned model and an excellent actor. Although she doesn’t appear in too many films, she’s a perfect fit for her role on Star Trek: Enterprise. Star Trek: Enterprise takes place earlier than any other Star Trek series took place in. Enterprise begins when humans first developed warp drive and began to explore the universe. Vulcan Sub-Commander T’Pol (Jolene Blalock) played a critical role in the development of Enterprise. T’Pol reluctantly accompanied the starship on its first mission, but eventually grew onto the series and became a permanent member of the crew.
Jolene Blalock’s character, T’Pol, at first disliked being around humans, as they were too emotional, but eventually grew to enjoy their company, and eventually fell in love with one of the humans. As the show progresses viewers can pick up on the growth and development of Jolene Blalock’s character as she becomes more and more human the longer she stays on the ship.
Jolene Blalock took on a significant challenge when she took the role of T’Pol in Enterprise. The writers of the show and Jolene wanted to make Vulcan’s an interesting character again. Since the original Star Trek’s Spock, Vulcans became a backseat secondary character in Star Trek, and the writers of Enterprise wanted to change that. Jolene and the rest of the Enterprise worked about 2 weeks on each episode it produced. Ultimately, Jolene Blalock is an excellent actor and did a phenomenal job as T’Pol is Star Trek: Enterprise.
Jolene Blalock will also be in the upcoming Starship Troopers Marauder movie. She will play the role of Lola Beck, one of the main characters in the film. Even if you’re not a fan of the Star Ship Troopers movie, it’s worth a watch if you’re a Jolene
WOW! I cannot believe that’s JoJo! She is looking so grown up these days. Miss Too Little Too Late was spotted out and about in N.Y.C. last week. I honestly don’t know how the paparazzi even recognized her. She looks so different to me than when she first came out as a little 14 year old. F.Y.I. she’ll be turning 18 in December of this year…oh how time flies!
Controversial pro wrestling writer/producer/on-air personality Paul Heyman’s first project outside the world of wrestling is a smash success as the UK SUN quickly moved the world premiere of his Heyman Hustle wireless/broadband program to the front page, which is usually either topless British girls or Royalty.
At the end of the show, Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who was an outspoken advocate of Heyman’s when they both worked for Ted Turner’s wrestling group ages ago, makes a surprise cameo appearance that Heyman and director Mitchell Stuart kept as a surprise even from The Sun itself!“We got Hustled!” exclaimed The Sun’s Simon Rothstein, “we thought Heyman was delivering the cast of Survivor, and the lesbian kiss between Ami Cusack and Flicka Smith. When we saw Jesse Ventura close out the show, everyone at The Sun stood up and went wild!”
And what’s with Jonny Fairplay? Fairplay kept interrupting Heyman’s interviews with members of the Survivor cast, but at the end gave an emotional interview himself about his newborn daughter. Fairplay has a conscience? Who knew?!?
Sexy actor Johnny Depp took the top spot for World’s Sexiest Man in the Cosmo poll. And most of us girls Johnny Depp, 45, is still hot and this new survey proves it! Johnny Depp was voted the “World’s Sexiest Man”. Depp was deemed the “Sexiest Man” in a poll headed by Cosmopolitan Magazine. Second to Johnny Depp was George Clooney. Read more on Johnny Depp and see what other sexy dudes made the list.
would agree. Then handsome George Clooney came in second, followed by Jake Gyllenhaal. Daniel Craig and Brad Pitt, who are in their 40s took away the fourth and the fifth rank, respectively.
It’s somewhat interesting that only three men in their 20’s made it to the Top 25 list. Those younger dudes were Jake Gyllenhaal, James McAvoy, at number 6, and Justin Timberlake at number 7.
“Both George Clooney and Johnny Depp just keep getting better with age,” the Daily Star quoted Lizzi Hosking of Cosmopolitan as saying.
Here’s the list of male hotties:
Jett Travolta, the 16-year-old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston, has died during a family vacation on Grand Bahama Island. Read more on Jett Travolta’s tragic death below.
The family’s attorney, Michael Ossi, confirmed the tragic news, telling Reuters the young man suffered a seizure at the Travolta clan’s getaway at the Old Bahama Bay Hotel on Grand Bahama Island.
A police spokeswoman said Jett apparently banged his head on a bathtub Friday morning. Efforts were made to revive Jett, but he was pronounced dead at Rand Memorial Hospital, police said.
Citing privacy rules, a hospital official declined to release names, but told E! News, “We did have a young gentleman come in dead.”Meanwhile, Robert Gidel, president of Ginn Resorts, which owns Old Bahama Bay, said in a statement, “Our thoughts and prayers go out to John Travolta, Kelly Preston and their family on the tragic death of their son Jett.”
“The Travolta family has become like family to us at Old Bahama Bay and we extend our deepest sympathies to them.”
Jett had a history of seizures, according to Ossi. Preston had said her son suffered from Kawasaki disease, which can cause a variety of painful side effects, including seizures, and sometimes lead to heart problems.
Per Bahamian Chief Superintendent Basil Rahming, a team of officers from the Central Detective Unit were dispatched to investigate after receiving word at about 11:40 a.m. that Travolta’s son had fallen ill.
Jett’s body will remain at Rand Memorial pending an autopsy.
“It probably won’t be until early next week that he’s going to be shipped out of the country,” said Glen Campbell, a mortician at the Restview Memorial Mortuary and Crematorium, which is handling the transportation of the body.
Jett, named for his dad’s love of flying, was the couple’s oldest child. They also have a daughter, Ella Bleu, born in 2000.
That is just such sad news, our condolences to Jett Travolta’s family and friends.
Funny men Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert couldn’t pass up the opportunity to mock the controversial New Yorker July cover and recreated infamous poses on this week’s edition of Entertainment Weekly.While Stewart gets into U.S. Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s character wearing Muslim garb, Colbert strikes his best pose as Michelle Obama as she was portrayed in New Yorker’s cover illustration.
The satirists talks about the election nominees, even explaining vice president hopeful Sarah Palin’s sudden popularity.
Stewart tells the magazine, “Everyone likes new and shiny. We’re bored. What’s great about that is [Democratic VP candidate Joe] Biden is an absolutely eccentric character. That’s how powerful Palin’s story is – it has cast the first African-American presidential nominee, the oldest [non-incumbent] presidential nominee, and a really wild cork vice presidential candidate completely out of the picture. The press is 6-year-olds playing soccer; nobody has a position, it’s just ‘Where’s the ball? Where’s the ball? Sarah Palin has the ball!’ Because they can only cover one thing.”
“I keep hearing that she’s ‘like us.’ There this idea that people who hunt and have ‘good’ values are somehow this mythological American’ I don’t know who ‘this’ person is, I’ve never met them.”
“She is no more typical ‘us’ than I am, than Obama is, than McCain is, than Mr. T is. If there is something quintessentially or authentically American about her, I sort of feel like, you know what? You ‘good values people’ have had the country for eight years, and done an unbelievably s—-yjob. Let’s find some bad values people and give then a shot, maybe they’ll have a better take on it.”
More of the two hosts’ wisdom on election in the week’s edition of Entertainment Weekly, out on newsstands now.
John Mayer spilled his guts to OK Magazine, regarding his recent break-up with Jennifer Aniston.nnifer Aniston.
ohn Mayer talked to OK Magazine about his break up with Jennifer Aniston. Normally not a person to share details, John Mayer was surprisingly open about the split.
When asked about their break-up, John acted like it was no big deal.
“It’s the most normal thing in the world,” John says. “There’s no lying there’s no cheating. There’s no nothing.”
Although the couple are no longer together, John Mayer had only nice things to say about Jennifer Aniston.
“Jennifer Aniston is the smartest, most sophisticated person I think I’ve ever met,” he explained. “She’s one of the most lovely people I’ve ever met in my life.”
Well, if Jennifer is so great, then why did they split?
“People have different chemistry, they have different lives,” says John. “It’s not about years, it’s about going out with somebody, being truthful on the way in, being truthful in the middle and being truthful on the way out. You’re either a cheater or you break up and I’m not the first, I’m the second. And that’s it. There’s no lying, there’s no bullsh**.”
So we get it, they are no longer dating. But who dumped who?
“I ended a relationship because there was no lying,” he explained to OK!. “I ended a relationship to be alone because I don’t want to waste somebody’s time if something’s not right. I don’t waste people’s time. I don’t do the taper. I guarantee you there’s 20 percent of the people on the street right now who are in a relationship they wish they could get out of but they don’t know how. And I’m going to be honest on the way in to my relationships and I’m going to be honest on the way out of my relationships.”
You notice twice he mentions lying, so is Jennifer sophisticated and great but a lying dog?
The interviewer with OK Magazine then told John Mayer that sources say Jennifer Aniston has moved on and is dating a new guy.
And John Mayer’s reply? John Mayer shrugged his shoulders and said, “I don’t care”.
So Jennifer Aniston dumped again? Hopefully she’ll find the right guy out there for her soon!