For years, we were told that the Duchess of Sussex “made Kate cry.” For years, the story kept shifting about exactly what happened and what was said. Was it about bridesmaids’ dresses? Tights? How Meghan treated Kensington Palace staff? Even when Meghan corrected the record in the Oprah interview – that Kate had actually made her cry before the wedding – we were still lacking specifics of exactly what happened. Enter Prince Harry and his memoir. This is one of the top stories at the Daily Mail – their summary of Harry’s account of the whole fracas. The Mail is trying desperately to put an anti-Sussex spin on this, but it definitely feels like Harry was writing this based on the actual text messages between Meghan and Kate, and Kate does not come across well.

Harry has given his first full account of the infamous bridesmaid dress fitting at the heart of ‘Megxit’, claiming Princess Charlotte ‘cried when she tried it on at home’. Directly referencing his niece – a breach of privacy that is sure to anger his brother William – Harry insists the incident was driven by his sister-in-law Kate, who appeared irritated that it had taken Meghan a day to get back to her about the problem.

The disagreement between the two women was, he claims, further exacerbated by Kate’s unwillingness to visit Meghan’s tailor at Kensington Palace and suggestions that they hold a party for the page boys when his bride-to-be was busy dealing with a row with her father, Thomas Markle.

Opening his latest salvo, the prince writes that Meghan received a text from Kate four days before their wedding saying there was a problem with the dresses for the bridesmaids and they needed altering. They were ‘French couture’ and had been hand-sewn from measurements only – without a fitting – so ‘it wasn’t a big shock’ that they might not fit perfectly, he says.

Harry writes: ‘Meg didn’t reply to Kate straight away. Yes, she had endless wedding-related texts, but mostly she was dealing with the chaos surrounding her father. So the next morning she texted Kate that our tailor was standing by.’ She told her that his name was Ajay and he was ‘at the palace’.

‘This wasn’t sufficient,’ Harry goes on to write darkly. After setting up a time to speak later that afternoon, Harry writes that Kate complained: ‘Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long, too baggy. She cried when she tried it on at home.’

Meghan snapped back: ‘Right, and I told you the tailor has been standing by since 8am. Here. At KP. Can you take Charlotte to have it altered, as the other mums are doing?’

According to Harry’s version of events, Kate replied: ‘No, all the dresses need to be remade.’ And said she had discussed the issue with her ‘own wedding designer’ who agreed.

Harry writes: ‘Meg asked if Kate was aware of what was going on right now. With her father. Kate said she was well aware, but the dresses. And the wedding is in four days!’

‘Yes, Kate, I know….’ his fiancée replied sharply. He also claims that his sister-in-law had ‘problems with the way Meg was planning her wedding. Something about a party for the page boys? It went back and forth’.

The prince reports his wife as saying: ‘I’m not sure what else to say. If the dress doesn’t fit then please take Charlotte to see Ajay. He’s been waiting all day.’

‘Fine’, Kate is said to have replied.

Harry states that he arrived home a short time later, which suggests that he and his ghost writer were given an account of the actual conversation by Meghan, to find his fiancée ‘on the floor sobbing’. While he says he was ‘horrified’ to see her so upset, he didn’t think it a catastrophe as emotions were understandably high. He told Meghan that ‘Kate hadn’t meant any harm’. He suggests his point was proved when the then Duchess of Cambridge came round the next morning with flowers and a card to say sorry.

Harry makes a point of writing that Meghan’s best friend, Lindsay, was in the kitchen when she turned up as if to suggest he can prove his version of events.

[From The Daily Mail]

As I said before, it’s giving Wedding Karen. “Charlotte’s dress is too big, too long, too baggy. She cried when she tried it on at home.” Jesus H. And Meghan had already given her the solution when Kate texted that! Meghan had *already* told Kate to take Charlotte to the tailor at KP. Kate is an utter drama queen, my God. I hope Meghan’s texts were that curt as well – I can really feel Meghan’s annoyance at Kate’s melodrama. I love the Mail’s melodrama too – “a breach of privacy” for mentioning Charlotte’s name! Literally, Charlotte’s name was always mentioned in all of the stories pushed by Kate.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Instar.