In April, Dan Wootton personally invited Thomas Markle to fly into England for the Platinum Jubbly. Wootton and ITV planned to pay for Toxic Tom to fly out and they were going to film him in and around Windsor Castle. Their big plan was to somehow force Toxic Tom to show up somewhere, hoping for a face-to-face meeting with the Duchess of Sussex. If they couldn’t set that up, it was enough to simply bang on and on about how Meghan is horrible for cutting toxic, manipulative, emotionally abusive trash out of her life. Well, now it looks like Toxic Tom won’t make it. According to TMZ, Thomas Markle has been hospitalized for stroke-like symptoms.
Meghan Markle’s father might have suffered a stroke Monday night … as he was rushed to a hospital by ambulance. Paramedics loaded Thomas Markle into the ambulance in Tijuana, strapped an oxygen mask to his face and transported him around 9:30 PM to a hospital across the border in Chula Vista, CA.
Markle was admitted after fearing he was suffering a stroke. Thomas couldn’t actually speak to paramedics, and had to write down his symptoms on a piece of paper. You’ll recall, Meghan’s dad said he suffered 2 heart attacks right before her 2018 wedding to Prince Harry.
That happened just as he was in a tense standoff with his daughter and the Royals because he’d staged pics of himself getting ready for the wedding — and some people accused him of faking the medical crisis for sympathy. He never ended up going to the wedding, after all.
It’s unclear what Thomas’ condition is right now, but one of his close friends says he remains hospitalized. Markle had recently said he would be attending Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee celebrations in June. Looks like he might have to cancel yet another UK trip.
The timing is so remarkable! His “heart attacks” happened just days before the 2018 wedding, and now his stroke is happening just days before he was supposed to fly out for the Jubbly. As for what Toxic Tom has been up to recently, he’s still got his YouTube channel and he’s apparently been stalking his ex-wife and joking about how he should buy the house next to hers. And in case you needed the macabre absurdity of this situation underlined, please read this portion of Dan Wootton’s Daily Mail exclusive, in which he’s terribly mad at TMZ for ruining his exclusive, but he makes it up by getting a statement from Samantha Markle in which she blames Meghan.
Days before he was due to fly to London for the first time for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the Duchess of Sussex’s father Thomas Markle has suffered a major stroke that has seen him lose his speech. He is currently receiving urgent medical treatment in an American hospital.
I am devastated to report this news, just seven days before Thomas would have joined me in London to celebrate the Queen’s 70th year on the throne for a TV special on my GB News show, fulfilling his long-held wish to visit Windsor Castle. But, in a cruel twist of fate, he will now be unable to make the trip as he recovers in hospital, just like he missed his daughter’s wedding to the Duke of Sussex after suffering from a heart attack.
I have been aware of the stroke since this morning and had agreed with both Thomas and his distraught daughter Samantha not to report the news while he underwent further tests to establish the severity of the stroke. But a high-profile American website has received information from within the hospital, meaning news of his stroke was about to break.
Samantha Markle told me: ‘My father is recovering in hospital. We ask for privacy for the family, for his health and wellbeing. He just needs peace and rest. Godspeed. We are praying. He just needs some rest. It’s a travesty how much he’s been tortured and how much he’s had to go through thanks to my sister’s disregard the past few years. That is unforgivable.’
“It’s a travesty how much he’s been tortured and how much he’s had to go through thanks to my sister’s disregard the past few years.” He has sold out his daughter at every turn, from staging photos, lying constantly, selling Meghan’s childhood photos and giving interviews scripted by British tabloid journalists. Wootton goes on to blame “the so-called Sussex Squad of Twitter trolls” for Tom’s stroke because they… are appalled by Toxic Tom’s disgusting YouTube channel. Wootton also complains about how Thomas “has been left to fund his own medical treatment.” Surely Wootton will cut him another check then? Samantha has also made thousands of dollars from lying about Meghan, why doesn’t Samantha pay? Wootton also makes a point of writing this: “That emotional anguish has dominated Thomas’s thinking and his overwhelming wish is that he is able to meet his grandchildren, Archie, three, and Lilibet, 11 months, before it is too late.” F–king psychopath.
EXCLUSIVE Meghan’s father Thomas Markle has suffered a major stroke and is receiving emergency treatment in an American hospital, his daughter Samantha confirms to me in a searing and emotional statement criticising the Duchess of Sussex.
— Dan Wootton (@danwootton) May 24, 2022
Photos courtesy of GB News and 60 Minutes Australia.
On May 14, an 18-year-old white supremacist traveled to Buffalo and murdered ten people at a supermarket frequented by Black folks. The next day, a Las Vegas murderer traveled to a church in Laguna Beach, California, where he targeted Taiwanese-Americans. One man was murdered and several were injured. On May 24, an 18-year-old man entered Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas and murdered nineteen little kids and their teacher. He also wounded several more children and the resource officer in the school. Before his rampage, he murdered his grandmother.
After Sandy Hook, nothing was done. After Parkland, nothing was done. After all of the mass shootings, nothing was done. The NRA has a f–king chokehold on American politics and the Republican Party specifically. It’s about everyday people too, people who choose not to vote for candidates who talk about gun control, who talk in real terms about children being safe in their homes and their schools. President Biden made a speech:
Here is Steve Kerr, coach of the Golden State Warriors.
Here is Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, who has spent the past decade working with Sandy Hook parents.
Barack Obama released a statement too:
“Across the country, parents are putting their children to bed, reading stories, singing lullabies—and in the back of their minds, they’re worried about what might happen tomorrow after they drop their kids off at school, or take them to a grocery store or any other public space. Michelle and I grieve with the families in Uvalde, who are experiencing pain no one should have to bear. We’re also angry for them. Nearly ten years after Sandy Hook—and ten days after Buffalo—our country is paralyzed, not by fear, but by a gun lobby and a political party that have shown no willingness to act in any way that might help prevent these tragedies. It’s long past time for action, any kind of action. And it’s another tragedy—a quieter but no less tragic one—for families to wait another day. May God bless the memory of the victims, and in the words of Scripture, heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.
Will something finally be done? Will common-sense gun control finally be legislated? I doubt it.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
What’s interesting about recent royal biographies is that even biographers who are with the palace’s keen embiggening program can’t really sugarcoat Kate Middleton’s stalking and single-minded pursuit of Prince William. Richard Lacey and Tina Brown both tried to make Kate and Carole Middleton’s behavior sound completely reasonable and wise, as both women plotted since Kate’s teenage years to ensnare William. Lacey even spelled out how much Kate stalked William, and Brown ended up emphasizing that Carole had to “coach” Kate through the entire courtship. I bring this up because Andrew Morton has a new book out about the Queen and he’s been giving dumb interviews all over the place. His latest comments are about how Kate loved William for himself, not his title. LOL.
The Queen is ‘impressed by Kate Middleton’ and spends time nurturing the relationship between The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge after ‘making mistakes with Charles and Diana’, a royal expert has claimed. Her Majesty, 96, is sees William, 39, and Kate, 40, ‘very much as the future’ and believes Charles will act as ‘interregnum’ with the ‘burden of monarchy’ falling on the Cambridges.
Speaking to OK! magazine, Princess Diana’s biographer Andrew Morton said: ‘The thing about Kate is the Queen was impressed she adored and loved William for himself, not for his title. She spends a lot more time supporting and nurturing the relationship between William and Catherine than she did with Charles and Diana. It’s pretty clear she wasn’t going to make that mistake again. Everything that happened in [Kate and William’s] relationship was quite strategic, quite thought through, after a period of time.’
He added: ‘In the beginning, nobody in the royal household expected for a second that the university romance with Catherine and William would continue for any time after they graduated, like most college romances which disintegrate under the intense scrutiny of jobs and geography.’
Lmao. It’s hard to choose my favorite part! “…Disintegrate under the intense scrutiny of jobs and geography…” Kate solved that problem by holding one part-time job for a couple of months in 2007 and then not working at all for the rest of her entire adult life. “Nobody in the royal household expected for a second that the university romance with Catherine and William would continue…” It’s true, no one “expected” it. Because no one in the royal household really wanted William to marry Kate. Charles wanted William to marry someone aristocratic and well-connected. The Queen thought William could do better too (spoiler: he could not). Most people in the royal household saw the Middletons for what they were and are: tacky, manipulative social climbers who got their hooks into a dull, angry prince. Oh, and Kate and Carole would not have done any of this if William was Normal Untitled Bill Wales.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, WENN.
I’m still sad about the way Tina Brown has utterly exposed herself as a hack stenographer to royalty. I genuinely thought she was one of the better royal commentators, but not so much. While The Palace Papers is infuriating – and Brown is definitely shady towards many people in it – Brown’s interviews have been a study in anti-Sussex rhetoric and talking out of both sides of her mouth. Brown was interviewed by The Daily Star recently (a British paper), and she spent the entire interview trying to convince herself, the newspaper and the British people that Prince Harry would eventually come back to them, because he’s white and royal and he hates California.
Harry could be embraced again: “Harry was much more beloved than anyone except the Queen. I believe Harry will be embraced again if he shows a desire or interest in returning to England. There is a pathway back to monarchy. But I don’t know if he wants to. Right now he is absolutely embracing California, not only as a place to live but as a way of thinking. If it happens, it will probably be after the death of the Queen.”
Her palace sources say Harry doesn’t think: “He goes off like a complete sort of IED at any moment. I asked someone what he was thinking when he makes these comments and I was told, ‘He’s not thinking, he just sounds off.’”
William’s trust has been undermined: “It’s a very wounded relationship right now. William has fundamentally had his trust undermined by the Oprah interview and the news that Harry is writing a book. Harry feels hurt and rejected by William, believing that William didn’t embrace Meghan in the way that he thought he should have.”
“I believe Harry will be embraced again if he shows a desire or interest in returning to England…” “If” is doing so much work, my God. And it’s not even true! IF Harry showed an interest in returning, Salt Island would be gleeful, of course. Gleeful about punishing him and making his life miserable and blaming him for everything. Speaking of, I assume that Brown’s sources are insisting that William is still distrustful of Harry because… Harry spoke about how he was treated and how his wife was treated. If everything went down the way we believe/know it went down, William was the one who largely orchestrated the smearing of Meghan and he was actively trying to exile his brother and sister-in-law. Imagine how little trust Harry has in William.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Instar.
Here’s the latest Thor: Love and Thunder trailer. This is our first look at Christian Bale as the villain Gorr. [JustJared]
The title alone is annoying me: Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One. The film has its first trailer. [Pajiba]
Will Smith likely predicted his own career downfall after doing hallucinogens fourteen times. I mean… self-fulfilling prophecy. [Dlisted]
Ryan Seacrest’s gross TMI. [Seriously OMG]
Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams made factual statements which were then tabloid-ized by conservative media. [Jezebel]
I love Michelle Yeoh’s pink ensemble. [Tom & Lorenzo]
Henry Golding has scruff! [GFY]
Billie Eilish talks about living with Tourette’s Syndrome. [Buzzfeed]
Is the revival of Kids in the Hall any good? [Towleroad]
I’m not a coffee drinker, but I thought French press coffee was supposed to be the best? Is that a lie? [Gawker]
Emma Thompson is doing press for her film Good Luck to You, Leo Grande, which comes out in a couple of weeks. As Kaiser mentioned, the film’s premise is that Emma’s character hires a sex worker to help her have her first orgasm. It will also be the first time Emma has appeared nude in a movie. One might think it took Emma until her 60s to work up the courage to be naked on film, but she said that she wasn’t ever offered the opportunity. According to Emma, she’s been told her whole career that she doesn’t have the right body to disrobe. She said she’s been judged harshly her whole career and by her 30s, the press said she’d let herself go. But Emma said she hadn’t given up, she’d just stopped starving herself.
Emma Thompson has experienced her share of body shaming.
The two-time Academy Award winner, 63, recounted male executives telling her she didn’t have “the right kind of body” for sex scenes as she spoke to The Times about her new movie Good Luck to You, Leo Grande.
“I’ve never really been offered sex scenes,” she said. “As my mother said, I’ve basically played a series of ‘good’ women. I do ‘cerebral.’ And I have also never conformed to the shape or look of someone they might want to see naked.
“And by ‘they,’ I mean male executives. I’m too mouthy, not pretty enough, not the right kind of body. And, crikey, you are constantly told what kind of body you have,” Thompson added.
She also recalled enduring disparaging comments about her body from the media for the better part of her career.
“In one interview I did, the male journalist wrote that I’d put on a lot of weight since I appeared in Fortunes of War, and that my legs were ‘now like tree trunks,’ and that I’d ‘let myself down,’ ” Thompson said. “I was 31 and, quite frankly, no longer starving myself. I don’t think anyone realises quite how thin most actresses are in real life. They look quite… unreal.”
We’ve heard these stories about what execs say to women and yet, every time I hear them, I’m shocked. I agree that people don’t know how thin actresses are. Nor do they know the measures they have to go to stay that way. It’s not that actresses come off as frail or brittle in person, but their figure has to have no bad angles. My heart hurts thinking about the demands made on these women and the critiques they hear. The larger problem is, those critiques are passed on to all of us. When a non-actress-sized woman hears someone tell a thin woman that her legs are “like tree trunks,” she’ll only see herself as even more flawed.
The People article talked about how Emma and her co-star, Daryl McCormack, got comfortable for the nude scenes. They and director Sophie Hyde all got naked and rehearsed that way after discussing their bodies and their relationships with their bodies, including what they liked and disliked. That sounds like my version of hell given my own body issues, but it must have been incredibly freeing for them. I like this new journey for Emma. I like that’s she’s dictating what’s desirable now. Like when Diane Keaton did her first full-frontal nude scene at 57, I’m sure we’ll be phrasing this as how brave Emma is but it shouldn’t be brave, it’s just a choice. And the best part is, it’s a choice Emma got to make on her own terms.
Photo credit: Avalon Red and Getty Images
I would have hoped that in the year of our lord Beyonce 2022, we would be done with pearl-clutching over religious imagery? Getting mad about the monetization of specifically Catholic imagery has been done before. People got so mad at Madonna. People still get mad at fashion designers for “misappropriating” crosses and images of the Virgin Mary and such. But here we are – people are in their feelings about Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker’s Portofino wedding. What offended me about the wedding is that it was sponsored by Dolce & Gabbana. That alone is tacky as hell, but it’s especially galling because Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce are racist AF and problematic AF. But sure, let’s talk about Kourtney’s Virgin Mary veil.
Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are being called out for “mocking” Catholicism with their lavish Italian wedding ceremony. While saying “I do” on Sunday, the reality star wore a white Dolce & Gabbana mini dress with a dramatic veil, which was emblazoned with the image of the Virgin Mary – a nod to a tattoo her new husband has inked on the top of his head.
While Barker, 46, has spoken publicly about his ties to the Catholic faith, it’s unclear whether Kardashian, 43, is a member of the church. However, the Poosh founder has shared plenty of texts about faith, quotes and Bible passages via her Instagram Stories over the years.
“Kinda weird that kourtney [sic] wedding is like this catholic ‘aesthetic’ like the Virgin Mary on her dress and her wedding veil ??” one person wrote on Twitter. A second added, “I just really feel like Travis & Kourtney [sic] wedding is mocking the catholic religion? They don’t symbolize religious people at all, just feels like mockery. I’m not catholic but just doesn’t sit right with me.”
Another fan said they were “happy” for the newlyweds, but argued that “liturgical garments used during mass are not something fashionable.”
One person even said they were “offended” by Kardashian’s short gown. “I’m just going to say it point blank. Kourtney Kardashian’s use of the Blessed Mother in her outfit(s) during her wedding weekend was extremely offensive to me as a Catholic … I have a right to feel offended by it,” they wrote on Twitter.
Barker, for his part, previously told Vice he was raised Catholic. “I got the Virgin Mary tattooed on my foreman when I was 18, 19. And I was brought up Catholic,” he said in a November 2015 interview. “I definitely pray; I believe in God. I definitely think I was blessed … So I’m not at church every day and I’m not pushing religion on people. But I believe in God and I pray and my kids pray.”
I mean… Travis was not dressed as the pope! Kourtney wasn’t wearing a nun’s habit. Are Catholics really bothered by this? Kourtney’s Mary veil was actually based on one of Travis’s tattoos. All of their wedding clothes were made by “good Catholics” Dolce & Gabbana. While I didn’t care for Kourtney’s wedding dress either, that was mostly because I hoped she would at least go slightly more traditional. This is her first real wedding, after all. Then again, I thought everyone in that family looked tacky as hell.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instagram.
Last November, we were gifted with another public rage-meltdown from Prince William. This one was about the BBC special The Princes and the Press. Amol Rajan did a documentary where he examined how and why the Duke and Duchess of Sussex left the UK, how the media was hellbent on destroying them, and whether Kensington Palace, Buckingham Palace and Clarence House all briefed against Harry and Meghan. Rajan barely scratched the surface of what really happened, but his pointed questions and the admissions from royal Rota journalists was enough to send William spiraling. It wasn’t enough that William was largely responsible for the smearing of Harry & Meghan, it was also about how he was too stupid to NOT leave his fingerprints all over the smear campaign.
Anyway, William threw a tantrum about the documentary and, even more specifically, about the BBC and why they dared to even produce it and air it. William was trying to bully the BBC and he threatened to remove all royal associations and royal programming from the Beeb. Hilariously, Kate’s Christmas piano recital was “given” to ITV as punishment and the ratings were terrible for it, making it look like the BBC wisely passed on a half-assed Keen dud. I bring all of this up because the BBC is the official programming partner for all things Platinum Jubbly. William lost this particular battle, and the royals are once again closely aligned with the BBC. I News did a fascinating report about what has gone down behind-the-scenes with the Windsors and the BBC, and it basically sounds like they’re joined together in mutual loathing and need.
High-level talks: The BBC has held high-level talks with the Royal Family to heal a fractured relationship ahead of the Platinum Jubilee. But the broadcaster has been encouraged to ask “tough questions” about the future of the monarchy as it prepares to screen extensive coverage of the celebrations.
There was talk of a boycott: There was talk of the Palace boycotting the BBC over the Jubilee celebrations following the Amol Rajan series The Princes and the Press which is said to have annoyed the Queen by repeating claims about briefing wars between royal households. However after awarding coverage of a carol concert hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to ITV, seen as a snub to its rival, relations are back on an even keel after the BBC shared plans with the Palace to make the Jubilee a central highlight of its own centenary year.
The Queen is fine with the Beeb: The BBC promises that its Platinum Party at the Palace on June 4, featuring stars including Queen, Sir Rod Stewart and Diana Ross, will be a spectacular “once-in-a-lifetime experience”, with Her Majesty granting special permission to site a stage in front of Buckingham Palace’s gates. Home recordings filmed by the Queen, her parents and the Duke of Edinburgh are among a treasure trove of private family footage released by the Royal Household for a BBC documentary Elizabeth: The Unseen Queen, which airs on May 29.
Do not give uncritical coverage?? Yet the BBC has been warned not to give uncritical coverage of an event, certain to feature extensively on its news output across an extended bank holiday weekend running from June 2 to 5. Executives have learnt from the viewer response to its coverage of the Duke of Edinburgh’s death, which some found excessive. “The BBC is under huge pressure to get this right. There has to be a certain amount of forelock-tugging. But this isn’t the 1977 Silver Jubilee. There will have to be tough questions asked about the future of the monarchy too,” Mark Borkowski, the leading PR consultant told i. “There will be a lot of empathy for the Queen. The baby boom generation feel very protective of her and feel this is her last hurrah. By its nature the Platinum Jubilee celebrates what has gone but also has to examine what will be the shape of the Commonwealth after the Queen. The BBC has to reflect that too.”
The question of how much to cover Harry & Meghan: This time, the BBC must make an editorial judgement over how much coverage should be given to the presence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, set to divert attention when they arrive in the UK with their children Archie, three, and Lilibet, who turns one over the Platinum Jubilee weekend. Palace aides are desperate to prevent the Harry and Meghan show “destabilising” the weekend, especially if they decide to go on “ad hoc” walkabouts, generating huge crowds, outside of the official events.
Toxic Tom is flying in: An irritant for the Sussexes will be the arrival of Meghan’s estranged father Thomas, who is flying to Britain to be a Jubilee guest on the late-night GB News show presented by Dan Wootton. ITV delivered its star-studded contribution early, with a Platinum Jubilee Celebration last week, attended by The Queen, staged as part of the Royal Windsor Horse Show. The event, which paired Tom Cruise and Alan Titchmarsh as presenters, was a “carriage crash which showed why the BBC is the natural broadcaster for these productions,” said Mr Borkowski.
This is honestly a fascinating look at an arrangement which should have much clearer boundaries. The BBC *should* operate independently, without needing to play these stupid games with a bunch of horsey losers. It’s being positioned as “the BBC better get this right” when really, the Windsors are the ones who need to get this right. They’re the ones forcing everyone to “celebrate” the fakakta Jubbly. And I can feel all of the angst from Buckingham Palace about Harry and Meghan too – the Sussexes have not informed the Palace of their plans once they’re on the ground in the UK. The Sussexes know that the Palace will leak against them no matter what, so they’re playing their cards very close to the chest. And the fact that Thomas Markle is still being flown in by Dan Wootton… lmao. How evil, though.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instar and Avalon Red.
Pete Davidson, Kate McKinnon, Aidy Bryant & Kyle Mooney are all leaving Saturday Night Live. I’m bummed about Kate & Aidy, but I’m sure they’ve got plenty of work lined up, right? Right?!?!? [Dlisted]
Jessica Chastain & Ralph Fiennes’s new movie looks interesting. [LaineyGossip]
The trailer for gay rom-com My Fake Boyfriend. [OMG Blog]
Emily Blunt is doing a Netflix movie. [Just Jared]
Review of Men – I want to see this! [Pajiba]
I could see Jared Leto in all of this, which probably isn’t the best aesthetic. [Go Fug Yourself]
Elon Musk continues to be disgusting and broke. [Gawker]
Catholic archbishop bans Nancy Pelosi from communion, which just reminds me that the Catholic Church needs to pay taxes. [Towleroad]
What is the biggest tourist faux pas in Europe? [Buzzfeed]
Does an Unexpected star have a Nazi tattoo? [Starcasm]
Kelly Bensimon is still around & wearing a bikini. [Egotastic]
Fala Chen’s Armani is so good! [RCFA]
Two and a half weeks ago, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex confirmed (via their spokesperson) that they would visit the UK for the Platinum Jubbly. Not only that, but Harry and Meghan would bring their two children. It was widely reported that the Queen personally extended an invitation to the Sussexes during their visit to Windsor just days before the start of the Invictus Games. It’s also widely believed (by me) that Prince Charles has made quiet moves to ensure the Sussexes’ return, and not only that, Charles seems to want to dial down a lot of the drama around Harry and Meghan. The impression I have is that the Queen and Charles really want to make some kind of peace with the Sussexes and “bring them back into the fold” in some way, perhaps even on Harry and Meghan’s terms.
What has largely gone unsaid (by the Royal Rota) is that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge do not share the Queen and Charles’s desires whatsoever when it comes to the Sussexes. William and Kate bullied the Sussexes out of the country and they don’t want to live in a royal system where they’re still being overshadowed by the charismatic Sussexes. Speaking of, this completely random tabloid story is hilarious and it accidentally rings true.
Kate Middleton is reportedly dreading her reunion with Meghan Markle, after it was announced the Sussexes would be attending the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Sources say her “heart sank” when she learned that Prince Harry and Markle would be attending the landmark event.
“Kate can’t believe that she, as a future queen, is having to deal with all this,” a source reportedly said, via Woman’s Day. “Meghan would know Kate is a sensitive person and this would be getting to her.”
Middleton is reportedly dreading the day and fears she won’t be able to hide it. An insider said: “Unlike Meghan, she’s no actress and finds it difficult to mask her true feelings.”
Sources say “Meghan and Harry are spoiling for a fight” and it has everyone nervous, reports the title Suggest.
This tabloid fluff is supposed to be read as sympathetic to Kate, but it actually reads as hilariously shady. Kate is a 40-year-old woman throwing a tantrum about the fact that she might have to share some space with her glamorous in-law, the same glamorous in-law she copykeens constantly. Kate the Future Queen doesn’t have the emotional facilities to simply fake-nice for a few days. Kate is so “sensitive,” which somehow means that Kate is incapable of masking how horrible she feels that… her in-laws are briefly coming back to visit because the Queen and Prince Charles wanted them back. I’m starting to get excited for this visit, honestly.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar.