Daisy Edgar-Jones is a British actress who is in the middle of one of those huge career breakouts which will likely turn her into a household name. She was in Normal People, War of the Worlds and Cold Feet, and recently in a supporting role in Under the Banner of Heaven. Next up: the film adaptation of the bestseller Where The Crawdads Sing, and the feminist horror film Fresh, with Sebastian Stan. In Crawdads, Daisy is the lead, the “swamp girl” who lives alone in the swamp. I watched the trailer and I thought they cast someone completely new, but no, she’s just British. She gives me “young Anne Hathaway” vibes, am I alone? Anyway, I enjoyed this GQ UK cover story with Daisy, she sounds interesting, hard-working and pleasantly neurotic. Some highlights:
She is an only child: She spent much of her childhood immersing herself in imaginary worlds alone, or closely observing the grown-ups around her. As an only child, she explains, “You learn how to behave around adults from an early age. Because you’re not sat at the kids’ table, you’re sat with the adults, being quiet and listening.”
Acting gave her confidence: “When I was a teenager, I really believed in myself when it came to performance – in a way that I wish I actually still had. I really was like: I know what I’m doing in this arena alone. Everything else, I don’t, really.”
She’s very empathetic: “I’m so concerned about how the other person is experiencing it that I’m not actually experiencing it myself.”
Why she liked doing ‘Fresh’: Edgar-Jones describes Fresh as “an allegory for the commodification of women” as well as for “the disposability of dating culture – that feeling of shopping for a partner.” She and [director] Cave had long conversations about how women are taught to dismiss their deepest instincts and fears in order to be polite. “We live with an awareness of threat that is just so ingrained and normal that you don’t even clock it. It’s the risk factor of dating as a woman: worrying about wanting to be open to meeting someone new, but also being so aware of the risks involved in letting somebody in.”
Trying to learn how to be less self-critical: “I’m just really self-critical and it’s boring! I’m trying not to be that way. When do you get to the stage of just being like, ‘It is what it is’? When do you get to that point? I don’t know… some people just seem to be able to do that. I’m a very needy actor, I think.” Her worry, she explains, is, “letting people down. Being the reason something is bad. Or just not doing my best.”
Men and women even look in the mirror differently: “More often than not, a man can see themselves as a whole. A woman will focus in on the tiny details, and won’t see her full face.” What does she see first when she looks in the mirror? “My mousta–” she laughs, not quite finishing the word. “No, no, no, my…” she gestures to her chin and jawline. “I used to suffer from terrible bouts of acne.”
As an only child, I can speak to what she says about learning how to behave at a young age and sitting quietly and listening. Or not listening. I have a rich inner life still, to this day, because I was an only child. I’m also able to tune people out like I’m flipping a switch because of a childhood spent around adults talking about boring sh-t. She’s also right about women not seeing their whole faces or their complete selves, because we’re too busy looking at this imperfection or that stray hair. The self-critical thing is something she’ll grow out of – she’s only 24, a lot of people are just like that in their teens and early 20s. Anyway, she seems like an interesting person. We’ll be seeing a lot more of her in the months and years to come.
Cover & IG courtesy of British GQ.
I think it’s extremely cool when people go back to college later in their lives to complete their degrees or try for a masters or law degree or a PhD. I find it inspirational and a great reminder that formal education doesn’t have to stop in your late teens or early twenties. So it is with Pippa Middleton. Since marrying Terribly Moderately Wealthy James Matthews, Pippa has lived a life of a privileged stay-at-home wife and mother. She and James have two children, Arthur and Grace, and a third on the way. Think about how easy it would be for Pippa to just raise her kids and have lunch with other “yummy mummies” and do some light charity work a few times a year. Instead, Pippa went back to school and got her master’s.
Pippa Middleton is set to graduate from her Master’s degree with a distinction as one of her papers will be presented at a key summit. Studious Pippa, 38, who conducted research into how parents encourage their children into activity from a young age, has just finished her degree at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
After completing her studies, the mother-of-two, who is rumoured to be pregnant with her third child, opened up about the challenges of studying while parenting.
She said: ‘Getting back into studying took some getting used to but I felt really well supported by the team at UWTSD. The nature of the course being divided into specific modules also meant that it was easier to compartmentalise what was required each term… I have enjoyed the balance of work and motherhood and getting back into reading, writing, and learning again.’
She carried out her study as part of her degree in physical education, sport and physical literacy. It looked into how parents of children who have not yet started nursery can encourage and promote movement that will benefit them in later life.
A statement from the University said the ‘star student was able to bring a unique perspective to the study as a parent and scholar and a passion for the work that was informed by her own experiences with a young family.’
She said her experience raising her young children inspired her to look into the activity of preschool kids. ‘I am passionate about sport and exercise and also love being with children. I wanted to find a topic that combined these two and felt that there wasn’t enough information, knowledge or focus on early years physical development for mums particularly. I wanted to learn to not only help my own children but to also continue work in the field to stress the importance of children moving from an early age.’
The mother’s findings suggested parents need to be better informed about how to increase physical activity in their young children.
The fact that Pippa’s Early Years research is more coherent and data-intensive than her sister’s Early Years busywork is not lost on me. I mean, it doesn’t sound like Pippa’s “physical fitness in the Early Years” is anything more than “parents should encourage their kids to play sports,” but still. At least Pippa didn’t have a huge staff create an “Keenwell Early Years foundation” to host symposiums on how people should be more aware of the importance of the Early Years. Pippa went back to school and – GASP – actually became a credible expert with a master’s in her field of interest. Also: there’s legitimate work and study being done about the importance of playtime and sports for kids’ development. This isn’t some vague sh-t like Kate’s Five Big Questions.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Getty and Backgrid.
Prince Harry’s “security case” was heard by the High Court yesterday, and while some of the details are close-hold, we did learn some interesting and new stuff. Basically, we learned that Prince Harry repeatedly offered to “pay back” the cost of his British police protection whenever he visited the UK, but his offers were declined at the Sandringham Summit, then Harry’s offers were not presented to RAVEC, the committee which decides who gets royal protection and who doesn’t. We also learned that Harry places the blame for a lot of the royal protection mess at the feet of Edward Young, the Queen’s private secretary. Harry’s legal team told the High Court that there were “significant tensions” between himself and Young, and that he did not know that Young was part of RAVEC, meaning Young was screwing Harry over during the Sussexit, then Young was one of the people deciding to withdraw Harry’s protection.
There’s also a theory – which seems pretty accurate right now – that Young was perhaps the source of all of the leaking to the Daily Mail about what Harry offered and whether he “lied” about this or that. Remember, Harry is not only taking this royal protection issue to the High Court, he also sued the Daily Mail for running several “exclusives” about this royal protection fight. The Mail claimed Harry lied about offering to pay for his security and then tried to “hide” the story. And now Harry has won that lawsuit.
A Mail on Sunday article on the Duke of Sussex’s legal claim against the Home Office contained parts that were defamatory, the High Court has ruled. It marks a victory for Harry in the first stage of his latest libel claim against Associated Newspapers Limited.
The Duke of Sussex is suing the Mail on Sunday’s publisher over a story on a separate High Court case on his security arrangements in the UK. The February article carried the headline: “Exclusive: How Prince Harry tried to keep his legal fight with the government over police bodyguards a secret… then – just minutes after the story broke – his PR machine tried to put a positive spin on the dispute.”
Lawyers for Harry had argued the article was defamatory and suggested the duke had “improperly and cynically” tried to manipulate public opinion. A judge ruled parts of the article were defamatory on Friday. This judgment only relates to the “objective meaning” of the article and is the first stage in the libel claim, Mr Justice Nicklin said.
Discussing one of the meanings, he said a reader would think Harry “was responsible for public statements” issued on his behalf that “claimed that he was willing to pay for police protection in the UK, and that his legal challenge was to the government’s refusal to permit him to do so”. The judge added: “The true position, as revealed in documents filed in the legal proceedings, was that he had only made the offer to pay after the proceedings had commenced.”
He also said the article would have been read as alleging Harry “was responsible for trying to mislead and confuse the public as to the true position, which was ironic given that he now held a public role in tackling ‘misinformation”’.
Mr Justice Nicklin said: “It may be possible to ‘spin’ facts in a way that does not mislead, but the allegation being made in the article was very much that the object was to mislead the public. That supplies the necessary element to make the meanings defamatory at common law.”
I hope Harry issues a statement referencing “the daily fail” like Meghan did when she won her lawsuit against the Mail. The Sussexes keep on winning, especially against the miserable Mail. Basically, the judge found that the Mail was purposefully and willfully misleading the public about Harry’s legal action to figure out this security issue. That was clear at the time, by the way. I even said it at the time, as did others, that the Mail’s exclusives were completely unhinged and written entirely in bad faith. It makes me wonder who “leaked” those quotes to the Mail, that they thought they were bulletproof to run those exclusives.
Agreeing with Harry’s lawyers, Mr Justice Nicklen said: “The allegation being made in the article was very much that the object was to mislead the public.”
Today’s ruling is the first stage of this libel claim. The next will be for Associated Newspapers to file a defence. pic.twitter.com/SNQ9zu2npt
— Omid Scobie (@scobie) July 8, 2022
Photos courtesy of Instar.
The Cambridge kids are finally out of school, which means that after Wimbledon, we’re probably not going to see much of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for the rest of the summer. The creepy polo kiss and Wimbledon appearances will probably be the last times we see them until September, maybe even October. Last year, Kate was not seen at any public event for over two months. So instead of getting royal commentary about how it’s completely absurd that these lazy, expensive royals are going on a three-month holiday, we’re hearing about what they’ll likely do during their “well earned” summer off. Ingrid Seward suggests that Will and Kate will probably go to Mustique this summer. Hm.
Royal expert Ingrid Seward says William and Kate will have a raft of plans to keep the children busy.
“The three children are incredibly sporty and, of course, their parents are too,” she tells The Sun. “The focus will very much be on outdoor pursuits, with swimming, fishing, walking, riding and sailing.”
While the couple embraced the staycation trend last year, visiting the Scilly Isles, Ingrid believes they’ll be returning to more exotic climes – and calling on Kate’s parents for babysitting duties.
“It’s a long holiday so I suspect that Carole and Michael Middleton, as grandparents, will probably have the kids to themselves for a little bit of the summer,” she says. “They usually go up to Balmoral to spend time with the Queen and the rest of the family for a while and, this year, I think they will also go abroad for a short time, probably to Mustique, because William and Kate will want a change of scenery.”
Due to the pandemic, they haven’t been to the island since 2019, when they rented a private villa for two weeks, and celebrated George’s sixth birthday there, on July 22.
“William and Kate haven’t been abroad much with the kids in recent years, apart from a trip to Jordan in the autumn, so I think they’ll be itching to get back to Mustique this year,” says Ingrid. “They have all the infrastructure they need there, they have a no fly zone and all kinds of things in place so they can actually have some privacy. The Middletons are pretty helpful with all this and Carole organises the Mustique trips.
“The family used to go to Barbados in the summer when Kate was young and Pippa’s husband’s family, the Matthews, also own an exclusive resort in St Barts. Although it is a bit hot and wet in the Caribbean at that time of year, there are lots of places you can go that are relatively private.”
Seward also says that the Cambridges will have to make a dutiful trip to Balmoral, as all royals are expected to make the journey for at least a few days, hopefully longer. My guess is that Mustique is first up, then they’ll visit Balmoral for less than a week, then… who even knows. They probably have several more vacations planned for this summer. And no one in the media says anything other than “William and Kate will want a change of scenery” and “they’ll be itching to get back to Mustique this year.” SMH. We don’t even know if they’ve officially moved into Adelaide Cottage in Windsor yet! Four homes and they’re apparently in dire need of lavish, multiple summer vacations just for a change of scenery!
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Cover Images.
Martha Stewart is 80 years old, single and ready to mingle with some widowers. She has some specific widowers in mind, only those men are not widowers quite yet! The men she’s interested in are her living friends’ husbands. So Martha casually mentioned in a podcast interview that she would love it if her friends died so she could date their husbands.
Martha Stewart might not be wishing her pals ill will, but she’s also not holding out for their happily ever afters. The 80-year-old television personality appeared on Chelsea Handler’s podcast, “Dear Chelsea,” on Wednesday and got honest about the tricky arena of having a crush on a friend’s partner.
“I had two mad crushes in the last month, which is really good for me, but turns out one of them is married to the mother of some friends of mine,” she explained. “He’s so attractive.”
Handler responded by pointing out that it’s best not to be a person blamed for the breakup of a relationship saying, “You can’t be a homewrecker.”
“I’m not. I’ve never been a homewrecker. I’ve tried really hard not to be,” Stewart admitted adding, however, that she has had the opportunity. “I have not taken anybody up on it. And that’s really where that’s where I meet men. They’re all married to friends of mine or something like that.”
Handler related to Stewarts’ dilemma noting that dating at certain times in life can be precarious in large part because of age. “It’s very difficult because I think there are certain ages we go through where it’s very tempting because you want to believe that ‘Oh, maybe this relationship that they’re in is temporary.’”
“Or maybe they’ll die, I always think, ‘Oh gosh, couldn’t that person just die — the wife — and not painfully just die,’” Stewart joked, adding, “But it hasn’t worked out.”
Am I crazy or was this a Law & Order episode, only the genders were reversed? A man had a crush on his best friend’s wife so he ended up killing his best friend and marrying the widow. Martha is giving Big Law & Order energy. Her emphasis on not wanting her friends to die PAINFULLY is especially disconcerting, because it shows she really has put significant thought on how these women should die and how long Martha will wait before asking out their widowers. What would you do if you were friends with Martha? Hide your husbands, damn!
Photos courtesy of Instagram, Avalon Red.
Gemma Chan wore a great Louis Vuitton look to Wimbledon. [RCFA]
The “sweaty Elvis” meme is not as funny as the Usher/Watch This meme. [Dlisted]
Taraji P. Henson came out for the Chanel show too. [Tom & Lorenzo]
The “glaring flaw” in For All Mankind. [Pajiba]
Wolfgang Van Halen is engaged after six years of dating! [JustJared]
This week’s Dior show was inspired by a Ukrainian artist. [GFY]
A Georgia tourist attraction was bombed this week. This story is horrific. [Buzzfeed]
Serena Williams and her backup plans in London. [LaineyGossip]
Dave Chappelle hates poor people. [Towleroad]
True Crime: did someone get plastic surgery in Costa Rica? [Starcasm]
Amsterdam looks good, but it’s directed by David O. Russell, who is terrible. [Gawker]
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were out on Wednesday for William’s charity polo match. He supposedly gave up polo, but then suddenly became keen for polo again once he saw his brother enjoying polo szn in Santa Barbara. Again, Kate wore an Emilia Wickstead dress which retails for £1,352. It’s a mid-calf white dress with a giant “M” down the front. M for Middleton, M for Copykeening Meghan, M for Mutton Is Where It’s At.
The photos from Wednesday’s polo outing actually answer so many questions for me. For years, I’ve wondered what, if anything, William thinks about Kate’s obsession with copykeening other women and whether he ever thinks his wife is a creepy stalker. Now I feel like I know the answer: he does not find it creepy, because he’s just as petty, obsessive and stalkerish as his wife. William and Kate BOTH have Sussex look-books and they’re clearly trying to recreate some Sussex moments. In May, Meghan went to see Los Padres play, and when she presented the trophy, a sweaty Harry grabbed his wife and kissed her passionately. William was the one trying to recreate that moment, only Kate is so used to William ignoring her and not showing any affection to her, she was pretty stunned that he leaned in to kiss her cheek. It was definitely a weird moment, especially given that… usually William and Kate are not affectionate at all in public, especially at polo.
Anyway, the Middletons are going to dine out on this for months! The Daily Mail will still be running “remember when William kissed Kate’s cheek” pieces in September. Body language experts will be called in to give testimony about how the polo kiss is ample evidence that the Cambridge marriage is perfect. I guess the new communications guy has started.
Photos courtesy of Getty, Cover Images.
Last summer, we heard some curious gossip about Princess Beatrice and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi. Apparently, they were looking for a country home, and they found one in the Cotswolds, a ritzy area where a lot of celebrities buy real estate. Up until that point, Beatrice lived in royal properties – she has an apartment in St. James’s Palace, and she has rooms at Royal Lodge, her father’s property in Windsor. Edoardo is billed as some kind of real estate magnate, so I often wondered why he didn’t buy a big home for them in London. Instead, they went to Cotswolds and bought a £3.5 million home. After that, we didn’t hear much of anything. I didn’t know if they had moved in or if the deal fell apart or what. It turns out that Beatrice and Edo wanted lots of renovations and they’re only moving in now, this summer.
Princess Beatrice looks set to move into her £3.5million Cotswolds farmhouse after beefing up security at the stunning property that she bought last year. Prince Andrew’s daughter is said to have renovated the stone property and installed six foot high security gates since signing on the dotted line.
The Princess and Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi had moved back to St James Palace in London after spending much of lockdown in the Cotswolds. But as they approach their second wedding anniversary on July 17, the Express is reporting that the couple are determined to be in their new home this year.
Although they enjoy the London lifestyle and were pictured at the Rolling Stones concert at the weekend, they are said to be keen to settle down in the English countryside as soon as possible. They welcomed baby Sienna last September and are looking forward to creating a family home together say friends.
Friends say the sprawling, six-bedroom manor house is perfect place for a growing family. As well as Sienna, Beatrice is step mum when her husband’s son Wolfie, who lives with his mother, comes to stay. As well as offering more privacy than their central London home, the farmhouse has more space and luxury touches such as a swimming pool and tennis courts. A separate outbuilding is apparently being converted into a guesthouse, which will be handy when sister Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank and their son August come to visit from Portugal.
That’s interesting. Last year, I questioned how Edo and Beatrice could even afford it – the Yorks are famously cash-strapped and terrible with money, and I question Edo’s supposed wealth and success. While Beatrice has a job, her personal assets are a huge question mark for me too, especially given that she seems to be auditioning for full-time royal work. I suppose Prince Philip could have left Bea and his other grandchildren money, enough for the down payment on a £3.5million Cotwolds home, and maybe enough for months of renovation too (???). But surely… um, real estate tycoon Edo needs to be in London most of the time, with his successful business? I mean, I root for the York princesses, I really do. But I feel like there’s a lot of messiness happening between Beatrice and Edo and their finances.
Photos courtesy of Instar and Avalon Red.
Dakota Johnson covers the latest issue of Vanity Fair. She’s promoting the new adaptation of Persuasion, which does not appear to have much resemblance to Jane Austen’s novel. Dakota plays Anne Elliot-as-Fleabag. Sigh. Anyway, I enjoyed this Vanity Fair cover story. Dakota comes across as very cool, wry and interesting. She’s got her own production company – which made and sold Cha Cha Real Smooth – and she’s the co-creative director for Maude, a vibrator company. She’s also been with Chris Martin for five years, which is bonkers. She touches on all of those subjects and more in this VF piece. Some highlights:
Her blended family with Chris Martin: “Maybe I think about relationships like that differently because I grew up in my family. We were all cool.” With each other, she means. “Obviously, there were times where it was not cool, but I experienced that, so I don’t want that in my life. I don’t want any kids to experience anything like that. It’s better to be kind, and it’s also really nice that everybody actually really loves each other and has each other’s backs.”
Her mother calls Dakota’s upbringing that of a “privileged gypsy.” Johnson wrestles with that term. “I think that glamorizes it a little bit or makes it seem like everything was totally amazing all the time. My life is incredibly lucky and privileged, and the life I led growing up was remarkable—the places I went and how we lived and what we were able to experience. But we also struggled with internal family dynamics and situations and events that are so traumatic.”
She loves seal-watching in Malibu: “Chris and I came down here the other day, and I was without my glasses. We were watching ‘seals’ for 10, 15 minutes—and it was seaweed. He just let me think that they were seals the whole time.” She imitates Martin, sounding sweet, patient, and slightly concerned. “Yeah, there they are: seals.”
On Persuasion: “I really felt like Anne Elliot is maybe the most like her—like Austen. In her prose, she’s sort of winking and nodding to the reader.”
Her name getting dragged into the Johnny Depp mess: “I was like, ‘For the love of God, why? Why am I involved in this?’ I don’t remember that at all, but please, take me out of this. Don’t let this go further. Can you imagine, oh, my God, if I was called to the witness stand? I can’t believe that people are watching [the trial] like it’s a show. It’s like it’s a courtroom drama and my heart breaks. It’s so, so, so crazy. Humans are so f–king weird. The internet is a wild, wild place.”
What she will say about Depp & cancel culture: “What I struggle with in terms of cancel culture is the term cancel culture—the whole concept behind canceling a human being, like they’re an appointment. No person will not make mistakes in their life. The point of being alive is figuring it out. Hurting other people, harming other people is not okay. There are consequences for those actions. But the concept of the Twitterverse deciding if someone just all of a sudden doesn’t exist anymore is horrifying, heartbreaking, and wrong. I do think that it will pass. I believe that people want to live in a better world, ultimately. Also, Twitter makes up like, what, 12 percent of the world? I mean, some of these people can’t even spell.”
On the ‘Fifty Shades’ trilogy: “I signed up to do a very different version of the film we ended up making.” I ask if the studio or the directors were the problem, or if it was a combo platter. “Combo. It was also the author of the books. She had a lot of creative control, all day, every day, and she just demanded that certain things happen. There were parts of the books that just wouldn’t work in a movie, like the inner monologue, which was at times incredibly cheesy. It wouldn’t work to say out loud. It was always a battle. Always. When I auditioned for that movie, I read a monologue from Persona and I was like, ‘Oh, this is going to be really special.’ ”
She doesn’t regret making the Fifty Shades movies: “No. I don’t think it’s a matter of regret. If I had known… If I had known at the time that’s what it was going to be like, I don’t think anyone would’ve done it. It would’ve been like, ‘Oh, this is psychotic.’ But no, I don’t regret it.”
She got along really well with Jamie Dornan actually: “There was never a time when we didn’t get along. I know it’s weird, but he’s like a brother to me. I love him so, so, so much. And we were really there for each other. We had to really trust each other and protect each other. We were doing the weirdest things for years, and we needed to be a team: ‘We’re not doing that,’ or ‘You can’t do that camera angle.’”
She had a lot more to say about Fifty Shades but she was mostly talking around what the actual production issues were. I mean, it’s not a secret that EL James made terrible decisions with the story and the scripts, and the studio was wrong to give her that kind of power. But whatever – I can’t believe both Jamie and Dakota spend so much time justifying that franchise. They made a dumb movie trilogy and it ended up helping both of their careers enormously. Stop talking about it!
As for what she says about cancel culture… she had similar thoughts last year, when she talked about her history of working with dudes who were eventually outed as perverts, abusers, rapists, etc. Boiling down that sh-t to “cancel culture” is a huge disservice to everyone, especially women. Calling out toxic masculinity isn’t cancel culture. Calling out abusers isn’t cancel culture. Enough of this sh-t.
Cover & IG courtesy of Vanity Fair.
In April 2021, Helen McCrory passed away after a lengthy cancer battle. Helen and her husband Damian Lewis didn’t talk about her cancer battle, and it felt like only close friends and family really knew how bad it was. It made Helen’s passing feel very sudden, and Damian seemed incredibly raw. He grieved her publicly in a statement, as did all of her coworkers and friends. Now, fourteen months later, Damian has moved on. He’s dating an American rocker! Alison Mosshart is 43 years old and the frontwoman for The Kills. They attended the Alchemist’s Feast a few weeks ago, and they stepped out in London again this week.
Damian Lewis and Alison Mosshart confirmed their romance as they cosied up together at private members’ club The House of KOKO’s summer party on Wednesday. The Homeland actor, 51, and the American rocker, 43, have now been pictured together four times in two weeks during a variety of high-profile outings.
Damian’s new romance comes 14 months after he was devastated by his beloved wife Helen McCrory’s death at the age of 52 after a secret battle with breast cancer. They had been married since 2007. Although he appears ready to embark on a new romance with Alison, Damian kept his wedding ring firmly on during their latest outing.
The new couple’s appearance comes as Alison’s mother told MailOnline she had given the relationship her seal of approval.
I bet he probably still feels married to Helen, but I also think he’s trying to move on and he knows it’s going to be messy and painful and it is what it is. A lot of men are like this too – they have a hard time being alone, especially after being married for so long. It also seems more than possible that Damian and Alison have been friends for a long time, and she’s been there for him in a big way since Helen’s passing. Damian also has two teenagers at home, I wonder how he’s dealing with being a single parent and figuring out his dating life.
Photos courtesy of Getty, Avalon Red.